blob: deb7213138ff78b0f5de15419d5cfb26d412ad43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of layout;
// This file has classes representing the grid tracks and grid template
* The data structure representing the grid-rows or grid-columns
* properties.
class GridTrackList {
/** The set of tracks defined in CSS via grid-rows and grid-columns */
final List<GridTrack> tracks;
* Maps edge names to the corresponding track. Depending on whether the index
* is used as a start or end, it might be interpreted exclusively or
* inclusively.
final Map<String, int> lineNames;
GridTrackList(this.tracks, this.lineNames) {}
/** Represents a row or a column. */
class GridTrack {
* The start position of this track. Equal to the sum of previous track's
* usedBreadth.
num start;
/** The final computed breadth of this track. */
num usedBreadth;
// Fields used internally by the sizing algorithm
num maxBreadth;
num updatedBreadth;
num tempBreadth;
final TrackSizing sizing;
GridTrack(this.sizing) {}
* Support for the feature that repeats rows and columns, e.g.
* [:grid-columns: 10px ("content" 250px 10px)[4]:]
GridTrack clone() => new GridTrack(sizing.clone());
/** The min sizing function for the track. */
SizingFunction get minSizing => sizing.min;
/** The min sizing function for the track. */
SizingFunction get maxSizing => sizing.max;
num get end => start + usedBreadth;
bool get isFractional => minSizing.isFraction || maxSizing.isFraction;
/** Represents the grid-row-align or grid-column-align. */
class GridItemAlignment {
// TODO(jmesserly): should this be stored as an int for performance?
final String value;
// 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'stretch'
GridItemAlignment.fromString(String value)
: this.value = (value == null) ? 'stretch' : value {
switch (this.value) {
case 'start':
case 'end':
case 'center':
case 'stretch':
throw new UnsupportedError('invalid row/column alignment "$value"');
_GridLocation align(_GridLocation span, int size) {
switch (value) {
case 'start':
return new _GridLocation(span.start, size);
case 'end':
return new _GridLocation(span.end - size, size);
case 'center':
size = Math.min(size, span.length);
num center = span.start + span.length / 2;
num left = center - size / 2;
return new _GridLocation(left.round(), size);
case 'stretch':
return span;
* Represents a grid-template. Used in conjunction with a grid-cell to
* place cells in the grid, without needing to specify the exact row/column.
class GridTemplate {
final Map<int, _GridTemplateRect> _rects;
final int _numRows;
GridTemplate(List<String> rows)
: _rects = new Map<int, _GridTemplateRect>(),
_numRows = rows.length {
/** Scans the template strings and computes bounds for each one. */
void _buildRects(List<String> templateRows) {
for (int r = 0; r < templateRows.length; r++) {
String row = templateRows[r];
for (int c = 0; c < row.length; c++) {
int cell = row.codeUnitAt(c);
final rect = _rects[cell];
if (rect != null) {
rect.add(r + 1, c + 1);
} else {
_rects[cell] = new _GridTemplateRect(cell, r + 1, c + 1);
// Finally, check that each rectangle is valid (i.e. all spaces filled)
for (final rect in _rects.values) {
* Looks up the given cell in the template, and returns the rect.
_GridTemplateRect lookupCell(String cell) {
if (cell.length != 1) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'grid-cell "$cell" must be a one character string');
final rect = _rects[cell.codeUnitAt(0)];
if (rect == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'grid-cell "$cell" not found in parent\'s grid-template');
return rect;
/** Used by GridTemplate to track a single cell's bounds. */
class _GridTemplateRect {
int row, column, rowSpan, columnSpan, _count, _char;
_GridTemplateRect(this._char, this.row, this.column)
: rowSpan = 1,
columnSpan = 1,
_count = 1 {}
void add(int r, int c) {
assert(r >= row && c >= column);
rowSpan = Math.max(rowSpan, r - row + 1);
columnSpan = Math.max(columnSpan, c - column + 1);
void checkValid() {
int expected = rowSpan * columnSpan;
if (expected != _count) {
// TODO(jmesserly): not sure if we should throw here, due to CSS's
// permissiveness. At the moment we're noisy about errors.
String cell = new String.fromCharCodes([_char]);
throw new UnsupportedError('grid-template "$cell"'
' is not square, expected $expected cells but got $_count');
* Used to return a row/column and span during parsing of grid-row and
* grid-column during parsing.
class _GridLocation {
final int start, length;
_GridLocation(this.start, this.length) {}
int get end => start + length;