blob: 5d2fb0c90f39dcd12fd74bbbf4474dd203ce7968 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' as ir;
import '../common.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../common_elements.dart' show KCommonElements, KElementEnvironment;
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/names.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../ir/util.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../js_backend/namer.dart';
import '../js_backend/native_data.dart';
import '../native/native.dart' as native;
import '../universe/call_structure.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
/// Interface that translates between Kernel IR nodes and entities used for
/// computing the [WorldImpact] for members.
abstract class KernelToElementMap {
KElementEnvironment get elementEnvironment;
NativeBasicData get nativeBasicData;
/// Access to the commonly used elements and types.
KCommonElements get commonElements;
/// Access to the [DartTypes] object.
DartTypes get types;
ir.TypeEnvironment get typeEnvironment;
/// Returns the [DartType] corresponding to [type].
DartType getDartType(ir.DartType type);
/// Returns the [InterfaceType] corresponding to [type].
InterfaceType getInterfaceType(ir.InterfaceType type);
/// Returns the [TypeVariableType] corresponding to [type].
TypeVariableType getTypeVariableType(ir.TypeParameterType type);
/// Returns the [FunctionType] of the [node].
FunctionType getFunctionType(ir.FunctionNode node);
/// Return the [InterfaceType] corresponding to the [cls] with the given
/// [typeArguments].
InterfaceType createInterfaceType(
ir.Class cls, List<ir.DartType> typeArguments);
/// Returns the [CallStructure] corresponding to the [arguments].
CallStructure getCallStructure(ir.Arguments arguments);
/// Returns the [Selector] corresponding to the invocation or getter/setter
/// access of [node].
Selector getSelector(ir.Expression node);
/// Returns the [MemberEntity] corresponding to the member [node].
MemberEntity getMember(ir.Member node);
/// Returns the [FunctionEntity] corresponding to the procedure [node].
FunctionEntity getMethod(ir.Procedure node);
/// Returns the [ConstructorEntity] corresponding to the generative or factory
/// constructor [node].
ConstructorEntity getConstructor(ir.Member node);
/// Returns the [FieldEntity] corresponding to the field [node].
FieldEntity getField(ir.Field node);
/// Returns the [ClassEntity] corresponding to the class [node].
ClassEntity getClass(ir.Class node);
/// Returns the [TypedefType] corresponding to raw type of the typedef [node].
TypedefType getTypedefType(ir.Typedef node);
/// Returns the super [MemberEntity] for a super invocation, get or set of
/// [name] from the member [context].
/// The IR doesn't always resolve super accesses to the corresponding
/// [target]. If not, the target is computed using [name] and [setter] from
/// the enclosing class of [context].
MemberEntity getSuperMember(
MemberEntity context, ir.Name name, ir.Member target,
{bool setter: false});
/// Returns the `noSuchMethod` [FunctionEntity] call from a
/// `super.noSuchMethod` invocation within [cls].
FunctionEntity getSuperNoSuchMethod(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the [Name] corresponding to [name].
Name getName(ir.Name name);
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the [JS] function.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsCall(ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the [JS_BUILTIN]
/// function.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsBuiltinCall(
ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the
/// [JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL] function.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsEmbeddedGlobalCall(
ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Returns the [js.Name] for the `JsGetName` [constant] value.
js.Name getNameForJsGetName(ConstantValue constant, Namer namer);
/// Computes the [ConstantValue] for the constant [expression].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move to [KernelToElementMapForBuilding]. This is only
// used in impact builder for symbol constants.
ConstantValue getConstantValue(ir.Expression expression,
{bool requireConstant: true, bool implicitNull: false});
/// Return the [ImportEntity] corresponding to [node].
ImportEntity getImport(ir.LibraryDependency node);
/// Returns the definition information for [cls].
ClassDefinition getClassDefinition(covariant ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the static type of [node].
// TODO(johnniwinther): This should be provided directly from kernel.
DartType getStaticType(ir.Expression node);
/// Adds libraries in [component] to the set of libraries.
/// The main method of the first component is used as the main method for the
/// compilation.
void addComponent(ir.Component component);
/// Returns the [ConstructorEntity] corresponding to a super initializer in
/// [constructor].
/// The IR resolves super initializers to a [target] up in the type hierarchy.
/// Most of the time, the result of this function will be the entity
/// corresponding to that target. In the presence of unnamed mixins, this
/// function returns an entity for an intermediate synthetic constructor that
/// kernel doesn't explicitly represent.
/// For example:
/// class M {}
/// class C extends Object with M {}
/// Kernel will say that C()'s super initializer resolves to Object(), but
/// this function will return an entity representing the unnamed mixin
/// application "Object+M"'s constructor.
ConstructorEntity getSuperConstructor(
ir.Constructor constructor, ir.Member target);
/// Returns `true` is [node] has a `@Native(...)` annotation.
bool isNativeClass(ir.Class node);
/// Computes the native behavior for reading the native [field].
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldLoad(ir.Field field,
{bool isJsInterop});
/// Computes the native behavior for writing to the native [field].
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldStore(ir.Field field);
/// Computes the native behavior for calling the function or constructor
/// [member].
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForMethod(ir.Member member,
{bool isJsInterop});
/// Compute the kind of foreign helper function called by [node], if any.
ForeignKind getForeignKind(ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Computes the [InterfaceType] referenced by a call to the
/// [JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT] function, if any.
InterfaceType getInterfaceTypeForJsInterceptorCall(ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Returns the [Local] corresponding to the [node]. The node must be either
/// a [ir.FunctionDeclaration] or [ir.FunctionExpression].
Local getLocalFunction(ir.TreeNode node);
/// Returns the [ir.Library] corresponding to [library].
ir.Library getLibraryNode(LibraryEntity library);
/// Returns the node that defines [typedef].
ir.Typedef getTypedefNode(covariant TypedefEntity typedef);
/// Returns the definition information for [member].
MemberDefinition getMemberDefinition(covariant MemberEntity member);
/// Returns the element type of a async/sync*/async* function.
DartType getFunctionAsyncOrSyncStarElementType(ir.FunctionNode functionNode);
// TODO(johnniwinther,efortuna): Add more when needed.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we split regular into method, field, etc.?
enum MemberKind {
// A regular member defined by an [ir.Node].
// A constructor whose initializer is defined by an [ir.Constructor] node.
// A constructor whose body is defined by an [ir.Constructor] node.
// A closure class `call` method whose body is defined by an
// [ir.FunctionExpression] or [ir.FunctionDeclaration].
// A field corresponding to a captured variable in the closure. It does not
// have a corresponding ir.Node.
// A method that describes the type of a function (in this case the type of
// the closure class. It does not have a corresponding ir.Node or a method
// body.
// A separated body of a generator (sync*/async/async*) function.
/// Definition information for a [MemberEntity].
abstract class MemberDefinition {
/// The defined member.
MemberEntity get member;
/// The kind of the defined member. This determines the semantics of [node].
MemberKind get kind;
/// The defining [ir.Node] for this member, if supported by its [kind].
/// For a regular class this is the [ir.Class] node. For closure classes this
/// might be an [ir.FunctionExpression] node if needed.
ir.Node get node;
/// The canonical location of [member]. This is used for sorting the members
/// in the emitted code.
SourceSpan get location;
enum ClassKind {
// TODO(efortuna, johnniwinther): Record is not a class, but is
// masquerading as one currently for consistency with the old element model.
/// A member directly defined by its [ir.Member] node.
class RegularMemberDefinition implements MemberDefinition {
final MemberEntity member;
final ir.Member node;
RegularMemberDefinition(this.member, this.node);
SourceSpan get location => computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(node);
MemberKind get kind => MemberKind.regular;
String toString() => 'RegularMemberDefinition(kind:$kind,member:$member,'
/// The definition of a special kind of member
class SpecialMemberDefinition implements MemberDefinition {
final MemberEntity member;
final ir.TreeNode node;
final MemberKind kind;
SpecialMemberDefinition(this.member, this.node, this.kind);
SourceSpan get location => computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(node);
String toString() => 'SpecialMemberDefinition(kind:$kind,member:$member,'
/// Definition information for a [ClassEntity].
abstract class ClassDefinition {
/// The defined class.
ClassEntity get cls;
/// The kind of the defined class. This determines the semantics of [node].
ClassKind get kind;
/// The defining [ir.Node] for this class, if supported by its [kind].
ir.Node get node;
/// The canonical location of [cls]. This is used for sorting the classes
/// in the emitted code.
SourceSpan get location;
/// A class directly defined by its [ir.Class] node.
class RegularClassDefinition implements ClassDefinition {
final ClassEntity cls;
final ir.Class node;
RegularClassDefinition(this.cls, this.node);
SourceSpan get location => computeSourceSpanFromTreeNode(node);
ClassKind get kind => ClassKind.regular;
String toString() => 'RegularClassDefinition(kind:$kind,cls:$cls,'
/// Kinds of foreign functions.
enum ForeignKind {