blob: bf27d78575d17b58d83a34e3ad4fc6a8cbc3f299 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/testing/type_parser_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/testing/mock_sdk.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class TypeSchemaEnvironmentTest {
Component component;
CoreTypes coreTypes;
TypeSchemaEnvironment env;
TypeParserEnvironment typeParserEnvironment;
Library get testLib => component.libraries.single;
Class get iterableClass => coreTypes.iterableClass;
Class get listClass => coreTypes.listClass;
Class get mapClass => coreTypes.mapClass;
Class get objectClass => coreTypes.objectClass;
/// Converts the [text] representation of a type into a type.
/// If [environment] is passed it's used to resolve the type terms in [text].
/// If [typeParameters] are passed, they are used to extend
/// [typeParserEnvironment] to resolve the type terms in [text]. Not more
/// than one of [environment] or [typeParameters] should be passed in.
DartType toType(String text,
{TypeParserEnvironment environment, String typeParameters}) {
assert(environment == null || typeParameters == null);
environment ??= extend(typeParameters);
return environment.parseType(text);
TypeParserEnvironment extend(String typeParameters) {
return typeParserEnvironment.extendWithTypeParameters(typeParameters);
void test_addLowerBound() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
class C extends A;
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
TypeConstraint typeConstraint = new TypeConstraint();
// typeConstraint: EMPTY <: TYPE <: EMPTY
expect(typeConstraint.lower, new UnknownType());
// typeConstraint: B* <: TYPE <: EMPTY
env.addLowerBound(typeConstraint, toType("B*"), testLib);
testConstraint(typeConstraint, lowerExpected: toType("B*"));
// typeConstraint: UP(B*, C*) <: TYPE <: EMPTY,
// where UP(B*, C*) = A*
env.addLowerBound(typeConstraint, toType("C*"), testLib);
testConstraint(typeConstraint, lowerExpected: toType("A*"));
void test_addUpperBound() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
class C extends A;
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
TypeConstraint typeConstraint = new TypeConstraint();
// typeConstraint: EMPTY <: TYPE <: EMPTY
expect(typeConstraint.upper, new UnknownType());
// typeConstraint: EMPTY <: TYPE <: A*
env.addUpperBound(typeConstraint, toType("A*"), testLib);
testConstraint(typeConstraint, upperExpected: toType("A*"));
// typeConstraint: EMPTY <: TYPE <: DOWN(A*, B*),
// where DOWN(A*, B*) = B*
env.addUpperBound(typeConstraint, toType("B*"), testLib);
testConstraint(typeConstraint, upperExpected: toType("B*"));
// typeConstraint: EMPTY <: TYPE <: DOWN(B*, C*),
// where DOWN(B*, C*) = Never*
env.addUpperBound(typeConstraint, toType("C*"), testLib);
upperExpected: new NeverType(Nullability.legacy));
/// Some of the types satisfying the TOP predicate.
/// There's an infinite amount of such types, and the list contains some
/// practical base cases. For the definition of TOP see the following:
static const Map<String, String> topPredicateEnumeration = <String, String>{
// dynamic and void.
"dynamic": null,
"void": null,
// T? where OBJECT(T).
"Object?": null,
"FutureOr<Object>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?": null,
// T* where OBJECT(t).
"Object*": null,
"FutureOr<Object>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*": null,
// FutureOr<T> where TOP(T).
"FutureOr<dynamic>": null,
"FutureOr<void>": null,
"FutureOr<Object?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>": null,
"FutureOr<Object*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<dynamic>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<void>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object?>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object*>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>?>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<dynamic>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<void>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object?>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object*>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>*>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>*>": null,
// T? where TOP(T).
"FutureOr<dynamic>?": null,
"FutureOr<void>?": null,
"FutureOr<Object?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<Object*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<dynamic>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<void>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object?>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object*>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>?>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<dynamic>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<void>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object?>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object*>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>*>?": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>*>?": null,
// T* where TOP(T).
"FutureOr<dynamic>*": null,
"FutureOr<void>*": null,
"FutureOr<Object?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<Object*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<dynamic>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<void>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object?>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object*>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>?>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<dynamic>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<void>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object?>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>?>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>?>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object*>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>*>*>*": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>*>*>*": null,
/// Some of the types satisfying the OBJECT predicate.
/// There's an infinite amount of such types, and the list contains some
/// practical base cases. For the definition of OBJECT see the following:
static const Map<String, String> objectPredicateEnumeration = {
"Object": null,
"FutureOr<Object>": null,
"FutureOr<FutureOr<Object>>": null,
/// Some of the types satisfying the BOTTOM predicate.
/// There's an infinite amount of such types, and the list contains some
/// practical base cases. For the definition of BOTTOM see the following:
/// The names of the variables here and in [nullPredicateEnumeration] should
/// be distinct to avoid collisions.
static const Map<String, String> bottomPredicateEnumeration = {
"Never": null,
"Xb & Never": "Xb extends Object?",
"Yb & Zb & Never": "Yb extends Object?, Zb extends Object?",
"Vb": "Vb extends Never",
"Wb": "Wb extends Tb, Tb extends Never",
"Sb & Rb": "Sb extends Object?, Rb extends Never",
/// Some of the types satisfying the NULL predicate.
/// There's an infinite amount of such types, and the list contains some
/// practical base cases. For the definition of NULL see the following:
/// The names of the variables here and in [bottomPredicateEnumeration] should
/// be distinct to avoid collisions.
static const Map<String, String> nullPredicateEnumeration = {
// T? where BOTTOM(T).
"Never?": null,
"Xn?": "Xn extends Never",
"Yn?": "Yn extends Zn, Zn extends Never",
// T* where BOTTOM(T).
"Never*": null,
"Vn*": "Vn extends Never",
"Wn*": "Wn extends Tn, Tn extends Never",
// Null.
"Null": null,
static String joinTypeParameters(
String typeParameters1, String typeParameters2) {
if (typeParameters1 == null) return typeParameters2;
if (typeParameters2 == null) return typeParameters1;
if (typeParameters1 == typeParameters2) return typeParameters1;
return "$typeParameters1, $typeParameters2";
void testLower(String first, String second, String expected,
{String typeParameters}) {
TypeParserEnvironment environment = extend(typeParameters);
DartType firstType = toType(first, environment: environment);
DartType secondType = toType(second, environment: environment);
DartType expectedType = toType(expected, environment: environment);
DartType producedType =
env.getStandardLowerBound(firstType, secondType, testLib);
expect(producedType, expectedType,
reason: "DOWN(${firstType}, ${secondType}) produced '${producedType}', "
"but expected '${expectedType}'.");
void testUpper(String first, String second, String expected,
{String typeParameters}) {
TypeParserEnvironment environment = extend(typeParameters);
DartType firstType = toType(first, environment: environment);
DartType secondType = toType(second, environment: environment);
DartType expectedType = toType(expected, environment: environment);
DartType producedType =
env.getStandardUpperBound(firstType, secondType, testLib);
expect(producedType, expectedType,
reason: "UP(${firstType}, ${secondType}) produced '${producedType}', "
"but expected '${expectedType}'.");
void testConstraint(TypeConstraint typeConstraint,
{DartType lowerExpected, DartType upperExpected}) {
assert(lowerExpected != null || upperExpected != null);
if (lowerExpected != null) {
expect(typeConstraint.lower, lowerExpected,
reason: "Expected the lower bound to be '${lowerExpected}' "
"for the following type constraint: ${typeConstraint}");
if (upperExpected != null) {
expect(typeConstraint.upper, upperExpected,
reason: "Expected the upper bound to be '${upperExpected}' "
"for the following type constraint: ${typeConstraint}");
void test_lower_bound_bottom() {
_initialize("class A;");
for (String type in ["A*", "A?", "A"]) {
testLower("bottom", type, "bottom");
testLower(type, "bottom", "bottom");
// DOWN(T1, T2) where BOTTOM(T1) and BOTTOM(T2) =
// T1 if MOREBOTTOM(T1, T2)
// T2 otherwise
for (String t1 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
String typeParameters = joinTypeParameters(
bottomPredicateEnumeration[t1], bottomPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
String expected = env.morebottom(
toType(t1, typeParameters: typeParameters),
toType(t2, typeParameters: typeParameters))
? t1
: t2;
testLower(t1, t2, expected, typeParameters: typeParameters);
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T2 if BOTTOM(T2)
for (String type in ["A*", "A?", "A"]) {
for (String t2 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testLower(type, t2, t2, typeParameters: bottomPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T1 if BOTTOM(T1)
for (String t1 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String type in ["A*", "A?", "A"]) {
testLower(t1, type, t1, typeParameters: bottomPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
// DOWN(T1, T2) where NULL(T1) and NULL(T2) =
// T1 if MOREBOTTOM(T1, T2)
// T2 otherwise
for (String t1 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
String typeParameters = joinTypeParameters(
nullPredicateEnumeration[t1], nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
String expected = env.morebottom(
toType(t1, typeParameters: typeParameters),
toType(t2, typeParameters: typeParameters))
? t1
: t2;
testLower(t1, t2, expected, typeParameters: typeParameters);
// DOWN(Null, T2) =
// Null if Null <: T2
// Never otherwise
for (String t1 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testLower(t1, "A*", t1, typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
testLower(t1, "A?", t1, typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
testLower(t1, "A", "Never", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
// DOWN(T1, Null) =
// Null if Null <: T1
// Never otherwise
for (String t2 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testLower("A*", t2, t2, typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
testLower("A?", t2, t2, typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
testLower("A", t2, "Never", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
void test_lower_bound_function() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
testLower("() ->* A*", "() ->* B*", "() ->* B*");
testLower("() ->* void", "(A*, B*) ->* void", "([A*, B*]) ->* void");
testLower("(A*, B*) ->* void", "() ->* void", "([A*, B*]) ->* void");
testLower("(A*) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void", "(A*) ->* void");
testLower("(B*) ->* void", "(A*) ->* void", "(A*) ->* void");
"({A* a}) ->* void", "({B* b}) ->* void", "({A* a, B* b}) ->* void");
"({B* b}) ->* void", "({A* a}) ->* void", "({A* a, B* b}) ->* void");
testLower("({A* a, A* c}) ->* void", "({B* b, B* d}) ->* void",
"({A* a, B* b, A* c, B* d}) ->* void");
testLower("({A* a, B* b}) ->* void", "({B* a, A* b}) ->* void",
"({A* a, A* b}) ->* void");
testLower("({B* a, A* b}) ->* void", "({A* a, B* b}) ->* void",
"({A* a, A* b}) ->* void");
"(B*, {A* a}) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void", "(B*, {A* a}) ->* void");
testLower("({A* a}) -> void", "(B*) -> void", "Never");
testLower("({A* a}) -> void", "([B*]) ->* void", "Never");
testLower("<X>() -> void", "<Y>() -> void", "<Z>() -> void");
testLower("<X>(X) -> List<X>", "<Y>(Y) -> List<Y>", "<Z>(Z) -> List<Z>");
"<X1, X2 extends List<X1>>(X1) -> X2",
"<Y1, Y2 extends List<Y1>>(Y1) -> Y2",
"<Z1, Z2 extends List<Z1>>(Z1) -> Z2");
"<X extends int>(X) -> void", "<Y extends double>(Y) -> void", "Never");
"({required A a, A b, required A c, A d, required A e}) -> A",
"({required B a, required B b, B c, B f, required B g}) -> B",
"({required A a, A b, A c, A d, A e, B f, B g}) -> B");
testLower("<X extends dynamic>() -> void", "<Y extends Object?>() -> void",
"<Z extends dynamic>() -> void");
testLower("<X extends Null>() -> void", "<Y extends Never?>() -> void",
"<Z extends Null>() -> void");
"<X extends FutureOr<dynamic>?>() -> void",
"<Y extends FutureOr<Object?>>() -> void",
"<Z extends FutureOr<dynamic>?>() -> void");
void test_lower_bound_identical() {
_initialize("class A;");
testLower("A*", "A*", "A*");
testLower("A?", "A?", "A?");
testLower("A", "A", "A");
void test_lower_bound_subtype() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
testLower("A*", "B*", "B*");
testLower("A*", "B?", "B*");
testLower("A*", "B", "B");
testLower("A?", "B*", "B*");
testLower("A?", "B?", "B?");
testLower("A?", "B", "B");
testLower("A", "B*", "B");
testLower("A", "B?", "B");
testLower("A", "B", "B");
testLower("B*", "A*", "B*");
testLower("B?", "A*", "B*");
testLower("B", "A*", "B");
testLower("B*", "A?", "B*");
testLower("B?", "A?", "B?");
testLower("B", "A?", "B");
testLower("B*", "A", "B");
testLower("B?", "A", "B");
testLower("B", "A", "B");
void test_lower_bound_top() {
_initialize("class A;");
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
testLower("dynamic", "A*", "A*");
testLower("A*", "dynamic", "A*");
testLower("Object?", "A*", "A*");
testLower("A*", "Object?", "A*");
testLower("void", "A*", "A*");
testLower("A*", "void", "A*");
// DOWN(T1, T2) where TOP(T1) and TOP(T2) =
// T1 if MORETOP(T2, T1)
// T2 otherwise
for (String t1 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
String typeParameters = joinTypeParameters(
topPredicateEnumeration[t1], topPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
String expected = env.moretop(
toType(t2, typeParameters: typeParameters),
toType(t1, typeParameters: typeParameters))
? t1
: t2;
testLower(t1, t2, expected, typeParameters: typeParameters);
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T2 if TOP(T1)
for (String t1 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testLower(t1, "A*", "A*", typeParameters: topPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
// DOWN(T1, T2) = T1 if TOP(T2)
for (String t2 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testLower("A*", t2, "A*", typeParameters: topPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
void test_lower_bound_unknown() {
_initialize("class A;");
testLower("A*", "unknown", "A*");
testLower("A?", "unknown", "A?");
testLower("A", "unknown", "A");
testLower("unknown", "A*", "A*");
testLower("unknown", "A?", "A?");
testLower("unknown", "A", "A");
void test_lower_bound_unrelated() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B;
testLower("A*", "B*", "Never*");
testLower("A*", "B?", "Never*");
testLower("A*", "B", "Never");
testLower("A?", "B*", "Never*");
testLower("A?", "B?", "Never?");
testLower("A?", "B", "Never");
testLower("A", "B*", "Never");
testLower("A", "B?", "Never");
testLower("A", "B", "Never");
void test_inferGenericFunctionOrType() {
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
InterfaceType listClassThisType =
coreTypes.thisInterfaceType(listClass, testLib.nonNullable);
// Test an instantiation of [1, 2.0] with no context. This should infer
// as List<?> during downwards inference.
List<DartType> inferredTypes = <DartType>[new UnknownType()];
TypeParameterType T = listClassThisType.typeArguments[0];
env.inferGenericFunctionOrType(listClassThisType, [T.parameter], null,
null, null, inferredTypes, testLib);
expect(inferredTypes[0], new UnknownType());
// And upwards inference should refine it to List<num>.
[T, T],
[coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType, coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType],
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType);
// Test an instantiation of [1, 2.0] with a context of List<Object>. This
// should infer as List<Object> during downwards inference.
List<DartType> inferredTypes = <DartType>[new UnknownType()];
TypeParameterType T = listClassThisType.typeArguments[0];
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.objectNonNullableRawType);
// And upwards inference should preserve the type.
[T, T],
[coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType, coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType],
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.objectNonNullableRawType);
// Test an instantiation of [1, 2.0, null] with no context. This should
// infer as List<?> during downwards inference.
List<DartType> inferredTypes = <DartType>[new UnknownType()];
TypeParameterType T = listClassThisType.typeArguments[0];
env.inferGenericFunctionOrType(listClassThisType, [T.parameter], null,
null, null, inferredTypes, testLib);
expect(inferredTypes[0], new UnknownType());
// And upwards inference should refine it to List<num?>.
[T, T, T],
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.numNullableRawType);
// Test an instantiation of legacy [1, 2.0] with no context.
// This should infer as List<?> during downwards inference.
List<DartType> inferredTypes = <DartType>[new UnknownType()];
TypeParameterType T = listClassThisType.typeArguments[0];
env.inferGenericFunctionOrType(listClassThisType, [T.parameter], null,
null, null, inferredTypes, testLib);
expect(inferredTypes[0], new UnknownType());
// And upwards inference should refine it to List<num!>.
[T, T],
[coreTypes.intLegacyRawType, coreTypes.doubleLegacyRawType],
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType);
void test_inferTypeFromConstraints_applyBound() {
// class A<T extends num*> {}
TypeParameter T = new TypeParameter("T", coreTypes.numLegacyRawType);
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
// With no constraints:
Map<TypeParameter, TypeConstraint> constraints = {
T: new TypeConstraint()
// Downward inference should infer A<?>
List<DartType> inferredTypes = <DartType>[new UnknownType()];
env.inferTypeFromConstraints(constraints, [T], inferredTypes, testLib,
downwardsInferPhase: true);
expect(inferredTypes[0], new UnknownType());
// Upward inference should infer A<num*>
env.inferTypeFromConstraints(constraints, [T], inferredTypes, testLib);
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.numLegacyRawType);
// With an upper bound of Object*:
Map<TypeParameter, TypeConstraint> constraints = {
T: _makeConstraint(upper: coreTypes.objectLegacyRawType)
// Downward inference should infer A<num*>
List<DartType> inferredTypes = <DartType>[new UnknownType()];
env.inferTypeFromConstraints(constraints, [T], inferredTypes, testLib,
downwardsInferPhase: true);
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.numLegacyRawType);
// Upward inference should infer A<num*>
env.inferTypeFromConstraints(constraints, [T], inferredTypes, testLib);
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.numLegacyRawType);
// Upward inference should still infer A<num*> even if there are more
// constraints now, because num was finalized during downward inference.
constraints = {
T: _makeConstraint(
lower: coreTypes.intLegacyRawType,
upper: coreTypes.intLegacyRawType)
env.inferTypeFromConstraints(constraints, [T], inferredTypes, testLib);
expect(inferredTypes[0], coreTypes.numLegacyRawType);
void test_inferTypeFromConstraints_simple() {
TypeParameter T = listClass.typeParameters[0];
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
// With an upper bound of List<?>*:
Map<TypeParameter, TypeConstraint> constraints = {
T: _makeConstraint(upper: _list(new UnknownType()))
// Downwards inference should infer List<List<?>*>*
List<DartType> inferredTypes = <DartType>[new UnknownType()];
env.inferTypeFromConstraints(constraints, [T], inferredTypes, testLib,
downwardsInferPhase: true);
expect(inferredTypes[0], _list(new UnknownType()));
// Upwards inference should refine that to List<List<dynamic>*>*
env.inferTypeFromConstraints(constraints, [T], inferredTypes, testLib);
expect(inferredTypes[0], _list(new DynamicType()));
void test_upper_bound_classic() {
// Make the class hierarchy:
// Object
// |
// A
// /|\
// B C K
// |X| |
// D E L
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B implements A;
class C implements A;
class K implements A;
class D implements B, C;
class E implements B, C;
class L implements K;
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
testUpper("B*", "E*", "B*");
testUpper("D*", "C*", "C*");
testUpper("D*", "E*", "A*");
testUpper("D*", "A*", "A*");
testUpper("B*", "K*", "A*");
testUpper("B*", "L*", "A*");
void test_upper_bound_commonClass() {
testUpper("List<int*>", "List<double*>", "List<num*>");
testUpper("List<int?>", "List<double>", "List<num?>");
void test_upper_bound_function() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
testUpper("() ->? A", "() -> B?", "() ->? A?");
testUpper("([A*]) ->* void", "(A*) ->* void", "Function*");
testUpper("() ->* void", "(A*, B*) ->* void", "Function*");
testUpper("(A*, B*) ->* void", "() ->* void", "Function*");
testUpper("(A*) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void");
testUpper("(B*) ->* void", "(A*) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void");
testUpper("({A* a}) ->* void", "({B* b}) ->* void", "() ->* void");
testUpper("({B* b}) ->* void", "({A* a}) ->* void", "() ->* void");
"({A* a, A* c}) ->* void", "({B* b, B* d}) ->* void", "() ->* void");
testUpper("({A* a, B* b}) ->* void", "({B* a, A* b}) ->* void",
"({B* a, B* b}) ->* void");
testUpper("({B* a, A* b}) ->* void", "({A* a, B* b}) ->* void",
"({B* a, B* b}) ->* void");
testUpper("(B*, {A* a}) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void");
testUpper("({A* a}) ->* void", "(B*) ->* void", "Function*");
testUpper("() ->* void", "([B*]) ->* void", "() ->* void");
testUpper("<X>() -> void", "<Y>() -> void", "<Z>() -> void");
testUpper("<X>(X) -> List<X>", "<Y>(Y) -> List<Y>", "<Z>(Z) -> List<Z>");
"<X1, X2 extends List<X1>>(X1) -> X2",
"<Y1, Y2 extends List<Y1>>(Y1) -> Y2",
"<Z1, Z2 extends List<Z1>>(Z1) -> Z2");
testUpper("<X extends int>() -> void", "<Y extends double>() -> void",
testUpper("({required A a, B b}) -> A", "({B a, required A b}) -> B",
"({required B a, required B b}) -> A");
testUpper("<X extends dynamic>() -> void", "<Y extends Object?>() -> void",
"<Z extends dynamic>() -> void");
testUpper("<X extends Null>() -> void", "<Y extends Never?>() -> void",
"<Z extends Null>() -> void");
"<X extends FutureOr<dynamic>?>() -> void",
"<Y extends FutureOr<Object?>>() -> void",
"<Z extends FutureOr<dynamic>?>() -> void");
testUpper("([dynamic]) -> dynamic", "([dynamic]) -> dynamic",
"([dynamic]) -> dynamic");
void test_upper_bound_identical() {
_initialize("class A;");
testUpper("A*", "A*", "A*");
testUpper("A*", "A?", "A?");
testUpper("A*", "A", "A*");
testUpper("A?", "A*", "A?");
testUpper("A?", "A?", "A?");
testUpper("A?", "A", "A?");
testUpper("A", "A*", "A*");
testUpper("A", "A?", "A?");
testUpper("A", "A", "A");
void test_upper_bound_sameClass() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
class Pair<X, Y>;
testUpper("Pair<A*, B*>", "Pair<B*, A*>", "Pair<A*, A*>");
testUpper("Pair<A*, B*>", "Pair<B?, A>", "Pair<A?, A*>");
testUpper("Pair<A?, B?>", "Pair<B, A>", "Pair<A?, A?>");
void test_upper_bound_subtype() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
// UP(T1, T2) = T2 if T1 <: T2
// Note that both types must be class types at this point
testUpper("List<B*>", "Iterable<A*>", "Iterable<A*>");
testUpper("List<B*>", "Iterable<A?>", "Iterable<A?>");
testUpper("List<B*>", "Iterable<A>", "Iterable<A>");
// UP(T1, T2) = T2 if T1 <: T2
// Note that both types must be class types at this point
testUpper("List<B?>", "Iterable<A*>", "Iterable<A*>");
testUpper("List<B?>", "Iterable<A?>", "Iterable<A?>");
// UP(C0<T0, ..., Tn>, C1<S0, ..., Sk>)
// = least upper bound of two interfaces as in Dart 1.
testUpper("List<B?>", "Iterable<A>", "Object");
// UP(T1, T2) = T2 if T1 <: T2
// Note that both types must be class types at this point
testUpper("List<B>", "Iterable<A*>", "Iterable<A*>");
testUpper("List<B>", "Iterable<A?>", "Iterable<A?>");
testUpper("List<B>", "Iterable<A>", "Iterable<A>");
// UP(T1, T2) = T1 if T2 <: T1
// Note that both types must be class types at this point
testUpper("Iterable<A*>", "List<B*>", "Iterable<A*>");
testUpper("Iterable<A*>", "List<B?>", "Iterable<A*>");
testUpper("Iterable<A*>", "List<B>", "Iterable<A*>");
// UP(T1, T2) = T1 if T2 <: T1
// Note that both types must be class types at this point
testUpper("Iterable<A?>", "List<B*>", "Iterable<A?>");
testUpper("Iterable<A?>", "List<B?>", "Iterable<A?>");
testUpper("Iterable<A?>", "List<B>", "Iterable<A?>");
// UP(T1, T2) = T1 if T2 <: T1
// Note that both types must be class types at this point
testUpper("Iterable<A>", "List<B*>", "Iterable<A>");
// UP(C0<T0, ..., Tn>, C1<S0, ..., Sk>)
// = least upper bound of two interfaces as in Dart 1.
testUpper("Iterable<A>", "List<B?>", "Object");
// UP(T1, T2) = T1 if T2 <: T1
// Note that both types must be class types at this point
testUpper("Iterable<A>", "List<B>", "Iterable<A>");
void test_upper_bound_top() {
_initialize("class A;");
// UP(T1, T2) where TOP(T1) and TOP(T2) =
// T1 if MORETOP(T1, T2)
// T2 otherwise
for (String t1 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
String typeParameters = joinTypeParameters(
topPredicateEnumeration[t1], topPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
String expected = env.moretop(
toType(t1, typeParameters: typeParameters),
toType(t2, typeParameters: typeParameters))
? t1
: t2;
testUpper(t1, t2, expected, typeParameters: typeParameters);
// UP(T1, T2) = T1 if TOP(T1)
for (String t1 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in ["A*", "A?", "A"]) {
testUpper(t1, t2, t1, typeParameters: topPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
// UP(T1, T2) = T2 if TOP(T2)
for (String t1 in ["A*", "A?", "A"]) {
for (String t2 in topPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testUpper(t1, t2, t2, typeParameters: topPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
// UP(T1, T2) where OBJECT(T1) and OBJECT(T2) =
// T1 if MORETOP(T1, T2)
// T2 otherwise
for (String t1 in objectPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in objectPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
String typeParameters = joinTypeParameters(
objectPredicateEnumeration[t1], objectPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
String expected = env.moretop(
toType(t1, typeParameters: typeParameters),
toType(t2, typeParameters: typeParameters))
? t1
: t2;
testUpper(t1, t2, expected, typeParameters: typeParameters);
// UP(T1, T2) where OBJECT(T1) =
// T1 if T2 is non-nullable
// T1? otherwise
for (String t1 in objectPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testUpper(t1, "A*", "${t1}?",
typeParameters: objectPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
testUpper(t1, "A?", "${t1}?",
typeParameters: objectPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
testUpper(t1, "A", t1);
// UP(T1, T2) where OBJECT(T2) =
// T2 if T1 is non-nullable
// T2? otherwise
for (String t2 in objectPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testUpper("A*", t2, "${t2}?");
testUpper("A?", t2, "${t2}?");
testUpper("A", t2, t2);
void test_upper_bound_bottom() {
_initialize("class A;");
// UP(T1, T2) where BOTTOM(T1) and BOTTOM(T2) =
// T2 if MOREBOTTOM(T1, T2)
// T1 otherwise
for (String t1 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
String typeParameters = joinTypeParameters(
bottomPredicateEnumeration[t1], bottomPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
String expected = env.morebottom(
toType(t1, typeParameters: typeParameters),
toType(t2, typeParameters: typeParameters))
? t2
: t1;
testUpper(t1, t2, expected, typeParameters: typeParameters);
// UP(T1, T2) = T2 if BOTTOM(T1)
for (String t1 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in ["A*", "A?", "A"]) {
testUpper(t1, t2, t2, typeParameters: bottomPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
// UP(T1, T2) = T1 if BOTTOM(T2)
for (String t1 in ["A*", "A?", "A"]) {
for (String t2 in bottomPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testUpper(t1, t2, t1, typeParameters: bottomPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
// UP(T1, T2) where NULL(T1) and NULL(T2) =
// T2 if MOREBOTTOM(T1, T2)
// T1 otherwise
for (String t1 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
for (String t2 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
String typeParameters = joinTypeParameters(
nullPredicateEnumeration[t1], nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
String expected = env.morebottom(
toType(t1, typeParameters: typeParameters),
toType(t2, typeParameters: typeParameters))
? t2
: t1;
testUpper(t1, t2, expected, typeParameters: typeParameters);
// UP(T1, T2) where NULL(T1) =
// T2 if T2 is nullable
// T2? otherwise
for (String t1 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testUpper(t1, "A*", "A?", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
testUpper(t1, "A?", "A?", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
testUpper(t1, "A", "A?", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t1]);
// UP(T1, T2) where NULL(T2) =
// T1 if T1 is nullable
// T1? otherwise
for (String t2 in nullPredicateEnumeration.keys) {
testUpper("A*", t2, "A?", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
testUpper("A?", t2, "A?", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
testUpper("A", t2, "A?", typeParameters: nullPredicateEnumeration[t2]);
void test_upper_bound_typeParameter() {
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
testUpper("T", "T", "T", typeParameters: "T extends Object");
testUpper("T", "List<Never>", "List<Object>",
typeParameters: "T extends List<T>");
testUpper("List<Never>", "T", "List<Object>",
typeParameters: "T extends List<T>");
testUpper("T", "U", "List<Object>",
typeParameters: "T extends List<T>, U extends List<Never>");
testUpper("U", "T", "List<Object>",
typeParameters: "T extends List<T>, U extends List<Never>");
void test_upper_bound_unknown() {
_initialize("class A;");
testLower("A*", "unknown", "A*");
testLower("A?", "unknown", "A?");
testLower("A", "unknown", "A");
testLower("unknown", "A*", "A*");
testLower("unknown", "A?", "A?");
testLower("unknown", "A", "A");
void test_solveTypeConstraint() {
const String testSdk = """
class A<X>;
class B<Y> extends A<Y>;
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
// Solve(? <: T <: ?) => ?
expect(env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint()), new UnknownType());
// Solve(? <: T <: ?, grounded) => dynamic
expect(env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(), grounded: true),
new DynamicType());
// Solve(A <: T <: ?) => A
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(lower: toType("A<dynamic>*"))),
// Solve(A <: T <: ?, grounded) => A
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(lower: toType("A<dynamic>*")),
grounded: true),
// Solve(A<?>* <: T <: ?) => A<?>*
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(lower: toType("A<unknown>*"))),
// Solve(A<?>* <: T <: ?, grounded) => A<Null>*
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(lower: toType("A<unknown>*")),
grounded: true),
// Solve(? <: T <: A*) => A*
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(upper: toType("A<dynamic>*"))),
// Solve(? <: T <: A*, grounded) => A*
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(upper: toType("A<dynamic>*")),
grounded: true),
// Solve(? <: T <: A<?>*) => A<?>*
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(upper: toType("A<unknown>*"))),
// Solve(? <: T <: A<?>*, grounded) => A<dynamic>*
env.solveTypeConstraint(_makeConstraint(upper: toType("A<unknown>*")),
grounded: true),
// Solve(B* <: T <: A*) => B*
lower: toType("B<dynamic>*"), upper: toType("A<dynamic>*"))),
// Solve(B* <: T <: A*, grounded) => B*
lower: toType("B<dynamic>*"), upper: toType("A<dynamic>*")),
grounded: true),
// Solve(B<?>* <: T <: A*) => A*
lower: toType("B<unknown>*"), upper: toType("A<dynamic>*"))),
// Solve(B<?>* <: T <: A*, grounded) => A*
lower: toType("B<unknown>*"), upper: toType("A<dynamic>*")),
grounded: true),
// Solve(B* <: T <: A<?>*) => B*
lower: toType("B<dynamic>*"), upper: toType("A<unknown>*"))),
// Solve(B* <: T <: A<?>*, grounded) => B*
lower: toType("B<dynamic>*"), upper: toType("A<unknown>*")),
grounded: true),
// Solve(B<?>* <: T <: A<?>*) => B<?>*
lower: toType("B<unknown>*"), upper: toType("A<unknown>*"))),
// Solve(B<?>* <: T <: A<?>*, grounded) => B<Null>*
lower: toType("B<unknown>*"), upper: toType("A<unknown>*")),
grounded: true),
void test_typeConstraint_default() {
TypeConstraint typeConstraint = new TypeConstraint();
expect(typeConstraint.lower, new UnknownType());
expect(typeConstraint.upper, new UnknownType());
void test_typeSatisfiesConstraint() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class B extends A;
class C extends B;
class D extends C;
class E extends D;
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
TypeConstraint typeConstraint =
_makeConstraint(upper: toType("B*"), lower: toType("D*"));
expect(env.typeSatisfiesConstraint(toType("A*"), typeConstraint), isFalse);
expect(env.typeSatisfiesConstraint(toType("B*"), typeConstraint), isTrue);
expect(env.typeSatisfiesConstraint(toType("C*"), typeConstraint), isTrue);
expect(env.typeSatisfiesConstraint(toType("D*"), typeConstraint), isTrue);
expect(env.typeSatisfiesConstraint(toType("E*"), typeConstraint), isFalse);
void test_unknown_at_bottom() {
_initialize("class A;");
// TODO(dmitryas): Test for various nullabilities.
env.isSubtypeOf(new UnknownType(), toType("A*"),
void test_unknown_at_top() {
const String testSdk = """
class A;
class Pair<X, Y>;
env.isSubtypeOf(toType("A*"), new UnknownType(),
toType("Pair<A*, Null>*"),
toType("Pair<unknown, unknown>*"),
DartType _list(DartType elementType) {
return new InterfaceType(listClass, Nullability.nonNullable, [elementType]);
TypeConstraint _makeConstraint({DartType lower, DartType upper}) {
lower ??= new UnknownType();
upper ??= new UnknownType();
return new TypeConstraint()
..lower = lower
..upper = upper;
void _initialize(String testSdk) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse("dart:core");
typeParserEnvironment = new TypeSchemaTypeParserEnvironment(uri);
Library library =
parseLibrary(uri, mockSdk + testSdk, environment: typeParserEnvironment)
..isNonNullableByDefault = true;
component = new Component(libraries: <Library>[library]);
coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
env = new TypeSchemaEnvironment(
coreTypes, new ClassHierarchy(component, coreTypes));
class TypeSchemaTypeParserEnvironment extends TypeParserEnvironment {
TypeSchemaTypeParserEnvironment(Uri uri) : super(uri, uri);
DartType getPredefinedNamedType(String name) {
if (name == "unknown") {
// Don't return a const object to ensure we test implementations that use
// identical.
return new UnknownType();
return null;