blob: b59e70aff701edb19d2e32b8764e79d497447792 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/info_builder.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/edit/nnbd_migration/migration_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../../analysis_abstract.dart';
import 'nnbd_migration_test_base.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class BuildEnclosingMemberDescriptionTest extends AbstractAnalysisTest {
Future<ResolvedUnitResult> resolveTestFile() async {
String includedRoot = resourceProvider.pathContext.dirname(testFile);
server.setAnalysisRoots('0', [includedRoot], [], {});
return await server
Future<void> test_classConstructor_named() async {
class C {;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ClassDeclaration class_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember constructor = class_.members.single;
equals("the constructor ''"));
Future<void> test_classConstructor_unnamed() async {
class C {
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ClassDeclaration class_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember constructor = class_.members.single;
equals("the default constructor of 'C'"));
Future<void> test_classGetter() async {
class C {
int get aaa => 7;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ClassDeclaration class_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember getter = class_.members.single;
equals("the getter ''"));
Future<void> test_classMethod() async {
class C {
int aaa() => 7;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ClassDeclaration class_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember method = class_.members.single;
equals("the method ''"));
Future<void> test_classOperator() async {
class C {
bool operator ==(Object other) => false;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ClassDeclaration class_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember operator = class_.members.single;
equals("the operator 'C.=='"));
Future<void> test_classSetter() async {
class C {
void set aaa(value) {}
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ClassDeclaration class_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember setter = class_.members.single;
equals("the setter ''"));
Future<void> test_extensionMethod() async {
extension E on List {
int aaa() => 7;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ExtensionDeclaration extension_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember method = extension_.members.single;
equals("the method ''"));
Future<void> test_extensionMethod_unnamed() async {
extension on List {
int aaa() => 7;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
ExtensionDeclaration extension_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember method = extension_.members.single;
equals("the method 'aaa' in unnamed extension on List<dynamic>"));
Future<void> test_mixinMethod() async {
mixin C {
int aaa() => 7;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
MixinDeclaration mixin_ = result.unit.declarations.single;
ClassMember method = mixin_.members.single;
equals("the method ''"));
Future<void> test_topLevelFunction() async {
void aaa(value) {}
var result = await resolveTestFile();
var function = result.unit.declarations.single;
equals("the function 'aaa'"));
Future<void> test_topLevelGetter() async {
int get aaa => 7;
var result = await resolveTestFile();
var getter = result.unit.declarations.single;
equals("the getter 'aaa'"));
Future<void> test_topLevelSetter() async {
void set aaa(value) {}
var result = await resolveTestFile();
var setter = result.unit.declarations.single;
equals("the setter 'aaa='"));
class InfoBuilderTest extends NnbdMigrationTestBase {
/// Assert various properties of the given [detail].
void assertDetail({@required RegionDetail detail, int offset, int length}) {
if (offset != null) {
expect(, offset);
if (length != null) {
expect(, length);
/// Assert various properties of the given [edit].
void assertEdit(
{@required EditDetail edit, int offset, int length, String replacement}) {
expect(edit, isNotNull);
if (offset != null) {
expect(edit.offset, offset);
if (length != null) {
expect(edit.length, length);
if (replacement != null) {
expect(edit.replacement, replacement);
/// Assert that some target in [targets] has various properties.
void assertInTargets(
{@required Iterable<NavigationTarget> targets, int offset, int length}) {
String failureReasons = [
if (offset != null) 'offset: $offset',
if (length != null) 'length: $length',
].join(' and ');
expect(targets.any((t) {
return (offset == null || offset == t.offset) &&
(length == null || length == t.length);
}), isTrue, reason: 'Expected one of $targets to contain $failureReasons');
/// Assert various properties of the given [region]. If an [offset] is
/// provided but no [length] is provided, a default length of `1` will be
/// used.
void assertRegion(
{@required RegionInfo region,
int offset,
int length,
List<String> details}) {
if (offset != null) {
expect(region.offset, offset);
expect(region.length, length ?? 1);
if (details != null) {
expect( => detail.description),
Future<void> test_asExpression() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f([num a]) {
int b = a as int;
''', migratedContent: '''
void f([num? a]) {
int? b = a as int?;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is `num? a`.
region: regions[1],
offset: 24,
details: ['This variable is initialized to a nullable value']);
region: regions[2],
offset: 38,
details: ['The value of the expression is nullable']);
Future<void> test_asExpression_insideReturn() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
int f([num a]) {
return a as int;
''', migratedContent: '''
int? f([num? a]) {
return a as int?;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is `inf? f`.
// regions[1] is `num? a`.
region: regions[2],
offset: 36,
details: ['The value of the expression is nullable']);
Future<void> test_bound() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C<T extends Object> {}
C<int/*?*/> c;
''', migratedContent: '''
class C<T extends Object?> {}
C<int?/*?*/>? c;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
region: regions[0],
offset: 24,
details: ['This type parameter is instantiated with a nullable type']);
Future<void> test_bound_instantiation_explicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C<T extends Object> {}
void main() {
''', migratedContent: '''
class C<T extends Object?> {}
void main() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 24,
details: ['This type parameter is instantiated with a nullable type']);
Future<void> test_bound_instantiation_implicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C<T extends Object> {
C(T/*!*/ t);
void main() {
''', migratedContent: '''
class C<T extends Object?> {
C(T/*!*/ t);
void main() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 24, details: [
'This type parameter is instantiated with an inferred nullable type'
Future<void> test_bound_method_explicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
f<T extends Object> {}
void main() {
''', migratedContent: '''
f<T extends Object?> {}
void main() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 18,
details: ['This type parameter is instantiated with a nullable type']);
Future<void> test_bound_method_implicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
f<T extends Object>(T/*!*/ t) {}
void main() {
''', migratedContent: '''
f<T extends Object?>(T/*!*/ t) {}
void main() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 18, details: [
'This type parameter is instantiated with an inferred nullable type'
Future<void> test_discardCondition() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void g(int i) {
if (i != null) print('NULL');
''', migratedContent: '''
void g(int i) {
/* if (i != null) */ print('NULL');
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 37, length: 3);
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 55, length: 3);
Future<void> test_discardElse() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void g(int i) {
if (i != null) print('NULL');
else print('NOT NULL');
''', migratedContent: '''
void g(int i) {
/* if (i != null) */ print('NULL'); /*
else print('NOT NULL'); */
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(4));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 37, length: 3);
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 55, length: 3);
assertRegion(region: regions[2], offset: 72, length: 3);
assertRegion(region: regions[3], offset: 101, length: 3);
Future<void> test_dynamicValueIsUsed() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
bool f(int i) {
if (i == null) return true;
else return false;
void g() {
dynamic i = null;
''', migratedContent: '''
bool f(int? i) {
if (i == null) return true;
else return false;
void g() {
dynamic i = null;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
var region = regions[0];
var edits = region.edits;
assertRegion(region: region, offset: 10, details: [
'A dynamic value, which is nullable is passed as an argument'
assertDetail(detail: region.details[0], offset: 104, length: 1);
assertEdit(edit: edits[0], offset: 10, replacement: '/*!*/');
assertEdit(edit: edits[1], offset: 10, replacement: '/*?*/');
Future<void> test_exactNullable() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f(List<int> list) {
list[0] = null;
void g() {
''', migratedContent: '''
void f(List<int?> list) {
list[0] = null;
void g() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is the hard edge that f's parameter is non-nullable.
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 15, details: [
"An explicit 'null' is assigned in the function 'f'",
region: regions[2],
offset: 66,
details: ['This is later required to accept null.']);
Future<void> test_exactNullable_exactNullable() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void g(List<int> list1, List<int> list2) {
list1[0] = null;
list2[0] = list1[0];
''', migratedContent: '''
void g(List<int?> list1, List<int?> list2) {
list1[0] = null;
list2[0] = list1[0];
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(4));
// regions[0] is the hard edge that list1 is unconditionally indexed
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 15, details: [
"An explicit 'null' is assigned in the function 'g'",
// TODO(mfairhurst): Fix this bug.
'exact nullable node with no info (Substituted(type(32), migrated))'
// regions[2] is the hard edge that list2 is unconditionally indexed
region: regions[3],
offset: 33,
details: ["A nullable value is assigned in the function 'g'"]);
Future<void> test_expressionFunctionReturnTarget() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
String g() => 1 == 2 ? "Hello" : null;
''', migratedContent: '''
String? g() => 1 == 2 ? "Hello" : null;
assertInTargets(targets: unit.targets, offset: 7, length: 1); // "g"
assertInTargets(targets: unit.targets, offset: 11, length: 2); // "=>"
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 6,
details: ['This function returns a nullable value on line 1']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[0].details[0], offset: 11, length: 2);
Future<void> test_field_fieldFormalInitializer_optional() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
int _f;
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
int? _f;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 15, details: [
'This field is initialized by an optional field formal parameter that '
"has an implicit default value of 'null'"
Future<void> test_field_fieldFormalInitializer_optional_defaultNull() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
int _f;
A([this._f = null]);
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
int? _f;
A([this._f = null]);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 15, details: [
'This field is initialized by an optional field formal parameter that '
"has an explicit default value of 'null'"
Future<void> test_field_fieldFormalInitializer_required() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
int _f;
void g() {
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
int? _f;
void g() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
// TODO(brianwilkerson) It would be nice if the target for the region could
// be the argument rather than the field formal parameter.
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 15, details: [
'This field is initialized by a field formal parameter and a nullable '
'value is passed as an argument'
Future<void> test_field_initializer() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
int _f = null;
int _f2 = _f;
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
int? _f = null;
int? _f2 = _f;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 15,
details: ["This field is initialized to an explicit 'null'"]);
region: regions[1],
offset: 33,
details: ['This field is initialized to a nullable value']);
Future<void> test_fieldLaterAssignedNullable() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class Foo {
int value = 7;
void bar() {
value = null;
''', migratedContent: '''
class Foo {
int? value = 7;
void bar() {
value = null;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
RegionInfo region = regions.single;
assertRegion(region: region, offset: 17, details: [
"An explicit 'null' is assigned in the method ''",
assertDetail(detail: region.details[0], offset: 56, length: 4);
Future<void> test_functionType_nullable_asArgument() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
f(void Function(int) cb1) {}
g(void Function(int) cb2) {
h() => f(null);
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
f(void Function(int)? cb1) {}
g(void Function(int) cb2) {
h() => f(null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 32,
details: ["An explicit 'null' is passed as an argument"]);
assertDetail(detail: regions[0].details[0], offset: 98, length: 4);
Future<void> test_functionType_nullableParameter_asArgument() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
f(void Function(int) cb1) {
g(void Function(int) cb2) {
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
f(void Function(int?) cb1) {
g(void Function(int?) cb2) {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 31,
details: ["An explicit 'null' is passed as an argument"]);
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 81, details: [
'The function-typed element in which this parameter is declared is '
'assigned to a function whose matching parameter is nullable'
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 95, length: 3);
Future<void> test_functionType_nullableParameter_assignment() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
void Function(int) _cb = (x) {};
f(void Function(int) cb) {
_cb = cb;
g() => _cb(null);
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
void Function(int?) _cb = (x) {};
f(void Function(int?) cb) {
_cb = cb;
g() => _cb(null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is `void Function(int?) _cb`.
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 67, details: [
'The function-typed element in which this parameter is declared is '
'assigned to a function whose matching parameter is nullable'
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 84, length: 2);
Future<void> test_functionType_nullableParameter_fieldInitializer() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
void Function(int) _cb;
C(void Function(int) cb): _cb = cb;
f() => _cb(null);
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
void Function(int?) _cb;
C(void Function(int?) cb): _cb = cb;
f() => _cb(null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 29,
details: ["An explicit 'null' is passed as an argument"]);
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 58, details: [
'The function-typed element in which this parameter is declared is '
'assigned to a function whose matching parameter is nullable'
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 70, length: 2);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_functionType_nullableParameter_typedef() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
typedef Cb = void Function(int);
class C {
Cb _cb;
C(void Function(int) cb): _cb = cb;
f() => _cb(null);
''', migratedContent: '''
typedef Cb = void Function(int?);
class C {
Cb _cb;
C(void Function(int?) cb): _cb = cb;
f() => _cb(null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is `typedef Cb = void Function(int?);`.
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 75, details: [
'The function-typed element in which this parameter is declared is '
'assigned to a function whose matching parameter is nullable'
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 70, length: 2);
Future<void> test_functionType_nullableReturn() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
int Function() _cb = () => 7;
f(int Function() cb) {
_cb = cb;
g() {
f(() => null);
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
int? Function() _cb = () => 7;
f(int? Function() cb) {
_cb = cb;
g() {
f(() => null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 15, details: [
'A function-typed value with a nullable return type is assigned'
assertDetail(detail: regions[0].details[0], offset: 77, length: 2);
Future<void> test_insertedRequired_fieldFormal() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
int level;
int level2;
C({this.level}) : this.level2 = level + 1;
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
int level;
int level2;
C({required this.level}) : this.level2 = level + 1;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
var region = regions[0];
var edits = region.edits;
assertRegion(region: region, offset: 42, length: 9, details: [
'This parameter is non-nullable, so cannot have an implicit default '
"value of 'null'"
edit: edits[0], offset: 42, length: 0, replacement: '@required ');
Future<void> test_insertedRequired_parameter() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
int level;
bool f({int lvl}) => lvl >= level;
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
int? level;
bool f({required int lvl}) => lvl >= level!;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is the `int? s` fix.
var region = regions[1];
var edits = region.edits;
assertRegion(region: region, offset: 34, length: 9, details: [
'This parameter is non-nullable, so cannot have an implicit default '
"value of 'null'"
edit: edits[0], offset: 33, length: 0, replacement: '@required ');
// regions[2] is the `level!` fix.
Future<void> test_insertParens() async {
var originalContent = '''
class C {
C operator+(C c) => null;
C/*!*/ _f(C c) => c + c;
var migratedContent = '''
class C {
C? operator+(C c) => null;
C/*!*/ _f(C c) => (c + c)!;
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile(originalContent,
migratedContent: migratedContent);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: migratedContent.indexOf('? operator'),
length: 1,
details: ["This method returns an explicit 'null' on line 2"]);
region: regions[1],
offset: migratedContent.indexOf('!;'),
length: 1,
details: ['This value must be null-checked before use here.']);
Future<void> test_listAndSetLiteralTypeArgument() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
String s = null;
var x = <String>["hello", s];
var y = <String>{"hello", s};
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
String? s = null;
var x = <String?>["hello", s];
var y = <String?>{"hello", s};
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is the `String? s` fix.
region: regions[1],
offset: 48,
details: ['This list is initialized with a nullable value on line 3']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 58, length: 1);
region: regions[2],
offset: 81,
details: ['This set is initialized with a nullable value on line 4']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[2].details[0], offset: 90, length: 1);
Future<void> test_listConstructor_length() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
List<int> list = List<int>(10);
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
List<int?> list = List<int?>(10);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is `num? a`.
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 39, details: [
'A length is specified in the "List()" constructor and the list items '
'are initialized to null'
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_listConstructor_length_implicitType() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
List<int> list = List(10);
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
List<int?> list = List(10);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is `num? a`.
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 40, details: [
'List value type must be nullable because a length is specified,'
' and the list items are initialized as null.'
Future<void> test_listLiteralTypeArgument_collectionIf() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
String s = null;
var x = <String>[
if (1 == 2) s
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
String? s = null;
var x = <String?>[
if (1 == 2) s
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is the `String? s` fix.
region: regions[1],
offset: 48,
details: ['This list is initialized with a nullable value on line 5']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 79, length: 1);
Future<void> test_localVariable() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
int v1 = null;
int v2 = v1;
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
int? v1 = null;
int? v2 = v1;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 16,
details: ["This variable is initialized to an explicit 'null'"]);
region: regions[1],
offset: 34,
details: ['This variable is initialized to a nullable value']);
Future<void> test_mapLiteralTypeArgument() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
String s = null;
var x = <String, bool>{"hello": false, s: true};
var y = <bool, String>{false: "hello", true: s};
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
String? s = null;
var x = <String?, bool>{"hello": false, s: true};
var y = <bool, String?>{false: "hello", true: s};
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is the `String? s` fix.
region: regions[1],
offset: 48,
details: ['This map is initialized with a nullable value on line 3']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 71, length: 1);
region: regions[2],
offset: 106,
details: ['This map is initialized with a nullable value on line 4']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[2].details[0], offset: 128, length: 1);
Future<void> test_namedParameterWithDefault_fromOverridden_explicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
void m({int p = 0}) {}
class B extends A {
void m({num p = 0}) {}
void f(A a) {
a.m(p: null);
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
void m({int? p = 0}) {}
class B extends A {
void m({num? p = 0}) {}
void f(A a) {
a.m(p: null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is "an explicit null is passed..."
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 71, details: [
'The corresponding parameter in the overridden method, A.m, is nullable'
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 20, length: 3);
Future<void> test_nonNullableType_assert() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f(String s) {
assert(s != null);
''', migratedContent: '''
void f(String s) {
assert(s != null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.nonNullableTypeRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 7,
length: 6,
details: ['This value is asserted to be non-null']);
Future<void> test_nonNullableType_exclamationComment() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f(String /*!*/ s) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
void f(String /*!*/ s) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.nonNullableTypeRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 7, length: 6, details: [
'This type is annotated with a non-nullability comment ("/*!*/")'
Future<void> test_nonNullableType_unconditionalFieldAccess() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f(String s) {
''', migratedContent: '''
void f(String s) {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.nonNullableTypeRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 7, length: 6, details: [
'This value is unconditionally used in a non-nullable context'
Future<void> test_nullCheck_onMemberAccess() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
int value;
void f() {
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
int? value;
void f() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is `int?`.
var region = regions[1];
var edits = region.edits;
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 65, details: [
'This value must be null-checked before accessing its properties.'
assertEdit(edit: edits[0], offset: 64, length: 0, replacement: '/*!*/');
Future<void> test_nullCheck_onMethodCall() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
int value;
void f() {
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
int? value;
void f() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is `int?`.
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 65, details: [
'This value must be null-checked before calling its methods.'
Future<void> test_parameter_fromInvocation_explicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f(String s) {}
void g() {
''', migratedContent: '''
void f(String? s) {}
void g() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 13,
details: ["An explicit 'null' is passed as an argument"]);
Future<void> test_parameter_fromInvocation_implicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f(String s) {}
void g(p) {
void h() => g(null);
''', migratedContent: '''
void f(String? s) {}
void g(p) {
void h() => g(null);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 13, details: [
'A dynamic value, which is nullable is passed as an argument'
Future<void> test_parameter_fromMultipleOverridden_explicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
void m(int p) {}
class B extends A {
void m(num p) {}
class C extends B {
void m(Object p) {}
void f(A a) {
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
void m(int? p) {}
class B extends A {
void m(num? p) {}
class C extends B {
void m(Object? p) {}
void f(A a) {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is "an explicit null is passed..."
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 64, details: [
'The corresponding parameter in the overridden method, A.m, is nullable'
assertRegion(region: regions[2], offset: 109, details: [
'The corresponding parameter in the overridden method, B.m, is nullable'
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 19, length: 3);
assertDetail(detail: regions[2].details[0], offset: 60, length: 3);
Future<void> test_parameter_fromMultipleOverridden_implicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
void m(int p) {}
class B extends A {
void m(p) {}
class C extends B {
void m(Object p) {}
void f(A a) {
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
void m(int? p) {}
class B extends A {
void m(p) {}
class C extends B {
void m(Object? p) {}
void f(A a) {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is "an explicit null is passed..."
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 104, details: [
'The corresponding parameter in the overridden method is nullable'
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_parameter_fromOverridden_implicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
void m(p) {}
class B extends A {
void m(Object p) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
void m(p) {}
class B extends A {
void m(Object? p) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
// TODO(brianwilkerson) The detail should read something like
// "The overridden method accepts a nullable type"
region: regions[0],
offset: 62,
details: ['A nullable value is assigned']);
Future<void> test_parameter_fromOverriddenField_explicit() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
int m;
class B extends A {
void set m(Object p) {}
void f(A a) => a.m = null;
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
int? m;
class B extends A {
void set m(Object? p) {}
void f(A a) => a.m = null;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 15, details: [
// TODO(srawlins): I suspect this should be removed...
'A nullable value is assigned',
"An explicit 'null' is assigned in the function 'f'",
assertRegion(region: regions[1], offset: 61, details: [
// TODO(srawlins): Improve this message to include "B.m".
'The corresponding parameter in the overridden method is nullable'
assertDetail(detail: regions[0].details[1], offset: 90, length: 4);
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 12, length: 3);
Future<void> test_parameter_named_omittedInCall() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() { g(); }
void g({int i}) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() { g(); }
void g({int? i}) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 30, details: [
'This named parameter is omitted in a call to this function',
"This parameter has an implicit default value of 'null'",
assertDetail(detail: regions[0].details[0], offset: 11, length: 3);
Future<void> test_parameter_named_omittedInCall_inArgumentList() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
int f({int compare}) => 7
void g() {
void h(int x) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
int f({int? compare}) => 7
void g() {
void h(int x) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 10, details: [
"This parameter has an implicit default value of 'null'",
'This named parameter is omitted in a call to this function'
Future<void> test_parameter_optional_explicitDefault_null() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f({String s = null}) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
void f({String? s = null}) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 14,
details: ["This parameter has an explicit default value of 'null'"]);
Future<void> test_parameter_optional_explicitDefault_nullable() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
String sd = null;
void f({String s = sd}) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
String? sd = null;
void f({String? s = sd}) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[1],
offset: 33,
details: ['This parameter has a nullable default value']);
Future<void> test_parameter_optional_implicitDefault_named() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f({String s}) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
void f({String? s}) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 14,
details: ["This parameter has an implicit default value of 'null'"]);
Future<void> test_parameter_optional_implicitDefault_positional() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f([String s]) {}
''', migratedContent: '''
void f([String? s]) {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 14,
details: ["This parameter has an implicit default value of 'null'"]);
Future<void> test_removal_handles_offsets_correctly() async {
var originalContent = '''
void f(num n, int/*?*/ i) {
if (n is! int) return;
print((n as int).isEven);
print(i + 1);
// Note: even though `as int` is removed, it still shows up in the
// preview, since we show deleted text.
var migratedContent = '''
void f(num n, int?/*?*/ i) {
if (n is! int) return;
print((n as int).isEven);
print(i! + 1);
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile(originalContent,
migratedContent: migratedContent, removeViaComments: false);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(3));
// regions[0] is the addition of `?` to the type of `i`.
region: regions[1],
offset: migratedContent.indexOf(' as int'),
length: ' as int'.length,
details: []);
region: regions[2],
offset: migratedContent.indexOf('! + 1'),
details: ['node with no info (never)']);
Future<void> test_return_fromOverriden() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
abstract class A {
String m();
class B implements A {
String m() => 1 == 2 ? "Hello" : null;
''', migratedContent: '''
abstract class A {
String? m();
class B implements A {
String? m() => 1 == 2 ? "Hello" : null;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 27,
details: ['An overridding method has a nullable return value']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[0].details[0], offset: 60, length: 6);
Future<void> test_return_multipleReturns() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
String g() {
int x = 1;
if (x == 2) return x == 3 ? "Hello" : null;
return "Hello";
''', migratedContent: '''
String? g() {
int x = 1;
if (x == 2) return x == 3 ? "Hello" : null;
return "Hello";
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 6,
details: ['This function returns a nullable value on line 3']);
assertInTargets(targets: unit.targets, offset: 40, length: 6); // "return"
Future<void> test_returnDetailTarget() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
String g() {
return 1 == 2 ? "Hello" : null;
''', migratedContent: '''
String? g() {
return 1 == 2 ? "Hello" : null;
assertInTargets(targets: unit.targets, offset: 7, length: 1); // "g"
assertInTargets(targets: unit.targets, offset: 15, length: 6); // "return"
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
region: regions[0],
offset: 6,
details: ['This function returns a nullable value on line 2']);
assertDetail(detail: regions[0].details[0], offset: 15, length: 6);
Future<void> test_returnNoValue() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
int f() {
''', migratedContent: '''
int? f() {
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
assertRegion(region: regions[0], offset: 3, details: [
'This function contains a return statement with no value on line 2,'
' which implicitly returns null.'
Future<void> test_returnType_function_expression() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
int _f = null;
int f() => _f;
''', migratedContent: '''
int? _f = null;
int? f() => _f;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 3,
details: ["This variable is initialized to an explicit 'null'"]);
region: regions[1],
offset: 19,
details: ['This function returns a nullable value on line 2']);
Future<void> test_returnType_getter_block() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
int _f = null;
int get f {
return _f;
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
int? _f = null;
int? get f {
return _f;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 15,
details: ["This field is initialized to an explicit 'null'"]);
region: regions[1],
offset: 33,
details: ['This getter returns a nullable value on line 4']);
Future<void> test_returnType_getter_expression() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class A {
int _f = null;
int get f => _f;
''', migratedContent: '''
class A {
int? _f = null;
int? get f => _f;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 15,
details: ["This field is initialized to an explicit 'null'"]);
region: regions[1],
offset: 33,
details: ['This getter returns a nullable value on line 3']);
Future<void> test_setLiteralTypeArgument_nestedList() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
String s = null;
var x = <List<String>>{
if (1 == 2) [s]
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
String? s = null;
var x = <List<String?>>{
if (1 == 2) [s]
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
// regions[0] is the `String? s` fix.
region: regions[1],
offset: 53,
details: ['This set is initialized with a nullable value on line 5']);
// TODO(srawlins): Actually, this is marking the `[s]`, but I think only
// `s` should be marked. Minor bug for now.
assertDetail(detail: regions[1].details[0], offset: 87, length: 3);
Future<void> test_topLevelVariable() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
int _f = null;
int _f2 = _f;
''', migratedContent: '''
int? _f = null;
int? _f2 = _f;
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 3,
details: ["This variable is initialized to an explicit 'null'"]);
region: regions[1],
offset: 19,
details: ['This variable is initialized to a nullable value']);
Future<void> test_uninitializedField() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
class C {
int value;
C(); {
this.value = 7;
C.two() {}
''', migratedContent: '''
class C {
int? value;
C(); {
this.value = 7;
C.two() {}
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.regions;
expect(regions, hasLength(1));
RegionInfo region = regions.single;
assertRegion(region: region, offset: 15, details: [
"The constructor 'C' does not initialize this field in its initializer "
"The constructor '' does not initialize this field in its "
'initializer list',
"The constructor 'C.two' does not initialize this field in its "
'initializer list',
assertDetail(detail: region.details[0], offset: 25, length: 1);
assertDetail(detail: region.details[1], offset: 34, length: 3);
assertDetail(detail: region.details[2], offset: 70, length: 3);
Future<void> test_uninitializedVariable_notLate_uninitializedUse() async {
UnitInfo unit = await buildInfoForSingleTestFile('''
void f() {
int v1;
if (1 == 2) v1 = 7;
void g(int i) => print(i.isEven);
''', migratedContent: '''
void f() {
int? v1;
if (1 == 2) v1 = 7;
void g(int i) => print(i.isEven);
List<RegionInfo> regions = unit.fixRegions;
expect(regions, hasLength(2));
region: regions[0],
offset: 16,
details: ['Used on line 4, when it is possibly uninitialized']);
// regions[1] is the `v1!` fix.