blob: 3496a8651fa04a05be203657c7d62ef6ad528cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart'
show templateJsInteropStaticInteropMockNotStaticInteropType;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/messages/codes.dart'
import 'package:_js_interop_checks/src/js_interop.dart' as js_interop;
import 'export_checker.dart';
class StaticInteropMockValidator {
final Map<ExtensionMemberDescriptor, String> _descriptorToExtensionName = {};
final DiagnosticReporter<Message, LocatedMessage> _diagnosticReporter;
final ExportChecker _exportChecker;
// Cache of @staticInterop classes to a mapping between their extension
// members and those members' export names.
final Map<Class, Map<String, Set<ExtensionMemberDescriptor>>>
_staticInteropExportNameToDescriptorMap = {};
final TypeEnvironment _typeEnvironment;
late final Map<Reference, Set<Extension>>
_staticInteropClassesWithExtensions = _computeStaticInteropExtensionMap();
this._diagnosticReporter, this._exportChecker, this._typeEnvironment);
bool validateStaticInteropTypeArgument(
StaticInvocation node, DartType staticInteropType) {
if (staticInteropType is! InterfaceType ||
!js_interop.hasStaticInteropAnnotation(staticInteropType.classNode)) {
staticInteropType, true),
return false;
return true;
/// Given an invocation [node] of `js_util.createStaticInteropMock`, and its
/// type arguments [staticInteropClass] and [dartClass], checks that the
/// [dartClass] has sufficient members to be exported in place of
/// [staticInteropClass].
bool validateCreateStaticInteropMock(
StaticInvocation node, Class staticInteropClass, Class dartClass) {
var conformanceError = false;
var exportNameToDescriptors =
var exportMap = _exportChecker.exportClassToMemberMap[dartClass.reference]!;
for (var exportName in exportNameToDescriptors.keys) {
var descriptors = exportNameToDescriptors[exportName]!;
String getAsErrorString(Iterable<ExtensionMemberDescriptor> descriptors) {
var withExtensionNameAndType = {
var extension = _descriptorToExtensionName[descriptor]!;
var name =;
var type = _getTypeOfDescriptor(descriptor);
if (descriptor.isGetter) {
type = FunctionType([], type, Nullability.nonNullable);
} else if (descriptor.isSetter) {
type = FunctionType([type], VoidType(), Nullability.nonNullable);
name += '=';
return '$extension.$name ($type)';
return withExtensionNameAndType.join(', ');
// Unlike with class members, there's no guarantee that there aren't
// conflicting members. We take a conservative approach with our error
// checking, and just require one of the extension members with the export
// name be implemented in the mocking class. It's typically unusual to
// have conflicting members for the same interface, so this should be
// satisfactory in most cases.
var hasImplementation = false;
var dartMembers = exportMap[exportName];
if (dartMembers != null) {
var firstMember = dartMembers.first;
if (firstMember.isMethod) {
hasImplementation = descriptors
.any((descriptor) => _implements(firstMember, descriptor));
} else {
var getSet = _exportChecker.getGetterSetter(dartMembers);
var getters = <ExtensionMemberDescriptor>{};
var setters = <ExtensionMemberDescriptor>{};
var implementsGetter = false;
var implementsSetter = false;
for (var descriptor in descriptors) {
if (descriptor.isGetter) {
implementsGetter |= _implements(getSet.getter, descriptor);
} else if (descriptor.isSetter) {
implementsSetter |= _implements(getSet.setter, descriptor);
hasImplementation = implementsGetter || implementsSetter;
// If there is both a getter and setter descriptor, then we require
// users to provide both a getter and setter that are subtypes.
// It's likely that declaring one but not the other when both are used
// in the @staticInterop class is a bug.
if (getters.isNotEmpty &&
setters.isNotEmpty &&
(implementsGetter ^ implementsSetter)) {
implementsGetter ? 'getter' : 'setter',
implementsGetter ? 'setter' : 'getter',
getAsErrorString(implementsGetter ? setters : getters)),
// While we do have an implementation, this is still an error.
conformanceError = true;
if (!hasImplementation) {
templateJsInteropStaticInteropMockMissingImplements.withArguments(, exportName, getAsErrorString(descriptors)),
conformanceError = true;
return !conformanceError;
// Get the corresponding function type of the given descriptor. Getters and
// setters return their return and parameter types, respectively.
DartType _getTypeOfDescriptor(ExtensionMemberDescriptor interopDescriptor) {
// CFE creates static procedures for each extension member.
var interopMember = interopDescriptor.member.asProcedure;
if (interopDescriptor.isGetter) {
return interopMember.function.returnType;
} else if (interopDescriptor.isSetter) {
// Ignore the first argument `this` in the generated procedure.
return interopMember.function.positionalParameters[1].type;
} else {
var interopMemberType =
// Ignore the first argument `this` in the generated procedure.
return FunctionType(
namedParameters: interopMemberType.namedParameters,
typeParameters: interopMemberType.typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: interopMemberType.requiredParameterCount - 1);
// Determine if the given Dart member is the right kind and subtype to
// implement the descriptor.
bool _implements(
Member? dartMember, ExtensionMemberDescriptor interopDescriptor) {
if (dartMember == null) return false;
// If it isn't even the right kind, don't continue.
if (interopDescriptor.isGetter && !dartMember.isGetter) {
return false;
} else if (interopDescriptor.isSetter && !dartMember.isSetter) {
return false;
} else if (interopDescriptor.isMethod && dartMember is! Procedure) {
return false;
bool isSubtypeOf(DartType dartType, DartType interopType) {
return _typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
dartType, interopType, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities);
var interopType = _getTypeOfDescriptor(interopDescriptor);
if (interopDescriptor.isGetter) {
if (!isSubtypeOf(dartMember.getterType, interopType)) {
return false;
} else if (interopDescriptor.isSetter) {
if (!isSubtypeOf(interopType, dartMember.setterType)) {
return false;
} else if (interopDescriptor.isMethod) {
if (!isSubtypeOf(
(dartMember as Procedure)
interopType)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Compute a mapping between all the @staticInterop classes and their
/// extensions.
/// We do this here instead of in the export checker for two reasons:
/// 1. Modular compilation may invalidate extensions, so we need some way to
/// get rid of old extensions.
/// 2. The work to do this is only done when you use the
/// `createStaticInteropMock` API, leaving unrelated libraries alone.
/// TODO(srujzs): This does not take into account any scoping. This might mean
/// that if another library defines an extension on the @staticInterop class
/// that is outside of the scope of the current library, this API will report
/// an error. Considering this API should primarily be used in tests, such a
/// compilation will be unlikely, but we should revisit this.
Map<Reference, Set<Extension>> _computeStaticInteropExtensionMap() {
// Process the stored libraries, and create a mapping between @staticInterop
// classes and their extensions.
var staticInteropClassesWithExtensions = <Reference, Set<Extension>>{};
for (var library in ExportChecker.libraryExtensionMap.keys) {
for (var extension in ExportChecker.libraryExtensionMap[library]!) {
var onType = extension.onType as InterfaceType;
.putIfAbsent(onType.className, () => {})
return staticInteropClassesWithExtensions;
/// Returns a map between all the implementable external extension member
/// names and the descriptors that have that name for [staticInteropClass].
/// Also computes a mapping between descriptors and their name for error
/// reporting.
Map<String, Set<ExtensionMemberDescriptor>>
_computeImplementableExtensionMembers(Class staticInteropClass) {
// Get the cached result if we've already processed this class.
var exportNameToDescriptors =
if (exportNameToDescriptors != null) {
return exportNameToDescriptors;
} else {
exportNameToDescriptors = <String, Set<ExtensionMemberDescriptor>>{};
var classes = <Class>{};
// Compute a map of all the possible descriptors available in this type and
// the supertypes.
void getAllDescriptors(Class cls) {
if (classes.add(cls)) {
var extensions = _staticInteropClassesWithExtensions[cls.reference];
if (extensions != null) {
for (var extension in extensions) {
for (var descriptor in extension.members) {
if (!descriptor.isExternal || descriptor.isStatic) continue;
// No need to handle external fields - they are transformed to
// external getters/setters by the CFE.
if (!descriptor.isGetter &&
!descriptor.isSetter &&
!descriptor.isMethod) {
_descriptorToExtensionName[descriptor] =
extension.isUnnamedExtension ? '<unnamed>' :;
var name = js_interop.getJSName(descriptor.member.asMember);
if (name.isEmpty) name =;
.putIfAbsent(name, () => {})
cls.supers.forEach((Supertype supertype) {
return _staticInteropExportNameToDescriptorMap[staticInteropClass] =