blob: 3d9c1da2b03bfb303f502b3079fb34595c6b6215 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
class MessageKind {
final String template;
const MessageKind(this.template);
static const GENERIC = const MessageKind('#{1}');
static const NOT_ASSIGNABLE = const MessageKind(
'#{2} is not assignable to #{1}');
static const VOID_EXPRESSION = const MessageKind(
'expression does not yield a value');
static const VOID_VARIABLE = const MessageKind(
'variable cannot be of type void');
static const RETURN_VALUE_IN_VOID = const MessageKind(
'cannot return value from void function');
static const RETURN_NOTHING = const MessageKind(
'value of type #{1} expected');
static const MISSING_ARGUMENT = const MessageKind(
'missing argument of type #{1}');
static const ADDITIONAL_ARGUMENT = const MessageKind(
'additional argument');
static const METHOD_NOT_FOUND = const MessageKind(
'no method named #{2} in class #{1}');
static const MEMBER_NOT_STATIC = const MessageKind(
'#{1}.#{2} is not static');
static const NO_INSTANCE_AVAILABLE = const MessageKind(
'#{1} is only available in instance methods');
static const UNREACHABLE_CODE = const MessageKind(
'unreachable code');
static const MISSING_RETURN = const MessageKind(
'missing return');
static const MAYBE_MISSING_RETURN = const MessageKind(
'not all paths lead to a return or throw statement');
static const CANNOT_RESOLVE = const MessageKind(
'cannot resolve #{1}');
static const CANNOT_RESOLVE_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind(
'cannot resolve constructor #{1}');
'cannot resolve constructor #{1} for implicit super call');
static const CANNOT_RESOLVE_TYPE = const MessageKind(
'cannot resolve type #{1}');
static const DUPLICATE_DEFINITION = const MessageKind(
'duplicate definition of #{1}');
static const DUPLICATE_IMPORT = const MessageKind(
'duplicate import of #{1}');
static const DUPLICATE_EXPORT = const MessageKind(
'duplicate export of #{1}');
static const NOT_A_TYPE = const MessageKind(
'#{1} is not a type');
static const NOT_A_PREFIX = const MessageKind(
'#{1} is not a prefix');
static const NO_SUPER_IN_OBJECT = const MessageKind(
"'Object' does not have a superclass");
static const CANNOT_FIND_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind(
'cannot find constructor #{1}');
static const CANNOT_FIND_CONSTRUCTOR2 = const MessageKind(
'cannot find constructor #{1} in #{2}');
static const CYCLIC_CLASS_HIERARCHY = const MessageKind(
'#{1} creates a cycle in the class hierarchy');
static const INVALID_RECEIVER_IN_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind(
'field initializer expected');
static const NO_SUPER_IN_STATIC = const MessageKind(
"'super' is only available in instance methods");
static const DUPLICATE_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind(
'field #{1} is initialized more than once');
static const ALREADY_INITIALIZED = const MessageKind(
'#{1} was already initialized here');
static const INIT_STATIC_FIELD = const MessageKind(
'cannot initialize static field #{1}');
static const NOT_A_FIELD = const MessageKind(
'#{1} is not a field');
static const CONSTRUCTOR_CALL_EXPECTED = const MessageKind(
"only call to 'this' or 'super' constructor allowed");
static const INVALID_FOR_IN = const MessageKind(
'invalid for-in variable declaration.');
static const INVALID_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind(
'invalid initializer');
static const FUNCTION_WITH_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind(
'only constructors can have initializers');
static const REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR_CYCLE = const MessageKind(
'cyclic constructor redirection');
static const REDIRECTING_CONSTRUCTOR_HAS_BODY = const MessageKind(
'redirecting constructor cannot have a body');
'redirecting constructor cannot have other initializers');
static const SUPER_INITIALIZER_IN_OBJECT = const MessageKind(
"'Object' cannot have a super initializer");
static const DUPLICATE_SUPER_INITIALIZER = const MessageKind(
'cannot have more than one super initializer');
static const INVALID_ARGUMENTS = const MessageKind(
"arguments do not match the expected parameters of #{1}");
static const NO_MATCHING_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind(
"super call arguments and constructor parameters don't match");
static const NO_MATCHING_CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_IMPLICIT = const MessageKind(
"implicit super call arguments and constructor parameters don't match");
static const NO_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind(
'#{1} is a #{2}, not a constructor');
static const FIELD_PARAMETER_NOT_ALLOWED = const MessageKind(
'a field parameter is only allowed in generative constructors');
static const INVALID_PARAMETER = const MessageKind(
"cannot resolve parameter");
static const NOT_INSTANCE_FIELD = const MessageKind(
'#{1} is not an instance field');
static const NO_CATCH_NOR_FINALLY = const MessageKind(
"expected 'catch' or 'finally'");
static const EMPTY_CATCH_DECLARATION = const MessageKind(
'expected an identifier in catch declaration');
static const EXTRA_CATCH_DECLARATION = const MessageKind(
'extra parameter in catch declaration');
static const PARAMETER_WITH_TYPE_IN_CATCH = const MessageKind(
'cannot use type annotations in catch');
static const PARAMETER_WITH_MODIFIER_IN_CATCH = const MessageKind(
'cannot use modifiers in catch');
static const OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_IN_CATCH = const MessageKind(
'cannot use optional parameters in catch');
static const THROW_WITHOUT_EXPRESSION = const MessageKind(
'cannot use re-throw outside of catch block (expression expected after '
static const UNBOUND_LABEL = const MessageKind(
'cannot resolve label #{1}');
static const NO_BREAK_TARGET = const MessageKind(
'break statement not inside switch or loop');
static const NO_CONTINUE_TARGET = const MessageKind(
'continue statement not inside loop');
static const EXISTING_LABEL = const MessageKind(
'original declaration of duplicate label #{1}');
static const DUPLICATE_LABEL = const MessageKind(
'duplicate declaration of label #{1}');
static const UNUSED_LABEL = const MessageKind(
'unused label #{1}');
static const INVALID_CONTINUE = const MessageKind(
'target of continue is not a loop or switch case');
static const TYPE_VARIABLE_AS_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind(
'cannot use type variable as constructor');
static const DUPLICATE_TYPE_VARIABLE_NAME = const MessageKind(
'type variable #{1} already declared');
static const TYPE_VARIABLE_WITHIN_STATIC_MEMBER = const MessageKind(
'cannot refer to type variable #{1} within a static member');
static const INVALID_BREAK = const MessageKind(
'target of break is not a statement');
static const INVALID_USE_OF_SUPER = const MessageKind(
'super not allowed here');
static const INVALID_CASE_DEFAULT = const MessageKind(
'default only allowed on last case of a switch');
static const SWITCH_CASE_TYPES_NOT_EQUAL = const MessageKind(
"case expressions don't all have the same type.");
static const SWITCH_CASE_VALUE_OVERRIDES_EQUALS = const MessageKind(
"case expression value overrides 'operator=='.");
static const SWITCH_INVALID = const MessageKind(
"switch cases contain invalid expressions.");
static const INVALID_ARGUMENT_AFTER_NAMED = const MessageKind(
'non-named argument after named argument');
static const NOT_A_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT = const MessageKind(
'not a compile-time constant');
static const CYCLIC_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANTS = const MessageKind(
'cycle in the compile-time constant computation');
static const CONSTRUCTOR_IS_NOT_CONST = const MessageKind(
'constructor is not a const constructor');
static const KEY_NOT_A_STRING_LITERAL = const MessageKind(
'map-literal key not a string literal');
static const NO_SUCH_LIBRARY_MEMBER = const MessageKind(
'#{1} has no member named #{2}');
static const CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_INTERFACE = const MessageKind(
"cannot instantiate interface '#{1}'");
static const CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_TYPEDEF = const MessageKind(
"cannot instantiate typedef '#{1}'");
static const CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_TYPE_VARIABLE = const MessageKind(
"cannot instantiate type variable '#{1}'");
static const NO_DEFAULT_CLASS = const MessageKind(
"no default class on enclosing interface '#{1}'");
static const CYCLIC_TYPE_VARIABLE = const MessageKind(
"cyclic reference to type variable #{1}");
static const CLASS_NAME_EXPECTED = const MessageKind(
"class name expected");
static const INTERFACE_TYPE_EXPECTED = const MessageKind(
"interface type expected");
static const CANNOT_EXTEND = const MessageKind(
"#{1} cannot be extended");
static const CANNOT_IMPLEMENT = const MessageKind(
"#{1} cannot be implemented");
static const DUPLICATE_EXTENDS_IMPLEMENTS = const MessageKind(
"Error: #{1} can not be both extended and implemented.");
static const DUPLICATE_IMPLEMENTS = const MessageKind(
"Error: #{1} must not occur more than once in the implements clause.");
static const ILLEGAL_SUPER_SEND = const MessageKind(
"#{1} cannot be called on super");
static const ADDITIONAL_TYPE_ARGUMENT = const MessageKind(
"additional type argument");
static const MISSING_TYPE_ARGUMENT = const MessageKind(
"missing type argument");
// instead.
static const TYPE_ARGUMENT_COUNT_MISMATCH = const MessageKind(
"incorrect number of type arguments on #{1}");
static const MISSING_ARGUMENTS_TO_ASSERT = const MessageKind(
"missing arguments to assert");
static const GETTER_MISMATCH = const MessageKind(
"Error: setter disagrees on: #{1}.");
static const SETTER_MISMATCH = const MessageKind(
"Error: getter disagrees on: #{1}.");
static const ILLEGAL_SETTER_FORMALS = const MessageKind(
"Error: a setter must have exactly one argument.");
static const NO_STATIC_OVERRIDE = const MessageKind(
"Error: static member cannot override instance member '#{1}' of '#{2}'.");
static const NO_STATIC_OVERRIDE_CONT = const MessageKind(
"Info: this is the instance member that cannot be overridden "
"by a static member.");
static const CANNOT_OVERRIDE_FIELD_WITH_METHOD = const MessageKind(
"Error: method cannot override field '#{1}' of '#{2}'.");
static const CANNOT_OVERRIDE_FIELD_WITH_METHOD_CONT = const MessageKind(
"Info: this is the field that cannot be overridden by a method.");
static const CANNOT_OVERRIDE_METHOD_WITH_FIELD = const MessageKind(
"Error: field cannot override method '#{1}' of '#{2}'.");
static const CANNOT_OVERRIDE_METHOD_WITH_FIELD_CONT = const MessageKind(
"Info: this is the method that cannot be overridden by a field.");
static const BAD_ARITY_OVERRIDE = const MessageKind(
"Error: cannot override method '#{1}' in '#{2}'; "
"the parameters do not match.");
static const BAD_ARITY_OVERRIDE_CONT = const MessageKind(
"Info: this is the method whose parameters do not match.");
static const MISSING_FORMALS = const MessageKind(
"Error: Formal parameters are missing.");
static const EXTRA_FORMALS = const MessageKind(
"Error: Formal parameters are not allowed here.");
static const UNARY_OPERATOR_BAD_ARITY = const MessageKind(
"Error: Operator #{1} must have no parameters.");
static const MINUS_OPERATOR_BAD_ARITY = const MessageKind(
"Error: Operator - must have 0 or 1 parameters.");
static const BINARY_OPERATOR_BAD_ARITY = const MessageKind(
"Error: Operator #{1} must have exactly 1 parameter.");
static const TERNARY_OPERATOR_BAD_ARITY = const MessageKind(
"Error: Operator #{1} must have exactly 2 parameters.");
static const OPERATOR_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS = const MessageKind(
"Error: Operator #{1} cannot have optional parameters.");
static const OPERATOR_NAMED_PARAMETERS = const MessageKind(
"Error: Operator #{1} cannot have named parameters.");
// TODO(ahe): This message is hard to localize. This is acceptable,
// as it will be removed when we ship Dart version 1.0.
static const DEPRECATED_FEATURE_WARNING = const MessageKind(
"Warning: deprecated language feature, #{1}, "
"will be removed in a future Dart milestone.");
// TODO(ahe): This message is hard to localize. This is acceptable,
// as it will be removed when we ship Dart version 1.0.
static const DEPRECATED_FEATURE_ERROR = const MessageKind(
"Error: #{1} are not legal "
"due to option --reject-deprecated-language-features.");
static const CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_RETURN_TYPE = const MessageKind(
"Error: cannot have return type for constructor.");
static const ILLEGAL_FINAL_METHOD_MODIFIER = const MessageKind(
"Error: cannot have final modifier on method.");
static const ILLEGAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MODIFIERS = const MessageKind(
"Error: illegal constructor modifiers: #{1}.");
static const ILLEGAL_MIXIN_APPLICATION_MODIFIERS = const MessageKind(
"Error: illegal mixin application modifiers: #{1}.");
static const ILLEGAL_MIXIN_SUPERCLASS = const MessageKind(
"Error: class used as mixin must have Object as superclass.");
static const ILLEGAL_MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR = const MessageKind(
"Error: class used as mixin cannot have non-factory constructor.");
static const ILLEGAL_MIXIN_CYCLE = const MessageKind(
"Error: class used as mixin introduces mixin cycle: #{1} <-> #{2}.");
static const ILLEGAL_MIXIN_WITH_SUPER = const MessageKind(
"Error: cannot use class #{1} as a mixin because it uses super.");
static const ILLEGAL_MIXIN_SUPER_USE = const MessageKind(
"Use of super in class used as mixin.");
static const PARAMETER_NAME_EXPECTED = const MessageKind(
"Error: parameter name expected.");
static const CANNOT_RESOLVE_GETTER = const MessageKind(
'cannot resolve getter.');
static const CANNOT_RESOLVE_SETTER = const MessageKind(
'cannot resolve setter.');
static const VOID_NOT_ALLOWED = const MessageKind(
'type void is only allowed in a return type.');
static const BEFORE_TOP_LEVEL = const MessageKind(
'Error: part header must come before top-level definitions.');
static const LIBRARY_NAME_MISMATCH = const MessageKind(
'Warning: expected part of library name "#{1}".');
static const MISSING_PART_OF_TAG = const MessageKind(
'Note: This file has no part-of tag, but it is being used as a part.');
static const DUPLICATED_PART_OF = const MessageKind(
'Error: duplicated part-of directive.');
static const ILLEGAL_DIRECTIVE = const MessageKind(
'Error: directive not allowed here.');
static const DUPLICATED_LIBRARY_NAME = const MessageKind(
'Warning: duplicated library name "#{1}".');
static const INVALID_SOURCE_FILE_LOCATION = const MessageKind('''
Invalid offset (#{1}) in source map.
File: #{2}
Length: #{3}''');
static const PATCH_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH = const MessageKind(
"Patch return type '#{3}' doesn't match '#{2}' on origin method '#{1}'.");
"Required parameter count of patch method (#{3}) doesn't match parameter "
"count on origin method '#{1}' (#{2}).");
"Optional parameter count of patch method (#{3}) doesn't match parameter "
"count on origin method '#{1}' (#{2}).");
"Optional parameters of origin and patch method '#{1}' must "
"both be either named or positional.");
static const PATCH_PARAMETER_MISMATCH = const MessageKind(
"Patch method parameter '#{3}' doesn't match '#{2}' on origin method "
static const TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE_DECLARED_STATIC = const MessageKind(
"Top-level variable cannot be declared static.");
static const WRONG_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_FOR_ASSERT = const MessageKind(
"Wrong number of arguments to assert. Should be 1, but given #{1}.");
static const ASSERT_IS_GIVEN_NAMED_ARGUMENTS = const MessageKind(
"assert takes no named arguments, but given #{1}.");
static const MALFORMED_TYPE_REFERENCE = const MessageKind(
"Malformed type reference encountered in #{1}.");
static const FACTORY_REDIRECTION_IN_NON_FACTORY = const MessageKind(
"Error: Factory redirection only allowed in factories.");
static const MISSING_FACTORY_KEYWORD = const MessageKind(
"Did you forget a factory keyword here?");
static const COMPILER_CRASHED = const MessageKind(
"Error: The compiler crashed when compiling this element.");
static const PLEASE_REPORT_THE_CRASH = const MessageKind('''
The compiler is broken.
When compiling the above element, the compiler crashed. It is not
possible to tell if this is caused by a problem in your program or
not. Regardless, the compiler should not crash.
The Dart team would greatly appreciate if you would take a moment to
report this problem at
Please include the following information:
* the name and version of your operating system,
* the Dart SDK build number (#{1}), and
* the entire message you see here (including the full stack trace
below as well as the source location above).
toString() => template;
Message message([List arguments = const []]) {
return new Message(this, arguments);
CompilationError error([List arguments = const []]) {
return new CompilationError(this, arguments);
class Message {
final kind;
final List arguments;
String message;
Message(this.kind, this.arguments);
String toString() {
if (message == null) {
message = kind.template;
int position = 1;
for (var argument in arguments) {
String string = slowToString(argument);
message = message.replaceAll('#{${position++}}', string);
return message;
bool operator==(other) {
if (other is !Message) return false;
return (kind == other.kind) && (toString() == other.toString());
String slowToString(object) {
if (object is SourceString) {
return object.slowToString();
} else {
return object.toString();
class Diagnostic {
final Message message;
Diagnostic(MessageKind kind, List arguments)
: message = new Message(kind, arguments);
String toString() => message.toString();
class TypeWarning extends Diagnostic {
TypeWarning(MessageKind kind, List arguments)
: super(kind, arguments);
class ResolutionError extends Diagnostic {
ResolutionError(MessageKind kind, List arguments)
: super(kind, arguments);
class ResolutionWarning extends Diagnostic {
ResolutionWarning(MessageKind kind, List arguments)
: super(kind, arguments);
class CompileTimeConstantError extends Diagnostic {
CompileTimeConstantError(MessageKind kind, List arguments)
: super(kind, arguments);
class CompilationError extends Diagnostic {
CompilationError(MessageKind kind, List arguments)
: super(kind, arguments);