blob: a78f3954b42848c1cb3b9745ea4978325df22943 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of org_dartlang_compiler_util;
class Link<T> extends Iterable<T> {
T get head => null;
Link<T> get tail => null;
factory Link.fromList(List<T> list) {
switch (list.length) {
case 0:
return new Link<T>();
case 1:
return new LinkEntry<T>(list[0]);
case 2:
return new LinkEntry<T>(list[0], new LinkEntry<T>(list[1]));
case 3:
return new LinkEntry<T>(
list[0], new LinkEntry<T>(list[1], new LinkEntry<T>(list[2])));
Link link = new Link<T>();
for (int i = list.length ; i > 0; i--) {
link = link.prepend(list[i - 1]);
return link;
const Link();
Link<T> prepend(T element) {
return new LinkEntry<T>(element, this);
Iterator<T> get iterator => new LinkIterator<T>(this);
void printOn(StringBuffer buffer, [separatedBy]) {
List toList() => new List<T>.fixedLength(0);
bool get isEmpty => true;
Link<T> reverse() => this;
Link<T> reversePrependAll(Link<T> from) {
if (from.isEmpty) return this;
return this.prepend(from.head).reversePrependAll(from.tail);
Link<T> skip(int n) {
if (n == 0) return this;
throw new RangeError('Index $n out of range');
void forEach(void f(T element)) {}
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !Link<T>) return false;
return other.isEmpty;
String toString() => "[]";
get length {
throw new UnsupportedError('get:length');
abstract class LinkBuilder<T> {
factory LinkBuilder() = LinkBuilderImplementation;
Link<T> toLink();
void addLast(T t);
final int length;
final bool isEmpty;