blob: 62383d3794ef6fde0e9e5b218a00ec41e924b4c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/atomic.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/class_id.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
namespace dart {
class Class;
class ClassTable;
class Isolate;
class IsolateGroup;
class IsolateGroupReloadContext;
class IsolateReloadContext;
class JSONArray;
class JSONObject;
class JSONStream;
template <typename T>
class MallocGrowableArray;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class RawClass;
// Wraps a 64-bit integer to represent the bitmap of unboxed fields
// stored in the shared class table.
class UnboxedFieldBitmap {
UnboxedFieldBitmap() : bitmap_(0) {}
explicit UnboxedFieldBitmap(uint64_t bitmap) : bitmap_(bitmap) {}
UnboxedFieldBitmap(const UnboxedFieldBitmap&) = default;
UnboxedFieldBitmap& operator=(const UnboxedFieldBitmap&) = default;
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool Get(intptr_t position) const {
return Utils::TestBit(bitmap_, position);
DART_FORCE_INLINE void Set(intptr_t position) {
bitmap_ |= Utils::Bit<decltype(bitmap_)>(position);
DART_FORCE_INLINE uint64_t Value() const { return bitmap_; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE bool IsEmpty() const { return bitmap_ == 0; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE void Reset() { bitmap_ = 0; }
DART_FORCE_INLINE static constexpr intptr_t Length() {
return sizeof(decltype(bitmap_)) * kBitsPerByte;
uint64_t bitmap_;
// Registry of all known classes and their sizes.
// The GC will only need the information in this shared class table to scan
// object pointers.
class SharedClassTable {
// Thread-safe.
intptr_t SizeAt(intptr_t index) const {
return table_[index];
bool HasValidClassAt(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(table_[index] >= 0);
return table_[index] != 0;
void SetSizeAt(intptr_t index, intptr_t size) {
// Ensure we never change size for a given cid from one non-zero size to
// another non-zero size.
RELEASE_ASSERT(table_[index] == 0 || table_[index] == size);
table_[index] = size;
bool IsValidIndex(intptr_t index) const { return index > 0 && index < top_; }
intptr_t NumCids() const { return top_; }
intptr_t Capacity() const { return capacity_; }
UnboxedFieldBitmap GetUnboxedFieldsMapAt(intptr_t index) const {
return FLAG_precompiled_mode ? unboxed_fields_map_[index]
: UnboxedFieldBitmap();
void SetUnboxedFieldsMapAt(intptr_t index,
UnboxedFieldBitmap unboxed_fields_map) {
unboxed_fields_map_[index] = unboxed_fields_map;
// Used to drop recently added classes.
void SetNumCids(intptr_t num_cids) {
ASSERT(num_cids <= top_);
top_ = num_cids;
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
void SetTraceAllocationFor(intptr_t cid, bool trace) {
ASSERT(cid > 0);
ASSERT(cid < top_);
trace_allocation_table_[cid] = trace ? 1 : 0;
bool TraceAllocationFor(intptr_t cid) {
ASSERT(cid > 0);
ASSERT(cid < top_);
return trace_allocation_table_[cid] != 0;
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT)
void CopyBeforeHotReload(intptr_t** copy, intptr_t* copy_num_cids) {
// The [IsolateGroupReloadContext] will need to maintain a copy of the old
// class table until instances have been morphed.
const intptr_t num_cids = NumCids();
const intptr_t bytes = sizeof(intptr_t) * num_cids;
auto size_table = static_cast<intptr_t*>(malloc(bytes));
memmove(size_table, table_, sizeof(intptr_t) * num_cids);
*copy_num_cids = num_cids;
*copy = size_table;
void ResetBeforeHotReload() {
// The [IsolateReloadContext] is now source-of-truth for GC.
memset(table_, 0, sizeof(intptr_t) * top_);
void ResetAfterHotReload(intptr_t* old_table,
intptr_t num_old_cids,
bool is_rollback) {
// The [IsolateReloadContext] is no longer source-of-truth for GC after we
// return, so we restore size information for all classes.
if (is_rollback) {
memmove(table_, old_table, sizeof(intptr_t) * num_old_cids);
// Can't free this table immediately as another thread (e.g., concurrent
// marker or sweeper) may be between loading the table pointer and loading
// the table element. The table will be freed at the next major GC or
// isolate shutdown.
// Deallocates table copies. Do not call during concurrent access to table.
void FreeOldTables();
// Deallocates bitmap copies. Do not call during concurrent access to table.
void FreeOldUnboxedFieldsMaps();
bool IsReloading() const { return reload_context_ != nullptr; }
IsolateGroupReloadContext* reload_context() { return reload_context_; }
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
// Returns the newly allocated cid.
// [index] is kIllegalCid or a predefined cid.
intptr_t Register(intptr_t index, intptr_t size);
void AllocateIndex(intptr_t index);
void Unregister(intptr_t index);
void Remap(intptr_t* old_to_new_cids);
// Used by the generated code.
#ifndef PRODUCT
static intptr_t class_heap_stats_table_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(SharedClassTable, trace_allocation_table_);
// Used by the generated code.
static intptr_t ClassOffsetFor(intptr_t cid);
static const int kInitialCapacity = 512;
static const int kCapacityIncrement = 256;
friend class ClassTable;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class MarkingWeakVisitor;
friend class Scavenger;
friend class ScavengerWeakVisitor;
static bool ShouldUpdateSizeForClassId(intptr_t cid);
#ifndef PRODUCT
uint8_t* trace_allocation_table_ = nullptr;
#endif // !PRODUCT
void AddOldTable(intptr_t* old_table);
void Grow(intptr_t new_capacity);
intptr_t top_;
intptr_t capacity_;
// Copy-on-write is used for table_, with old copies stored in old_tables_.
intptr_t* table_; // Maps the cid to the instance size.
MallocGrowableArray<intptr_t*>* old_tables_;
IsolateGroupReloadContext* reload_context_ = nullptr;
// Stores a 64-bit bitmap for each class. There is one bit for each word in an
// instance of the class. A 0 bit indicates that the word contains a pointer
// the GC has to scan, a 1 indicates that the word is part of e.g. an unboxed
// double and does not need to be scanned. (see Class::Calculate...() where
// the bitmap is constructed)
UnboxedFieldBitmap* unboxed_fields_map_;
MallocGrowableArray<UnboxedFieldBitmap*>* old_unboxed_fields_maps_;
class ClassTable {
explicit ClassTable(SharedClassTable* shared_class_table_);
// Creates a shallow copy of the original class table for some read-only
// access, without support for stats data.
ClassTable(ClassTable* original, SharedClassTable* shared_class_table);
SharedClassTable* shared_class_table() const { return shared_class_table_; }
void CopyBeforeHotReload(RawClass*** copy, intptr_t* copy_num_cids) {
// The [IsolateReloadContext] will need to maintain a copy of the old class
// table until instances have been morphed.
const intptr_t num_cids = NumCids();
const intptr_t bytes = sizeof(RawClass*) * num_cids;
auto class_table = static_cast<RawClass**>(malloc(bytes));
memmove(class_table, table_, sizeof(RawClass*) * num_cids);
*copy_num_cids = num_cids;
*copy = class_table;
void ResetBeforeHotReload() {
// We cannot clear out the class pointers, because a hot-reload
// contains only a diff: If e.g. a class included in the hot-reload has a
// super class not included in the diff, it will look up in this class table
// to find the super class (e.g. `cls.SuperClass` will cause us to come
// here).
void ResetAfterHotReload(RawClass** old_table,
intptr_t num_old_cids,
bool is_rollback) {
// The [IsolateReloadContext] is no longer source-of-truth for GC after we
// return, so we restore size information for all classes.
if (is_rollback) {
memmove(table_, old_table, sizeof(RawClass*) * num_old_cids);
} else {
// Can't free this table immediately as another thread (e.g., concurrent
// marker or sweeper) may be between loading the table pointer and loading
// the table element. The table will be freed at the next major GC or
// isolate shutdown.
// Thread-safe.
RawClass* At(intptr_t index) const {
return table_[index];
intptr_t SizeAt(intptr_t index) const {
return shared_class_table_->SizeAt(index);
void SetAt(intptr_t index, RawClass* raw_cls);
bool IsValidIndex(intptr_t index) const {
return shared_class_table_->IsValidIndex(index);
bool HasValidClassAt(intptr_t index) const {
return table_[index] != nullptr;
intptr_t NumCids() const { return shared_class_table_->NumCids(); }
intptr_t Capacity() const { return shared_class_table_->Capacity(); }
// Used to drop recently added classes.
void SetNumCids(intptr_t num_cids) {
ASSERT(num_cids <= top_);
top_ = num_cids;
void Register(const Class& cls);
void AllocateIndex(intptr_t index);
void Unregister(intptr_t index);
void Remap(intptr_t* old_to_new_cids);
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
// If a snapshot reader has populated the class table then the
// sizes in the class table are not correct. Iterates through the
// table, updating the sizes.
void CopySizesFromClassObjects();
void Validate();
void Print();
// Used by the generated code.
static intptr_t table_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(ClassTable, table_); }
// Used by the generated code.
static intptr_t shared_class_table_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ClassTable, shared_class_table_);
#ifndef PRODUCT
// Describes layout of heap stats for code generation. See
struct ArrayLayout {
static intptr_t elements_start_offset() { return 0; }
static constexpr intptr_t kElementSize = sizeof(uint8_t);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void AllocationProfilePrintJSON(JSONStream* stream, bool internal);
void PrintToJSONObject(JSONObject* object);
#endif // !PRODUCT
// Deallocates table copies. Do not call during concurrent access to table.
void FreeOldTables();
friend class GCMarker;
friend class MarkingWeakVisitor;
friend class Scavenger;
friend class ScavengerWeakVisitor;
static const int kInitialCapacity = SharedClassTable::kInitialCapacity;
static const int kCapacityIncrement = SharedClassTable::kCapacityIncrement;
void AddOldTable(RawClass** old_table);
void Grow(intptr_t index);
intptr_t top_;
intptr_t capacity_;
// Copy-on-write is used for table_, with old copies stored in
// old_class_tables_.
RawClass** table_;
MallocGrowableArray<RawClass**>* old_class_tables_;
SharedClassTable* shared_class_table_;
} // namespace dart