blob: f5dea8b9b98c72dc6bf7389938629aff50e4cdab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.collection;
* A [Queue] is a collection that can be manipulated at both ends. One
* can iterate over the elements of a queue through [forEach] or with
* an [Iterator].
abstract class Queue<E> extends Collection<E> {
* Creates a queue.
factory Queue() => new DoubleLinkedQueue<E>();
* Creates a queue with the elements of [other]. The order in
* the queue will be the order provided by the iterator of [other].
factory Queue.from(Iterable<E> other) => new DoubleLinkedQueue<E>.from(other);
* Removes and returns the first element of this queue. Throws an
* [StateError] exception if this queue is empty.
E removeFirst();
* Removes and returns the last element of the queue. Throws an
* [StateError] exception if this queue is empty.
E removeLast();
* Adds [value] at the beginning of the queue.
void addFirst(E value);
* Adds [value] at the end of the queue.
void addLast(E value);
* Adds [value] at the end of the queue.
void add(E value);
* Adds all elements of [iterable] at the end of the queue. The
* length of the queue is extended by the length of [iterable].
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable);
* Removes all elements in the queue. The size of the queue becomes zero.
void clear();
* An entry in a doubly linked list. It contains a pointer to the next
* entry, the previous entry, and the boxed element.
* WARNING: This class is temporary located in dart:core. It'll be removed
* at some point in the near future.
class DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> _previous;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> _next;
E _element;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(E e) {
_element = e;
void _link(DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> p,
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> n) {
_next = n;
_previous = p;
p._next = this;
n._previous = this;
void append(E e) {
new DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>(e)._link(this, _next);
void prepend(E e) {
new DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>(e)._link(_previous, this);
E remove() {
_previous._next = _next;
_next._previous = _previous;
_next = null;
_previous = null;
return _element;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> _asNonSentinelEntry() {
return this;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> previousEntry() {
return _previous._asNonSentinelEntry();
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> nextEntry() {
return _next._asNonSentinelEntry();
E get element {
return _element;
void set element(E e) {
_element = e;
* A sentinel in a double linked list is used to manipulate the list
* at both ends. A double linked list has exactly one sentinel, which
* is the only entry when the list is constructed. Initially, a
* sentinel has its next and previous entry point to itself. A
* sentinel does not box any user element.
class _DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel<E> extends DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel() : super(null) {
_link(this, this);
E remove() {
throw new StateError("Empty queue");
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> _asNonSentinelEntry() {
return null;
void set element(E e) {
// This setter is unreachable.
E get element {
throw new StateError("Empty queue");
* Implementation of a double linked list that box list elements into
* DoubleLinkedQueueEntry objects.
* WARNING: This class is temporary located in dart:core. It'll be removed
* at some point in the near future.
class DoubleLinkedQueue<E> extends Iterable<E> implements Queue<E> {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel<E> _sentinel;
DoubleLinkedQueue() {
_sentinel = new _DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel<E>();
factory DoubleLinkedQueue.from(Iterable<E> other) {
Queue<E> list = new DoubleLinkedQueue();
for (final e in other) {
return list;
void addLast(E value) {
void addFirst(E value) {
void add(E value) {
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable) {
for (final e in iterable) {
E removeLast() {
return _sentinel._previous.remove();
E removeFirst() {
return _sentinel._next.remove();
void remove(Object o) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry = firstEntry();
while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) {
if (entry.element == o) {
entry = entry._next;
void removeAll(Iterable elements) {
// Use this method when remove is slow and removeMatching more efficient.
IterableMixinWorkaround.removeAllList(this, elements);
void removeMatching(bool test(E element)) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry = firstEntry();
while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> next = entry._next;
if (test(entry.element)) {
entry = next;
void retainMatching(bool test(E element)) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry = firstEntry();
while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> next = entry._next;
if (!test(entry.element)) {
entry = next;
E get first {
return _sentinel._next.element;
E get last {
return _sentinel._previous.element;
E get single {
// Note that this also covers the case where the queue is empty.
if (identical(_sentinel._next, _sentinel._previous)) {
return _sentinel._next.element;
throw new StateError("More than one element");
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> lastEntry() {
return _sentinel.previousEntry();
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> firstEntry() {
return _sentinel.nextEntry();
bool get isEmpty {
return (identical(_sentinel._next, _sentinel));
void clear() {
_sentinel._next = _sentinel;
_sentinel._previous = _sentinel;
void forEachEntry(void f(DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> element)) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry = _sentinel._next;
while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> nextEntry = entry._next;
entry = nextEntry;
_DoubleLinkedQueueIterator<E> get iterator {
return new _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator<E>(_sentinel);
String toString() {
return Collections.collectionToString(this);
class _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel<E> _sentinel;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> _currentEntry = null;
E _current;
_DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(_DoubleLinkedQueueEntrySentinel<E> sentinel)
: _sentinel = sentinel, _currentEntry = sentinel;
bool moveNext() {
// When [_currentEntry] it is set to [:null:] then it is at the end.
if (_currentEntry == null) {
assert(_current == null);
return false;
_currentEntry = _currentEntry._next;
if (identical(_currentEntry, _sentinel)) {
_currentEntry = null;
_current = null;
_sentinel = null;
return false;
_current = _currentEntry.element;
return true;
E get current => _current;