blob: 9700e6cc43f2af5c38dd86a6bbb9cf875e46e1d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
// We need to use the 'io' prefix here, otherwise io.exitCode will shadow
// CommandOutput.exitCode in subclasses of CommandOutput.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:status_file/expectation.dart';
import 'browser_controller.dart';
import 'command.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'test_progress.dart';
import 'test_runner.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// CommandOutput records the output of a completed command: the process's exit
/// code, the standard output and standard error, whether the process timed out,
/// and the time the process took to run. It does not contain a pointer to the
/// [TestCase] this is the output of, so some functions require the test case
/// to be passed as an argument.
class CommandOutput extends UniqueObject {
final Command command;
final bool hasTimedOut;
final Duration time;
final int exitCode;
final int pid;
final List<int> stdout;
final List<int> stderr;
final bool compilationSkipped;
final List<String> diagnostics = [];
CommandOutput(this.command, this.exitCode, this.hasTimedOut, this.stdout,
this.stderr, this.time, this.compilationSkipped,;
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasFailed(testCase)) return;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
return Expectation.pass;
bool get hasCrashed {
// dart2js exits with code 253 in case of unhandled exceptions.
// The dart binary exits with code 253 in case of an API error such
// as an invalid snapshot file.
// In either case an exit code of 253 is considered a crash.
if (exitCode == 253) return true;
if (exitCode == parseFailExitCode) return false;
if (hasTimedOut) return false;
if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
// The VM uses std::abort to terminate on asserts.
// std::abort terminates with exit code 3 on Windows.
if (exitCode == 3 || exitCode == browserCrashExitCode) return true;
// If a program receives an uncaught system exception, the program
// terminates with the exception code as exit code.
// lists status
// codes basically saying that codes starting with 0xC0, 0x80 or 0x40
// are crashes, so look at the 4 most significant bits in 32-bit-space
// make sure its either 0b1100, 0b1000 or 0b0100.
int masked = (exitCode & 0xF0000000) >> 28;
return (exitCode < 0) && (masked >= 4) && ((masked & 3) == 0);
return exitCode < 0;
bool get hasSyntaxError => exitCode == parseFailExitCode;
bool _didFail(TestCase testCase) => exitCode != 0 && !hasCrashed;
bool get canRunDependendCommands {
// FIXME(kustermann): We may need to change this
return !hasTimedOut && exitCode == 0;
bool get successful {
// FIXME(kustermann): We may need to change this
return !hasTimedOut && exitCode == 0;
// Reverse result of a negative test.
bool hasFailed(TestCase testCase) {
return testCase.isNegative ? !_didFail(testCase) : _didFail(testCase);
bool get hasNonUtf8 => exitCode == nonUtfFakeExitCode;
Expectation _negateOutcomeIfNegativeTest(
Expectation outcome, bool isNegative) {
if (!isNegative) return outcome;
if (outcome == Expectation.ignore) return outcome;
if (outcome.canBeOutcomeOf( {
return Expectation.pass;
/// Called when producing output for a test failure to describe this output.
void describe(Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
output.subsection("exit code");
if (diagnostics.isNotEmpty) {
if (stdout.isNotEmpty) {
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
class ContentShellCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
// Although tests are reported as passing, content shell sometimes exits with
// a nonzero exitcode which makes our builders extremely flaky.
// See:
// TODO(rnystrom): Is this still needed? The underlying bug is closed.
static const _whitelistedContentShellExitCode = -1073740022;
static bool _failedBecauseOfFlakyInfrastructure(
Command command, bool timedOut, List<int> stderrBytes) {
// If the browser test failed, it may have been because content shell
// and the virtual framebuffer X server didn't hook up, or it crashed with
// a core dump. Sometimes content shell crashes after it has set the stdout
// to PASS, so we have to do this check first.
// Content shell also fails with a broken pipe message: Issue 26739
var zygoteCrash =
new RegExp(r"ERROR:zygote_linux\.cc\(\d+\)] write: Broken pipe");
var stderr = decodeUtf8(stderrBytes);
// TODO(7564): See
// This may not be happening anymore. Test by removing this suppression.
if (stderr.contains(cannotOpenDisplayMessage) ||
stderr.contains(failedToRunCommandMessage)) {
"Warning: Failure because of missing XDisplay. Test ignored");
return true;
// TODO(26739): See
if (zygoteCrash.hasMatch(stderr)) {
DebugLogger.warning("Warning: Failure because of content_shell "
"zygote crash. Test ignored");
return true;
return false;
final bool _infraFailure;
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: _infraFailure =
_failedBecauseOfFlakyInfrastructure(command, timedOut, stderr),
super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (_infraFailure) {
return Expectation.ignore;
// Handle crashes and timeouts first
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
var outcome = _getOutcome();
if (testCase.hasRuntimeError) {
if (!outcome.canBeOutcomeOf(Expectation.runtimeError)) {
return Expectation.missingRuntimeError;
if (testCase.isNegative) {
if (outcome.canBeOutcomeOf( return Expectation.pass;
return outcome;
bool get successful => canRunDependendCommands;
bool get canRunDependendCommands {
// We cannot rely on the exit code of content_shell as a method to
// determine if we were successful or not.
return super.canRunDependendCommands && !_didFail(null);
bool get hasCrashed => super.hasCrashed || _rendererCrashed;
Expectation _getOutcome() {
if (_browserTestFailure) {
return Expectation.runtimeError;
return Expectation.pass;
bool get _rendererCrashed =>
decodeUtf8(super.stdout).contains("#CRASHED - rendere");
bool get _browserTestFailure {
// Browser tests fail unless stdout contains
// 'Content-Type: text/plain' followed by 'PASS'.
var hasContentType = false;
var stdoutLines = decodeUtf8(super.stdout).split("\n");
var containsFail = false;
var containsPass = false;
for (String line in stdoutLines) {
switch (line) {
case 'Content-Type: text/plain':
hasContentType = true;
case 'FAIL':
if (hasContentType) {
containsFail = true;
case 'PASS':
if (hasContentType) {
containsPass = true;
if (hasContentType) {
if (containsFail && containsPass) {
DebugLogger.warning("Test had 'FAIL' and 'PASS' in stdout. ($command)");
if (!containsFail && !containsPass) {
DebugLogger.warning("Test had neither 'FAIL' nor 'PASS' in stdout. "
return true;
if (containsFail) {
return true;
if (exitCode != 0) {
var message = "All tests passed, but exitCode != 0. "
"Actual exitcode: $exitCode. "
var isWindows = io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows';
return (!hasCrashed &&
exitCode != 0 &&
(!isWindows || exitCode != _whitelistedContentShellExitCode));
DebugLogger.warning("Couldn't find 'Content-Type: text/plain' in output. "
return true;
class HtmlBrowserCommandOutput extends ContentShellCommandOutput {
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
bool _didFail(TestCase testCase) {
return _getOutcome() != Expectation.pass;
bool get _browserTestFailure {
// We should not need to convert back and forward.
var output = decodeUtf8(super.stdout);
if (output.contains("FAIL")) return true;
return !output.contains("PASS");
class BrowserTestJsonResult {
static const _allowedTypes = const [
final Expectation outcome;
final String htmlDom;
final List<dynamic> events;
BrowserTestJsonResult(this.outcome, this.htmlDom,;
static BrowserTestJsonResult parseFromString(String content) {
void validate(String message, bool isValid) {
if (!isValid) {
throw "InvalidFormat sent from browser driving page: $message:\n\n"
try {
var events = jsonDecode(content);
if (events != null) {
validate("Message must be a List", events is List);
var messagesByType = <String, List<String>>{};
_allowedTypes.forEach((type) => messagesByType[type] = <String>[]);
for (var entry in events) {
validate("Entry must be a Map", entry is Map);
var type = entry['type'];
validate("'type' must be a String", type is String);
validate("'type' has to be in $_allowedTypes.",
var value = entry['value'];
validate("'value' must be a String", value is String);
var timestamp = entry['timestamp'];
validate("'timestamp' must be a number", timestamp is num);
var stackTrace = entry['stack_trace'];
if (stackTrace != null) {
validate("'stack_trace' must be a String", stackTrace is String);
messagesByType[type].add(value as String);
validate("The message must have exactly one 'dom' entry.",
messagesByType['dom'].length == 1);
var dom = messagesByType['dom'][0];
if (dom.endsWith('\n')) {
dom = '$dom\n';
return new BrowserTestJsonResult(
_getOutcome(messagesByType), dom, events as List<dynamic>);
} catch (error) {
// If something goes wrong, we know the content was not in the correct
// JSON format. So we can't parse it.
// The caller is responsible for falling back to the old way of
// determining if a test failed.
return null;
static Expectation _getOutcome(Map<String, List<String>> messagesByType) {
occured(String type) => messagesByType[type].isNotEmpty;
searchForMsg(List<String> types, String message) {
return types.any((type) => messagesByType[type].contains(message));
// FIXME(kustermann,ricow): I think this functionality doesn't work in
// test_controller.js: So far I haven't seen anything being reported on
// "window.compilationerror"
if (occured('window_compilationerror')) {
return Expectation.compileTimeError;
if (occured('sync_exception') ||
occured('window_onerror') ||
occured('script_onerror')) {
return Expectation.runtimeError;
if (messagesByType['dom'][0].contains('FAIL')) {
return Expectation.runtimeError;
// We search for these messages in 'print' and 'message_received' because
// the unittest implementation posts these messages using
// "window.postMessage()" instead of the normal "print()" them.
var isAsyncTest = searchForMsg(
['print', 'message_received'], 'unittest-suite-wait-for-done');
var isAsyncSuccess =
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'unittest-suite-success') ||
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'unittest-suite-done');
if (isAsyncTest) {
if (isAsyncSuccess) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.runtimeError;
var mainStarted =
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'dart-calling-main');
var mainDone =
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'dart-main-done');
if (mainStarted && mainDone) {
return Expectation.pass;
class BrowserCommandOutput extends CommandOutput
with UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
final BrowserTestJsonResult _jsonResult;
final BrowserTestOutput _result;
final Expectation _rawOutcome;
factory BrowserCommandOutput(Command command, BrowserTestOutput result) {
Expectation outcome;
var parsedResult =
if (parsedResult != null) {
outcome = parsedResult.outcome;
} else {
// Old way of determining whether a test failed or passed.
if (result.lastKnownMessage.contains("FAIL")) {
outcome = Expectation.runtimeError;
} else if (result.lastKnownMessage.contains("PASS")) {
outcome = Expectation.pass;
} else {
outcome = Expectation.runtimeError;
var stderr = "";
if (result.didTimeout) {
if (result.delayUntilTestStarted != null) {
stderr = "This test timed out. The delay until the test actually "
"started was: ${result.delayUntilTestStarted}.";
} else {
stderr = "This test has not notified that it started running.";
return new BrowserCommandOutput._internal(command, result, outcome,
parsedResult, encodeUtf8(""), encodeUtf8(stderr));
BrowserCommandOutput._internal(Command command, BrowserTestOutput result,
this._rawOutcome, this._jsonResult, List<int> stdout, List<int> stderr)
: _result = result,
super(command, 0, result.didTimeout, stdout, stderr, result.duration,
false, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle timeouts first.
if (_result.didTimeout) {
if (testCase.configuration.runtime == Runtime.ie11) {
// TODO(28955): See
DebugLogger.warning("Timeout of ie11 on test ${testCase.displayName}");
return Expectation.ignore;
return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
// Multitests are handled specially.
if (testCase.hasRuntimeError) {
if (_rawOutcome == Expectation.runtimeError) return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingRuntimeError;
return _negateOutcomeIfNegativeTest(_rawOutcome, testCase.isNegative);
void describe(Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
if (_jsonResult != null) {
_describeEvents(progress, output);
} else {
// We couldn't parse the events, so fallback to showing the last message.
output.section("Last message");
super.describe(progress, output);
if (_result.browserOutput.stdout.isNotEmpty) {
output.subsection("Browser stdout");
if (_result.browserOutput.stderr.isNotEmpty) {
output.subsection("Browser stderr");
void _describeEvents(Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
// Always show the error events since those are most useful.
var showedError = false;
void _showError(String header, event) {
output.write((event["value"] as String).trim());
if (event["stack_trace"] != null) {
var stack = (event["stack_trace"] as String).trim().split("\n");
showedError = true;
for (var event in {
if (event["type"] == "sync_exception") {
_showError("Runtime error", event);
} else if (event["type"] == "window_onerror") {
_showError("Runtime window.onerror", event);
// Show the events unless the above error was sufficient.
// TODO(rnystrom): Let users enable or disable this explicitly?
if (showedError &&
progress != Progress.buildbot &&
progress != Progress.verbose) {
for (var event in {
switch (event["type"] as String) {
case "debug":
output.write('- debug "${event["value"] as String}"');
case "dom":
output.write('- dom\n${indent(event["value"] as String, 2)}');
case "print":
output.write('- print "${event["value"] as String}"');
case "window_onerror":
var value = event["value"] as String;
value = indent(value.trim(), 2);
value = "- " + value.substring(2);
output.write("- ${prettifyJson(event)}");
class AnalysisCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
// An error line has 8 fields that look like:
// ERROR|COMPILER|MISSING_SOURCE|file:/tmp/t.dart|15|1|24|Missing source.
static const int _errorLevel = 0;
static const int _formattedError = 7;
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// TODO(kustermann): If we run the analyzer not in batch mode, make sure
// that command.exitCodes matches 2 (errors), 1 (warnings), 0 (no warnings,
// no errors)
// Handle crashes and timeouts first
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
// Get the errors/warnings from the analyzer
var errors = <String>[];
var warnings = <String>[];
parseAnalyzerOutput(errors, warnings);
// Handle errors / missing errors
if (testCase.expectCompileError) {
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingCompileTimeError;
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
return Expectation.compileTimeError;
// Handle static warnings / missing static warnings
if (testCase.hasStaticWarning) {
if (warnings.isNotEmpty) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingStaticWarning;
if (warnings.isNotEmpty) {
return Expectation.staticWarning;
assert(errors.isEmpty && warnings.isEmpty);
assert(!testCase.hasCompileError && !testCase.hasStaticWarning);
return Expectation.pass;
void parseAnalyzerOutput(List<String> outErrors, List<String> outWarnings) {
// Parse a line delimited by the | character using \ as an escape character
List<String> splitMachineError(String line) {
var field = new StringBuffer();
var result = <String>[];
var escaped = false;
for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
var c = line[i];
if (!escaped && c == '\\') {
escaped = true;
escaped = false;
if (c == '|') {
field = new StringBuffer();
return result;
for (String line in decodeUtf8(super.stderr).split("\n")) {
if (line.isEmpty) continue;
List<String> fields = splitMachineError(line);
// We only consider errors/warnings for files of interest.
if (fields.length > _formattedError) {
if (fields[_errorLevel] == 'ERROR') {
} else if (fields[_errorLevel] == 'WARNING') {
// OK to Skip error output that doesn't match the machine format.
class SpecParseCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (testCase.expectCompileError) {
if (testCase.hasSyntaxError) {
// A syntax error is expected.
return hasSyntaxError
? Expectation.pass
: Expectation.missingSyntaxError;
} else {
// A non-syntax compile-time error is expected by the test, so a run
// with no failures is a successful run. A run with failures is an
// actual (but unexpected) syntax error.
return exitCode == 0 ? Expectation.pass : Expectation.syntaxError;
// No compile-time errors expected (including: no syntax errors).
return exitCode == 0 ? Expectation.pass : Expectation.syntaxError;
class VMCommandOutput extends CommandOutput with UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
static const _dfeErrorExitCode = 252;
static const _compileErrorExitCode = 254;
static const _uncaughtExceptionExitCode = 255;
VMCommandOutput(Command command, int exitCode, bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout, List<int> stderr, Duration time, int pid)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, false, pid);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (exitCode == _dfeErrorExitCode) return Expectation.dartkCrash;
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
// Multitests are handled specially.
if (testCase.expectCompileError) {
if (exitCode == _compileErrorExitCode) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingCompileTimeError;
if (testCase.hasRuntimeError) {
// TODO(kustermann): Do we consider a "runtimeError" only an uncaught
// exception or does any nonzero exit code fullfil this requirement?
if (exitCode != 0) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingRuntimeError;
// The actual outcome depends on the exitCode.
var outcome = Expectation.pass;
if (exitCode == _compileErrorExitCode) {
outcome = Expectation.compileTimeError;
} else if (exitCode == _uncaughtExceptionExitCode) {
outcome = Expectation.runtimeError;
} else if (exitCode != 0) {
// This is a general fail, in case we get an unknown nonzero exitcode.
outcome =;
outcome = _negateOutcomeIfIncompleteAsyncTest(outcome, decodeUtf8(stdout));
return _negateOutcomeIfNegativeTest(outcome, testCase.isNegative);
class CompilationCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
static const _crashExitCode = 253;
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle general crash/timeout detection.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) {
var isWindows = io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows';
var isBrowserTestCase =
testCase.commands.any((command) => command is BrowserTestCommand);
// TODO(26060) Dart2js batch mode hangs on Windows under heavy load.
return (isWindows && isBrowserTestCase)
? Expectation.ignore
: Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
// Handle dart2js specific crash detection
if (exitCode == _crashExitCode ||
exitCode == VMCommandOutput._compileErrorExitCode ||
exitCode == VMCommandOutput._uncaughtExceptionExitCode) {
return Expectation.crash;
// Multitests are handled specially.
if (testCase.expectCompileError) {
// Nonzero exit code of the compiler means compilation failed
// TODO(kustermann): Do we have a special exit code in that case???
if (exitCode != 0) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingCompileTimeError;
// TODO(kustermann): This is a hack, remove it.
if (testCase.hasRuntimeError && testCase.commands.length > 1) {
// We expected to run the test, but we got an compile time error.
// If the compilation succeeded, we wouldn't be in here!
assert(exitCode != 0);
return Expectation.compileTimeError;
var outcome =
exitCode == 0 ? Expectation.pass : Expectation.compileTimeError;
return _negateOutcomeIfNegativeTest(outcome, testCase.isNegative);
class DevCompilerCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped,
int pid)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, pid);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
// Handle errors / missing errors
if (testCase.expectCompileError) {
return exitCode == 0
? Expectation.missingCompileTimeError
: Expectation.pass;
var outcome =
exitCode == 0 ? Expectation.pass : Expectation.compileTimeError;
return _negateOutcomeIfNegativeTest(outcome, testCase.isNegative);
class VMKernelCompilationCommandOutput extends CompilationCommandOutput {
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
bool get canRunDependendCommands {
// See [BatchRunnerProcess]: 0 means success, 1 means compile-time error.
// TODO(asgerf): When the frontend supports it, continue running even if
// there were compile-time errors. See kernel_sdk issue #18.
return !hasCrashed && !hasTimedOut && exitCode == 0;
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// TODO(kustermann): Currently the batch mode runner (which can be found
// in `test_runner.dart:BatchRunnerProcess`) does not really distinguish
// between different kinds of failures and will mark a failed
// compilation to just an exit code of "1". So we treat all `exitCode ==
// 1`s as compile-time errors as well.
const int kBatchModeCompileTimeErrorExit = 1;
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.dartkCrash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
// If the frontend had an uncaught exception, then we'll consider this a
// crash.
if (exitCode == VMCommandOutput._uncaughtExceptionExitCode) {
return Expectation.dartkCrash;
// Multitests are handled specially.
if (testCase.expectCompileError) {
if (exitCode == VMCommandOutput._compileErrorExitCode ||
exitCode == kBatchModeCompileTimeErrorExit) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingCompileTimeError;
// The actual outcome depends on the exitCode.
var outcome = Expectation.pass;
if (exitCode == VMCommandOutput._compileErrorExitCode ||
exitCode == kBatchModeCompileTimeErrorExit) {
outcome = Expectation.compileTimeError;
} else if (exitCode != 0) {
// This is a general fail, in case we get an unknown nonzero exitcode.
outcome =;
return _negateOutcomeIfNegativeTest(outcome, testCase.isNegative);
/// If the compiler was able to produce a Kernel IR file we want to run the
/// result on the Dart VM. We therefore mark the [VMKernelCompilationCommand]
/// as successful.
/// This ensures we test that the DartVM produces correct CompileTime errors
/// as it is supposed to for our test suites.
bool get successful => canRunDependendCommands;
class JSCommandLineOutput extends CommandOutput
with UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
JSCommandLineOutput(Command command, int exitCode, bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout, List<int> stderr, Duration time)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, false, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (testCase.hasRuntimeError) {
if (exitCode != 0) return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.missingRuntimeError;
var outcome = exitCode == 0 ? Expectation.pass : Expectation.runtimeError;
outcome = _negateOutcomeIfIncompleteAsyncTest(outcome, decodeUtf8(stdout));
return _negateOutcomeIfNegativeTest(outcome, testCase.isNegative);
class ScriptCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
final Expectation _result;
ScriptCommandOutput(ScriptCommand command, this._result,
String scriptExecutionInformation, Duration time)
: super(command, 0, false, [], [], time, false, 0) {
var lines = scriptExecutionInformation.split("\n");
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) => _result;
bool get canRunDependendCommands => _result == Expectation.pass;
bool get successful => _result == Expectation.pass;
CommandOutput createCommandOutput(Command command, int exitCode, bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout, List<int> stderr, Duration time, bool compilationSkipped,
[int pid = 0]) {
if (command is ContentShellCommand) {
return new ContentShellCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, compilationSkipped);
} else if (command is BrowserTestCommand) {
return new HtmlBrowserCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, compilationSkipped);
} else if (command is AnalysisCommand) {
return new AnalysisCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, compilationSkipped);
} else if (command is SpecParseCommand) {
return new SpecParseCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, compilationSkipped);
} else if (command is VmCommand) {
return new VMCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, pid);
} else if (command is VMKernelCompilationCommand) {
return new VMKernelCompilationCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, compilationSkipped);
} else if (command is AdbPrecompilationCommand) {
return new VMCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, pid);
} else if (command is CompilationCommand) {
if (command.displayName == 'precompiler' ||
command.displayName == 'app_jit') {
return new VMCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, pid);
} else if (command.displayName == 'dartdevc') {
return new DevCompilerCommandOutput(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout,
stderr, time, compilationSkipped, pid);
return new CompilationCommandOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, compilationSkipped);
} else if (command is JSCommandlineCommand) {
return new JSCommandLineOutput(
command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time);
return new CommandOutput(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, pid);
class UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
bool _isAsyncTest(String testOutput) {
return testOutput.contains("unittest-suite-wait-for-done");
bool _isAsyncTestSuccessful(String testOutput) {
return testOutput.contains("unittest-suite-success");
Expectation _negateOutcomeIfIncompleteAsyncTest(
Expectation outcome, String testOutput) {
// If this is an asynchronous test and the asynchronous operation didn't
// complete successfully, it's outcome is Expectation.FAIL.
// TODO: maybe we should introduce a AsyncIncomplete marker or so
if (outcome == Expectation.pass) {
if (_isAsyncTest(testOutput) && !_isAsyncTestSuccessful(testOutput)) {
return outcome;