blob: 18a4f8a0a7d65cc36decaf5fd2ff740af3083be7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library defines the representation of runtime types.
part of dart._runtime;
_throwInvalidFlagError(String message) =>
throw UnsupportedError('Invalid flag combination.\n$message');
/// When running the new runtime type system with weak null safety this flag
/// gets toggled to change the behavior of the dart:_rti library when performing
/// `is` and `as` checks.
/// This allows DDC to produce optional warnings or errors when tests pass but
/// would fail in sound null safety.
bool legacyTypeChecks = !JS_GET_FLAG('SOUND_NULL_SAFETY');
/// Signals if the next type check should be considered to to be sound when
/// running without sound null safety.
/// The provides a way for this library to communicate that intent to the
/// dart:rti library.
/// This flag gets inlined by the compiler in the place of
bool extraNullSafetyChecks = false;
bool _weakNullSafetyWarnings = false;
/// Sets the runtime mode to show warnings when types violate sound null safety.
/// This option is not compatible with weak null safety errors or sound null
/// safety (the warnings will be errors).
void weakNullSafetyWarnings(bool showWarnings) {
if (showWarnings && JS_GET_FLAG('SOUND_NULL_SAFETY')) {
'Null safety violations cannot be shown as warnings when running with '
'sound null safety.');
_weakNullSafetyWarnings = showWarnings;
bool _weakNullSafetyErrors = false;
/// Sets the runtime mode to throw errors when types violate sound null safety.
/// This option is not compatible with weak null safety warnings (the warnings
/// are now errors) or sound null safety (the errors are already errors).
void weakNullSafetyErrors(bool showErrors) {
if (showErrors && JS_GET_FLAG('SOUND_NULL_SAFETY')) {
'Null safety violations are already thrown as errors when running with '
'sound null safety.');
if (showErrors && _weakNullSafetyWarnings) {
'Null safety violations can be shown as warnings or thrown as errors, '
'not both.');
_weakNullSafetyErrors = showErrors;
extraNullSafetyChecks = showErrors;
bool _nonNullAsserts = false;
/// Sets the runtime mode to insert non-null assertions on non-nullable method
/// parameters.
/// When [weakNullSafetyWarnings] is also `true` the assertions will fail
/// instead of printing a warning for the non-null parameters.
void nonNullAsserts(bool enable) {
_nonNullAsserts = enable;
bool _nativeNonNullAsserts = JS_GET_FLAG('SOUND_NULL_SAFETY');
/// Enables null assertions on native APIs to make sure values returned from the
/// browser are sound.
/// These apply to dart:html and similar web libraries. Note that these only are
/// added in sound null-safety only.
void nativeNonNullAsserts(bool enable) {
if (enable && !JS_GET_FLAG('SOUND_NULL_SAFETY')) {
_warn('Enabling `native-null-assertions` is only supported when sound null '
'safety is enabled.');
// This value is only read from `checkNativeNonNull` and calls to that method
// are only generated in sound null safe code.
_nativeNonNullAsserts = enable;
/// A JavaScript Symbol used to store the Rti signature object on a function.
/// Accessed by a call to `JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.SIGNATURE_NAME)`.
final _functionRti = JS('', r'Symbol("$signatureRti")');
final metadata = JS('', 'Symbol("metadata")');
/// A javascript Symbol used to store a canonical version of T? on T.
final _cachedNullable = JS('', 'Symbol("cachedNullable")');
/// A javascript Symbol used to store a canonical version of T* on T.
final _cachedLegacy = JS('', 'Symbol("cachedLegacy")');
/// A javascript Symbol used to store prior subtype checks and their results.
final _subtypeCache = JS('', 'Symbol("_subtypeCache")');
/// Types in dart are represented internally at runtime as follows.
/// - Normal nominal types, produced from classes, are represented
/// at runtime by the JS class of which they are an instance.
/// If the type is the result of instantiating a generic class,
/// then the "classes" module manages the association between the
/// instantiated class and the original class declaration
/// and the type arguments with which it was instantiated. This
/// association can be queried via the "classes" module".
/// - All other types are represented as instances of class [DartType],
/// defined in this module.
/// - Dynamic, Void, and Bottom are singleton instances of sentinel
/// classes.
/// - Function types are instances of subclasses of AbstractFunctionType.
/// Function types are represented in one of two ways:
/// - As an instance of FunctionType. These are eagerly computed.
/// - As an instance of TypeDef. The TypeDef representation lazily
/// computes an instance of FunctionType, and delegates to that instance.
/// These above "runtime types" are what is used for implementing DDC's
/// internal type checks. These objects are distinct from the objects exposed
/// to user code by class literals and calling `Object.runtimeType`. In DDC,
/// the latter are represented by instances of WrappedType which contain a
/// real runtime type internally. This ensures that the returned object only
/// exposes the API that Type defines:
/// get String name;
/// String toString();
/// These "runtime types" have methods for performing type checks. The methods
/// have the following JavaScript names which are designed to not collide with
/// static methods, which are also placed 'on' the class constructor function.
/// Implements 'o is T'.
/// Implements 'o as T'.
/// By convention, we used named JavaScript functions for these methods with the
/// name 'is_X' and 'as_X' for various X to indicate the type or the
/// implementation strategy for the test (e.g 'is_String', 'is_G' for generic
/// types, etc.)
// TODO(jmesserly): we shouldn't implement Type here. It should be moved down
// to AbstractFunctionType.
class DartType implements Type {
String get name => this.toString();
// TODO(jmesserly): these should never be reached, can be make them abstract?
bool is_T(object) => instanceOf(object, this);
as_T(object) => cast(object, this);
DartType() {
// Every instance of a DartType requires a set of type caches.
JS('', '#(this)', addTypeCaches);
class DynamicType extends DartType {
toString() => 'dynamic';
bool is_T(object) => true;
Object? as_T(Object? object) => object;
bool _isJsObject(obj) => JS_GET_FLAG("NEW_RUNTIME_TYPES")
? obj is LegacyJavaScriptObject
: JS('!', '# === #', getReifiedType(obj),
/// Asserts that [f] is a native JS function and returns it if so.
/// This function should be used to ensure that a function is a native JS
/// function before it is passed to native JS code.
/// NOTE: The generic type argument bound is not enforced due to the
/// `@NoReifyGeneric` annotation. In practice values of other types are passed
/// as [f]. All non-function values are allowed to pass through as well and
/// are returned without error.
F assertInterop<F extends Function?>(F f) {
_isJsObject(f) ||
!JS<bool>('bool', '# instanceof #.Function', f, global_),
'Dart function requires `allowInterop` to be passed to JavaScript.');
return f;
/// Returns `true` when [obj] represents a Dart class.
bool isDartClass(Object? obj) {
// All Dart classes are instances of JavaScript functions.
if (!JS<bool>('!', '# instanceof Function', obj)) return false;
// All Dart classes have an interface type recipe attached to them.
return JS('', '#.#', obj, rti.interfaceTypeRecipePropertyName) != null;
} else {
// All Dart classes inherit this type tag from the Dart Core Object class.
return _equalType(JS('!', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType), Type);
/// Returns `true` when [obj] represents a Dart function.
bool isDartFunction(Object? obj) {
if (!JS<bool>('!', '# instanceof Function', obj)) return false;
// All Dart functions have a signature attached to them.
return JS('!', '#[#]', obj, JS_GET_NAME(JsGetName.SIGNATURE_NAME)) != null;
} else {
// All Dart functions have a signature attached to them but we must test
// that it is a function type to differentiate from Dart classes.
return _jsInstanceOf(
JS('!', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType), AbstractFunctionType);
Expando<Function> _assertInteropExpando = Expando<Function>();
F tearoffInterop<F extends Function?>(F f) {
// Wrap a JS function with a closure that ensures all function arguments are
// native JS functions.
if (!_isJsObject(f) || f == null) return f;
var ret = _assertInteropExpando[f];
if (ret == null) {
ret = JS(
'function (...arguments) {'
' var args =;'
' return #.apply(this, args);'
_assertInteropExpando[f] = ret;
// Suppress a cast back to F.
return JS('', '#', ret);
/// Dart type that represents a non-`@staticInterop` package:js class type.
/// This may include types annotated with `@JS` and `@anonymous`, but not
/// `@staticInterop`. For the purposes of subtype checks, these match any
/// JS object that doesn't have a `@Native` class.
/// TODO(srujzs): We could do what we do with `@staticInterop` types and erase
/// these types with `LegacyJavaScriptObject`, but that might not be equivalent.
/// Need to investigate more to see if this is possible. One particular sticking
/// point might be dynamic invocations, but not sure.
class PackageJSType extends DartType {
final String _dartName;
String toString() => _dartName;
bool is_T(obj) =>
obj != null &&
(_isJsObject(obj) || isSubtypeOf(getReifiedType(obj), this));
as_T(obj) => is_T(obj) ? obj : castError(obj, this);
void _warn(arg) {
JS('void', 'console.warn(#)', arg);
void _nullWarn(message) {
if (_weakNullSafetyWarnings) {
'This will become a failure when runtime null safety is enabled.');
} else if (_weakNullSafetyErrors) {
throw TypeErrorImpl(message);
/// Tracks objects that have been compared against null (i.e., null is Type).
/// Separating this null set out from _cacheMaps lets us fast-track common
/// legacy type checks.
/// TODO: Delete this set when legacy nullability is phased out.
var _nullComparisonSet = JS<Object>('', 'new Set()');
/// Warn on null cast failures when casting to a particular non-nullable
/// `type`. Note, we cache by type to avoid excessive warning messages at
/// runtime.
/// TODO(vsm): Consider changing all invocations to pass / cache on location
/// instead. That gives more useful feedback to the user.
void _nullWarnOnType(type) {
bool result = JS('', '#.has(#)', _nullComparisonSet, type);
if (!result) {
JS('', '#.add(#)', _nullComparisonSet, type);
type = rti.createRuntimeType(JS<rti.Rti>('!', '#', type));
_nullWarn("Null is not a subtype of $type.");
final _packageJSTypes = JS<Object>('', 'new Map()');
Object packageJSType(@notNull String name) {
var ret = JS('', '#.get(#)', _packageJSTypes, name);
if (ret == null) {
ret = PackageJSType(name);
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', _packageJSTypes, name, ret);
return ret;
/// Represents all non-`@staticInterop` package:js types, as they're all
/// subtypes of one another and subtypes of `LegacyJavaScriptObject`.
/// Used only when a concrete PackageJSType is not available i.e. when neither
/// the object nor the target type is a PackageJSType. Avoids initializing a new
/// new type every time. Note that we don't add it to the set of JS types, since
/// it's not an actual JS class.
final _packageJSTypeForSubtyping = PackageJSType('');
/// Returns a nullable (question, ?) version of [type].
/// The resulting type returned in a normalized form based on the rules from the
/// normalization doc:
Object nullable(@notNull Object type) {
// Check if a nullable version of this type has already been created.
var cached = JS<Object>('', '#[#]', type, _cachedNullable);
if (JS<bool>('!', '# !== void 0', cached)) {
return cached;
// Cache a canonical nullable version of this type on this type.
Object cachedType = _computeNullable(type);
JS('', '#[#] = #', type, _cachedNullable, cachedType);
return cachedType;
Object _computeNullable(@notNull Object type) {
// *? normalizes to ?.
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, LegacyType)) {
return nullable(JS<Object>('!', '#.type', type));
if (isNullable(type)) return type;
if (_equalType(type, Never)) return unwrapType(Null);
return NullableType(JS<Type>('!', '#', type));
bool isNullable(type) =>
_jsInstanceOf(type, NullableType) ||
_isTop(type) ||
_equalType(type, Null) ||
// Normalize FutureOr<T?>? --> FutureOr<T?>
// All other runtime FutureOr normalization is in `normalizeFutureOr()`.
(_isFutureOr(type) &&
isNullable(JS<Object>('!', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(type))));
/// Returns a legacy (star, *) version of [type].
/// The resulting type returned in a normalized form based on the rules from the
/// normalization doc:
Object legacy(@notNull Object type) {
// Check if a legacy version of this type has already been created.
var cached = JS<Object>('', '#[#]', type, _cachedLegacy);
if (JS<bool>('!', '# !== void 0', cached)) {
return cached;
// Cache a canonical legacy version of this type on this type.
Object cachedType = _computeLegacy(type);
JS('', '#[#] = #', type, _cachedLegacy, cachedType);
return cachedType;
Object _computeLegacy(@notNull Object type) {
// Note: ?* normalizes to ?, so we cache type? at type?[_cachedLegacy].
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, LegacyType) ||
_jsInstanceOf(type, NullableType) ||
_isTop(type) ||
_equalType(type, Null)) {
return type;
return LegacyType(JS<Type>('!', '#', type));
/// A wrapper to identify a nullable (question, ?) type of the form [type]?.
class NullableType extends DartType {
final Type type;
NullableType(@notNull this.type);
String get name => _jsInstanceOf(type, FunctionType) ? '($type)?' : '$type?';
String toString() => name;
bool is_T(obj) => obj == null || JS<bool>('!', '', type, obj);
as_T(obj) => obj == null || JS<bool>('!', '', type, obj)
? obj
: cast(obj, this);
/// A wrapper to identify a legacy (star, *) type of the form [type]*.
class LegacyType extends DartType {
final Type type;
LegacyType(@notNull this.type);
String get name => '$type';
String toString() => name;
bool is_T(obj) {
if (obj == null) {
// Object and Never are trivially legacy types that should return true if
// obj is `null`.
if (_equalType(type, Object) || _equalType(type, Never)) return true;
return _isFutureOr(type) &&
JS<bool>('!', '#[0].is(#)', getGenericArgs(type), obj);
return JS<bool>('!', '', type, obj);
as_T(obj) => obj == null || JS<bool>('!', '', type, obj)
? obj
: cast(obj, this);
// TODO(nshahan) Add override optimizations for is and as?
class NeverType extends DartType {
toString() => 'Never';
final _never = NeverType();
final _dynamic = DynamicType();
class VoidType extends DartType {
toString() => 'void';
bool is_T(object) => true;
Object? as_T(Object? object) => object;
final void_ = VoidType();
// TODO(nshahan): Cleanup and consolidate NeverType, BottomType, bottom, _never.
class BottomType extends DartType {
toString() => 'bottom';
final bottom = unwrapType(Null);
/// Dev Compiler's implementation of Type, wrapping its internal [_type].
class _Type extends Type {
/// The internal type representation, either a [DartType] or class constructor
/// function.
// TODO(jmesserly): introduce InterfaceType so we don't have to special case
// classes
final Object _type;
toString() => typeName(_type);
Type get runtimeType => Type;
Object _typeImpl(Type type) => (type as _Type)._type;
bool isRecordType(Type type) => _typeImpl(type) is RecordType;
RecordType recordTypeImpl(Type type) => _typeImpl(type) as RecordType;
/// Given an internal runtime type object [type], wraps it in a `_Type` object
/// that implements the dart:core Type interface.
/// [isNormalized] is true when [type] is known to be in a canonicalized
/// normal form, so the algorithm can directly wrap and return the value.
Type wrapType(type, [@notNull bool isNormalized = false]) {
// If we've already wrapped this type once, use the previous wrapper. This
// way, multiple references to the same type return an identical Type.
if (JS('!', '#.hasOwnProperty(#)', type, _typeObject)) {
return JS('', '#[#]', type, _typeObject);
var result = isNormalized
? _Type(type)
: (_jsInstanceOf(type, LegacyType)
? wrapType(JS<Object>('!', '#.type', type))
: _canonicalizeNormalizedTypeObject(type));
JS('', '#[#] = #', type, _typeObject, result);
return result;
/// Constructs a normalized version of a type.
/// Used for type object identity. Normalization requires us to return a
/// canonicalized version of the input with all legacy wrappers removed.
Type _canonicalizeNormalizedTypeObject(type) {
assert(!_jsInstanceOf(type, LegacyType));
// We don't call _canonicalizeNormalizedTypeObject recursively but call wrap
// + unwrap to handle legacy types automatically and force caching the
// canonicalized type under the _typeObject cache property directly. This
// way we ensure we always use the canonical normalized instance for each
// type term.
Object normalizeHelper(a) => unwrapType(wrapType(a));
// GenericFunctionTypeIdentifiers are implicitly normalized.
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, GenericFunctionTypeIdentifier)) {
return wrapType(type, true);
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, RecordType)) {
var normTypes =;
var normType = recordType(type.shape, normTypes);
return wrapType(normType, true);
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, FunctionType)) {
var normReturnType = normalizeHelper(type.returnType);
var normArgs =;
if (JS<bool>('!', '#.Object.keys(#).length === 0', global_, type.named) &&
JS<bool>('!', '#.Object.keys(#).length === 0', global_,
type.requiredNamed)) {
if (type.optionals.isEmpty) {
var normType = fnType(normReturnType, normArgs);
return wrapType(normType, true);
var normOptionals =;
var normType = fnType(normReturnType, normArgs, normOptionals);
return wrapType(normType, true);
var normNamed = JS('', '{}');
_transformJSObject(type.named, normNamed, normalizeHelper);
var normRequiredNamed = JS('', '{}');
_transformJSObject(type.requiredNamed, normRequiredNamed, normalizeHelper);
var normType =
fnType(normReturnType, normArgs, normNamed, normRequiredNamed);
return wrapType(normType, true);
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, GenericFunctionType)) {
var formals = _getCanonicalTypeFormals(type.typeFormals.length);
List<dynamic> normBounds =
var substitutedTypes = [];
if (normBounds.contains(_never)) {
// Normalize type arguments that are bounded by Never to Never at their
// use site in the function type signature.
for (var i = 0; i < formals.length; i++) {
var substitutedType = normBounds[i];
while (formals.contains(substitutedType)) {
substitutedType = normBounds[formals.indexOf(substitutedType)];
if (substitutedType == _never) {
} else {
} else {
substitutedTypes = formals;
var normFunc =
normalizeHelper(type.instantiate(substitutedTypes)) as FunctionType;
// Create a comparison key for structural identity.
var typeObjectIdKey = JS('', '[]');
JS('', '#.push(...#)', typeObjectIdKey, normBounds);
JS('', '#.push(#)', typeObjectIdKey, normFunc);
var memoizedId = _memoizeArray(_gFnTypeTypeMap, typeObjectIdKey,
() => GenericFunctionTypeIdentifier(formals, normBounds, normFunc));
return wrapType(memoizedId, true);
var args = getGenericArgs(type);
var normType;
if (args == null || args.isEmpty) {
normType = type;
} else {
var genericClass = getGenericClass(type);
var normArgs =;
normType = JS('!', '#(...#)', genericClass, normArgs);
return wrapType(normType, true);
/// Generates new values by applying [transform] to the values of [srcObject],
/// storing them in [dstObject] with the same key.
void _transformJSObject(srcObject, dstObject, Function transform) {
for (Object key in JS('!', '#.Object.keys(#)', global_, srcObject)) {
JS('', '#[#] = #', dstObject, key,
transform(JS('', '#[#]', srcObject, key)));
/// The symbol used to store the cached `Type` object associated with a class.
final _typeObject = JS('', 'Symbol("typeObject")');
/// Given a WrappedType, return the internal runtime type object.
Object unwrapType(Type obj) => JS<_Type>('', '#', obj)._type;
// Marker class for generic functions, typedefs, and non-generic functions.
abstract class AbstractFunctionType extends DartType {}
/// Memo table for named argument groups. A named argument packet
/// {name1 : type1, ..., namen : typen} corresponds to the path
/// n, name1, type1, ...., namen, typen. The element of the map
/// reached via this path (if any) is the canonical representative
/// for this packet.
final _fnTypeNamedArgMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Memo table for positional argument groups. A positional argument
/// packet [type1, ..., typen] (required or optional) corresponds to
/// the path n, type1, ...., typen. The element reached via
/// this path (if any) is the canonical representative for this
/// packet. Note that required and optional parameters packages
/// may have the same canonical representation.
final _fnTypeArrayArgMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Memo table for function types. The index path consists of the
/// path length - 1, the returnType, the canonical positional argument
/// packet, and if present, the canonical optional or named argument
/// packet. A level of indirection could be avoided here if desired.
final _fnTypeTypeMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Memo table for small function types with no optional or named
/// arguments and less than a fixed n (currently 3) number of
/// required arguments. Indexing into this table by the number
/// of required arguments yields a map which is indexed by the
/// argument types themselves. The element reached via this
/// index path (if present) is the canonical function type.
final List _fnTypeSmallMap = JS('', '[new Map(), new Map(), new Map()]');
/// Memo table for generic function types. The index path consists of the
/// type parameters' bounds and the underlying function instantiated to its
/// bounds, subject to the same restrictions mentioned in _fnTypeTypeMap.
final _gFnTypeTypeMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Pre-initialized type variables used to ensure that generic functions with
/// the same generic relationship structure but different names canonicalize
/// correctly.
final _typeVariablePool = <TypeVariable>[];
/// Returns a canonicalized sequence of type variables of size [count].
List<TypeVariable> _getCanonicalTypeFormals(int count) {
while (count > _typeVariablePool.length) {
return _typeVariablePool.sublist(0, count);
/// Inserts a new type variable into _typeVariablePool according to a
/// pre-determined pattern.
/// The first 26 generics are alphanumerics; the remainder are represented as
/// T$N, where N increments from 0.
void _fillTypeVariable() {
if (_typeVariablePool.length < 26) {
.add(TypeVariable(String.fromCharCode(65 + _typeVariablePool.length)));
} else {
_typeVariablePool.add(TypeVariable('T${_typeVariablePool.length - 26}'));
T _memoizeArray<T>(map, arr, T create()) => JS('', '''(() => {
let len = $arr.length;
$map = $_lookupNonTerminal($map, len);
for (var i = 0; i < len-1; ++i) {
$map = $_lookupNonTerminal($map, $arr[i]);
let result = $map.get($arr[len-1]);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
$map.set($arr[len-1], result = $create());
return result;
List _canonicalizeArray(List array, map) =>
_memoizeArray(map, array, () => array);
// TODO(leafp): This only canonicalizes if the names are emitted
// in a consistent order.
_canonicalizeNamed(named, map) => JS('', '''(() => {
let key = [];
let names = $getOwnPropertyNames($named);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
let name = names[i];
let type = $named[name];
return $_memoizeArray($map, key, () => $named);
// TODO(leafp): This handles some low hanging fruit, but
// really we should make all of this faster, and also
// handle more cases here.
FunctionType _createSmall(returnType, List required) => JS('', '''(() => {
let count = $required.length;
let map = $_fnTypeSmallMap[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
map = $_lookupNonTerminal(map, $required[i]);
let result = map.get($returnType);
if (result !== void 0) return result;
result = ${new FunctionType(JS<Type>('!', '#', returnType), required, [], JS('', '{}'), JS('', '{}'))};
map.set($returnType, result);
return result;
class FunctionType extends AbstractFunctionType {
final Type returnType;
final List args;
final List optionals;
// Named arguments native JS Object of the form { namedArgName: namedArgType }
final named;
final requiredNamed;
String? _stringValue;
/// Construct a function type.
/// We eagerly normalize the argument types to avoid having to deal with this
/// logic in multiple places.
/// This code does best effort canonicalization. It does not guarantee that
/// all instances will share.
/// Note: Generic function subtype checks assume types have been canonicalized
/// when testing if type bounds are equal.
static FunctionType create(
returnType, List args, optionalArgs, requiredNamedArgs) {
// Note that if optionalArgs is ever passed as an empty array or an empty
// map, we can end up with semantically identical function types that don't
// canonicalize to the same object since we won't fall into this fast path.
var noOptionalArgs = optionalArgs == null && requiredNamedArgs == null;
if (noOptionalArgs && JS<bool>('!', '#.length < 3', args)) {
return _createSmall(returnType, args);
args = _canonicalizeArray(args, _fnTypeArrayArgMap);
var keys = [];
FunctionType Function() create;
if (noOptionalArgs) {
keys = [returnType, args];
create =
() => FunctionType(returnType, args, [], JS('', '{}'), JS('', '{}'));
} else if (JS('!', '# instanceof Array', optionalArgs)) {
var optionals =
_canonicalizeArray(JS('', '#', optionalArgs), _fnTypeArrayArgMap);
keys = [returnType, args, optionals];
create = () =>
FunctionType(returnType, args, optionals, JS('', '{}'), JS('', '{}'));
} else {
var named = _canonicalizeNamed(optionalArgs, _fnTypeNamedArgMap);
var requiredNamed =
_canonicalizeNamed(requiredNamedArgs, _fnTypeNamedArgMap);
keys = [returnType, args, named, requiredNamed];
create = () => FunctionType(returnType, args, [], named, requiredNamed);
return _memoizeArray(_fnTypeTypeMap, keys, create);
FunctionType(this.returnType, this.args, this.optionals, this.named,
toString() => name;
int get requiredParameterCount => args.length;
int get positionalParameterCount => args.length + optionals.length;
getPositionalParameter(int i) {
int n = args.length;
return i < n ? args[i] : optionals[i + n];
/// Maps argument names to their canonicalized type.
Map<String, Object> _createNameMap(List<Object?> names) {
var result = <String, Object>{};
// TODO: Remove this sort if ordering can be conserved.
JS('', '#.sort()', names);
for (var i = 0; JS<bool>('!', '# < #.length', i, names); ++i) {
String name = JS('!', '#[#]', names, i);
result[name] = JS('', '#[#]', named, name);
return result;
/// Maps optional named parameter names to their canonicalized type.
Map<String, Object> getNamedParameters() =>
/// Maps required named parameter names to their canonicalized type.
Map<String, Object> getRequiredNamedParameters() =>
get name {
if (_stringValue != null) return _stringValue!;
var buffer = '(';
for (var i = 0; JS<bool>('!', '# < #.length', i, args); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer += ', ';
buffer += typeName(JS('', '#[#]', args, i));
if (JS('!', '#.length > 0', optionals)) {
if (JS('!', '#.length > 0', args)) buffer += ', ';
buffer += '[';
for (var i = 0; JS<bool>('!', '# < #.length', i, optionals); ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer += ', ';
buffer += typeName(JS('', '#[#]', optionals, i));
buffer += ']';
} else if (JS('!', 'Object.keys(#).length > 0 || Object.keys(#).length > 0',
named, requiredNamed)) {
if (JS('!', '#.length > 0', args)) buffer += ', ';
buffer += '{';
var names = getOwnPropertyNames(named);
JS('', '#.sort()', names);
for (var i = 0; JS<bool>('!', '# < #.length', i, names); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer += ', ';
var typeNameString = typeName(JS('', '#[#[#]]', named, names, i));
buffer += '$typeNameString ${JS('', '#[#]', names, i)}';
if (JS('!', 'Object.keys(#).length > 0 && #.length > 0', requiredNamed,
names)) buffer += ', ';
names = getOwnPropertyNames(requiredNamed);
JS('', '#.sort()', names);
for (var i = 0; JS<bool>('!', '# < #.length', i, names); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer += ', ';
var typeNameString =
typeName(JS('', '#[#[#]]', requiredNamed, names, i));
buffer += 'required $typeNameString ${JS('', '#[#]', names, i)}';
buffer += '}';
var returnTypeName = typeName(returnType);
buffer += ') => $returnTypeName';
_stringValue = buffer;
return buffer;
bool is_T(obj) {
if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) {
var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType);
// If there's no actual type, it's a JS function.
// Allow them to subtype all Dart function types.
return actual == null || isSubtypeOf(actual, this);
return false;
as_T(obj) {
if (is_T(obj)) return obj;
// TODO(nshahan) This could directly call castError after we no longer allow
// a cast of null to succeed in weak mode.
return cast(obj, this);
/// A type variable, used by [GenericFunctionType] to represent a type formal.
class TypeVariable extends DartType {
final String name;
toString() => name;
/// A helper data class for the subtype check algorithm to represent a generic
/// function type variable with its bound.
/// Instances of this class are created during subtype check operations to pass
/// information deeper into the algorithm. They are not canonicalized and should
/// be discarded after use.
class TypeVariableForSubtype extends DartType {
/// The position of this type variable in the type variable list of a generic
/// function.
final int index;
/// The bound for this type variable.
/// Only nullable to avoid the cost of a late field within the subtype check.
/// Should not be null after initial creation algorithm is complete.
DartType? bound;
class Variance {
static const int unrelated = 0;
static const int covariant = 1;
static const int contravariant = 2;
static const int invariant = 3;
/// Uniquely identifies the runtime type object of a generic function.
/// We require that all objects stored in this object not have legacy
/// nullability wrappers.
class GenericFunctionTypeIdentifier extends AbstractFunctionType {
final typeFormals;
final typeBounds;
final FunctionType function;
String? _stringValue;
this.typeFormals, this.typeBounds, this.function);
/// Returns the string-representation of the first generic function
/// with this runtime type object canonicalization.
/// Type formal names may not correspond to those of the originating type.
/// We should consider auto-generating these to avoid confusion.
toString() {
if (_stringValue != null) return _stringValue!;
String s = "<";
var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
var typeBounds = this.typeBounds;
for (int i = 0, n = typeFormals.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i != 0) s += ", ";
s += JS<String>('!', '#[#].name', typeFormals, i);
var bound = typeBounds[i];
if (_equalType(bound, dynamic) ||
JS<bool>('!', '# === #', bound, nullable(unwrapType(Object))) ||
(!JS_GET_FLAG('SOUND_NULL_SAFETY') && _equalType(bound, Object))) {
// Do not print the bound when it is a top type. In weak mode the bounds
// of Object and Object* will also be elided.
s += " extends $bound";
s += ">" + this.function.toString();
return this._stringValue = s;
class GenericFunctionType extends AbstractFunctionType {
final _instantiateTypeParts;
final int formalCount;
final _instantiateTypeBounds;
final List<TypeVariable> _typeFormals;
GenericFunctionType(instantiateTypeParts, this._instantiateTypeBounds)
: _instantiateTypeParts = instantiateTypeParts,
formalCount = JS('!', '#.length', instantiateTypeParts),
_typeFormals = _typeFormalsFromFunction(instantiateTypeParts);
List<TypeVariable> get typeFormals => _typeFormals;
/// `true` if there are bounds on any of the generic type parameters.
bool get hasTypeBounds => _instantiateTypeBounds != null;
/// Checks that [typeArgs] satisfies the upper bounds of the [typeFormals],
/// and throws a [TypeError] if they do not.
void checkBounds(List<Object> typeArgs) {
// If we don't have explicit type parameter bounds, the bounds default to
// a top type, so there's nothing to check here.
if (!hasTypeBounds) return;
var bounds = instantiateTypeBounds(typeArgs);
var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
for (var i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++) {
checkTypeBound(typeArgs[i], bounds[i], typeFormals[i].name);
FunctionType instantiate(typeArgs) {
var parts = JS('', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeParts, typeArgs);
return FunctionType.create(JS('', '#[0]', parts), JS('', '#[1]', parts),
JS('', '#[2]', parts), JS('', '#[3]', parts));
List<Object> instantiateTypeBounds(List typeArgs) {
if (!hasTypeBounds) {
// We omit the a bound to represent Object*. Other bounds are explicitly
// represented, including Object, Object? and dynamic.
// TODO(nshahan) Revisit this representation when more libraries have
// migrated to null safety.
return List<Object>.filled(formalCount, legacy(unwrapType(Object)));
// Bounds can be recursive or depend on other type parameters, so we need to
// apply type arguments and return the resulting bounds.
return JS<List<Object>>(
'!', '#.apply(null, #)', _instantiateTypeBounds, typeArgs);
toString() {
String s = "<";
var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
var typeBounds = instantiateTypeBounds(typeFormals);
for (int i = 0, n = typeFormals.length; i < n; i++) {
if (i != 0) s += ", ";
s += JS<String>('!', '#[#].name', typeFormals, i);
var bound = typeBounds[i];
if (JS('!', '# !== # && # !== #', bound, dynamic, bound, Object)) {
s += " extends $bound";
s += ">" + instantiate(typeFormals).toString();
return s;
/// Given a [DartType] [type], if [type] is an uninstantiated
/// parameterized type then instantiate the parameters to their
/// bounds and return those type arguments.
/// See the issue for the algorithm description:
/// <>
List instantiateDefaultBounds() {
/// Returns `true` if the default value for the type bound should be
/// `dynamic`.
/// Dart 2 with null safety uses dynamic as the default value for types
/// without explicit bounds.
/// This is similar to [_isTop] but removes the check for `void` (it can't
/// be written as a bound) and adds a check of `Object*` in weak mode.
bool defaultsToDynamic(type) {
// Technically this is wrong, only implicit bounds of `Object?` and
// `Object*` should default to dynamic but code that observes the
// difference is rare.
if (_equalType(type, dynamic)) return true;
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, NullableType) ||
_jsInstanceOf(type, LegacyType))) {
return _equalType(JS('!', '#.type', type), Object);
return false;
var typeFormals = this.typeFormals;
// All type formals
var all = HashMap<TypeVariable, int>.identity();
// ground types, by index.
// For each index, this will be a ground type for the corresponding type
// formal if known, or it will be the original TypeVariable if we are still
// solving for it. This array is passed to `instantiateToBounds` as we are
// progressively solving for type variables.
var defaults = List<Object?>.filled(typeFormals.length, null);
// not ground
var partials = Map<TypeVariable, Object>.identity();
var typeBounds = this.instantiateTypeBounds(typeFormals);
for (var i = 0; i < typeFormals.length; i++) {
var typeFormal = typeFormals[i];
var bound = typeBounds[i];
all[typeFormal] = i;
if (defaultsToDynamic(bound)) {
// TODO(nshahan) Persist the actual default values into the runtime so
// they can be used here instead of using dynamic for all top types
// implicit or explicit.
defaults[i] = _dynamic;
} else {
defaults[i] = typeFormal;
partials[typeFormal] = bound;
bool hasFreeFormal(t) {
if (partials.containsKey(t)) return true;
// Ignore nullability wrappers.
if (_jsInstanceOf(t, LegacyType) || _jsInstanceOf(t, NullableType)) {
return hasFreeFormal(JS<Object>('!', '#.type', t));
// Generic classes and typedefs.
var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(t);
if (typeArgs != null) return typeArgs.any(hasFreeFormal);
if (t is GenericFunctionType) {
return hasFreeFormal(t.instantiate(t.typeFormals));
if (t is FunctionType) {
return hasFreeFormal(t.returnType) || t.args.any(hasFreeFormal);
return false;
var hasProgress = true;
while (hasProgress) {
hasProgress = false;
for (var typeFormal in partials.keys) {
var partialBound = partials[typeFormal]!;
if (!hasFreeFormal(partialBound)) {
int index = all[typeFormal]!;
defaults[index] = instantiateTypeBounds(defaults)[index];
hasProgress = true;
// If we stopped making progress, and not all types are ground,
// then the whole type is malbounded and an error should be reported
// if errors are requested, and a partially completed type should
// be returned.
if (partials.isNotEmpty) {
throwTypeError('Instantiate to bounds failed for type with '
'recursive generic bounds: ${typeName(this)}. '
'Try passing explicit type arguments.');
return defaults;
bool is_T(obj) {
if (JS('!', 'typeof # == "function"', obj)) {
var actual = JS('', '#[#]', obj, _runtimeType);
return actual != null && isSubtypeOf(actual, this);
return false;
as_T(obj) {
if (is_T(obj)) return obj;
// TODO(nshahan) This could directly call castError after we no longer allow
// a cast of null to succeed in weak mode.
return cast(obj, this);
List<TypeVariable> _typeFormalsFromFunction(Object? typeConstructor) {
// Extract parameter names from the function parameters.
// This is not robust in general for user-defined JS functions, but it
// should handle the functions generated by our compiler.
// TODO(jmesserly): names of TypeVariables are only used for display
// purposes, such as when an error happens or if someone calls
// `Type.toString()`. So we could recover them lazily rather than eagerly.
// Alternatively we could synthesize new names.
String str = JS('!', '#.toString()', typeConstructor);
var hasParens = str[0] == '(';
var end = str.indexOf(hasParens ? ')' : '=>');
if (hasParens) {
return str
.substring(1, end)
.map((n) => TypeVariable(n.trim()))
} else {
return [TypeVariable(str.substring(0, end).trim())];
/// Create a function type.
FunctionType fnType(returnType, List args,
[@undefined optional, @undefined requiredNamed]) =>
FunctionType.create(returnType, args, optional, requiredNamed);
/// Creates a generic function type from [instantiateFn] and [typeBounds].
/// A function type consists of two things:
/// * An instantiate function that takes type arguments and returns the
/// function signature in the form of a two element list. The first element
/// is the return type. The second element is a list of the argument types.
/// * A function that returns a list of upper bound constraints for each of
/// the type formals.
/// Both functions accept the type parameters, allowing us to substitute values.
/// The upper bound constraints can be omitted if all of the type parameters use
/// the default upper bound.
/// For example given the type <T extends Iterable<T>>(T) -> T, we can declare
/// this type with `gFnType(T => [T, [T]], T => [Iterable$(T)])`.
gFnType(instantiateFn, typeBounds) =>
GenericFunctionType(instantiateFn, typeBounds);
/// Whether the given JS constructor [obj] is a Dart class type.
bool isType(obj) => JS_GET_FLAG('NEW_RUNTIME_TYPES')
? JS('', '#[#]', obj, rti.interfaceTypeRecipePropertyName) != null
: JS('', '#[#] === #', obj, _runtimeType, Type);
void checkTypeBound(
@notNull Object type, @notNull Object bound, @notNull String name) {
var validSubtype = JS_GET_FLAG('NEW_RUNTIME_TYPES')
JS<rti.Rti>('!', '#', type), JS<rti.Rti>('!', '#', bound))
: isSubtypeOf(type, bound);
if (!validSubtype) {
throwTypeError('type `$type` does not extend `$bound` of `$name`.');
String typeName(Object? type) {
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === void 0', type)) return 'undefined type';
if (type == null) return 'null type';
return rti.rtiToString(type);
} else {
// Non-instance types
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, DartType)) {
return JS<String>('!', '#.toString()', type);
// Instance types
var tag = JS('', '#[#]', type, _runtimeType);
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === #', tag, Type)) {
var name = JS<String>('!', '', type);
var args = getGenericArgs(type);
if (args == null) return name;
if (JS<bool>('!', '# == #', getGenericClass(type),
getGenericClassStatic<JSArray>())) {
name = 'List';
var result = name + '<';
for (var i = 0; i < JS<int>('!', '#.length', args); ++i) {
if (i > 0) result += ', ';
result += typeName(JS('', '#[#]', args, i));
result += '>';
return result;
// Test the JavaScript "truthiness" of `tag`.
if (JS<bool>('!', '!!#', tag)) {
return 'Not a type: ' + JS<String>('!', '', tag);
return 'JSObject<' + JS<String>('!', '', type) + '>';
/// Returns true if [t1] <: [t2].
bool _isRecordSubtype(
@notNull RecordType t1, @notNull RecordType t2, @notNull bool strictMode) {
if (t1.shape != t2.shape) {
return false;
var positionals = t1.shape.positionals;
var types1 = t1.types;
var types2 = t2.types;
for (var i = 0; i < positionals; i++) {
var type1 = JS('!', '#[#]', types1, i);
var type2 = JS('!', '#[#]', types2, i);
if (!_isSubtype(type1, type2, strictMode)) {
return false;
var named = t1.shape.named;
if (named != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < named.length; i++) {
var index = positionals + i;
var type1 = JS('!', '#[#]', types1, index);
var type2 = JS('!', '#[#]', types2, index);
if (!_isSubtype(type1, type2, strictMode)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns true if [ft1] <: [ft2].
bool _isFunctionSubtype(@notNull FunctionType ft1, @notNull FunctionType ft2,
@notNull bool strictMode) {
var ret1 = ft1.returnType;
var ret2 = ft2.returnType;
var args1 = ft1.args;
var args1Length = JS<int>('!', '#.length', args1);
var args2 = ft2.args;
var args2Length = JS<int>('!', '#.length', args2);
if (args1Length > args2Length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < args1Length; ++i) {
if (!_isSubtype(
JS('!', '#[#]', args2, i), JS('!', '#[#]', args1, i), strictMode)) {
return false;
var optionals1 = ft1.optionals;
var optionals1Length = JS<int>('!', '#.length', optionals1);
var optionals2 = ft2.optionals;
var optionals2Length = JS<int>('!', '#.length', optionals2);
if (args1Length + optionals1Length < args2Length + optionals2Length) {
return false;
var j = 0;
for (var i = args1Length; i < args2Length; ++i, ++j) {
if (!_isSubtype(JS('!', '#[#]', args2, i), JS('!', '#[#]', optionals1, j),
strictMode)) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < optionals2Length; ++i, ++j) {
if (!_isSubtype(JS('!', '#[#]', optionals2, i),
JS('!', '#[#]', optionals1, j), strictMode)) {
return false;
// Named parameter invariants:
// 1) All named params in the superclass are named params in the subclass.
// 2) All required named params in the subclass are required named params
// in the superclass.
// 3) With strict null checking disabled, we treat required named params as
// optional named params.
var named1 = ft1.named;
var requiredNamed1 = ft1.requiredNamed;
var named2 = ft2.named;
var requiredNamed2 = ft2.requiredNamed;
if (!strictMode) {
// In weak mode, treat required named params as optional named params.
named1 = JS('!', 'Object.assign({}, #, #)', named1, requiredNamed1);
named2 = JS('!', 'Object.assign({}, #, #)', named2, requiredNamed2);
requiredNamed1 = JS('!', '{}');
requiredNamed2 = JS('!', '{}');
var names = getOwnPropertyNames(requiredNamed1);
var namesLength = JS<int>('!', '#.length', names);
for (var i = 0; i < namesLength; ++i) {
var name = JS('!', '#[#]', names, i);
var n2 = JS('!', '#[#]', requiredNamed2, name);
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === void 0', n2)) {
return false;
names = getOwnPropertyNames(named2);
namesLength = JS<int>('!', '#.length', names);
for (var i = 0; i < namesLength; ++i) {
var name = JS('!', '#[#]', names, i);
var n1 = JS('!', '#[#]', named1, name);
var n2 = JS('!', '#[#]', named2, name);
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === void 0', n1)) {
return false;
if (!_isSubtype(n2, n1, strictMode)) {
return false;
names = getOwnPropertyNames(requiredNamed2);
namesLength = JS<int>('!', '#.length', names);
for (var i = 0; i < namesLength; ++i) {
var name = JS('!', '#[#]', names, i);
var n1 = JS('!', '#[#] || #[#]', named1, name, requiredNamed1, name);
var n2 = JS('!', '#[#]', requiredNamed2, name);
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === void 0', n1)) {
return false;
if (!_isSubtype(n2, n1, strictMode)) {
return false;
return _isSubtype(ret1, ret2, strictMode);
/// Number of generic function type variables encountered so far during a
/// subtype check.
/// This continues to increase through nested generic function types but should
/// always be reset before performing a new subtype check.
var _typeVariableCount = 0;
/// Returns true if [t1] <: [t2].
bool isSubtypeOf(@notNull t1, @notNull t2) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we've optimized `is`/`as`/implicit type checks, so they're
// dispatched on the type. Can we optimize the subtype relation too?
var map = JS<Object>('!', '#[#]', t1, _subtypeCache);
bool result = JS('', '#.get(#)', map, t2);
if (JS('!', '# !== void 0', result)) return result;
// Reset count before performing subtype check.
var currentTypeVariableCount = _typeVariableCount;
_typeVariableCount = 0;
var validSubtype = _isSubtype(t1, t2, true);
// Restoring the existing value defensively. In theory a isSubtypeOf should
// never trigger another subtype check but implicit downcasts from
// dynamic do happen in the SDK code occasionally on accident.
_typeVariableCount = currentTypeVariableCount;
if (!validSubtype && !JS_GET_FLAG('SOUND_NULL_SAFETY')) {
// Reset count before performing subtype check.
currentTypeVariableCount = _typeVariableCount;
_typeVariableCount = 0;
validSubtype = _isSubtype(t1, t2, false);
// Restoring the existing value defensively. In theory a isSubtypeOf should
// never trigger another subtype check but implicit downcasts from
// dynamic do happen in the SDK code occasionally on accident.
_typeVariableCount = currentTypeVariableCount;
if (validSubtype) {
// TODO(nshahan) Need more information to be helpful here.
// File and line number that caused the subtype check?
// Possibly break into debugger?
_nullWarn("$t1 is not a subtype of $t2.");
JS('', '#.set(#, #)', map, t2, validSubtype);
return validSubtype;
bool _isBottom(type, @notNull bool strictMode) =>
_equalType(type, Never) || (!strictMode && _equalType(type, Null));
bool _isTop(type) {
if (_jsInstanceOf(type, NullableType))
return JS('!', '#.type === #', type, Object);
return _equalType(type, dynamic) || JS('!', '# === #', type, void_);
/// Wraps the JavaScript `instanceof` operator returning `true` if [obj] is an
/// instance of the JavaScript class reference for [cls].
/// This method is equivalent to:
/// JS<bool>('!', '# instanceof #', obj, JS_CLASS_REF(cls));
/// but the code is generated by the compiler directly (a low-tech way of
/// inlining).
external bool _jsInstanceOf(obj, cls);
/// Returns `true` if [type] is [cls].
/// This method is equivalent to:
/// JS<bool>('!', '# === #', type, unwrapType(cls));
/// but the code is generated by the compiler directly (a low-tech way of
/// inlining).
external bool _equalType(type, cls);
bool _isFutureOr(type) {
var genericClass = getGenericClass(type);
return JS<bool>('!', '!!# && # === #', genericClass, genericClass,
bool _isSubtype(t1, t2, @notNull bool strictMode) {
if (!strictMode) {
// Strip nullable types when performing check in weak mode.
// TODO(nshahan) Investigate stripping off legacy types as well.
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, NullableType)) {
t1 = JS<NullableType>('!', '#', t1).type;
if (_jsInstanceOf(t2, NullableType)) {
t2 = JS<NullableType>('!', '#', t2).type;
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === #', t1, t2)) {
return true;
// Trivially true, "Right Top" or "Left Bottom".
if (_isTop(t2) || _isBottom(t1, strictMode)) {
return true;
// "Left Top".
if (_equalType(t1, dynamic) || JS<bool>('!', '# === #', t1, void_)) {
return _isSubtype(TYPE_REF<Object?>(), t2, strictMode);
// "Right Object".
if (_equalType(t2, Object)) {
if (_isFutureOr(t1)) {
var t1TypeArg = JS('', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(t1));
return _isSubtype(t1TypeArg, TYPE_REF<Object>(), strictMode);
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, LegacyType)) {
return _isSubtype(JS<LegacyType>('!', '#', t1).type, t2, strictMode);
if (_equalType(t1, Null) || _jsInstanceOf(t1, NullableType)) {
// Checks for t1 is dynamic or void already performed in "Left Top" test.
return false;
return true;
// "Left Null".
if (_equalType(t1, Null)) {
if (_isFutureOr(t2)) {
var t2TypeArg = JS('', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(t2));
return _isSubtype(TYPE_REF<Null>(), t2TypeArg, strictMode);
return _equalType(t2, Null) ||
_jsInstanceOf(t2, LegacyType) ||
_jsInstanceOf(t2, NullableType);
// "Left Legacy".
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, LegacyType)) {
return _isSubtype(JS<LegacyType>('!', '#', t1).type, t2, strictMode);
// "Right Legacy".
if (_jsInstanceOf(t2, LegacyType)) {
return _isSubtype(
t1, nullable(JS<LegacyType>('!', '#', t2).type), strictMode);
// Handle FutureOr<T> union type.
if (_isFutureOr(t1)) {
var t1TypeArg = JS('!', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(t1));
if (_isFutureOr(t2)) {
var t2TypeArg = JS('!', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(t2));
// FutureOr<A> <: FutureOr<B> if A <: B
if (_isSubtype(t1TypeArg, t2TypeArg, strictMode)) {
return true;
// given t1 is Future<A> | A, then:
// (Future<A> | A) <: t2 iff Future<A> <: t2 and A <: t2.
var t1Future = JS('!', '#(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), t1TypeArg);
// Known to handle the case FutureOr<Null> <: Future<Null>.
return _isSubtype(t1Future, t2, strictMode) &&
_isSubtype(t1TypeArg, t2, strictMode);
// "Left Nullable".
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, NullableType)) {
return _isSubtype(JS<NullableType>('!', '#', t1).type, t2, strictMode) &&
_isSubtype(TYPE_REF<Null>(), t2, strictMode);
if (_isFutureOr(t2)) {
// given t2 is Future<A> | A, then:
// t1 <: (Future<A> | A) iff t1 <: Future<A> or t1 <: A
var t2TypeArg = JS('!', '#[0]', getGenericArgs(t2));
var t2Future = JS('!', '#(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), t2TypeArg);
return _isSubtype(t1, t2Future, strictMode) ||
_isSubtype(t1, t2TypeArg, strictMode);
// "Right Nullable".
if (_jsInstanceOf(t2, NullableType)) {
return _isSubtype(t1, JS<NullableType>('!', '#', t2).type, strictMode) ||
_isSubtype(t1, TYPE_REF<Null>(), strictMode);
// Abstract Record.
if (_equalType(t2, Record)) {
return _equalType(t1, Record) || _jsInstanceOf(t1, RecordType);
// Concrete record.
if (_jsInstanceOf(t2, RecordType)) {
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, RecordType)) {
return _isRecordSubtype(t1, t2, strictMode);
return false;
// "Traditional" name-based subtype check. Avoid passing
// function types to the class subtype checks, since we don't
// currently distinguish between generic typedefs and classes.
if (!_jsInstanceOf(t2, AbstractFunctionType)) {
// t2 is an interface type.
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, AbstractFunctionType)) {
// Function types are only subtypes of interface types `Function` (and top
// types, handled already above).
return _equalType(t2, Function);
// Even though `@JS` and `@anonymous` JS types are natural subtypes of
// `LegacyJavaScriptObject`, these types should be treated as mutual
// subtypes of each other.
// Therefore, the following relationships hold true:
// LegacyJavaScriptObject <: non-`@staticInterop` package:js types
// non-`@staticInterop` package:js types <: LegacyJavaScriptObject
if (_isInterfaceSubtype(
t1, TYPE_REF<LegacyJavaScriptObject>(), strictMode) &&
// TODO(srujzs): We don't have a mechanism to determine if *some*
// PackageJSType implements t2. This will possibly require keeping a map
// of these relationships for this subtyping check. For now, this will
// only work if t2 is a package:js type.
_isInterfaceSubtype(_packageJSTypeForSubtyping, t2, strictMode)) {
return true;
if (_isInterfaceSubtype(t1, _packageJSTypeForSubtyping, strictMode) &&
TYPE_REF<LegacyJavaScriptObject>(), t2, strictMode)) {
return true;
// Compare two interface types.
return _isInterfaceSubtype(t1, t2, strictMode);
// Function subtyping.
if (!_jsInstanceOf(t1, AbstractFunctionType)) {
return false;
// Handle generic functions.
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, GenericFunctionType)) {
if (!_jsInstanceOf(t2, GenericFunctionType)) {
return false;
// Given generic functions g1 and g2, g1 <: g2 iff:
// g1<TFresh> <: g2<TFresh>
// where TFresh is a list of fresh type variables that both g1 and g2 will
// be instantiated with.
var formalCount = JS<GenericFunctionType>('!', '#', t1).formalCount;
if (formalCount != JS<GenericFunctionType>('!', '#', t2).formalCount) {
return false;
// Fresh type variables will be used to instantiate generic functions.
List<Object> fresh1;
List<Object> fresh2;
// Without type bounds all will instantiate to dynamic. Only need to check
// further if at least one of the functions has type bounds.
if (JS<bool>('!', '#.hasTypeBounds || #.hasTypeBounds', t1, t2)) {
// Create two sets of fresh type variables that can store their bounds so
// they can be considered in recursive calls.
fresh1 = JS('!', 'new Array(#)', formalCount);
fresh2 = JS('!', 'new Array(#)', formalCount);
for (var i = 0; i < formalCount; i++, _typeVariableCount++) {
JS('!', '#[#] = #', fresh1, i,
JS('!', '#[#] = #', fresh2, i,
var t1Bounds =
JS<GenericFunctionType>('!', '#', t1).instantiateTypeBounds(fresh1);
var t2Bounds =
JS<GenericFunctionType>('!', '#', t2).instantiateTypeBounds(fresh2);
for (var i = 0; i < formalCount; i++) {
var t1Bound = JS<Object>('!', '#[#]', t1Bounds, i);
var t2Bound = JS<Object>('!', '#[#]', t2Bounds, i);
// Check the bounds of the type parameters of g1 and g2. Given a type
// parameter `T1 extends B1` from g1, and a type parameter `T2 extends
// B2` from g2, we must ensure that B1 and B2 are mutual subtypes.
// (Note there is no variance in the type bounds of type parameters of
// generic functions).
if (JS<bool>('!', '# != #', t1Bound, t2Bound)) {
if (!(_isSubtype(t1Bound, t2Bound, strictMode) &&
_isSubtype(t2Bound, t1Bound, strictMode))) {
return false;
// Assign bounds to be used in the `_isInterfaceSubtype` check later as
// this subtype check continues.
JS('', '#[#].bound = #', fresh1, i, t1Bound);
JS('', '#[#].bound = #', fresh2, i, t2Bound);
} else {
// Using either function's type formals will work as long as they're both
// instantiated with the same ones. The instantiate operation is
// guaranteed to avoid capture because it does not depend on its
// TypeVariable objects, rather it uses JS function parameters to ensure
// correct binding.
fresh1 = JS<GenericFunctionType>('!', '#', t1).typeFormals;
fresh2 = fresh1;
t1 = JS<GenericFunctionType>('!', '#', t1).instantiate(fresh1);
t2 = JS<GenericFunctionType>('!', '#', t2).instantiate(fresh2);
} else if (_jsInstanceOf(t2, GenericFunctionType)) {
return false;
// Handle non-generic functions.
return _isFunctionSubtype(JS<FunctionType>('!', '#', t1),
JS<FunctionType>('!', '#', t2), strictMode);
bool _isInterfaceSubtype(t1, t2, @notNull bool strictMode) {
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === #', t1, t2)) {
return true;
if (_equalType(t1, Object)) {
return false;
// Classes cannot subtype `Function` or vice versa.
if (_equalType(t1, Function) || _equalType(t2, Function)) {
return false;
// If t1 is a JS Object, we may not hit core.Object.
if (t1 == null) {
return _equalType(t2, Object) || _equalType(t2, dynamic);
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, TypeVariableForSubtype)) {
if (_jsInstanceOf(t2, TypeVariableForSubtype)) {
// Bounds were already checked to be subtypes of each other in the
// generic function section of `_isSubtype()` so just check these type
// variables share the same index in their respective signatures.
return JS<TypeVariableForSubtype>('!', '#', t1).index ==
JS<TypeVariableForSubtype>('!', '#', t2).index;
// If t1 <: bound <: t2 then t1 <: t2.
return _isSubtype(
JS<TypeVariableForSubtype>('!', '#', t1).bound, t2, strictMode);
// any PackageJSType <: any other PackageJSType
if (_jsInstanceOf(t1, PackageJSType) && _jsInstanceOf(t2, PackageJSType)) {
return true;
// Check if t1 and t2 have the same raw type. If so, check covariance on
// type parameters.
var raw1 = getGenericClass(t1);
var raw2 = getGenericClass(t2);
if (raw1 != null && JS<bool>('!', '# == #', raw1, raw2)) {
var typeArguments1 = getGenericArgs(t1);
var typeArguments2 = getGenericArgs(t2);
if (JS<bool>('!', '#.length != #.length', typeArguments1, typeArguments2)) {
assertFailed('Internal type check failure.');
var variances = getGenericArgVariances(t1);
for (var i = 0; i < JS<int>('!', '#.length', typeArguments1); ++i) {
// When using implicit variance, variances will be undefined and
// considered covariant.
var varianceType = JS('!', '# && #[#]', variances, variances, i);
var typeArg1 = JS('!', '#[#]', typeArguments1, i);
var typeArg2 = JS('!', '#[#]', typeArguments2, i);
if (JS<bool>('!', '# === void 0 || # == #', varianceType, varianceType,
Variance.covariant)) {
if (!_isSubtype(typeArg1, typeArg2, strictMode)) {
return false;
} else if (JS<bool>(
'!', '# == #', varianceType, Variance.contravariant)) {
if (!_isSubtype(typeArg2, typeArg1, strictMode)) {
return false;
} else if (JS<bool>('!', '# == #', varianceType, Variance.invariant)) {
if (!_isSubtype(typeArg1, typeArg2, strictMode) ||
!_isSubtype(typeArg2, typeArg1, strictMode)) {
return false;
return true;
if (_isInterfaceSubtype(jsObjectGetPrototypeOf(t1), t2, strictMode)) {
return true;
// Check mixin.
var m1 = getMixin(t1);
if (m1 != null && _isInterfaceSubtype(m1, t2, strictMode)) {
return true;
// Check interfaces.
var getInterfaces = getImplements(t1);
if (getInterfaces != null) {
for (var i1 in getInterfaces()) {
if (_isInterfaceSubtype(i1, t2, strictMode)) {
return true;
return false;
// TODO(48585) Replace with external stub after removing old type system.
// The extraction and function call are inlined directly by the compiler
// when running with the new type system (See compiler.dart,
// `visitStaticInvocation()`).
Object? extractTypeArguments<T>(T instance, Function f) {
if (instance == null) {
throw ArgumentError('Cannot extract type of null instance.');
var type = unwrapType(T);
// Get underlying type from nullability wrappers if needed.
type = JS<Object>('!', '#.type || #', type, type);
if (type is AbstractFunctionType || _isFutureOr(type)) {
throw ArgumentError('Cannot extract from non-class type ($type).');
var typeArguments = getGenericArgs(type);
if (typeArguments!.isEmpty) {
throw ArgumentError('Cannot extract from non-generic type ($type).');
var supertype = _getMatchingSupertype(getReifiedType(instance), type);
// The signature of this method guarantees that instance is a T, so we
// should have a valid non-empty list at this point.
assert(supertype != null);
var typeArgs = getGenericArgs(supertype);
assert(typeArgs != null && typeArgs.isNotEmpty);
return dgcall(f, typeArgs, []);
/// Infers type variables based on a series of [trySubtypeMatch] calls, followed
/// by [getInferredTypes] to return the type.
class _TypeInferrer {
final Map<TypeVariable, TypeConstraint> _typeVariables;
/// Creates a [TypeConstraintGatherer] which is prepared to gather type
/// constraints for the given type parameters.
_TypeInferrer(Iterable<TypeVariable> typeVariables)
: _typeVariables = Map.fromIterables(
typeVariables, => TypeConstraint()));
/// Returns the inferred types based on the current constraints.
List<Object>? getInferredTypes() {
var result = <Object>[];
for (var constraint in _typeVariables.values) {
// Prefer the known bound, if any.
if (constraint.lower != null) {
} else if (constraint.upper != null) {
} else {
return null;
return result;
/// Tries to match [subtype] against [supertype].
/// If the match succeeds, the resulting type constraints are recorded for
/// later use by [computeConstraints]. If the match fails, the set of type
/// constraints is unchanged.
bool trySubtypeMatch(Object subtype, Object supertype) =>
_isSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype);
void _constrainLower(TypeVariable parameter, Object lower) {
void _constrainUpper(TypeVariable parameter, Object upper) {
bool _isFunctionSubtypeMatch(FunctionType subtype, FunctionType supertype) {
// A function type `(M0,..., Mn, [M{n+1}, ..., Mm]) -> R0` is a subtype
// match for a function type `(N0,..., Nk, [N{k+1}, ..., Nr]) -> R1` with
// respect to `L` under constraints `C0 + ... + Cr + C`
// - If `R0` is a subtype match for a type `R1` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `n <= k` and `r <= m`.
// - And for `i` in `0...r`, `Ni` is a subtype match for `Mi` with respect
// to `L` under constraints `Ci`.
// Function types with named parameters are treated analogously to the
// positional parameter case above.
// A generic function type `<T0 extends B0, ..., Tn extends Bn>F0` is a
// subtype match for a generic function type `<S0 extends B0, ..., Sn
// extends Bn>F1` with respect to `L` under constraints `Cl`:
// - If `F0[Z0/T0, ..., Zn/Tn]` is a subtype match for `F0[Z0/S0, ...,
// Zn/Sn]` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`, where each `Zi` is a
// fresh type variable with bound `Bi`.
// - And `Cl` is `C` with each constraint replaced with its closure with
// respect to `[Z0, ..., Zn]`.
if (subtype.requiredParameterCount > supertype.requiredParameterCount) {
return false;
if (subtype.positionalParameterCount < supertype.positionalParameterCount) {
return false;
// Test the return types.
if (supertype.returnType is! VoidType &&
!_isSubtypeMatch(subtype.returnType, supertype.returnType)) {
return false;
// Test the parameter types.
for (int i = 0, n = supertype.positionalParameterCount; i < n; ++i) {
if (!_isSubtypeMatch(supertype.getPositionalParameter(i),
subtype.getPositionalParameter(i))) {
return false;
// Named parameter invariants:
// 1) All named params in the superclass are named params in the subclass.
// 2) All required named params in the subclass are required named params
// in the superclass.
// 3) With strict null checking disabled, we treat required named params as
// optional named params.
var supertypeNamed = supertype.getNamedParameters();
var supertypeRequiredNamed = supertype.getRequiredNamedParameters();
var subtypeNamed = supertype.getNamedParameters();
var subtypeRequiredNamed = supertype.getRequiredNamedParameters();
// In weak mode, treat required named params as optional named params.
supertypeNamed = {...supertypeNamed, ...supertypeRequiredNamed};
subtypeNamed = {...subtypeNamed, ...subtypeRequiredNamed};
supertypeRequiredNamed = {};
subtypeRequiredNamed = {};
for (var name in subtypeRequiredNamed.keys) {
var supertypeParamType = supertypeRequiredNamed[name];
if (supertypeParamType == null) return false;
for (var name in supertypeNamed.keys) {
var subtypeParamType = subtypeNamed[name];
if (subtypeParamType == null) return false;
if (!_isSubtypeMatch(supertypeNamed[name]!, subtypeParamType)) {
return false;
for (var name in supertypeRequiredNamed.keys) {
var subtypeParamType = subtypeRequiredNamed[name] ?? subtypeNamed[name]!;
if (!_isSubtypeMatch(supertypeRequiredNamed[name]!, subtypeParamType)) {
return false;
return true;
bool _isInterfaceSubtypeMatch(Object subtype, Object supertype) {
// A type `P<M0, ..., Mk>` is a subtype match for `P<N0, ..., Nk>` with
// respect to `L` under constraints `C0 + ... + Ck`:
// - If `Mi` is a subtype match for `Ni` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `Ci`.
// A type `P<M0, ..., Mk>` is a subtype match for `Q<N0, ..., Nj>` with
// respect to `L` under constraints `C`:
// - If `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is the superclass of `P<M0, ..., Mk>` and `R<B0,
// ..., Bj>` is a subtype match for `Q<N0, ..., Nj>` with respect to `L`
// under constraints `C`.
// - Or `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is one of the interfaces implemented by `P<M0, ...,
// Mk>` (considered in lexical order) and `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is a subtype
// match for `Q<N0, ..., Nj>` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`.
// - Or `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is a mixin into `P<M0, ..., Mk>` (considered in
// lexical order) and `R<B0, ..., Bj>` is a subtype match for `Q<N0, ...,
// Nj>` with respect to `L` under constraints `C`.
// Note that since kernel requires that no class may only appear in the set
// of supertypes of a given type more than once, the order of the checks
// above is irrelevant; we just need to find the matched superclass,
// substitute, and then iterate through type variables.
var matchingSupertype = _getMatchingSupertype(subtype, supertype);
if (matchingSupertype == null) return false;
var matchingTypeArgs = getGenericArgs(matchingSupertype)!;
var supertypeTypeArgs = getGenericArgs(supertype)!;
for (int i = 0; i < supertypeTypeArgs.length; i++) {
if (!_isSubtypeMatch(matchingTypeArgs[i], supertypeTypeArgs[i])) {
return false;
return true;
/// Attempts to match [subtype] as a subtype of [supertype], gathering any
/// constraints discovered in the process.
/// If a set of constraints was found, `true` is returned and the caller
/// may proceed to call [computeConstraints]. Otherwise, `false` is returned.
/// In the case where `false` is returned, some bogus constraints may have
/// been added to [_protoConstraints]. It is the caller's responsibility to
/// discard them if necessary.
// TODO(#40326) Update to support null safety subtyping algorithm.
bool _isSubtypeMatch(Object subtype, Object supertype) {
// A type variable `T` in `L` is a subtype match for any type schema `Q`:
// - Under constraint `T <: Q`.
if (subtype is TypeVariable && _typeVariables.containsKey(subtype)) {
_constrainUpper(subtype, supertype);
return true;
// A type schema `Q` is a subtype match for a type variable `T` in `L`:
// - Under constraint `Q <: T`.
if (supertype is TypeVariable && _typeVariables.containsKey(supertype)) {
_constrainLower(supertype, subtype);
return true;
// Any two equal types `P` and `Q` are subtype matches under no constraints.
// Note: to avoid making the algorithm quadratic, we just check for
// identical(). If P and Q are equal but not identical, recursing through
// the types will give the proper result.
if (identical(subtype, supertype)) return true;
// Any type `P` is a subtype match for `dynamic`, `Object`, or `void` under
// no constraints.
if (_isTop(supertype)) return true;
// `Null` is a subtype match for any type `Q` under no constraints.
// Note that nullable types will change this.
if (_equalType(subtype, Null)) return true;
// Handle FutureOr<T> union type.
if (_isFutureOr(subtype)) {
var subtypeArg = getGenericArgs(subtype)![0];
if (_isFutureOr(supertype)) {
// `FutureOr<P>` is a subtype match for `FutureOr<Q>` with respect to `L`
// under constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints
// `C`.
var supertypeArg = getGenericArgs(supertype)![0];
return _isSubtypeMatch(subtypeArg, supertypeArg);
// `FutureOr<P>` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C0 + C1`:
// - If `Future<P>` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C0`.
// - And `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C1`.
var subtypeFuture =
JS<Object>('!', '#(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), subtypeArg);
return _isSubtypeMatch(subtypeFuture, supertype) &&
_isSubtypeMatch(subtypeArg!, supertype);
if (_isFutureOr(supertype)) {
// `P` is a subtype match for `FutureOr<Q>` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is a subtype match for `Future<Q>` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`.
// - Or `P` is not a subtype match for `Future<Q>` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`
// - And `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`
var supertypeArg = getGenericArgs(supertype)![0];
var supertypeFuture = JS<Object>(
'!', '#(#)', getGenericClassStatic<Future>(), supertypeArg);
return _isSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertypeFuture) ||
_isSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertypeArg);
// A type variable `T` not in `L` with bound `P` is a subtype match for the
// same type variable `T` with bound `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is a subtype match for `Q` with respect to `L` under constraints
// `C`.
if (subtype is TypeVariable) {
return supertype is TypeVariable && identical(subtype, supertype);
if (subtype is GenericFunctionType) {
if (supertype is GenericFunctionType) {
// Given generic functions g1 and g2, g1 <: g2 iff:
// g1<TFresh> <: g2<TFresh>
// where TFresh is a list of fresh type variables that both g1 and g2 will
// be instantiated with.
var formalCount = subtype.formalCount;
if (formalCount != supertype.formalCount) return false;
// Using either function's type formals will work as long as they're
// both instantiated with the same ones. The instantiate operation is
// guaranteed to avoid capture because it does not depend on its
// TypeVariable objects, rather it uses JS function parameters to ensure
// correct binding.
var fresh = supertype.typeFormals;
// Check the bounds of the type parameters of g1 and g2.
// given a type parameter `T1 extends U1` from g1, and a type parameter
// `T2 extends U2` from g2, we must ensure that:
// U2 <: U1
// (Note the reversal of direction -- type formal bounds are
// contravariant, similar to the function's formal parameter types).
var t1Bounds = subtype.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh);
var t2Bounds = supertype.instantiateTypeBounds(fresh);
// TODO(jmesserly): we could optimize for the common case of no bounds.
for (var i = 0; i < formalCount; i++) {
if (!_isSubtypeMatch(t2Bounds[i], t1Bounds[i])) {
return false;
return _isFunctionSubtypeMatch(
subtype.instantiate(fresh), supertype.instantiate(fresh));
} else {
return false;
} else if (supertype is GenericFunctionType) {
return false;
// A type `P` is a subtype match for `Function` with respect to `L` under no
// constraints:
// - If `P` implements a call method.
// - Or if `P` is a function type.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
// A type `P` is a subtype match for a type `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`:
// - If `P` is an interface type which implements a call method of type `F`,
// and `F` is a subtype match for a type `Q` with respect to `L` under
// constraints `C`.
// TODO(paulberry): implement this case.
if (subtype is FunctionType) {
if (supertype is! FunctionType) {
if (_equalType(supertype, Function) || _equalType(supertype, Object)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (supertype is FunctionType) {
return _isFunctionSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype);
return _isInterfaceSubtypeMatch(subtype, supertype);
bool _isTop(Object type) =>
identical(type, _dynamic) ||
identical(type, void_) ||
_equalType(type, Object);
/// A constraint on a type parameter that we're inferring.
class TypeConstraint {
/// The lower bound of the type being constrained. This bound must be a
/// subtype of the type being constrained.
Object? lower;
/// The upper bound of the type being constrained. The type being constrained
/// must be a subtype of this bound.
Object? upper;
void _constrainLower(Object type) {
var _lower = lower;
if (_lower != null) {
if (isSubtypeOf(_lower, type)) {
// nothing to do, existing lower bound is lower than the new one.
if (!isSubtypeOf(type, _lower)) {
// Neither bound is lower and we don't have GLB, so use bottom type.
type = unwrapType(Null);
lower = type;
void _constrainUpper(Object type) {
var _upper = upper;
if (_upper != null) {
if (isSubtypeOf(type, _upper)) {
// nothing to do, existing upper bound is higher than the new one.
if (!isSubtypeOf(_upper, type)) {
// Neither bound is higher and we don't have LUB, so use top type.
type = unwrapType(Object);
upper = type;
String toString() => '${typeName(lower)} <: <type> <: ${typeName(upper)}';
/// Finds a supertype of [subtype] that matches the class [supertype], but may
/// contain different generic type arguments.
Object? _getMatchingSupertype(Object? subtype, Object supertype) {
if (identical(subtype, supertype)) return supertype;
if (subtype == null || _equalType(subtype, Object)) return null;
var subclass = getGenericClass(subtype);
var superclass = getGenericClass(supertype);
if (subclass != null && identical(subclass, superclass)) {
return subtype; // matching supertype found!
var result =
_getMatchingSupertype(jsObjectGetPrototypeOf(subtype), supertype);
if (result != null) return result;
// Check mixin.
var mixin = getMixin(subtype);
if (mixin != null) {
result = _getMatchingSupertype(mixin, supertype);
if (result != null) return result;
// Check interfaces.
var getInterfaces = getImplements(subtype);
if (getInterfaces != null) {
for (var iface in getInterfaces()) {
result = _getMatchingSupertype(iface, supertype);
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
/// Creates a record type.
RecordType recordType(@notNull Shape shape, @notNull List types) =>
RecordType.create(shape, types);
/// Creates a shape and binds it to [types].
/// The [shapeKey] must agree with the number of [positionals] and the [named]
/// elements list. See [shapes] for a description of the shape key format.
RecordType recordTypeLiteral(@notNull String shapeKey, @notNull int positionals,
List<String>? named, @notNull List types) {
var shape = registerShape(shapeKey, positionals, named);
return recordType(shape, types);
/// Memo table for positional record field groups. A positional field packet
/// [type1, ..., typen] corresponds to the path n, type1, ...., typen. The
/// element reached via this path (if any) is the canonical representative
/// for this packet.
/// TODO: unify with function argument types?
final _recordTypeArrayFieldMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
/// Memo table for function types. The index path consists of the
/// path length - 1, the returnType, the canonical positional argument
/// packet, and if present, the canonical optional or named argument
/// packet. A level of indirection could be avoided here if desired.
final _recordTypeTypeMap = JS('', 'new Map()');
class RecordType extends DartType {
final Shape shape;
final List types;
String? _printed;
RecordType._(this.shape, this.types);
/// Construct a record type.
/// We eagerly normalize the field types to avoid having to deal with this
/// logic in multiple places.
/// Note: Generic record subtype checks assume types have been canonicalized
/// when testing if type bounds are equal.
static RecordType create(@notNull Shape shape, @notNull List types) {
var canonicalized =
_canonicalizeArray(JS('', '#', types), _recordTypeArrayFieldMap);
var keys = JS('', '[#, #]', shape, canonicalized);
var createType = () => RecordType._(shape, canonicalized);
return _memoizeArray(_recordTypeTypeMap, keys, createType);
String toString() {
if (_printed != null) return _printed!;
var named = shape.named;
var posCount = shape.positionals;
var count = types.length;
var buffer = StringBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (i < posCount) {
} else {
if (i == posCount) {
buffer.write('${types[i]} ${named![i - posCount]}');
if (i == count - 1) {
if (i < count - 1) {
buffer.write(', ');
_printed = buffer.toString();
return _printed!;
bool is_T(obj) {
if (!(obj is RecordImpl)) return false;
if (shape != JS<Shape>('!', '#[#]', obj, shapeProperty)) return false;
var values = JS<JSArray>('!', '#[#]', obj, valuesProperty);
if (types.length != values.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (!JS<bool>('!', '', types[i], values[i])) {
return false;
return true;
as_T(obj) {
if (is_T(obj)) return obj;
// TODO(annagrin) This could directly call castError after we no longer
// allow a cast of null to succeed in weak mode.
return cast(obj, this);