blob: 2b5b32bc9ae80fca739a1c128b34a41a4091e63c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nullability_state.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/variables.dart';
/// Representation of a single step in the downstream propagation algorithm.
class DownstreamPropagationStep extends PropagationStep<Nullability> {
DownstreamPropagationStep(NullabilityNode node, Nullability newState,
{NullabilityNode causeNode, NullabilityEdge causeEdge})
: super(node, newState, causeNode: causeNode, causeEdge: causeEdge);
dynamic json, NullabilityGraphDeserializer deserializer)
: super.fromJson(
json, deserializer, (json) => Nullability.fromJson(json));
Map<String, Object> toJson(NullabilityGraphSerializer serializer) =>
toJsonInternal(serializer, (state) => state.toJson());
/// Helper class for reading a postmortem file.
class PostmortemFileReader {
final NullabilityGraphDeserializer deserializer;
final NullabilityGraph graph;
final List<UpstreamPropagationStep> upstreamPropagationSteps;
final List<DownstreamPropagationStep> downstreamPropagationSteps;
final Map<String, Map<int, Map<String, NullabilityNode>>> fileDecorations;
factory file) {
var json = convert.json.decode(file.readAsStringSync());
var deserializer = NullabilityGraphDeserializer(
json['graph']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>,
json['graph']['edges'] as List<dynamic>);
return PostmortemFileReader._(json, deserializer);
PostmortemFileReader._(dynamic json, this.deserializer)
: graph = NullabilityGraph.fromJson(json['graph'], deserializer),
upstreamPropagationSteps = [
for (var step in json['upstreamPropagationSteps'])
UpstreamPropagationStep.fromJson(step, deserializer)
downstreamPropagationSteps = [
for (var step in json['downstreamPropagationSteps'])
DownstreamPropagationStep.fromJson(step, deserializer)
fileDecorations = {
for (var fileEntry
in (json['fileDecorations'] as Map<String, dynamic>).entries)
fileEntry.key: {
for (var decorationEntry
in (fileEntry.value as Map<String, dynamic>).entries)
int.parse(decorationEntry.key): {
for (var roleEntry
in (decorationEntry.value as Map<String, dynamic>)
deserializer.nodeForId(roleEntry.value as int)
NodeToIdMapper get idMapper => deserializer;
void findDecorationsByNode(NullabilityNode node,
void Function(String path, OffsetEndPair span, String role) callback) {
for (var fileEntry in fileDecorations.entries) {
for (var decorationEntry in fileEntry.value.entries) {
for (var roleEntry in decorationEntry.value.entries) {
if (identical(roleEntry.value, node)) {
/// Helper class for writing to a postmortem file.
class PostmortemFileWriter {
final File file;
NullabilityGraph graph;
final List<DownstreamPropagationStep> downstreamPropagationSteps = [];
final List<UpstreamPropagationStep> upstreamPropagationSteps = [];
final Map<String, Map<int, Map<String, NullabilityNode>>> _fileDecorations =
void storeFileDecorations(
String path, int location, DecoratedType decoratedType) {
var roles = <String, NullabilityNode>{};
(_fileDecorations[path] ??= {})[location] = roles;
void write() {
var json = <String, Object>{};
var serializer = NullabilityGraphSerializer();
json['graph'] = graph.toJson(serializer);
json['upstreamPropagationSteps'] = [
for (var step in upstreamPropagationSteps) step.toJson(serializer)
json['downstreamPropagationSteps'] = [
for (var step in downstreamPropagationSteps) step.toJson(serializer)
json['fileDecorations'] = {
for (var fileEntry in _fileDecorations.entries)
fileEntry.key: {
for (var decorationEntry in (fileEntry.value).entries)
decorationEntry.key.toString(): {
for (var roleEntry in (decorationEntry.value).entries)
roleEntry.key: serializer.idForNode(roleEntry.value)
class PropagationStep<State> {
/// The node whose state was changed.
final NullabilityNode node;
/// The new state.
final State newState;
/// The cause of the state change (if the cause was a node), otherwise `null`.
final NullabilityNode causeNode;
/// The cause of the state change (if the cause was an edge), otherwise
/// `null`.
final NullabilityEdge causeEdge;
PropagationStep(this.node, this.newState, {this.causeNode, this.causeEdge});
dynamic json,
NullabilityGraphDeserializer deserializer,
State Function(dynamic) deserializeState)
: node = deserializer.nodeForId(json['node'] as int),
newState = deserializeState(json['newState']),
causeNode = json['causeNode'] == null
? null
: deserializer.nodeForId(json['causeNode'] as int),
causeEdge = json['causeEdge'] == null
? null
: deserializer.edgeForId(json['causeEdge'] as int);
Map<String, Object> toJsonInternal(NullabilityGraphSerializer serializer,
String Function(State) serializeState) {
var json = <String, Object>{};
json['node'] = serializer.idForNode(node);
json['newState'] = serializeState(newState);
if (causeNode != null) {
json['causeNode'] = serializer.idForNode(causeNode);
if (causeEdge != null) {
json['causeEdge'] = serializer.idForEdge(causeEdge);
return json;
String toString({NodeToIdMapper idMapper}) =>
'${node.toString(idMapper: idMapper)} becomes $newState due to '
'${_computeCause(idMapper: idMapper)}';
String _computeCause({NodeToIdMapper idMapper}) {
var causes = <String>[
if (causeNode != null) causeNode.toString(idMapper: idMapper),
if (causeEdge != null) causeEdge.toString(idMapper: idMapper)
if (causes.isEmpty) {
return 'NO CAUSE';
} else {
return causes.join(', ');
/// Representation of a single step in the upstream propagation algorithm.
class UpstreamPropagationStep extends PropagationStep<NonNullIntent> {
UpstreamPropagationStep(NullabilityNode node, NonNullIntent newState,
{NullabilityNode causeNode, NullabilityEdge causeEdge})
: super(node, newState, causeNode: causeNode, causeEdge: causeEdge);
dynamic json, NullabilityGraphDeserializer deserializer)
: super.fromJson(
json, deserializer, (json) => NonNullIntent.fromJson(json));
Map<String, Object> toJson(NullabilityGraphSerializer serializer) =>
toJsonInternal(serializer, (state) => state.toJson());