blob: 76c5ab99e39000a7e782d2b70f8cce3e0d02653d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' as ir;
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
import 'runtime_type_analysis.dart';
import 'scope.dart';
import 'static_type_base.dart';
import 'static_type_cache.dart';
/// Enum values for how the target of a static type should be interpreted.
enum ClassRelation {
/// The target is any subtype of the static type.
/// The target is a subclass or mixin application of the static type.
/// This corresponds to accessing a member through a this expression.
/// The target is an exact instance of the static type.
ClassRelation computeClassRelationFromType(ir.DartType type) {
if (type is ThisInterfaceType) {
return ClassRelation.thisExpression;
} else if (type is ExactInterfaceType) {
return ClassRelation.exact;
} else {
return ClassRelation.subtype;
/// Visitor that computes and caches the static type of expression while
/// visiting the full tree at expression level.
/// To ensure that the traversal only visits and computes the expression type
/// for each expression once, this class performs the traversal explicitly and
/// adds 'handleX' hooks for subclasses to handle individual expressions using
/// the readily compute static types of subexpressions.
abstract class StaticTypeVisitor extends StaticTypeBase {
final Map<ir.Expression, ir.DartType> _expressionTypeCache = {};
Map<ir.ForInStatement, ir.DartType> _forInIteratorTypeCache;
Map<ir.Expression, TypeMap> typeMapsForTesting;
Map<ir.PropertyGet, RuntimeTypeUseData> _pendingRuntimeTypeUseData = {};
final ir.ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
ThisInterfaceType _thisType;
ir.Library _currentLibrary;
StaticTypeVisitor(ir.TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment, this.hierarchy)
: super(typeEnvironment);
StaticTypeCache getStaticTypeCache() {
return new StaticTypeCache(_expressionTypeCache, _forInIteratorTypeCache);
/// If `true`, the effect of executing assert statements is taken into account
/// when computing the static type.
bool get useAsserts;
/// If `true`, the static type of an effectively final variable is inferred
/// from the static type of its initializer.
bool get inferEffectivelyFinalVariableTypes;
VariableScopeModel get variableScopeModel;
ThisInterfaceType get thisType {
assert(_thisType != null);
return _thisType;
void set thisType(ThisInterfaceType value) {
assert(value == null || _thisType == null);
_thisType = value;
ir.Library get currentLibrary {
assert(_currentLibrary != null);
return _currentLibrary;
void set currentLibrary(ir.Library value) {
assert(value == null || _currentLibrary == null);
_currentLibrary = value;
bool completes(ir.DartType type) => type != const DoesNotCompleteType();
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _currentVariables;
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _invalidatedVariables =
new Set<ir.VariableDeclaration>();
TypeMap _typeMapBase = const TypeMap();
TypeMap _typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap _typeMapWhenFalse;
/// Returns the local variable type promotions for when the boolean value of
/// the most recent node is not taken into account.
TypeMap get typeMap {
if (_typeMapBase == null) {
_typeMapBase = _typeMapWhenTrue.join(_typeMapWhenFalse);
_typeMapWhenTrue = _typeMapWhenFalse = null;
return _typeMapBase;
/// Sets the local variable type promotions for when the boolean value of
/// the most recent node is not taken into account.
void set typeMap(TypeMap value) {
_typeMapBase = value;
_typeMapWhenTrue = _typeMapWhenFalse = null;
/// Returns the local variable type promotions for when the boolean value of
/// the most recent node is `true`.
TypeMap get typeMapWhenTrue => _typeMapWhenTrue ?? _typeMapBase;
/// Sets the local variable type promotions for when the boolean value of
/// the most recent node is `true`.
void set typeMapWhenTrue(TypeMap value) {
_typeMapWhenTrue = value;
_typeMapBase = null;
/// Returns the local variable type promotions for when the boolean value of
/// the most recent node is `false`.
TypeMap get typeMapWhenFalse => _typeMapWhenFalse ?? _typeMapBase;
/// Sets the local variable type promotions for when the boolean value of
/// the most recent node is `false`.
void set typeMapWhenFalse(TypeMap value) {
_typeMapWhenFalse = value;
_typeMapBase = null;
ir.DartType defaultNode(ir.Node node) =>
throw UnsupportedError('Unhandled node $node (${node.runtimeType})');
Null visitComponent(ir.Component node) {
Null visitLibrary(ir.Library node) {
Null visitClass(ir.Class node) {
ir.InterfaceType getInterfaceTypeOf(ir.DartType type) {
while (type is ir.TypeParameterType) {
type = (type as ir.TypeParameterType).parameter.bound;
return type is ir.InterfaceType ? type : null;
/// Returns the static type of the expression as an instantiation of
/// [superclass].
/// Should only be used on code compiled in strong mode, as this method
/// assumes the IR is strongly typed.
/// This method furthermore assumes that the type of the expression actually
/// is a subtype of (some instantiation of) the given [superclass].
/// If this is not the case the raw type of [superclass] is returned.
/// This method is derived from `ir.Expression.getStaticTypeAsInstanceOf`.
ir.InterfaceType getTypeAsInstanceOf(
ir.DartType type, ir.Class superclass, ir.Library clientLibrary) {
// This method assumes the program is correctly typed, so if the superclass
// is not generic, we can just return its raw type without computing the
// type of this expression. It also ensures that all types are considered
// subtypes of Object (not just interface types), and function types are
// considered subtypes of Function.
if (superclass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
return typeEnvironment.coreTypes.rawType(superclass, type.nullability);
while (type is ir.TypeParameterType) {
type = (type as ir.TypeParameterType).parameter.bound;
if (type == typeEnvironment.nullType) {
return typeEnvironment.coreTypes
.bottomInterfaceType(superclass, clientLibrary.nullable);
if (type is ir.InterfaceType) {
ir.InterfaceType upcastType = typeEnvironment.getTypeAsInstanceOf(
type, superclass, clientLibrary, typeEnvironment.coreTypes);
if (upcastType != null) return upcastType;
} else if (type is ir.BottomType) {
return typeEnvironment.coreTypes
.bottomInterfaceType(superclass, clientLibrary.nonNullable);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we assert that this doesn't happen?
return typeEnvironment.coreTypes.rawType(superclass, type.nullability);
/// Computes the result type of the property access [node] on a receiver of
/// type [receiverType].
/// If the `node.interfaceTarget` is `null` but matches an `Object` member
/// it is updated to target this member.
ir.DartType _computePropertyGetType(
ir.PropertyGet node, ir.DartType receiverType) {
ir.Member interfaceTarget = node.interfaceTarget;
if (interfaceTarget == null && receiverType is ir.InterfaceType) {
interfaceTarget = node.interfaceTarget =
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
ir.Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
receiverType =
getTypeAsInstanceOf(receiverType, superclass, currentLibrary);
return ir.Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
// Treat the properties of Object specially.
String nameString =;
if (nameString == 'hashCode') {
return typeEnvironment.coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType;
} else if (nameString == 'runtimeType') {
return typeEnvironment.coreTypes.typeNonNullableRawType;
return const ir.DynamicType();
void handlePropertyGet(
ir.PropertyGet node, ir.DartType receiverType, ir.DartType resultType) {}
void handleRuntimeTypeUse(ir.PropertyGet node, RuntimeTypeUseKind kind,
ir.DartType receiverType, ir.DartType argumentType) {}
ir.DartType visitPropertyGet(ir.PropertyGet node) {
ir.DartType receiverType = visitNode(node.receiver);
ir.DartType resultType = _expressionTypeCache[node] =
_computePropertyGetType(node, receiverType);
receiverType = _narrowInstanceReceiver(node.interfaceTarget, receiverType);
handlePropertyGet(node, receiverType, resultType);
if ( == Identifiers.runtimeType_) {
RuntimeTypeUseData data =
computeRuntimeTypeUse(_pendingRuntimeTypeUseData, node);
if (data.leftRuntimeTypeExpression == node) {
// [node] is the left (or single) occurrence of `.runtimeType` so we
// can set the static type of the receiver expression.
data.receiverType = receiverType;
} else {
// [node] is the right occurrence of `.runtimeType` so we
// can set the static type of the argument expression.
assert(data.rightRuntimeTypeExpression == node,
"Unexpected RuntimeTypeUseData for $node: $data");
data.argumentType = receiverType;
if (data.isComplete) {
/// We now have all need static types so we can remove the data from
/// the cache and handle the runtime type use.
if (data.rightRuntimeTypeExpression != null) {
node, data.kind, data.receiverType, data.argumentType);
return resultType;
void handlePropertySet(
ir.PropertySet node, ir.DartType receiverType, ir.DartType valueType) {}
ir.DartType visitPropertySet(ir.PropertySet node) {
ir.DartType receiverType = visitNode(node.receiver);
ir.DartType valueType = super.visitPropertySet(node);
ir.Member interfaceTarget = node.interfaceTarget;
if (interfaceTarget == null && receiverType is ir.InterfaceType) {
interfaceTarget = hierarchy
.getInterfaceMember(receiverType.classNode,, setter: true);
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
ir.Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
ir.Substitution receiverSubstitution =
getTypeAsInstanceOf(receiverType, superclass, currentLibrary));
ir.DartType setterType =
if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
valueType, setterType, ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
// We need to insert an implicit cast to preserve the invariant that
// a property set with a known interface target is also statically
// checked.
ir.AsExpression implicitCast =
new ir.AsExpression(node.value, setterType)
..isTypeError = true
..parent = node;
node.value = implicitCast;
// Visit the newly created as expression; the original value has
// already been visited.
handleAsExpression(implicitCast, valueType);
valueType = setterType;
node.interfaceTarget = interfaceTarget;
receiverType = _narrowInstanceReceiver(interfaceTarget, receiverType);
handlePropertySet(node, receiverType, valueType);
return valueType;
void handleDirectPropertyGet(ir.DirectPropertyGet node,
ir.DartType receiverType, ir.DartType resultType) {}
ir.DartType visitDirectPropertyGet(ir.DirectPropertyGet node) {
ir.DartType receiverType = visitNode(node.receiver);
ir.Class superclass =;
receiverType =
getTypeAsInstanceOf(receiverType, superclass, currentLibrary);
ir.DartType resultType = ir.Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
_expressionTypeCache[node] = resultType;
handleDirectPropertyGet(node, receiverType, resultType);
return resultType;
void handleDirectMethodInvocation(
ir.DirectMethodInvocation node,
ir.DartType receiverType,
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes,
ir.DartType returnType) {}
ir.DartType visitDirectMethodInvocation(ir.DirectMethodInvocation node) {
ir.DartType receiverType = visitNode(node.receiver);
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes = _visitArguments(node.arguments);
ir.DartType returnType;
if (typeEnvironment.isOverloadedArithmeticOperator( {
ir.DartType argumentType = argumentTypes.positional[0];
returnType = typeEnvironment.getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(
receiverType, argumentType);
} else {
ir.Class superclass =;
receiverType =
getTypeAsInstanceOf(receiverType, superclass, currentLibrary);
ir.DartType returnType = ir.Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
returnType = ir.Substitution.fromPairs(, node.arguments.types)
_expressionTypeCache[node] = returnType;
handleDirectMethodInvocation(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, returnType);
return returnType;
void handleDirectPropertySet(ir.DirectPropertySet node,
ir.DartType receiverType, ir.DartType valueType) {}
ir.DartType visitDirectPropertySet(ir.DirectPropertySet node) {
ir.DartType receiverType = visitNode(node.receiver);
ir.DartType valueType = super.visitDirectPropertySet(node);
handleDirectPropertySet(node, receiverType, valueType);
return valueType;
/// Returns `true` if [interfaceTarget] is an arithmetic operator whose result
/// type is computed using both the receiver type and the argument type.
/// Visitors that subclass the [StaticTypeVisitor] must special case this
/// target as to avoid visiting the argument twice.
bool isSpecialCasedBinaryOperator(ir.Member interfaceTarget) {
return interfaceTarget is ir.Procedure &&
ir.Member _getMember(ir.Class cls, String name) {
for (ir.Member member in cls.members) {
if ( == name) return member;
throw fail("Member '$name' not found in $cls");
ir.Procedure _objectEquals;
ir.Procedure get objectEquals =>
_objectEquals ??= _getMember(typeEnvironment.coreTypes.objectClass, '==');
/// Returns [receiverType] narrowed to enclosing class of [interfaceTarget].
/// If [interfaceTarget] is `null` or `receiverType` is _not_ `dynamic` no
/// narrowing is performed.
ir.DartType _narrowInstanceReceiver(
ir.Member interfaceTarget, ir.DartType receiverType) {
if (interfaceTarget != null && receiverType == const ir.DynamicType()) {
receiverType = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass.getThisType(
return receiverType;
/// Returns `true` if [member] can be called with the structure of
/// [arguments].
bool _isApplicable(ir.Arguments arguments, ir.Member member) {
/// Returns `true` if [arguments] are applicable to the function type
/// structure.
bool isFunctionTypeApplicable(
int typeParameterCount,
int requiredParameterCount,
int positionalParameterCount,
Iterable<String> Function() getNamedParameters) {
if (arguments.types.isNotEmpty &&
arguments.types.length != typeParameterCount) {
return false;
if (arguments.positional.length < requiredParameterCount) {
return false;
if (arguments.positional.length > positionalParameterCount) {
return false;
Iterable<String> namedParameters = getNamedParameters();
if (arguments.named.length > namedParameters.length) {
return false;
if (arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
for (ir.NamedExpression namedArguments in arguments.named) {
if (!namedParameters.contains( {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns `true` if [arguments] are applicable to a value of the static
/// [type].
bool isTypeApplicable(ir.DartType type) {
if (type is ir.DynamicType) return true;
if (type == typeEnvironment.coreTypes.functionLegacyRawType ||
type == typeEnvironment.coreTypes.functionNullableRawType ||
type == typeEnvironment.coreTypes.functionNonNullableRawType)
return true;
if (type is ir.FunctionType) {
return isFunctionTypeApplicable(
() => =>;
return false;
if (member is ir.Procedure) {
if (member.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Setter ||
member.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Factory) {
return false;
} else if (member.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Getter) {
return isTypeApplicable(member.getterType);
} else if (member.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Method ||
member.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Operator) {
return isFunctionTypeApplicable(
() => =>;
} else if (member is ir.Field) {
return isTypeApplicable(member.type);
return false;
/// Update the interface target on [node].
/// This inserts any implicit cast of the arguments necessary to uphold the
/// invariant that a method invocation with an interface target handles
/// the static types at the call site.
void _updateMethodInvocationTarget(
ir.MethodInvocation node,
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes,
ir.DartType functionType,
ir.Member interfaceTarget) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Handle incremental target improvement.
if (node.interfaceTarget != null) return;
node.interfaceTarget = interfaceTarget;
if (functionType is! ir.FunctionType) return;
ir.FunctionType parameterTypes = functionType;
Map<int, ir.DartType> neededPositionalChecks = {};
for (int i = 0; i < node.arguments.positional.length; i++) {
ir.DartType argumentType = argumentTypes.positional[i];
ir.DartType parameterType = parameterTypes.positionalParameters[i];
if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(argumentType, parameterType,
ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
neededPositionalChecks[i] = parameterType;
Map<int, ir.DartType> neededNamedChecks = {};
for (int argumentIndex = 0;
argumentIndex < node.arguments.named.length;
argumentIndex++) {
ir.NamedExpression namedArgument = node.arguments.named[argumentIndex];
ir.DartType argumentType = argumentTypes.named[argumentIndex];
ir.DartType parameterType = parameterTypes.namedParameters
.singleWhere((namedType) => ==
if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(argumentType, parameterType,
ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
neededNamedChecks[argumentIndex] = parameterType;
if (neededPositionalChecks.isEmpty && neededNamedChecks.isEmpty) {
// No implicit casts needed
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> letVariables = [];
// Arguments need to be hoisted to an enclosing let expression in order
// to ensure that the arguments are evaluated before any implicit cast.
ir.Expression updateArgument(ir.Expression expression, ir.TreeNode parent,
ir.DartType argumentType, ir.DartType checkedParameterType) {
ir.VariableDeclaration variable =
new ir.VariableDeclaration.forValue(expression, type: argumentType);
// Visit the newly created variable declaration.
ir.VariableGet get = new ir.VariableGet(variable)..parent = parent;
// Visit the newly created variable get.
handleVariableGet(get, argumentType);
_expressionTypeCache[get] = argumentType;
if (checkedParameterType == null) {
return get;
// We need to insert an implicit cast to preserve the invariant that
// a method invocation with a known interface target is also
// statically checked.
ir.AsExpression implicitCast =
new ir.AsExpression(get, checkedParameterType)
..isTypeError = true
..parent = parent;
// Visit the newly created as expression; the original value has
// already been visited.
handleAsExpression(implicitCast, argumentType);
return implicitCast;
for (int index = 0; index < node.arguments.positional.length; index++) {
ir.DartType argumentType = argumentTypes.positional[index];
node.arguments.positional[index] = updateArgument(
for (int argumentIndex = 0;
argumentIndex < node.arguments.named.length;
argumentIndex++) {
ir.NamedExpression namedArgument = node.arguments.named[argumentIndex];
ir.DartType argumentType = argumentTypes.named[argumentIndex];
namedArgument.value = updateArgument(namedArgument.value, namedArgument,
argumentType, neededNamedChecks[argumentIndex]);
ir.Expression dummy = new ir.NullLiteral();
ir.Expression body = node;
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in letVariables.reversed) {
body = new ir.Let(variable, body);
/// Computes the result type of the method invocation [node] on a receiver of
/// type [receiverType].
/// If the `node.interfaceTarget` is `null` but matches an `Object` member
/// it is updated to target this member.
ir.DartType _computeMethodInvocationType(ir.MethodInvocation node,
ir.DartType receiverType, ArgumentTypes argumentTypes) {
ir.Member interfaceTarget = node.interfaceTarget;
// TODO(34602): Remove when `interfaceTarget` is set on synthetic calls to
// ==.
if (interfaceTarget == null && == '==' &&
node.arguments.types.isEmpty &&
node.arguments.positional.length == 1 &&
node.arguments.named.isEmpty) {
interfaceTarget = node.interfaceTarget = objectEquals;
if (interfaceTarget == null && receiverType is ir.InterfaceType) {
ir.Member member =
if (_isApplicable(node.arguments, member)) {
interfaceTarget = member;
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
ir.Class superclass = interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
ir.Substitution receiverSubstitution = ir.Substitution.fromInterfaceType(
getTypeAsInstanceOf(receiverType, superclass, currentLibrary));
ir.DartType getterType =
if (getterType is ir.FunctionType) {
ir.FunctionType functionType = getterType;
List<ir.DartType> typeArguments = node.arguments.types;
if (interfaceTarget is ir.Procedure &&
interfaceTarget.function.typeParameters.isNotEmpty &&
typeArguments.isEmpty) {
// If this was a dynamic call the invocation does not have the
// inferred default type arguments so we need to create them here
// to perform a valid substitution.
typeArguments = interfaceTarget.function.typeParameters
.map((t) => receiverSubstitution.substituteType(t.defaultType))
getterType = ir.Substitution.fromPairs(
functionType.typeParameters, typeArguments)
node, argumentTypes, getterType, interfaceTarget);
if (isSpecialCasedBinaryOperator(interfaceTarget)) {
ir.DartType argumentType = argumentTypes.positional[0];
return typeEnvironment.getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(
receiverType, argumentType);
} else if (getterType is ir.FunctionType) {
return getterType.returnType;
} else {
return const ir.DynamicType();
if ( == 'call') {
if (receiverType is ir.FunctionType) {
if (receiverType.typeParameters.length != node.arguments.types.length) {
return const DoesNotCompleteType();
return ir.Substitution.fromPairs(
receiverType.typeParameters, node.arguments.types)
if ( == '==') {
// We use this special case to simplify generation of '==' checks.
return typeEnvironment.coreTypes.boolNonNullableRawType;
return const ir.DynamicType();
ArgumentTypes _visitArguments(ir.Arguments arguments) {
List<ir.DartType> positional;
List<ir.DartType> named;
if (arguments.positional.isEmpty) {
positional = const <ir.DartType>[];
} else {
positional = new List<ir.DartType>(arguments.positional.length);
int index = 0;
for (ir.Expression argument in arguments.positional) {
positional[index++] = visitNode(argument);
if (arguments.named.isEmpty) {
named = const <ir.DartType>[];
} else {
named = new List<ir.DartType>(arguments.named.length);
int index = 0;
for (ir.NamedExpression argument in arguments.named) {
named[index++] = visitNode(argument);
return new ArgumentTypes(positional, named);
void handleMethodInvocation(
ir.MethodInvocation node,
ir.DartType receiverType,
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes,
ir.DartType returnType) {}
ir.DartType visitMethodInvocation(ir.MethodInvocation node) {
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes = _visitArguments(node.arguments);
ir.DartType receiverType = visitNode(node.receiver);
ir.DartType returnType =
_computeMethodInvocationType(node, receiverType, argumentTypes);
receiverType = _narrowInstanceReceiver(node.interfaceTarget, receiverType);
if ( == '==') {
ir.Expression left = node.receiver;
ir.Expression right = node.arguments.positional[0];
TypeMap afterInvocation = typeMap;
if (left is ir.VariableGet &&
right is ir.NullLiteral &&
!_invalidatedVariables.contains(left.variable)) {
// If `left == null` is true, we promote the type of the variable to
// `Null` by registering that is known _not_ to be of its declared type.
typeMapWhenTrue = afterInvocation
.promote(left.variable, left.variable.type, isTrue: false);
typeMapWhenFalse = afterInvocation
.promote(left.variable, left.variable.type, isTrue: true);
if (right is ir.VariableGet &&
left is ir.NullLiteral &&
!_invalidatedVariables.contains(right.variable)) {
// If `null == right` is true, we promote the type of the variable to
// `Null` by registering that is known _not_ to be of its declared type.
typeMapWhenTrue = afterInvocation
.promote(right.variable, right.variable.type, isTrue: false);
typeMapWhenFalse = afterInvocation
.promote(right.variable, right.variable.type, isTrue: true);
_expressionTypeCache[node] = returnType;
handleMethodInvocation(node, receiverType, argumentTypes, returnType);
return returnType;
void handleVariableGet(ir.VariableGet node, ir.DartType type) {}
ir.DartType visitVariableGet(ir.VariableGet node) {
if (typeMapsForTesting != null) {
typeMapsForTesting[node] = typeMap;
ir.DartType promotedType = typeMap.typeOf(node, typeEnvironment);
node.promotedType == null ||
promotedType == typeEnvironment.nullType ||
typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(promotedType, node.promotedType,
"Unexpected promotion of ${node.variable} in ${node.parent}. "
"Expected ${node.promotedType}, found $promotedType");
_expressionTypeCache[node] = promotedType;
handleVariableGet(node, promotedType);
return promotedType;
void handleVariableSet(ir.VariableSet node, ir.DartType resultType) {}
ir.DartType visitVariableSet(ir.VariableSet node) {
ir.DartType resultType = super.visitVariableSet(node);
handleVariableSet(node, resultType);
if (!_currentVariables.contains(node.variable)) {
typeMap = typeMap.remove([node.variable]);
} else {
typeMap = typeMap.reduce(node, resultType, typeEnvironment);
return resultType;
void handleStaticGet(ir.StaticGet node, ir.DartType resultType) {}
ir.DartType visitStaticGet(ir.StaticGet node) {
ir.DartType resultType = super.visitStaticGet(node);
handleStaticGet(node, resultType);
return resultType;
void handleStaticSet(ir.StaticSet node, ir.DartType valueType) {}
ir.DartType visitStaticSet(ir.StaticSet node) {
ir.DartType valueType = super.visitStaticSet(node);
handleStaticSet(node, valueType);
return valueType;
void handleStaticInvocation(ir.StaticInvocation node,
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes, ir.DartType returnType) {}
ir.DartType visitStaticInvocation(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes = _visitArguments(node.arguments);
ir.DartType returnType = ir.Substitution.fromPairs(, node.arguments.types)
_expressionTypeCache[node] = returnType;
handleStaticInvocation(node, argumentTypes, returnType);
return returnType;
void handleConstructorInvocation(ir.ConstructorInvocation node,
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes, ir.DartType resultType) {}
ir.DartType visitConstructorInvocation(ir.ConstructorInvocation node) {
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes = _visitArguments(node.arguments);
ir.DartType resultType = node.arguments.types.isEmpty
? new ExactInterfaceType.from(typeEnvironment.coreTypes
: new ExactInterfaceType(,
ir.Nullability.nonNullable, node.arguments.types);
_expressionTypeCache[node] = resultType;
handleConstructorInvocation(node, argumentTypes, resultType);
return resultType;
void handleSuperPropertyGet(
ir.SuperPropertyGet node, ir.DartType resultType) {}
ir.DartType visitSuperPropertyGet(ir.SuperPropertyGet node) {
ir.DartType resultType;
if (node.interfaceTarget == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Resolve and set the target here.
resultType = const ir.DynamicType();
} else {
ir.Class declaringClass = node.interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
if (declaringClass.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
resultType = node.interfaceTarget.getterType;
} else {
ir.DartType receiver = typeEnvironment.getTypeAsInstanceOf(thisType,
declaringClass, currentLibrary, typeEnvironment.coreTypes);
resultType = ir.Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiver)
_expressionTypeCache[node] = resultType;
handleSuperPropertyGet(node, resultType);
return resultType;
void handleSuperPropertySet(
ir.SuperPropertySet node, ir.DartType valueType) {}
ir.DartType visitSuperPropertySet(ir.SuperPropertySet node) {
ir.DartType valueType = super.visitSuperPropertySet(node);
handleSuperPropertySet(node, valueType);
return valueType;
void handleSuperMethodInvocation(ir.SuperMethodInvocation node,
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes, ir.DartType returnType) {}
ir.DartType visitSuperMethodInvocation(ir.SuperMethodInvocation node) {
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes = _visitArguments(node.arguments);
ir.DartType returnType;
if (node.interfaceTarget == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Resolve and set the target here.
returnType = const ir.DynamicType();
} else {
ir.Class superclass = node.interfaceTarget.enclosingClass;
ir.InterfaceType receiverType = typeEnvironment.getTypeAsInstanceOf(
thisType, superclass, currentLibrary, typeEnvironment.coreTypes);
returnType = ir.Substitution.fromInterfaceType(receiverType)
returnType = ir.Substitution.fromPairs(
_expressionTypeCache[node] = returnType;
handleSuperMethodInvocation(node, argumentTypes, returnType);
return returnType;
ir.DartType visitLogicalExpression(ir.LogicalExpression node) {
if (node.operator == '&&') {
TypeMap afterLeftWhenTrue = typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterLeftWhenFalse = typeMapWhenFalse;
typeMap = afterLeftWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterRightWhenTrue = typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterRightWhenFalse = typeMapWhenFalse;
typeMapWhenTrue = afterRightWhenTrue;
typeMapWhenFalse = afterLeftWhenFalse.join(afterRightWhenFalse);
} else {
TypeMap afterLeftWhenTrue = typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterLeftWhenFalse = typeMapWhenFalse;
typeMap = afterLeftWhenFalse;
TypeMap afterRightWhenTrue = typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterRightWhenFalse = typeMapWhenFalse;
typeMapWhenTrue = afterLeftWhenTrue.join(afterRightWhenTrue);
typeMapWhenFalse = afterRightWhenFalse;
return super.visitLogicalExpression(node);
ir.DartType visitNot(ir.Not node) {
TypeMap afterOperandWhenTrue = typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterOperandWhenFalse = typeMapWhenFalse;
typeMapWhenTrue = afterOperandWhenFalse;
typeMapWhenFalse = afterOperandWhenTrue;
return super.visitNot(node);
ir.DartType _handleConditional(
ir.Expression condition, ir.TreeNode then, ir.TreeNode otherwise) {
TypeMap afterConditionWhenTrue = typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterConditionWhenFalse = typeMapWhenFalse;
typeMap = afterConditionWhenTrue;
ir.DartType thenType = visitNode(then);
TypeMap afterThen = typeMap;
typeMap = afterConditionWhenFalse;
ir.DartType otherwiseType = visitNode(otherwise);
TypeMap afterOtherwise = typeMap;
if (completes(thenType) && completes(otherwiseType)) {
typeMap = afterThen.join(afterOtherwise);
return null;
} else if (completes(thenType)) {
typeMap = afterThen;
return null;
} else if (completes(otherwiseType)) {
typeMap = afterOtherwise;
return null;
} else {
typeMap = afterThen.join(afterOtherwise);
return const DoesNotCompleteType();
ir.DartType visitConditionalExpression(ir.ConditionalExpression node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should we return `const DoesNotCompleteType()` if
// both branches are failing?
_handleConditional(node.condition, node.then, node.otherwise);
return super.visitConditionalExpression(node);
void handleIsExpression(ir.IsExpression node) {}
ir.DartType visitIsExpression(ir.IsExpression node) {
ir.Expression operand = node.operand;
if (operand is ir.VariableGet &&
!_invalidatedVariables.contains(operand.variable)) {
TypeMap afterOperand = typeMap;
typeMapWhenTrue =
afterOperand.promote(operand.variable, node.type, isTrue: true);
typeMapWhenFalse =
afterOperand.promote(operand.variable, node.type, isTrue: false);
return super.visitIsExpression(node);
ir.DartType visitLet(ir.Let node) {
return super.visitLet(node);
ir.DartType visitBlockExpression(ir.BlockExpression node) {
return super.visitBlockExpression(node);
ir.DartType _computeInstantiationType(
ir.Instantiation node, ir.FunctionType expressionType) {
return ir.Substitution.fromPairs(
expressionType.typeParameters, node.typeArguments)
void handleInstantiation(ir.Instantiation node,
ir.FunctionType expressionType, ir.DartType resultType) {}
ir.DartType visitInstantiation(ir.Instantiation node) {
ir.FunctionType expressionType = visitNode(node.expression);
ir.DartType resultType = _computeInstantiationType(node, expressionType);
_expressionTypeCache[node] = resultType;
handleInstantiation(node, expressionType, resultType);
return resultType;
ir.DartType visitBlock(ir.Block node) {
ir.DartType type;
for (ir.Statement statement in node.statements) {
if (!completes(visitNode(statement))) {
type = const DoesNotCompleteType();
"Incomplete RuntimeTypeUseData: $_pendingRuntimeTypeUseData");
return type;
ir.DartType visitExpressionStatement(ir.ExpressionStatement node) {
return null;
void handleAsExpression(ir.AsExpression node, ir.DartType operandType) {}
ir.DartType visitAsExpression(ir.AsExpression node) {
ir.DartType operandType = visitNode(node.operand);
handleAsExpression(node, operandType);
return super.visitAsExpression(node);
void handleNullCheck(ir.NullCheck node, ir.DartType operandType) {}
ir.DartType visitNullCheck(ir.NullCheck node) {
ir.DartType operandType = visitNode(node.operand);
handleNullCheck(node, operandType);
ir.DartType resultType = operandType == typeEnvironment.nullType
? const ir.NeverType(ir.Nullability.nonNullable)
: operandType.withNullability(ir.Nullability.nonNullable);
_expressionTypeCache[node] = resultType;
return resultType;
void handleStringConcatenation(ir.StringConcatenation node) {}
ir.DartType visitStringConcatenation(ir.StringConcatenation node) {
return super.visitStringConcatenation(node);
void handleIntLiteral(ir.IntLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitIntLiteral(ir.IntLiteral node) {
return super.visitIntLiteral(node);
void handleDoubleLiteral(ir.DoubleLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitDoubleLiteral(ir.DoubleLiteral node) {
return super.visitDoubleLiteral(node);
void handleBoolLiteral(ir.BoolLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitBoolLiteral(ir.BoolLiteral node) {
return super.visitBoolLiteral(node);
void handleStringLiteral(ir.StringLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitStringLiteral(ir.StringLiteral node) {
return super.visitStringLiteral(node);
void handleSymbolLiteral(ir.SymbolLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitSymbolLiteral(ir.SymbolLiteral node) {
return super.visitSymbolLiteral(node);
void handleNullLiteral(ir.NullLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitNullLiteral(ir.NullLiteral node) {
return super.visitNullLiteral(node);
void handleListLiteral(ir.ListLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitListLiteral(ir.ListLiteral node) {
return super.visitListLiteral(node);
void handleSetLiteral(ir.SetLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitSetLiteral(ir.SetLiteral node) {
return super.visitSetLiteral(node);
void handleMapLiteral(ir.MapLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitMapLiteral(ir.MapLiteral node) {
return super.visitMapLiteral(node);
Null visitMapEntry(ir.MapEntry entry) {
void handleFunctionExpression(ir.FunctionExpression node) {}
ir.DartType visitFunctionExpression(ir.FunctionExpression node) {
TypeMap beforeClosure =
typeMap = typeMap.remove(variableScopeModel.assignedVariables);
ir.DartType returnType = super.visitFunctionExpression(node);
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _oldVariables = _currentVariables;
_currentVariables = {};
_currentVariables = _oldVariables;
typeMap = beforeClosure;
return returnType;
void handleThrow(ir.Throw node) {}
ir.DartType visitThrow(ir.Throw node) {
return super.visitThrow(node);
Null visitSwitchCase(ir.SwitchCase node) {
ir.DartType visitContinueSwitchStatement(ir.ContinueSwitchStatement node) {
return const DoesNotCompleteType();
Null visitLabeledStatement(ir.LabeledStatement node) {
ir.DartType visitBreakStatement(ir.BreakStatement node) {
return const DoesNotCompleteType();
Null visitYieldStatement(ir.YieldStatement node) {
Null visitAssertInitializer(ir.AssertInitializer node) {
void handleFieldInitializer(ir.FieldInitializer node) {}
Null visitFieldInitializer(ir.FieldInitializer node) {
void handleRedirectingInitializer(
ir.RedirectingInitializer node, ArgumentTypes argumentTypes) {}
Null visitRedirectingInitializer(ir.RedirectingInitializer node) {
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes = _visitArguments(node.arguments);
handleRedirectingInitializer(node, argumentTypes);
void handleSuperInitializer(
ir.SuperInitializer node, ArgumentTypes argumentTypes) {}
Null visitSuperInitializer(ir.SuperInitializer node) {
ArgumentTypes argumentTypes = _visitArguments(node.arguments);
handleSuperInitializer(node, argumentTypes);
Null visitLocalInitializer(ir.LocalInitializer node) {
ir.DartType visitNamedExpression(ir.NamedExpression node) =>
Null visitEmptyStatement(ir.EmptyStatement node) {}
Null visitForStatement(ir.ForStatement node) {
TypeMap beforeLoop = typeMap =
typeMap = typeMapWhenTrue;
typeMap = beforeLoop;
void handleForInStatement(ir.ForInStatement node, ir.DartType iterableType,
ir.DartType iteratorType) {}
Null visitForInStatement(ir.ForInStatement node) {
// For sync for-in [iterableType] is a subtype of `Iterable`, for async
// for-in [iterableType] is a subtype of `Stream`.
ir.DartType iterableType = visitNode(node.iterable);
ir.DartType iteratorType = const ir.DynamicType();
if (node.isAsync) {
ir.InterfaceType streamInterfaceType = getInterfaceTypeOf(iterableType);
ir.InterfaceType streamType = typeEnvironment.getTypeAsInstanceOf(
if (streamType != null) {
iteratorType = new ir.InterfaceType(
} else {
ir.InterfaceType iterableInterfaceType = getInterfaceTypeOf(iterableType);
ir.Member member = hierarchy.getInterfaceMember(
iterableInterfaceType.classNode, new ir.Name(Identifiers.iterator));
if (member != null) {
iteratorType = ir.Substitution.fromInterfaceType(
_forInIteratorTypeCache ??= {};
_forInIteratorTypeCache[node] = iteratorType;
TypeMap beforeLoop = typeMap =
handleForInStatement(node, iterableType, iteratorType);
typeMap = beforeLoop;
Null visitDoStatement(ir.DoStatement node) {
TypeMap beforeLoop = typeMap =
typeMap = beforeLoop;
Null visitWhileStatement(ir.WhileStatement node) {
TypeMap beforeLoop = typeMap =
typeMap = typeMapWhenTrue;
typeMap = beforeLoop;
void handleSwitchStatement(ir.SwitchStatement node) {}
Null visitSwitchStatement(ir.SwitchStatement node) {
TypeMap afterExpression = typeMap;
VariableScope scope = variableScopeModel.getScopeFor(node);
TypeMap afterStatement = afterExpression.remove(scope.assignedVariables);
TypeMap beforeCase =
scope.hasContinueSwitch ? afterStatement : afterExpression;
for (ir.SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
typeMap = beforeCase;
typeMap = afterStatement;
ir.DartType visitReturnStatement(ir.ReturnStatement node) {
return const DoesNotCompleteType();
ir.DartType visitIfStatement(ir.IfStatement node) {
return _handleConditional(node.condition, node.then, node.otherwise);
Null visitTryCatch(ir.TryCatch node) {
void handleCatch(ir.Catch node) {}
Null visitCatch(ir.Catch node) {
Null visitTryFinally(ir.TryFinally node) {
void handleTypeLiteral(ir.TypeLiteral node) {}
ir.DartType visitTypeLiteral(ir.TypeLiteral node) {
return super.visitTypeLiteral(node);
void handleLoadLibrary(ir.LoadLibrary node) {}
ir.DartType visitLoadLibrary(ir.LoadLibrary node) {
return super.visitLoadLibrary(node);
void handleAssertStatement(ir.AssertStatement node) {}
Null visitAssertStatement(ir.AssertStatement node) {
TypeMap beforeCondition = typeMap;
TypeMap afterConditionWhenTrue = typeMapWhenTrue;
TypeMap afterConditionWhenFalse = typeMapWhenFalse;
typeMap = afterConditionWhenFalse;
typeMap = useAsserts ? afterConditionWhenTrue : beforeCondition;
void handleFunctionDeclaration(ir.FunctionDeclaration node) {}
Null visitFunctionDeclaration(ir.FunctionDeclaration node) {
TypeMap beforeClosure =
typeMap = typeMap.remove(variableScopeModel.assignedVariables);
Set<ir.VariableDeclaration> _oldVariables = _currentVariables;
_currentVariables = {};
_currentVariables = _oldVariables;
typeMap = beforeClosure;
void handleParameter(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {}
void visitParameter(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {
void handleSignature(ir.FunctionNode node) {}
void visitSignature(ir.FunctionNode node) {
void handleProcedure(ir.Procedure node) {}
Null visitProcedure(ir.Procedure node) {
thisType = new ThisInterfaceType.from(node.enclosingClass?.getThisType(
typeEnvironment.coreTypes, node.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable));
_currentVariables = {};
currentLibrary = node.enclosingLibrary;
_currentVariables = null;
thisType = null;
currentLibrary = null;
void handleConstructor(ir.Constructor node) {}
Null visitConstructor(ir.Constructor node) {
thisType = new ThisInterfaceType.from(node.enclosingClass.getThisType(
typeEnvironment.coreTypes, node.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable));
_currentVariables = {};
currentLibrary = node.enclosingLibrary;
_currentVariables = null;
thisType = null;
currentLibrary = null;
void handleField(ir.Field node) {}
Null visitField(ir.Field node) {
thisType = new ThisInterfaceType.from(node.enclosingClass?.getThisType(
typeEnvironment.coreTypes, node.enclosingLibrary.nonNullable));
_currentVariables = {};
currentLibrary = node.enclosingLibrary;
_currentVariables = null;
thisType = null;
currentLibrary = null;
void handleVariableDeclaration(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {}
void _processLocalVariable(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {
ir.DartType type = visitNode(node.initializer);
if (node.initializer != null &&
variableScopeModel.isEffectivelyFinal(node) &&
inferEffectivelyFinalVariableTypes) {
node.type = type;
Null visitVariableDeclaration(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {
void handleConstantExpression(ir.ConstantExpression node) {}
ir.DartType visitConstantExpression(ir.ConstantExpression node) {
return super.visitConstantExpression(node);
class ArgumentTypes {
final List<ir.DartType> positional;
final List<ir.DartType> named;
ArgumentTypes(this.positional, this.named);
/// Type information collected for a single path for a local variable.
/// This is used to implement guarded type promotion.
/// The terminology and implementation is based on this paper:
class TypeHolder {
/// The declared type of the local variable.
final ir.DartType declaredType;
/// The types that the local variable is known to be an instance of.
final Set<ir.DartType> trueTypes;
/// The types that the local variable is known _not_ to be an instance of.
final Set<ir.DartType> falseTypes;
int _hashCode;
TypeHolder(this.declaredType, this.trueTypes, this.falseTypes);
/// Computes a single type that soundly represents the promoted type of the
/// local variable on this single path.
ir.DartType typeOf(ir.TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) {
ir.DartType candidate = declaredType;
if (falseTypes != null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Special-case the `== null` representation to
// make it faster.
for (ir.DartType type in falseTypes) {
if (typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
declaredType, type, ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
return typeEnvironment.nullType;
if (trueTypes != null) {
for (ir.DartType type in trueTypes) {
if (type == typeEnvironment.nullType) {
return type;
if (typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
type, candidate, ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
candidate = type;
} else if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
candidate, type, ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
// We cannot promote. No single type is most specific.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Compute implied types? For instance when the
// declared type is `Iterable<String>` and tested type is
// `List<dynamic>` we could promote to the implied type
// `List<String>`.
return null;
return candidate;
int get hashCode {
if (_hashCode == null) {
_hashCode = Hashing.setHash(falseTypes,
Hashing.setHash(trueTypes, Hashing.objectHash(declaredType)));
return _hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is TypeHolder &&
declaredType == other.declaredType &&
equalSets(trueTypes, other.trueTypes) &&
equalSets(falseTypes, other.falseTypes);
void _getText(
StringBuffer sb, String Function(Iterable<ir.DartType>) typesToText) {
String comma = '';
if (trueTypes != null) {
comma = ',';
if (falseTypes != null) {
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (trueTypes != null) {
if (falseTypes != null) {
return sb.toString();
/// Type information for a single local variable on all possible paths.
/// This is used to implement guarded type promotion.
/// The terminology and implementation is based on this paper:
class TargetInfo {
/// The declared type of the local variable.
final ir.DartType declaredType;
/// Collected type information for disjoint paths.
final Iterable<TypeHolder> typeHolders;
/// Types relevant for promotion of the local variable.
final Iterable<ir.DartType> typesOfInterest;
TargetInfo(this.declaredType, this.typeHolders, this.typesOfInterest);
/// Returns the [TargetInfo] that describes the added type knowledge for the
/// local variable. If [isTrue] is `true`, the local variable is known to
/// be an instance of [type]. If [isTrue] is `false`, the local variable is
/// known _not_ to be an instance of [type].
TargetInfo promote(ir.DartType type, {bool isTrue}) {
Set<TypeHolder> newTypeHolders = new Set<TypeHolder>();
bool addTypeHolder(TypeHolder typeHolder) {
bool changed = false;
Set<ir.DartType> addAsCopy(Set<ir.DartType> set, ir.DartType type) {
Set<ir.DartType> result;
if (set == null) {
result = new Set<ir.DartType>();
} else if (set.contains(type)) {
return set;
} else {
result = Set<ir.DartType>.from(set);
changed = true;
return result..add(type);
Set<ir.DartType> trueTypes = typeHolder?.trueTypes;
Set<ir.DartType> falseTypes = typeHolder?.falseTypes;
if (isTrue) {
trueTypes = addAsCopy(trueTypes, type);
} else {
falseTypes = addAsCopy(falseTypes, type);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Check validity; if the true types are
// contradicting, for instance if the local is known to be and instance
// of types `int` and `String` simultaneously, then we could flag code
// as dead code.
newTypeHolders.add(TypeHolder(declaredType, trueTypes, falseTypes));
return changed;
bool changed = false;
if (typeHolders.isEmpty) {
changed |= addTypeHolder(null);
} else {
for (TypeHolder typeHolder in typeHolders) {
changed |= addTypeHolder(typeHolder);
Iterable<ir.DartType> newTypesOfInterest;
if (typesOfInterest.contains(type)) {
newTypesOfInterest = typesOfInterest;
} else {
newTypesOfInterest = new Set<ir.DartType>.from(typesOfInterest)
changed = true;
return changed
? new TargetInfo(declaredType, newTypeHolders, newTypesOfInterest)
: this;
/// Returns the [TargetInfo] that describes that the local is either of [this]
/// or the [other] type.
/// Returns `null` if the join is empty.
TargetInfo join(TargetInfo other) {
if (other == null) return null;
if (identical(this, other)) return this;
Set<TypeHolder> newTypeHolders = new Set<TypeHolder>();
Set<ir.DartType> newTypesOfInterest = new Set<ir.DartType>();
/// Adds the [typeHolders] to [newTypeHolders] for types in
/// [otherTypesOfInterest] while removing the information
/// invalidated by [otherTrueTypes] and [otherFalseTypes].
void addTypeHolders(
Iterable<TypeHolder> typeHolders,
Set<ir.DartType> otherTrueTypes,
Set<ir.DartType> otherFalseTypes,
Iterable<ir.DartType> otherTypesOfInterest) {
for (TypeHolder typeHolder in typeHolders) {
Set<ir.DartType> newTrueTypes;
if (typeHolder.trueTypes != null) {
newTrueTypes = new Set<ir.DartType>.from(typeHolder.trueTypes);
/// Only types in [otherTypesOfInterest] has information from all
/// paths.
/// Remove types that are known to be false on other paths; these
/// would amount to knowing that a variable is or is not of some
/// type.
if (newTrueTypes.isEmpty) {
newTrueTypes = null;
} else {
Set<ir.DartType> newFalseTypes;
if (typeHolder.falseTypes != null) {
newFalseTypes = new Set<ir.DartType>.from(typeHolder.falseTypes);
/// Only types in [otherTypesOfInterest] has information from all
/// paths.
/// Remove types that are known to be true on other paths; these
/// would amount to knowing that a variable is or is not of some
/// type.
if (newFalseTypes.isEmpty) {
newFalseTypes = null;
} else {
if (newTrueTypes != null || newFalseTypes != null) {
// Only include type holders with information.
.add(new TypeHolder(declaredType, newTrueTypes, newFalseTypes));
Set<ir.DartType> thisTrueTypes = new Set<ir.DartType>();
Set<ir.DartType> thisFalseTypes = new Set<ir.DartType>();
for (TypeHolder typeHolder in typeHolders) {
if (typeHolder.trueTypes != null) {
if (typeHolder.falseTypes != null) {
Set<ir.DartType> otherTrueTypes = new Set<ir.DartType>();
Set<ir.DartType> otherFalseTypes = new Set<ir.DartType>();
for (TypeHolder typeHolder in other.typeHolders) {
if (typeHolder.trueTypes != null) {
if (typeHolder.falseTypes != null) {
addTypeHolders(this.typeHolders, otherTrueTypes, otherFalseTypes,
other.typeHolders, thisTrueTypes, thisFalseTypes, this.typesOfInterest);
if (newTypeHolders.isEmpty) {
return null;
return new TargetInfo(declaredType, newTypeHolders, newTypesOfInterest);
/// Computes a single type that soundly represents the promoted type of the
/// local variable on all possible paths.
ir.DartType typeOf(ir.TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) {
ir.DartType candidate = null;
for (TypeHolder typeHolder in typeHolders) {
ir.DartType type = typeHolder.typeOf(typeEnvironment);
if (type == null) {
// We cannot promote. No single type is most specific.
return null;
if (candidate == null) {
candidate = type;
} else {
if (type == typeEnvironment.nullType) {
// Keep the current candidate.
} else if (candidate == typeEnvironment.nullType) {
candidate = type;
} else if (typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
candidate, type, ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
candidate = type;
} else if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
type, candidate, ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
// We cannot promote. No promoted type of one path is a supertype of
// the promoted type from all other paths.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Compute a greatest lower bound, instead?
return null;
return candidate;
void _getText(
StringBuffer sb, String Function(Iterable<ir.DartType>) typesToText) {
String comma = '';
for (TypeHolder typeHolder in typeHolders) {
typeHolder._getText(sb, typesToText);
comma = ',';
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();
/// Map from local variables to type information used for guarded type
/// promotion.
/// The terminology and implementation is based on this paper:
class TypeMap {
final Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, TargetInfo> _targetInfoMap;
const TypeMap([this._targetInfoMap = const {}]);
/// Returns the [TypeMap] that describes the added type knowledge for the
/// local [variable]. If [isTrue] is `true`, the local [variable] is known to
/// be an instance of [type]. If [isTrue] is `false`, the local [variable] is
/// known _not_ to be an instance of [type].
TypeMap promote(ir.VariableDeclaration variable, ir.DartType type,
{bool isTrue}) {
Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, TargetInfo> newInfoMap =
new Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, TargetInfo>.from(_targetInfoMap);
TargetInfo targetInfo = newInfoMap[variable];
bool changed = false;
if (targetInfo != null) {
TargetInfo result = targetInfo.promote(type, isTrue: isTrue);
changed = !identical(targetInfo, result);
targetInfo = result;
} else {
changed = true;
Set<ir.DartType> trueTypes =
isTrue ? (new Set<ir.DartType>()..add(type)) : null;
Set<ir.DartType> falseTypes =
isTrue ? null : (new Set<ir.DartType>()..add(type));
TypeHolder typeHolder =
new TypeHolder(variable.type, trueTypes, falseTypes);
targetInfo = new TargetInfo(
variable.type, <TypeHolder>[typeHolder], <ir.DartType>[type]);
newInfoMap[variable] = targetInfo;
return changed ? new TypeMap(newInfoMap) : this;
/// Returns the [TypeMap] that describes that the locals are either of [this]
/// or the [other] types.
TypeMap join(TypeMap other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return this;
Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, TargetInfo> newInfoMap = {};
bool changed = false;
_targetInfoMap.forEach((ir.VariableDeclaration variable, TargetInfo info) {
TargetInfo result = info.join(other._targetInfoMap[variable]);
changed |= !identical(info, result);
if (result != null) {
// Add only non-empty information.
newInfoMap[variable] = result;
return changed ? new TypeMap(newInfoMap) : this;
/// Returns the [TypeMap] in which all type information for any of the
/// [variables] has been removed.
TypeMap remove(Iterable<ir.VariableDeclaration> variables) {
bool changed = false;
Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, TargetInfo> newInfoMap = {};
_targetInfoMap.forEach((ir.VariableDeclaration variable, TargetInfo info) {
if (!variables.contains(variable)) {
newInfoMap[variable] = info;
} else {
changed = true;
return changed ? new TypeMap(newInfoMap) : this;
/// Returns the [TypeMap] where type information for `node.variable` is
/// reduced to the promotions upheld by an assignment to `node.variable` of
/// the static [type].
TypeMap reduce(ir.VariableSet node, ir.DartType type,
ir.TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) {
Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, TargetInfo> newInfoMap = {};
bool changed = false;
_targetInfoMap.forEach((ir.VariableDeclaration variable, TargetInfo info) {
if (variable != node.variable) {
newInfoMap[variable] = info;
} else if (type != null) {
changed = true;
Set<ir.DartType> newTypesOfInterest = new Set<ir.DartType>();
for (ir.DartType typeOfInterest in info.typesOfInterest) {
if (typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(type, typeOfInterest,
ir.SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities)) {
if (newTypesOfInterest.isNotEmpty) {
TypeHolder typeHolderIfNonNull =
new TypeHolder(info.declaredType, newTypesOfInterest, null);
TypeHolder typeHolderIfNull = new TypeHolder(info.declaredType, null,
new Set<ir.DartType>()..add(info.declaredType));
newInfoMap[variable] = new TargetInfo(
<TypeHolder>[typeHolderIfNonNull, typeHolderIfNull],
} else {
changed = true;
return changed ? new TypeMap(newInfoMap) : this;
/// Computes a single type that soundly represents the promoted type of
/// `node.variable` on all possible paths.
ir.DartType typeOf(ir.VariableGet node, ir.TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment) {
TargetInfo info = _targetInfoMap[node.variable];
ir.DartType type;
if (info != null) {
type = info.typeOf(typeEnvironment);
return type ?? node.promotedType ?? node.variable.type;
String getText(String Function(Iterable<ir.DartType>) typesToText) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String comma = '';
_targetInfoMap.forEach((ir.VariableDeclaration variable, TargetInfo info) {
info._getText(sb, typesToText);
comma = ',';
return sb.toString();
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String comma = '';
_targetInfoMap.forEach((ir.VariableDeclaration variable, TargetInfo info) {
comma = ',';
return sb.toString();