blob: f664aacd0445442495c8dc85da4ef21c0ec028cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of html;
typedef Object ComputeValue();
class _MeasurementRequest<T> {
final ComputeValue computeValue;
final Completer<T> completer;
Object value;
bool exception = false;
_MeasurementRequest(this.computeValue, this.completer);
typedef void _MeasurementCallback();
* This class attempts to invoke a callback as soon as the current event stack
* unwinds, but before the browser repaints.
abstract class _MeasurementScheduler {
bool _nextMeasurementFrameScheduled = false;
_MeasurementCallback _callback;
* Creates the best possible measurement scheduler for the current platform.
factory callback) {
if (MutationObserver.supported) {
return new _MutationObserverScheduler(callback);
return new _PostMessageScheduler(callback);
* Schedules a measurement callback if one has not been scheduled already.
void maybeSchedule() {
if (this._nextMeasurementFrameScheduled) {
this._nextMeasurementFrameScheduled = true;
* Does the actual scheduling of the callback.
void _schedule();
* Handles the measurement callback and forwards it if necessary.
void _onCallback() {
// Ignore spurious messages.
if (!_nextMeasurementFrameScheduled) {
_nextMeasurementFrameScheduled = false;
* Scheduler which uses window.postMessage to schedule events.
class _PostMessageScheduler extends _MeasurementScheduler {
_PostMessageScheduler(_MeasurementCallback callback): super(callback) {
// Messages from other windows do not cause a security risk as
// all we care about is that _handleMessage is called
// after the current event loop is unwound and calling the function is
// a noop when zero requests are pending.
void _schedule() {
window.postMessage(_MEASUREMENT_MESSAGE, "*");
_handleMessage(e) {
* Scheduler which uses a MutationObserver to schedule events.
class _MutationObserverScheduler extends _MeasurementScheduler {
MutationObserver _observer;
Element _dummy;
_MutationObserverScheduler(_MeasurementCallback callback): super(callback) {
// Mutation events get fired as soon as the current event stack is unwound
// so we just make a dummy event and listen for that.
_observer = new MutationObserver(this._handleMutation);
_dummy = new DivElement();
_observer.observe(_dummy, attributes: true);
void _schedule() {
// Toggle it to trigger the mutation event.
_dummy.hidden = !_dummy.hidden;
_handleMutation(List<MutationRecord> mutations, MutationObserver observer) {
List<_MeasurementRequest> _pendingRequests;
List<TimeoutHandler> _pendingMeasurementFrameCallbacks;
_MeasurementScheduler _measurementScheduler = null;
void _maybeScheduleMeasurementFrame() {
if (_measurementScheduler == null) {
_measurementScheduler =
* Registers a [callback] which is called after the next batch of measurements
* completes. Even if no measurements completed, the callback is triggered
* when they would have completed to avoid confusing bugs if it happened that
* no measurements were actually requested.
void _addMeasurementFrameCallback(TimeoutHandler callback) {
if (_pendingMeasurementFrameCallbacks == null) {
_pendingMeasurementFrameCallbacks = <TimeoutHandler>[];
* Returns a [Future] whose value will be the result of evaluating
* [computeValue] during the next safe measurement interval.
* The next safe measurement interval is after the current event loop has
* unwound but before the browser has rendered the page.
* It is important that the [computeValue] function only queries the html
* layout and html in any way.
Future _createMeasurementFuture(ComputeValue computeValue,
Completer completer) {
if (_pendingRequests == null) {
_pendingRequests = <_MeasurementRequest>[];
_pendingRequests.add(new _MeasurementRequest(computeValue, completer));
return completer.future;
* Complete all pending measurement futures evaluating them in a single batch
* so that the the browser is guaranteed to avoid multiple layouts.
void _completeMeasurementFutures() {
// We must compute all new values before fulfilling the futures as
// the onComplete callbacks for the futures could modify the DOM making
// subsequent measurement calculations expensive to compute.
if (_pendingRequests != null) {
for (_MeasurementRequest request in _pendingRequests) {
try {
request.value = request.computeValue();
} catch (e) {
request.value = e;
request.exception = true;
final completedRequests = _pendingRequests;
final readyMeasurementFrameCallbacks = _pendingMeasurementFrameCallbacks;
_pendingRequests = null;
_pendingMeasurementFrameCallbacks = null;
if (completedRequests != null) {
for (_MeasurementRequest request in completedRequests) {
if (request.exception) {
} else {
if (readyMeasurementFrameCallbacks != null) {
for (TimeoutHandler handler in readyMeasurementFrameCallbacks) {
// TODO(jacobr): wrap each call to a handler in a try-catch block.