blob: b8a79d12d0edf7349ee6cb4e41d5db2f04dcdb26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart._macros;
/// The base interface used to add declarations to the program as well
/// as augment existing ones.
/// Can also be used to emit diagnostic messages back to the parent tool.
abstract interface class Builder {
/// Attaches [diagnostic] to the result of this macro application phase.
/// Note that this will not immediately send the result, these will all be
/// collected and reported at once when the macro completes this phase.
void report(Diagnostic diagnostic);
/// The interface for all introspection that is allowed during the type phase
/// (and later).
abstract interface class TypePhaseIntrospector {
/// Returns an [Identifier] for a top level [name] in [library].
/// You should only do this for libraries that are definitely in the
/// transitive import graph of the library you are generating code into. If
/// [library] is not in this transitive import graph, then an unspecified
/// [Exception] should be thrown. The best way to ensure this, is to have the
/// macro library itself import [library] (even if it doesn't directly use
/// it).
/// When the name alone is not sufficient to disambiguate between multiple
/// declarations, such as the case of a field (which has a synthetic getter),
/// an [Identifier] pointing to the non-synthetic declaration will be
/// returned. Future calls to `declarationOf(identifier)` will return that
/// non-synthetic declaration.
/// If [name] does not exist in [library], then an unspecified [Exception]
/// should be thrown.
'This API should eventually be replaced with a different, safer API.')
Future<Identifier> resolveIdentifier(Uri library, String name);
/// The API used by [Macro]s to contribute new type declarations to the
/// current library, and get [TypeAnnotation]s from runtime [Type] objects.
abstract interface class TypeBuilder implements Builder, TypePhaseIntrospector {
/// Adds a new type declaration to the surrounding library.
/// The [name] must match the name of the new [typeDeclaration] (this does
/// not include any type parameters, just the name).
void declareType(String name, DeclarationCode typeDeclaration);
/// The API used by macros in the type phase to add interfaces to an existing
/// type.
abstract interface class InterfaceTypesBuilder implements TypeBuilder {
/// Appends [interfaces] to the list of interfaces for this type.
void appendInterfaces(Iterable<TypeAnnotationCode> interfaces);
/// The API used by macros in the type phase to add mixins to an existing
/// type.
abstract interface class MixinTypesBuilder implements TypeBuilder {
/// Appends [mixins] to the list of mixins for this type.
void appendMixins(Iterable<TypeAnnotationCode> mixins);
/// The API used by macros in the type phase to augment classes.
abstract interface class ClassTypeBuilder
implements TypeBuilder, InterfaceTypesBuilder, MixinTypesBuilder {}
/// The API used by macros in the type phase to augment enums.
abstract interface class EnumTypeBuilder
implements TypeBuilder, InterfaceTypesBuilder, MixinTypesBuilder {}
/// The API used by macros in the type phase to augment mixins.
/// Note that mixins don't support mixins, only interfaces.
abstract interface class MixinTypeBuilder
implements TypeBuilder, InterfaceTypesBuilder {}
/// The interface for all introspection that is allowed during the declaration
/// phase (and later).
abstract interface class DeclarationPhaseIntrospector
implements TypePhaseIntrospector {
/// Instantiates a new [StaticType] for a given [type] annotation.
/// Throws if [type] is a [RawTypeAnnotationCode], more specific subtypes must
/// be used, as raw [Identifier]s are not allowed.
/// Throws an error if the [type] object contains [Identifier]s which cannot
/// be resolved. This should only happen in the case of incomplete or invalid
/// programs, but macros may be asked to run in this state during the
/// development cycle. It may be helpful for users if macros provide a best
/// effort implementation in that case or handle the error in a useful way.
Future<StaticType> resolve(TypeAnnotationCode type);
/// The values available for [enuum].
/// This may be incomplete if additional declaration macros are going to run
/// on [enuum].
Future<List<EnumValueDeclaration>> valuesOf(covariant EnumDeclaration enuum);
/// The fields available for [type].
/// This may be incomplete if additional declaration macros are going to run
/// on [type].
Future<List<FieldDeclaration>> fieldsOf(covariant TypeDeclaration type);
/// The methods available for [type].
/// This may be incomplete if additional declaration macros are going to run
/// on [type].
Future<List<MethodDeclaration>> methodsOf(covariant TypeDeclaration type);
/// The constructors available for [type].
/// This may be incomplete if additional declaration macros are going to run
/// on [type].
Future<List<ConstructorDeclaration>> constructorsOf(
covariant TypeDeclaration type);
/// [TypeDeclaration]s for all the types declared in [library].
/// Note that this includes [ExtensionDeclaration]s as well, even though they
/// do not actually introduce a new type.
Future<List<TypeDeclaration>> typesOf(covariant Library library);
/// Resolves an [identifier] to its [TypeDeclaration].
/// If [identifier] does not resolve to a [TypeDeclaration], then a
/// [MacroImplementationException] is thrown.
Future<TypeDeclaration> typeDeclarationOf(covariant Identifier identifier);
/// The API used by [Macro]s to contribute new (non-type)
/// declarations to the current library.
/// Can also be used to do subtype checks on types.
abstract interface class DeclarationBuilder
implements Builder, DeclarationPhaseIntrospector {
/// Adds a new regular declaration to the surrounding library.
/// Note that type declarations are not supported.
void declareInLibrary(DeclarationCode declaration);
/// The API used by [Macro]s to contribute new members to a type.
abstract interface class MemberDeclarationBuilder
implements DeclarationBuilder {
/// Adds a new declaration to the surrounding class.
void declareInType(DeclarationCode declaration);
/// The API used by [Macro]s to contribute new members or values to an enum.
abstract interface class EnumDeclarationBuilder
implements MemberDeclarationBuilder {
/// Adds a new enum entry declaration to the surrounding enum.
void declareEnumValue(DeclarationCode declaration);
/// The interface for all introspection that is allowed during the definition
/// phase (and later).
abstract interface class DefinitionPhaseIntrospector
implements DeclarationPhaseIntrospector {
/// Resolves any [identifier] to its [Declaration].
Future<Declaration> declarationOf(covariant Identifier identifier);
/// Resolves an [identifier] referring to a type to its [TypeDeclaration].
Future<TypeDeclaration> typeDeclarationOf(covariant Identifier identifier);
/// Infers a real type annotation for [omittedType].
/// If no type could be inferred, then a type annotation representing the
/// dynamic type will be given.
Future<TypeAnnotation> inferType(covariant OmittedTypeAnnotation omittedType);
/// Returns a list of all the [Declaration]s in the given [library].
Future<List<Declaration>> topLevelDeclarationsOf(covariant Library library);
/// The base class for builders in the definition phase. These can convert
/// any [TypeAnnotation] into its corresponding [TypeDeclaration], and also
/// reflect more deeply on those.
abstract interface class DefinitionBuilder
implements Builder, DefinitionPhaseIntrospector {}
/// The APIs used by [Macro]s that run on library directives, to fill in the
/// definitions of any declarations within that library.
abstract interface class LibraryDefinitionBuilder implements DefinitionBuilder {
/// Retrieve a [TypeDefinitionBuilder] for a type declaration with
/// [identifier].
/// Throws a [MacroImplementationException] if [identifier] does not refer to
/// a type declaration in this library.
Future<TypeDefinitionBuilder> buildType(Identifier identifier);
/// Retrieve a [FunctionDefinitionBuilder] for a function declaration with
/// [identifier].
/// Throws a [MacroImplementationException] if [identifier] does not refer to
/// a top level function declaration in this library.
Future<FunctionDefinitionBuilder> buildFunction(Identifier identifier);
/// Retrieve a [VariableDefinitionBuilder] for a variable declaration with
/// [identifier].
/// Throws a [MacroImplementationException] if [identifier] does not refer to
/// a top level variable declaration in this library.
Future<VariableDefinitionBuilder> buildVariable(Identifier identifier);
/// The APIs used by [Macro]s that run on type declarations, to fill in the
/// definitions of any declarations within that class.
abstract interface class TypeDefinitionBuilder implements DefinitionBuilder {
/// Retrieve a [VariableDefinitionBuilder] for a field with [identifier].
/// Throws a [MacroImplementationException] if [identifier] does not refer to
/// a field in this class.
Future<VariableDefinitionBuilder> buildField(Identifier identifier);
/// Retrieve a [FunctionDefinitionBuilder] for a method with [identifier].
/// Throws a [MacroImplementationException] if [identifier] does not refer to
/// a method in this class.
Future<FunctionDefinitionBuilder> buildMethod(Identifier identifier);
/// Retrieve a [ConstructorDefinitionBuilder] for a constructor with
/// [identifier].
/// Throws a [MacroImplementationException] if [identifier] does not refer to
/// a constructor in this class.
Future<ConstructorDefinitionBuilder> buildConstructor(Identifier identifier);
/// The APIs used by [Macro]s that run on enums, to fill in the
/// definitions of any declarations within that enum.
abstract interface class EnumDefinitionBuilder
implements TypeDefinitionBuilder {
/// Retrieve an [EnumValueDefinitionBuilder] for an entry with [identifier].
/// Throws a [MacroImplementationException] if [identifier] does not refer to
/// an entry on this enum.
Future<EnumValueDefinitionBuilder> buildEnumValue(Identifier identifier);
/// The APIs used by [Macro]s to define the body of a constructor
/// or wrap the body of an existing constructor with additional statements.
abstract interface class ConstructorDefinitionBuilder
implements DefinitionBuilder {
/// Augments an existing constructor body with [body] and [initializers].
/// The [initializers] should not contain trailing or preceding commas.
/// If [docComments] are supplied, they will be added above this augment
/// declaration.
/// TODO: Link the library augmentations proposal to describe the semantics.
void augment({
FunctionBodyCode? body,
List<Code>? initializers,
CommentCode? docComments,
/// The APIs used by [Macro]s to augment functions or methods.
abstract interface class FunctionDefinitionBuilder
implements DefinitionBuilder {
/// Augments the function.
/// If [docComments] are supplied, they will be added above this augment
/// declaration.
/// TODO: Link the library augmentations proposal to describe the semantics.
void augment(
FunctionBodyCode body, {
CommentCode? docComments,
/// The API used by [Macro]s to augment a top level variable or instance field.
abstract interface class VariableDefinitionBuilder
implements DefinitionBuilder {
/// Augments the field.
/// For [getter] and [setter] the full function declaration should be
/// provided, minus the `augment` keyword (which will be implicitly added).
/// If [initializerDocComments] are supplied, they will be added above the
/// augment declaration for [initializer]. It is an error to provide
/// [initializerDocComments] but not [initializer].
/// To provide doc comments for [getter] or [setter], just include them in
/// the [DeclarationCode] object for those.
/// TODO: Link the library augmentations proposal to describe the semantics.
void augment({
DeclarationCode? getter,
DeclarationCode? setter,
ExpressionCode? initializer,
CommentCode? initializerDocComments,
/// The API used by [Macro]s to augment an enum entry.
abstract interface class EnumValueDefinitionBuilder
implements DefinitionBuilder {
/// Augments the entry by replacing it with a new one.
/// The name of the produced [entry] must match the original name.
void augment(DeclarationCode entry);