blob: f984f17bcec5fa1d8c36050a23b975baa2f04bbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/already_migrated_code_decorator.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/conditional_discard.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/decorated_type.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/expression_checks.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/fix_builder.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/node_builder.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/potential_modification.dart';
/// Data structure used by [Variables.spanForUniqueIdentifier] to return an
/// offset/end pair.
class OffsetEndPair {
final int offset;
final int end;
OffsetEndPair(this.offset, this.end);
class Variables implements VariableRecorder, VariableRepository {
final NullabilityGraph _graph;
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
final _conditionalDiscards = <Source, Map<int, ConditionalDiscard>>{};
final _decoratedElementTypes = <Element, DecoratedType>{};
final _decoratedDirectSupertypes =
<ClassElement, Map<ClassElement, DecoratedType>>{};
final _decoratedTypeAnnotations = <Source, Map<int, DecoratedType>>{};
final _expressionChecks = <Source, Map<int, ExpressionChecks>>{};
final _potentialModifications = <Source, List<PotentialModification>>{};
final _unnecessaryCasts = <Source, Set<int>>{};
final AlreadyMigratedCodeDecorator _alreadyMigratedCodeDecorator;
final NullabilityMigrationInstrumentation /*?*/ instrumentation;
Variables(this._graph, this._typeProvider, {this.instrumentation})
: _alreadyMigratedCodeDecorator =
AlreadyMigratedCodeDecorator(_graph, _typeProvider);
Map<ClassElement, DecoratedType> decoratedDirectSupertypes(
ClassElement class_) {
return _decoratedDirectSupertypes[class_] ??=
DecoratedType decoratedElementType(Element element) {
assert(element is! TypeParameterElement,
'Use decoratedTypeParameterBound instead');
return _decoratedElementTypes[element] ??=
DecoratedType decoratedTypeAnnotation(
Source source, TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation) {
var annotationsInSource = _decoratedTypeAnnotations[source];
if (annotationsInSource == null) {
throw StateError('No declarated type annotations in ${source.fullName}; '
'expected one for ${typeAnnotation.toSource()} '
'(offset ${typeAnnotation.offset})');
DecoratedType decoratedTypeAnnotation = annotationsInSource[
uniqueIdentifierForSpan(typeAnnotation.offset, typeAnnotation.end)];
if (decoratedTypeAnnotation == null) {
throw StateError('Missing declarated type annotation'
' in ${source.fullName}; for ${typeAnnotation.toSource()}');
return decoratedTypeAnnotation;
/// Note: the optional argument [allowNullUnparentedBounds] is intended for
/// the FixBuilder stage only, to allow it to cope with the situation where
/// a type parameter element with a null parent doesn't have a decorated type
/// associated with it. This can arise because synthetic type parameter
/// elements get created as a result of type system operations during
/// resolution, and fortunately it isn't a problem during the FixBuilder stage
/// because at that point the types we are dealing with are all
/// post-migration types, so their bounds already reflect the correct
/// nullabilities.
DecoratedType decoratedTypeParameterBound(TypeParameterElement typeParameter,
{bool allowNullUnparentedBounds = false}) {
var enclosingElement = typeParameter.enclosingElement;
var decoratedType = DecoratedTypeParameterBounds.current.get(typeParameter);
if (enclosingElement == null) {
if (decoratedType == null && !allowNullUnparentedBounds) {
throw StateError(
'A decorated type for the bound of $typeParameter should '
'have been stored by the NodeBuilder via recordTypeParameterBound');
} else {
if (decoratedType == null) {
if (_graph.isBeingMigrated(typeParameter.library.source)) {
throw StateError(
'A decorated type for the bound of $typeParameter should '
'have been stored by the NodeBuilder via '
decoratedType = _alreadyMigratedCodeDecorator.decorate(
typeParameter.preMigrationBound ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance,
typeParameter, decoratedType);
DecoratedTypeParameterBounds.current.put(typeParameter, decoratedType);
return decoratedType;
/// Retrieves the [ExpressionChecks] object corresponding to the given
/// [expression], if one exists; otherwise null.
ExpressionChecks expressionChecks(Source source, Expression expression) {
return (_expressionChecks[source] ??
{})[uniqueIdentifierForSpan(expression.offset, expression.end)];
ConditionalDiscard getConditionalDiscard(Source source, AstNode node) =>
(_conditionalDiscards[source] ?? {})[node.offset];
Map<Source, List<PotentialModification>> getPotentialModifications() =>
void recordConditionalDiscard(
Source source, AstNode node, ConditionalDiscard conditionalDiscard) {
(_conditionalDiscards[source] ??= {})[node.offset] = conditionalDiscard;
source, ConditionalModification(node, conditionalDiscard));
void recordDecoratedDirectSupertypes(ClassElement class_,
Map<ClassElement, DecoratedType> decoratedDirectSupertypes) {
_decoratedDirectSupertypes[class_] = decoratedDirectSupertypes;
void recordDecoratedElementType(Element element, DecoratedType type) {
assert(() {
assert(element is! TypeParameterElement,
'Use recordDecoratedTypeParameterBound instead');
var library = element.library;
if (library == null) {
// No problem; the element is probably a parameter of a function type
// expressed using new-style Function syntax.
} else {
return true;
_decoratedElementTypes[element] = type;
void recordDecoratedExpressionType(Expression node, DecoratedType type) {}
void recordDecoratedTypeAnnotation(Source source, TypeAnnotation node,
DecoratedType type, PotentiallyAddQuestionSuffix potentialModification) {
instrumentation?.explicitTypeNullability(source, node, type.node);
if (potentialModification != null)
_addPotentialModification(source, potentialModification);
(_decoratedTypeAnnotations[source] ??=
{})[uniqueIdentifierForSpan(node.offset, node.end)] = type;
void recordExpressionChecks(
Source source, Expression expression, ExpressionChecksOrigin origin) {
_addPotentialModification(source, origin.checks);
(_expressionChecks[source] ??=
{})[uniqueIdentifierForSpan(expression.offset, expression.end)] =
void recordPossiblyOptional(
Source source, DefaultFormalParameter parameter, NullabilityNode node) {
var modification = PotentiallyAddRequired(parameter, node);
_addPotentialModification(source, modification);
void recordUnnecessaryCast(Source source, AsExpression node) {
bool newlyAdded = (_unnecessaryCasts[source] ??= {})
.add(uniqueIdentifierForSpan(node.offset, node.end));
/// Convert this decorated type into the [DartType] that it will represent
/// after the code has been migrated.
/// This method should be used after nullability propagation; it makes use of
/// the nullabilities associated with nullability nodes to determine which
/// types should be nullable and which types should not.
DartType toFinalType(DecoratedType decoratedType) {
var type = decoratedType.type;
if (type.isVoid || type.isDynamic) return type;
if (type.isBottom || type.isDartCoreNull) {
if (decoratedType.node.isNullable) {
return (_typeProvider.nullType as TypeImpl)
} else {
return NeverTypeImpl.instance;
var nullabilitySuffix = decoratedType.node.isNullable
? NullabilitySuffix.question
: NullabilitySuffix.none;
if (type is FunctionType) {
var parameters = <ParameterElement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < type.parameters.length; i++) {
var origParameter = type.parameters[i];
ParameterKind parameterKind;
DecoratedType parameterType;
var name =;
if (origParameter.isNamed) {
// TODO(paulberry): infer ParameterKind.NAMED_REQUIRED when
// appropriate. See
parameterKind = ParameterKind.NAMED;
parameterType = decoratedType.namedParameters[name];
} else {
parameterKind = origParameter.isOptional
? ParameterKind.POSITIONAL
: ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
parameterType = decoratedType.positionalParameters[i];
name, toFinalType(parameterType), parameterKind));
return FunctionTypeImpl(
typeFormals: type.typeFormals,
parameters: parameters,
returnType: toFinalType(decoratedType.returnType),
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
} else if (type is InterfaceType) {
return InterfaceTypeImpl(
element: type.element,
typeArguments: [
for (var arg in decoratedType.typeArguments) toFinalType(arg)
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return TypeParameterTypeImpl(
element: type.element,
nullabilitySuffix: nullabilitySuffix,
} else {
// The above cases should cover all possible types. On the off chance
// they don't, fall back on returning DecoratedType.type.
assert(false, 'Unexpected type (${type.runtimeType})');
return type;
/// Queries whether, prior to migration, an unnecessary cast existed at
/// [node].
bool wasUnnecessaryCast(Source source, AsExpression node) =>
(_unnecessaryCasts[source] ?? const {})
.contains(uniqueIdentifierForSpan(node.offset, node.end));
void _addPotentialModification(
Source source, PotentialModification potentialModification) {
(_potentialModifications[source] ??= []).add(potentialModification);
/// Creates a decorated type for the given [element], which should come from
/// an already-migrated library (or the SDK).
DecoratedType _createDecoratedElementType(Element element) {
if (_graph.isBeingMigrated(element.library.source)) {
var description;
if (ElementTypeProvider.current is MigrationResolutionHooksImpl) {
// Don't attempt to call toString() on element, or we will overflow.
description = element.location;
} else {
description = element;
throw StateError(
'A decorated type for $description should have been stored '
'by the NodeBuilder via recordDecoratedElementType');
DecoratedType decoratedType;
if (element is Member) {
assert((element as Member).isLegacy);
element = element.declaration;
if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
// For `typedef F<T> = Function(T)`, get the `function` which is (in this
// case) `Function(T)`. Without this we would get `Function<T>(T)` which
// is incorrect. This is a known issue with `.type` on typedefs in the
// analyzer.
element = (element as FunctionTypeAliasElement).function;
if (element is FunctionTypedElement) {
decoratedType = _alreadyMigratedCodeDecorator.decorate(
element.preMigrationType, element);
} else if (element is VariableElement) {
decoratedType = _alreadyMigratedCodeDecorator.decorate(
element.preMigrationType, element);
} else {
// TODO(paulberry)
throw UnimplementedError('Decorating ${element.runtimeType}');
instrumentation?.externalDecoratedType(element, decoratedType);
return decoratedType;
/// Creates an entry [_decoratedDirectSupertypes] for an already-migrated
/// class.
Map<ClassElement, DecoratedType> _decorateDirectSupertypes(
ClassElement class_) {
var result = <ClassElement, DecoratedType>{};
for (var decoratedSupertype
in _alreadyMigratedCodeDecorator.getImmediateSupertypes(class_)) {
var class_ = (decoratedSupertype.type as InterfaceType).element;
result[class_] = decoratedSupertype;
return result;
/// Inverts the logic of [uniqueIdentifierForSpan], producing an (offset, end)
/// pair.
static OffsetEndPair spanForUniqueIdentifier(int span) {
// The formula for uniqueIdentifierForSpan was:
// span = end*(end + 1) / 2 + offset
// In other words, all encodings with the same `end` value are consecutive.
// So we just have to figure out the `end` value for this `span`, then
// use [uniqueIdentifierForSpan] to find the first encoding with this `end`
// value, and subtract to find the offset.
// To find the `end` value, we assume offset = 0 and solve for `end` using
// the quadratic formula:
// span = end*(end + 1) / 2
// end^2 + end - 2*span = 0
// end = -1 +/- sqrt(1 + 8*span)
// We can reslove the `+/-` to `+` (since the result we seek can't be
// negative), so that yields:
// end = sqrt(1 + 8*span) - 1
int end = (math.sqrt(1 + 8.0 * span) - 1).floor();
assert(end >= 0);
// There's a slight chance of numerical instabilities in `sqrt` leading to
// a result for `end` that's off by 1, so we loop to find the correct
// result:
while (true) {
// Compute the first `span` value corresponding to this `end` value.
int firstSpanForThisEnd = uniqueIdentifierForSpan(0, end);
// Offsets are encoded consecutively so we can find the offset by
// subtracting:
int offset = span - firstSpanForThisEnd;
if (offset < 0) {
// Oops, `end` must have been too large. Decrement and try again.
assert(end > 0);
} else if (offset > end) {
// Oops, `end` must have been too small. Increment and try again.
} else {
return OffsetEndPair(offset, end);
/// Combine the given [offset] and [end] into a unique integer that depends
/// on both of them, taking advantage of the fact that `0 <= offset <= end`.
static int uniqueIdentifierForSpan(int offset, int end) {
assert(0 <= offset && offset <= end);
// Our encoding is based on the observation that if you make a graph of the
// set of all possible (offset, end) pairs, marking those that satisfy
// `0 <= offset <= end` with an `x`, you get a triangle shape:
// offset
// +-------->
// |x
// |xx
// end |xxx
// |xxxx
// V
// If we assign integers to the `x`s in the order they appear in this graph,
// then the rows start with numbers 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, etc. This can be
// computed from `end` as `end*(end + 1)/2`. We use `~/` for integer
// division.
return end * (end + 1) ~/ 2 + offset;
extension on TypeParameterElement {
DartType get preMigrationBound {
var previousElementTypeProvider = ElementTypeProvider.current;
try {
ElementTypeProvider.current = const ElementTypeProvider();
return bound;
} finally {
ElementTypeProvider.current = previousElementTypeProvider;
extension on FunctionTypedElement {
FunctionType get preMigrationType {
var previousElementTypeProvider = ElementTypeProvider.current;
try {
ElementTypeProvider.current = const ElementTypeProvider();
return type;
} finally {
ElementTypeProvider.current = previousElementTypeProvider;
extension on VariableElement {
DartType get preMigrationType {
var previousElementTypeProvider = ElementTypeProvider.current;
try {
ElementTypeProvider.current = const ElementTypeProvider();
return type;
} finally {
ElementTypeProvider.current = previousElementTypeProvider;