| name: analysis_server |
| # This package is not intended for consumption on pub.dev. DO NOT publish. |
| publish_to: none |
| |
| environment: |
| sdk: '>=3.3.0 <4.0.0' |
| |
| # Use 'any' constraints here; we get our versions from the DEPS file. |
| dependencies: |
| _fe_analyzer_shared: any |
| analysis_server_plugin: any |
| analyzer: any |
| analyzer_plugin: any |
| args: any |
| collection: any |
| convert: any |
| crypto: any |
| dart_style: any |
| dtd: any |
| http: any |
| json_rpc_2: any |
| language_server_protocol: any |
| linter: any |
| memory_usage: any |
| meta: any |
| path: any |
| stream_channel: any |
| telemetry: any |
| test: any |
| unified_analytics: any |
| vm_service: any |
| watcher: any |
| yaml: any |
| yaml_edit: any |
| |
| # Use 'any' constraints here; we get our versions from the DEPS file. |
| dev_dependencies: |
| analyzer_utilities: any |
| cli_util: any |
| lints: any |
| logging: any |
| matcher: any |
| test_descriptor: any |
| test_reflective_loader: any |
| web_socket_channel: any |
| |
| dependency_overrides: |
| _fe_analyzer_shared: |
| path: ../_fe_analyzer_shared |
| analysis_server_plugin: |
| path: ../analysis_server_plugin |
| analyzer: |
| path: ../analyzer |
| analyzer_plugin: |
| path: ../analyzer_plugin |
| analyzer_utilities: |
| path: ../analyzer_utilities |
| args: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/args |
| async: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/async |
| boolean_selector: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/boolean_selector |
| cli_util: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/cli_util |
| clock: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/clock |
| collection: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/collection |
| convert: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/convert |
| crypto: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/crypto |
| dart_style: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/dart_style |
| dtd: |
| path: ../dtd |
| file: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/file/packages/file |
| frontend_server_client: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/webdev/frontend_server_client |
| glob: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/glob |
| http: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/http/pkgs/http |
| http_multi_server: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/http_multi_server |
| http_parser: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/http_parser |
| intl: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/intl |
| json_rpc_2: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/json_rpc_2 |
| js: |
| path: ../js |
| language_server_protocol: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/language_server_protocol |
| linter: |
| path: ../linter |
| lints: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/lints |
| logging: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/logging |
| matcher: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/matcher |
| memory_usage: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/leak_tracker/pkgs/memory_usage |
| meta: |
| path: ../meta |
| mime: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/tools/pkgs/mime |
| package_config: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/package_config |
| path: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/path |
| pool: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/pool |
| pub_semver: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/pub_semver |
| shelf: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/shelf/pkgs/shelf |
| shelf_packages_handler: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/shelf/pkgs/shelf_packages_handler |
| shelf_static: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/shelf/pkgs/shelf_static |
| shelf_web_socket: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/shelf/pkgs/shelf_web_socket |
| source_map_stack_trace: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/tools/pkgs/source_map_stack_trace |
| source_maps: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/source_maps |
| source_span: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/source_span |
| stack_trace: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/stack_trace |
| stream_channel: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/stream_channel |
| string_scanner: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/string_scanner |
| telemetry: |
| path: ../telemetry |
| term_glyph: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/term_glyph |
| test: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/test/pkgs/test |
| test_api: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/test/pkgs/test_api |
| test_core: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/test/pkgs/test_core |
| test_descriptor: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/test_descriptor |
| test_reflective_loader: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/test_reflective_loader |
| typed_data: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/typed_data |
| unified_analytics: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/tools/pkgs/unified_analytics |
| vm_service: |
| path: ../vm_service |
| watcher: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/watcher |
| web_socket_channel: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/web_socket_channel |
| webkit_inspection_protocol: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/webkit_inspection_protocol |
| yaml: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/yaml |
| yaml_edit: |
| path: ../../third_party/pkg/yaml_edit |