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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* A [List] is an indexable collection with a length. It can be of
* fixed size or extendable.
abstract class List<E> implements Collection<E> {
* Creates a list of the given [length].
* The length of the returned list is not fixed.
external factory List([int length = 0]);
* Creates a fixed-sized list of the given [length] where each entry is
* filled with [fill].
external factory List.fixedLength(int length, {E fill: null});
* Creates an list of the given [length] where each entry is
* filled with [fill].
* The length of the returned list is not fixed.
external factory List.filled(int length, E fill);
* Creates an list with the elements of [other]. The order in
* the list will be the order provided by the iterator of [other].
* The length of the returned list is not fixed.
factory List.from(Iterable other) {
var list = new List<E>();
for (E e in other) {
return list;
* Returns the element at the given [index] in the list or throws
* an [RangeError] if [index] is out of bounds.
E operator [](int index);
* Sets the entry at the given [index] in the list to [value].
* Throws an [RangeError] if [index] is out of bounds.
void operator []=(int index, E value);
* Changes the length of the list. If [newLength] is greater than
* the current [length], entries are initialized to [:null:]. Throws
* an [UnsupportedError] if the list is not extendable.
void set length(int newLength);
* Adds [value] at the end of the list, extending the length by
* one. Throws an [UnsupportedError] if the list is not
* extendable.
void add(E value);
* Adds [value] at the end of the list, extending the length by
* one. Throws an [UnsupportedError] if the list is not
* extendable.
void addLast(E value);
* Appends all elements of the [iterable] to the end of this list.
* Extends the length of the list by the number of elements in [iterable].
* Throws an [UnsupportedError] if this list is not extensible.
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable);
* Returns a reversed fixed-length view of this [List].
* The reversed list has elements in the opposite order of this list.
* It is backed by this list, but will stop working if this list
* becomes shorter than its current length.
List<E> get reversed;
* Sorts the list according to the order specified by the [compare] function.
* The [compare] function must act as a [Comparator].
* The default [List] implementations use [] if
* [compare] is omitted.
void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]);
* Returns the first index of [element] in the list.
* Searches the list from index [start] to the length of the list.
* The first time an element [:e:] is encountered so that [:e == element:],
* the index of [:e:] is returned.
* Returns -1 if [element] is not found.
int indexOf(E element, [int start = 0]);
* Returns the last index of [element] in the list.
* Searches the list backwards from index [start] (inclusive) to 0.
* The first time an element [:e:] is encountered so that [:e == element:],
* the index of [:e:] is returned.
* If start is not provided, it defaults to [:this.length - 1:] .
* Returns -1 if [element] is not found.
int lastIndexOf(E element, [int start]);
* Removes all elements in the list.
* The length of the list becomes zero.
* Throws an [UnsupportedError], and retains all elements, if the
* length of the list cannot be changed.
void clear();
* Removes the element at position[index] from the list.
* This reduces the length of the list by one and moves all later elements
* down by one position.
* Returns the removed element.
* Throws an [ArgumentError] if [index] is not an [int].
* Throws an [RangeError] if the [index] does not point inside
* the list.
* Throws an [UnsupportedError], and doesn't remove the element,
* if the length of the list cannot be changed.
E removeAt(int index);
* Pops and returns the last element of the list.
* Throws a [UnsupportedError] if the length of the
* list cannot be changed.
E removeLast();
* Returns a new list containing [length] elements from the list,
* starting at [start].
* Returns an empty list if [length] is 0.
* Throws an [ArgumentError] if [length] is negative.
* Throws an [RangeError] if [start] or
* [:start + length - 1:] are out of range.
List<E> getRange(int start, int length);
* Copies [length] elements of [from], starting
* at [startFrom], into the list, starting at [start].
* If [length] is 0, this method does not do anything.
* Throws an [ArgumentError] if [length] is negative.
* Throws an [RangeError] if [start] or
* [:start + length - 1:] are out of range for [:this:], or if
* [startFrom] or [:startFrom + length - 1:] are out of range for [from].
void setRange(int start, int length, List<E> from, [int startFrom]);
* Removes [length] elements from the list, beginning at [start].
* Throws an [UnsupportedError] if the list is
* not extendable.
* If [length] is 0, this method does not do anything.
* Throws an [ArgumentError] if [length] is negative.
* Throws an [RangeError] if [start] or
* [:start + length: - 1] are out of range.
void removeRange(int start, int length);
* Inserts a new range into the list, starting from [start] to
* [:start + length - 1:]. The entries are filled with [fill].
* Throws an [UnsupportedError] if the list is
* not extendable.
* If [length] is 0, this method does not do anything.
* If [start] is the length of the list, this method inserts the
* range at the end of the list.
* Throws an [ArgumentError] if [length] is negative.
* Throws an [RangeError] if [start] is negative or if
* [start] is greater than the length of the list.
void insertRange(int start, int length, [E fill]);
* Returns a lazy unmodifiable [List] where each element [:e:] of [:this:] is
* replaced by the result of [:f(e):].
* This method returns a view of the mapped elements. As long as the
* returned [List] is not indexed or iterated over, the supplied function [f]
* will not be invoked. The transformed elements will not be cached. Accessing
* elements multiple times will invoke the supplied function [f] multiple
* times.
List mappedBy(f(E element));
* Returns an unmodifiable [List] that hides the first [n] elements.
* The returned list is a view backed by [:this:].
* While [:this:] has fewer than [n] elements, then the resulting [List]
* will be empty.
List<E> skip(int n);
* Returns an unmodifiable [List] with at most [n] elements.
* The returned list is a view backed by this.
* The returned [List] may contain fewer than [n] elements, while [:this:]
* contains fewer than [n] elements.
List<E> take(int n);