blob: ee7845c2580009050ea00cd9e4c2fa074dad9208 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of types;
class CancelTypeInferenceException {
final Node node;
final String reason;
CancelTypeInferenceException(this.node, this.reason);
* A singleton concrete type. More precisely, a [BaseType] is one of the
* following:
* - a non-asbtract class like [: int :] or [: Uri :] but not [: List :]
* - the null base type
* - the unknown base type
abstract class BaseType {
bool isClass();
bool isUnknown();
bool isNull();
* A non-asbtract class like [: int :] or [: Uri :] but not [: List :].
class ClassBaseType implements BaseType {
final ClassElement element;
bool operator ==(BaseType other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! ClassBaseType) return false;
return element == other.element;
int get hashCode => element.hashCode;
String toString() =>;
bool isClass() => true;
bool isUnknown() => false;
bool isNull() => false;
* The unknown base type.
class UnknownBaseType implements BaseType {
const UnknownBaseType();
bool operator ==(BaseType other) => other is UnknownBaseType;
int get hashCode => 0;
bool isClass() => false;
bool isUnknown() => true;
bool isNull() => false;
toString() => "unknown";
* The null base type.
class NullBaseType implements BaseType {
const NullBaseType();
bool operator ==(BaseType other) => other is NullBaseType;
int get hashCode => 1;
bool isClass() => false;
bool isUnknown() => false;
bool isNull() => true;
toString() => "null";
* An immutable set of base types, like [: {int, bool} :] or the unknown
* concrete type.
abstract class ConcreteType {
factory ConcreteType.empty() {
return new UnionType(new Set<BaseType>());
* The singleton constituted of the unknown base type is the unknown concrete
* type.
factory ConcreteType.singleton(int maxConcreteTypeSize, BaseType baseType) {
if (baseType.isUnknown() || maxConcreteTypeSize < 1) {
return new UnknownConcreteType();
Set<BaseType> singletonSet = new Set<BaseType>();
return new UnionType(singletonSet);
factory ConcreteType.unknown() {
return const UnknownConcreteType();
ConcreteType union(int maxConcreteTypeSize, ConcreteType other);
bool isUnkown();
bool isEmpty();
Set<BaseType> get baseTypes;
* Returns the unique element of [: this :] if [: this :] is a singleton,
* null otherwise.
ClassElement getUniqueType();
* The unkown concrete type: it is absorbing for the union.
class UnknownConcreteType implements ConcreteType {
const UnknownConcreteType();
bool isUnkown() => true;
bool isEmpty() => false;
bool operator ==(ConcreteType other) => identical(this, other);
Set<BaseType> get baseTypes =>
new Set<BaseType>.from([const UnknownBaseType()]);
int get hashCode => 0;
ConcreteType union(int maxConcreteTypeSize, ConcreteType other) => this;
ClassElement getUniqueType() => null;
toString() => "unknown";
* An immutable set of base types, like [: {int, bool} :].
class UnionType implements ConcreteType {
final Set<BaseType> baseTypes;
* The argument should NOT be mutated later. Do not call directly, use
* ConcreteType.singleton instead.
bool isUnkown() => false;
bool isEmpty() => baseTypes.isEmpty;
bool operator ==(ConcreteType other) {
if (other is! UnionType) return false;
if (baseTypes.length != other.baseTypes.length) return false;
return baseTypes.containsAll(other.baseTypes);
int get hashCode {
int result = 1;
for (final baseType in baseTypes) {
result = 31 * result + baseType.hashCode;
return result;
// TODO(polux): Collapse {num, int, ...}, {num, double, ...} and
// {int, double,...} into {num, ...} as an optimization. It will require
// UnionType to know about these class elements, which is cumbersome because
// there are no nested classes. We need factory methods instead.
ConcreteType union(int maxConcreteTypeSize, ConcreteType other) {
if (other.isUnkown()) {
return const UnknownConcreteType();
UnionType otherUnion = other; // cast
Set<BaseType> newBaseTypes = new Set<BaseType>.from(baseTypes);
return newBaseTypes.length > maxConcreteTypeSize
? const UnknownConcreteType()
: new UnionType(newBaseTypes);
ClassElement getUniqueType() {
if (baseTypes.length == 1) {
var iterator = baseTypes.iterator;
BaseType uniqueBaseType = iterator.current;
if (uniqueBaseType.isClass()) {
ClassBaseType uniqueClassType = uniqueBaseType;
return uniqueClassType.element;
return null;
String toString() => baseTypes.toString();
* The cartesian product of concrete types: an iterable of [BaseTypeTuple]s. For
* instance, the cartesian product of the concrete types [: {A, B} :] and
* [: {C, D} :] is an itearble whose iterators will yield [: (A, C) :],
* [: (A, D) :], [: (B, C) :] and finally [: (B, D) :].
class ConcreteTypeCartesianProduct
extends Iterable<ConcreteTypesEnvironment> {
final ConcreteTypesInferrer inferrer;
final ClassElement typeOfThis;
final Map<Element, ConcreteType> concreteTypes;
ConcreteTypeCartesianProduct(this.inferrer, this.typeOfThis,
Iterator get iterator => concreteTypes.isEmpty
? [new ConcreteTypesEnvironment(inferrer, new ClassBaseType(typeOfThis))]
: new ConcreteTypeCartesianProductIterator(inferrer,
new ClassBaseType(typeOfThis), concreteTypes);
String toString() {
List<ConcreteTypesEnvironment> cartesianProduct =
new List<ConcreteTypesEnvironment>.from(this);
return cartesianProduct.toString();
* An helper class for [ConcreteTypeCartesianProduct].
class ConcreteTypeCartesianProductIterator
implements Iterator<ConcreteTypesEnvironment> {
final ConcreteTypesInferrer inferrer;
final BaseType baseTypeOfThis;
final Map<Element, ConcreteType> concreteTypes;
final Map<Element, BaseType> nextValues;
final Map<Element, Iterator> state;
int size = 1;
int counter = 0;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment _current;
ConcreteTypeCartesianProductIterator(this.inferrer, this.baseTypeOfThis,
Map<Element, ConcreteType> concreteTypes)
: this.concreteTypes = concreteTypes,
nextValues = new Map<Element, BaseType>(),
state = new Map<Element, Iterator>() {
if (concreteTypes.isEmpty) {
size = 0;
for (final e in concreteTypes.keys) {
final baseTypes = concreteTypes[e].baseTypes;
size *= baseTypes.length;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment get current => _current;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment takeSnapshot() {
Map<Element, ConcreteType> result = new Map<Element, ConcreteType>();
nextValues.forEach((k, v) {
result[k] = inferrer.singletonConcreteType(v);
return new ConcreteTypesEnvironment.of(inferrer, result, baseTypeOfThis);
bool moveNext() {
if (counter >= size) {
_current = null;
return false;
Element keyToIncrement = null;
for (final key in concreteTypes.keys) {
final iterator = state[key];
if (iterator != null && iterator.moveNext()) {
nextValues[key] = state[key].current;
Iterator newIterator = concreteTypes[key].baseTypes.iterator;
state[key] = newIterator;
nextValues[key] = newIterator.current;
_current = takeSnapshot();
return true;
* [BaseType] Constants.
class BaseTypes {
final ClassBaseType intBaseType;
final ClassBaseType doubleBaseType;
final ClassBaseType numBaseType;
final ClassBaseType boolBaseType;
final ClassBaseType stringBaseType;
final ClassBaseType listBaseType;
final ClassBaseType mapBaseType;
final ClassBaseType objectBaseType;
final ClassBaseType typeBaseType;
static _getNativeListClass(Compiler compiler) {
// TODO(polux): switch to other implementations on other backends
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
return backend.jsArrayClass;
BaseTypes(Compiler compiler) :
intBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.intClass),
doubleBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.doubleClass),
numBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.numClass),
boolBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.boolClass),
stringBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.stringClass),
// in the Javascript backend, lists are implemented by JsArray
listBaseType = new ClassBaseType(_getNativeListClass(compiler)),
mapBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.mapClass),
objectBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.objectClass),
typeBaseType = new ClassBaseType(compiler.typeClass);
* A method-local immutable mapping from variables to their inferred
* [ConcreteTypes]. Each visitor owns one.
class ConcreteTypesEnvironment {
final ConcreteTypesInferrer inferrer;
final Map<Element, ConcreteType> environment;
final BaseType typeOfThis;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment(this.inferrer, [this.typeOfThis]) :
this.environment = new Map<Element, ConcreteType>();
ConcreteTypesEnvironment.of(this.inferrer, this.environment, this.typeOfThis);
ConcreteType lookupType(Element element) => environment[element];
ConcreteType lookupTypeOfThis() {
return (typeOfThis == null)
? null
: inferrer.singletonConcreteType(typeOfThis);
ConcreteTypesEnvironment put(Element element, ConcreteType type) {
Map<Element, ConcreteType> newMap =
new Map<Element, ConcreteType>.from(environment);
newMap[element] = type;
return new ConcreteTypesEnvironment.of(inferrer, newMap, typeOfThis);
ConcreteTypesEnvironment join(ConcreteTypesEnvironment other) {
if (typeOfThis != other.typeOfThis) {
throw "trying to join incompatible environments";
Map<Element, ConcreteType> newMap =
new Map<Element, ConcreteType>.from(environment);
other.environment.forEach((element, type) {
ConcreteType currentType = newMap[element];
if (element == null) {
newMap[element] = type;
} else {
newMap[element] = inferrer.union(currentType, type);
return new ConcreteTypesEnvironment.of(inferrer, newMap, typeOfThis);
bool operator ==(ConcreteTypesEnvironment other) {
if (other is! ConcreteTypesEnvironment) return false;
if (typeOfThis != other.typeOfThis) return false;
if (environment.length != other.environment.length) return false;
for (Element key in environment.keys) {
if (!other.environment.containsKey(key)
|| (environment[key] != other.environment[key])) {
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode {
int result = (typeOfThis != null) ? typeOfThis.hashCode : 1;
environment.forEach((element, concreteType) {
result = 31 * (31 * result + element.hashCode) +
return result;
String toString() => "{ this: $typeOfThis, env: ${environment.toString()} }";
* A work item for the type inference queue.
class InferenceWorkItem {
FunctionElement method;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment;
InferenceWorkItem(this.method, this.environment);
toString() => "{ method = ${}, "
"environment = $environment }";
* A task which conservatively infers a [ConcreteType] for each sub expression
* of the program. The entry point is [analyzeMain].
class ConcreteTypesInferrer {
static final bool LOG_FAILURES = true;
final String name = "Type inferrer";
final Compiler compiler;
* When true, the string literal [:"__dynamic_for_test":] is inferred to
* have the unknown type.
// TODO(polux): get rid of this hack once we have a natural way of inferring
// the unknown type.
bool testMode = false;
* Constants representing builtin base types. Initialized in [initialize]
* and not in the constructor because the compiler elements are not yet
* populated.
BaseTypes baseTypes;
* Constant representing [:ConcreteList#[]:] where [:ConcreteList:] is the
* concrete implmentation of lists for the selected backend.
FunctionElement listIndex;
* Constant representing [:ConcreteList#[]=:] where [:ConcreteList:] is the
* concrete implmentation of lists for the selected backend.
FunctionElement listIndexSet;
* Constant representing [:List():].
FunctionElement listConstructor;
* A cache from (function x argument base types) to concrete types,
* used to memoize [analyzeMonoSend]. Another way of seeing [cache] is as a
* map from [FunctionElement]s to "templates" in the sense of "The Cartesian
* Product Algorithm - Simple and Precise Type Inference of Parametric
* Polymorphism" by Ole Agesen.
final Map<FunctionElement, Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType>> cache;
/** A map from expressions to their inferred concrete types. */
final Map<Node, ConcreteType> inferredTypes;
/** A map from fields to their inferred concrete types. */
final Map<Element, ConcreteType> inferredFieldTypes;
/** The work queue consumed by [analyzeMain]. */
final Queue<InferenceWorkItem> workQueue;
/** [: callers[f] :] is the list of [: f :]'s possible callers. */
final Map<FunctionElement, Set<FunctionElement>> callers;
/** [: readers[field] :] is the list of [: field :]'s possible readers. */
final Map<Element, Set<FunctionElement>> readers;
/** The inferred type of elements stored in Lists. */
ConcreteType listElementType;
* A map from parameters to their inferred concrete types. It plays no role
* in the analysis, it is write only.
final Map<VariableElement, ConcreteType> inferredParameterTypes;
ConcreteTypesInferrer(Compiler compiler)
: this.compiler = compiler,
cache = new Map<FunctionElement,
Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType>>(),
inferredTypes = new Map<Node, ConcreteType>(),
inferredFieldTypes = new Map<Element, ConcreteType>(),
inferredParameterTypes = new Map<VariableElement, ConcreteType>(),
workQueue = new Queue<InferenceWorkItem>(),
callers = new Map<FunctionElement, Set<FunctionElement>>(),
readers = new Map<Element, Set<FunctionElement>>(),
listElementType = new ConcreteType.empty() {
unknownConcreteType = new ConcreteType.unknown();
emptyConcreteType = new ConcreteType.empty();
* Populates [cache] with ad hoc rules like:
* {int} + {int} -> {int}
* {int} + {double} -> {num}
* {int} + {num} -> {double}
* ...
populateCacheWithBuiltinRules() {
// Builds the environment that would be looked up if we were to analyze
// o.method(arg) where o has concrete type {receiverType} and arg has
// concrete type {argumentType}.
ConcreteTypesEnvironment makeEnvironment(BaseType receiverType,
FunctionElement method,
BaseType argumentType) {
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes = new ArgumentsTypes(
new Map());
Map<Element, ConcreteType> argumentMap =
associateArguments(method, argumentsTypes);
return new ConcreteTypesEnvironment.of(this, argumentMap, receiverType);
// Adds the rule {receiverType}.method({argumentType}) -> {returnType}
// to cache.
void rule(ClassBaseType receiverType, String method,
BaseType argumentType, BaseType returnType) {
// The following line shouldn't be needed but the mock compiler doesn't
// resolve num for some reason.
FunctionElement methodElement =
receiverType.element.lookupMember(new SourceString(method));
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment =
makeEnvironment(receiverType, methodElement, argumentType);
Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType> map =
? cache[methodElement]
: new Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType>();
map[environment] = singletonConcreteType(returnType);
cache[methodElement] = map;
// The hardcoded typing rules.
final ClassBaseType int = baseTypes.intBaseType;
final ClassBaseType double = baseTypes.doubleBaseType;
final ClassBaseType num = baseTypes.numBaseType;
for (String method in ['+', '*', '-']) {
rule(int, method, int, int);
rule(int, method, double, num);
rule(int, method, num, num);
rule(double, method, double, double);
rule(double, method, int, num);
rule(double, method, num, num);
rule(num, method, int, num);
rule(num, method, double, num);
rule(num, method, num, num);
// --- utility methods ---
/** The unknown concrete type */
ConcreteType unknownConcreteType;
/** The empty concrete type */
ConcreteType emptyConcreteType;
/** Creates a singleton concrete type containing [baseType]. */
ConcreteType singletonConcreteType(BaseType baseType) {
return new ConcreteType.singleton(compiler.maxConcreteTypeSize, baseType);
/** Returns the union of its two arguments */
ConcreteType union(ConcreteType concreteType1, ConcreteType concreteType2) {
return concreteType1.union(compiler.maxConcreteTypeSize, concreteType2);
* Returns all the members with name [methodName].
List<Element> getMembersByName(SourceString methodName) {
// TODO(polux): memoize?
var result = new List<Element>();
for (ClassElement cls in compiler.enqueuer.resolution.seenClasses) {
Element elem = cls.lookupLocalMember(methodName);
if (elem != null) {
return result;
* Sets the concrete type associated to [node] to the union of the inferred
* concrete type so far and [type].
void augmentInferredType(Node node, ConcreteType type) {
ConcreteType currentType = inferredTypes[node];
inferredTypes[node] = (currentType == null)
? type
: union(currentType, type);
* Returns the current inferred concrete type of [field].
ConcreteType getFieldType(Element field) {
ConcreteType result = inferredFieldTypes[field];
return (result == null) ? emptyConcreteType : result;
* Sets the concrete type associated to [field] to the union of the inferred
* concrete type so far and [type].
void augmentFieldType(Element field, ConcreteType type) {
ConcreteType oldType = inferredFieldTypes[field];
ConcreteType newType = (oldType != null)
? union(oldType, type)
: type;
if (oldType != newType) {
inferredFieldTypes[field] = newType;
final fieldReaders = readers[field];
if (fieldReaders != null) {
for (final reader in fieldReaders) {
final readerInstances = cache[reader];
if (readerInstances != null) {
readerInstances.forEach((environment, _) {
workQueue.addLast(new InferenceWorkItem(reader, environment));
/// Augment the inferred type of elements stored in Lists.
void augmentListElementType(ConcreteType type) {
ConcreteType newType = union(listElementType, type);
if (newType != listElementType) {
listElementType = newType;
* Sets the concrete type associated to [parameter] to the union of the
* inferred concrete type so far and [type].
void augmentParameterType(VariableElement parameter, ConcreteType type) {
ConcreteType oldType = inferredParameterTypes[parameter];
inferredParameterTypes[parameter] =
(oldType == null) ? type : union(oldType, type);
* Add [caller] to the set of [callee]'s callers.
void addCaller(FunctionElement callee, FunctionElement caller) {
Set<FunctionElement> current = callers[callee];
if (current != null) {
} else {
Set<FunctionElement> newSet = new Set<FunctionElement>();
callers[callee] = newSet;
* Add [reader] to the set of [field]'s readers.
void addReader(Element field, FunctionElement reader) {
Set<FunctionElement> current = readers[field];
if (current != null) {
} else {
Set<FunctionElement> newSet = new Set<FunctionElement>();
readers[field] = newSet;
* Add callers of [function] to the workqueue.
void invalidateCallers(FunctionElement function) {
Set<FunctionElement> methodCallers = callers[function];
if (methodCallers == null) return;
for (FunctionElement caller in methodCallers) {
Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType> callerInstances =
if (callerInstances != null) {
callerInstances.forEach((environment, _) {
new InferenceWorkItem(caller, environment));
// -- query --
* Get the inferred concrete type of [node].
ConcreteType getConcreteTypeOfNode(Node node) => inferredTypes[node];
* Get the inferred concrete type of [parameter].
ConcreteType getConcreteTypeOfParameter(VariableElement parameter) {
return inferredParameterTypes[parameter];
// --- analysis ---
* Returns the concrete type returned by [function] given arguments of
* concrete types [argumentsTypes]. If [function] is static then
* [receiverType] must be null, else [function] must be a member of the class
* of [receiverType].
ConcreteType getSendReturnType(FunctionElement function,
ClassElement receiverType,
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes) {
ConcreteType result = emptyConcreteType;
Map<Element, ConcreteType> argumentMap =
associateArguments(function, argumentsTypes);
// if the association failed, this send will never occur or will fail
if (argumentMap == null) {
return emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteTypeCartesianProduct product =
new ConcreteTypeCartesianProduct(this, receiverType, argumentMap);
for (ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment in product) {
result = union(result,
getMonomorphicSendReturnType(function, environment));
return result;
* Given a method signature and a list of concrete types, builds a map from
* formals to their corresponding concrete types. Returns null if the
* association is impossible (for instance: too many arguments).
Map<Element, ConcreteType> associateArguments(FunctionElement function,
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes) {
final Map<Element, ConcreteType> result = new Map<Element, ConcreteType>();
final FunctionSignature signature = function.computeSignature(compiler);
// guard 1: too many arguments
if (argumentsTypes.length > signature.parameterCount) {
return null;
// guard 2: not enough arguments
if (argumentsTypes.positional.length < signature.requiredParameterCount) {
return null;
// guard 3: too many positional arguments
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed &&
argumentsTypes.positional.length > signature.requiredParameterCount) {
return null;
handleLeftoverOptionalParameter(Element parameter) {
// TODO(polux): use default value whenever available
// TODO(polux): add a marker to indicate whether an argument was provided
// in order to handle "?parameter" tests
result[parameter] = singletonConcreteType(const NullBaseType());
final Iterator<ConcreteType> remainingPositionalArguments =
// we attach each positional parameter to its corresponding positional
// argument
for (Link<Element> requiredParameters = signature.requiredParameters;
requiredParameters = requiredParameters.tail) {
final Element requiredParameter = requiredParameters.head;
// we know moveNext() succeeds because of guard 2
result[requiredParameter] = remainingPositionalArguments.current;
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
// we build a map out of the remaining named parameters
Link<Element> remainingOptionalParameters = signature.optionalParameters;
final Map<SourceString, Element> leftOverNamedParameters =
new Map<SourceString, Element>();
for (;
remainingOptionalParameters = remainingOptionalParameters.tail) {
final Element namedParameter = remainingOptionalParameters.head;
leftOverNamedParameters[] = namedParameter;
// we attach the named arguments to their corresponding optional
// parameters
for (Identifier identifier in argumentsTypes.named.keys) {
final ConcreteType concreteType = argumentsTypes.named[identifier];
SourceString source = identifier.source;
final Element namedParameter = leftOverNamedParameters[source];
// unexisting or already used named parameter
if (namedParameter == null) return null;
result[namedParameter] = concreteType;
leftOverNamedParameters.forEach((_, Element parameter) {
} else { // optional parameters are positional
// we attach the remaining positional arguments to their corresponding
// optional parameters
Link<Element> remainingOptionalParameters = signature.optionalParameters;
while (remainingPositionalArguments.moveNext()) {
final Element optionalParameter = remainingOptionalParameters.head;
result[optionalParameter] = remainingPositionalArguments.current;
// we know tail is defined because of guard 1
remainingOptionalParameters = remainingOptionalParameters.tail;
for (;
remainingOptionalParameters = remainingOptionalParameters.tail) {
return result;
ConcreteType getMonomorphicSendReturnType(
FunctionElement function,
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment) {
ConcreteType specialType = getSpecialCaseReturnType(function, environment);
if (specialType != null) return specialType;
Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType> template = cache[function];
if (template == null) {
template = new Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType>();
cache[function] = template;
ConcreteType type = template[environment];
if (type != null) {
return type;
} else {
new InferenceWorkItem(function, environment));
// in case of a constructor, optimize by returning the class
return emptyConcreteType;
* Handles external methods that cannot be cached because they depend on some
* other state of [ConcreteTypesInferrer] like [:List#[]:] and
* [:List#[]=:]. Returns null if [function] and [environment] don't form a
* special case
ConcreteType getSpecialCaseReturnType(FunctionElement function,
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment) {
if (function == listIndex) {
ConcreteType indexType = environment.lookupType(
if (!indexType.baseTypes.contains(baseTypes.intBaseType)) {
return new ConcreteType.empty();
return listElementType;
} else if (function == listIndexSet) {
Link<Element> parameters =
ConcreteType indexType = environment.lookupType(parameters.head);
if (!indexType.baseTypes.contains(baseTypes.intBaseType)) {
return new ConcreteType.empty();
ConcreteType elementType = environment.lookupType(parameters.tail.head);
return new ConcreteType.empty();
return null;
ConcreteType analyze(FunctionElement element,
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment) {
return element.isGenerativeConstructor()
? analyzeConstructor(element, environment)
: analyzeMethod(element, environment);
ConcreteType analyzeMethod(FunctionElement element,
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment) {
TreeElements elements =
ConcreteType specialResult = handleSpecialMethod(element, environment);
if (specialResult != null) return specialResult;
FunctionExpression tree = element.parseNode(compiler);
if (tree.hasBody()) {
Visitor visitor =
new TypeInferrerVisitor(elements, element, this, environment);
return tree.accept(visitor);
} else {
// TODO(polux): implement visitForeingCall and always use the
// implementation element instead of this hack
return new ConcreteType.unknown();
ConcreteType analyzeConstructor(FunctionElement element,
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment) {
ClassElement enclosingClass = element.enclosingElement;
FunctionExpression tree = compiler.parser.parse(element);
TreeElements elements =
Visitor visitor =
new TypeInferrerVisitor(elements, element, this, environment);
// handle initializing formals
element.functionSignature.forEachParameter((param) {
if (param.kind == ElementKind.FIELD_PARAMETER) {
FieldParameterElement fieldParam = param;
// analyze initializers, including a possible call to super or a redirect
bool foundSuperOrRedirect = false;
if (tree.initializers != null) {
// we look for a possible call to super in the initializer list
for (final init in tree.initializers) {
if (init.asSendSet() == null) {
foundSuperOrRedirect = true;
// if no call to super or redirect has been found, call the default
// constructor (if the current class is not Object).
if (!foundSuperOrRedirect) {
ClassElement superClass = enclosingClass.superclass;
if (enclosingClass != compiler.objectClass) {
FunctionElement target = superClass.lookupConstructor(
new Selector.callDefaultConstructor(enclosingClass.getLibrary()));
final superClassConcreteType = singletonConcreteType(
new ClassBaseType(enclosingClass));
getSendReturnType(target, enclosingClass,
new ArgumentsTypes(new List(), new Map()));
return singletonConcreteType(new ClassBaseType(enclosingClass));
* Hook that performs side effects on some special method calls (like
* [:List(length):]) and possibly returns a concrete type
* (like [:{JsArray}:]).
ConcreteType handleSpecialMethod(FunctionElement element,
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment) {
// When List([length]) is called with some length, we must augment
// listElementType with {null}.
if (element == listConstructor) {
Link<Element> parameters =
ConcreteType lengthType = environment.lookupType(parameters.head);
if (lengthType.baseTypes.contains(baseTypes.intBaseType)) {
augmentListElementType(singletonConcreteType(new NullBaseType()));
return singletonConcreteType(baseTypes.listBaseType);
/* Initialization code that cannot be run in the constructor because it
* requires the compiler's elements to be populated.
void initialize() {
baseTypes = new BaseTypes(compiler);
ClassElement jsArrayClass = baseTypes.listBaseType.element;
listIndex = jsArrayClass.lookupMember(const SourceString('[]'));
listIndexSet =
jsArrayClass.lookupMember(const SourceString('[]='));
listConstructor =
new Selector.callConstructor(const SourceString(''),
void analyzeMain(Element element) {
cache[element] = new Map<ConcreteTypesEnvironment, ConcreteType>();
try {
new InferenceWorkItem(element, new ConcreteTypesEnvironment(this)));
while (!workQueue.isEmpty) {
InferenceWorkItem item = workQueue.removeFirst();
ConcreteType concreteType = analyze(item.method, item.environment);
var template = cache[item.method];
if (template[item.environment] == concreteType) continue;
template[item.environment] = concreteType;
} on CancelTypeInferenceException catch(e) {
compiler.log("'${e.node.toDebugString()}': ${e.reason}");
* Dumps debugging information on the standard output.
void debug() {
print("callers :");
callers.forEach((k,v) {
print(" $k: $v");
print("readers :");
readers.forEach((k,v) {
print(" $k: $v");
inferredFieldTypes.forEach((k,v) {
print(" $k: $v");
inferredParameterTypes.forEach((k,v) {
print(" $k: $v");
cache.forEach((k,v) {
print(" $k: $v");
print("inferred expression types: ");
inferredTypes.forEach((k,v) {
print(" $k: $v");
* Fail with a message and abort.
void fail(node, [reason]) {
String message = 'cannot infer types';
if (reason != null) {
message = '$message: $reason';
throw new CancelTypeInferenceException(node, message);
* Represents the concrete types of the arguments of a send, indexed by
* position or name.
class ArgumentsTypes {
final List<ConcreteType> positional;
final Map<Identifier, ConcreteType> named;
ArgumentsTypes(this.positional, this.named);
int get length => positional.length + named.length;
toString() => "{ positional = $positional, named = $named }";
* The core logic of the type inference algorithm.
class TypeInferrerVisitor extends ResolvedVisitor<ConcreteType> {
final ConcreteTypesInferrer inferrer;
final FunctionElement currentMethod;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment environment;
Node lastSeenNode;
TypeInferrerVisitor(TreeElements elements, this.currentMethod, this.inferrer,
: super(elements);
ArgumentsTypes analyzeArguments(Link<Node> arguments) {
final positional = new List<ConcreteType>();
final named = new Map<Identifier, ConcreteType>();
for(Link<Node> iterator = arguments;
iterator = iterator.tail) {
Node node = iterator.head;
NamedArgument namedArgument = node.asNamedArgument();
if (namedArgument != null) {
named[] = analyze(namedArgument.expression);
} else {
return new ArgumentsTypes(positional, named);
* A proxy to accept which does book keeping and error reporting. Returns null
* if [node] is a non-returning statement, its inferred concrete type
* otherwise.
ConcreteType analyze(Node node) {
if (node == null) {
final String error = 'internal error: unexpected node: null';, error);
} else {
lastSeenNode = node;
ConcreteType result = node.accept(this);
if (result == null) {, 'internal error: inferred type is null');
inferrer.augmentInferredType(node, result);
return result;
ConcreteType visitBlock(Block node) {
return analyze(node.statements);
ConcreteType visitCascade(Cascade node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitCascadeReceiver(CascadeReceiver node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitClassNode(ClassNode node) {, 'not implemented');
ConcreteType visitDoWhile(DoWhile node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
return inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteType visitFor(For node) {
if (node.initializer != null) {
ConcreteType result = inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment oldEnvironment;
do {
oldEnvironment = environment;
environment = oldEnvironment.join(environment);
// TODO(polux): Maybe have a destructive join-method that returns a boolean
// value indicating whether something changed to avoid performing this
// comparison twice.
} while (oldEnvironment != environment);
return result;
ConcreteType visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
return analyze(node.body);
ConcreteType visitIdentifier(Identifier node) {
if (node.isThis()) {
ConcreteType result = environment.lookupTypeOfThis();
if (result == null) {, '"this" has no type');
return result;
}, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitIf(If node) {
ConcreteType thenType = analyze(node.thenPart);
ConcreteTypesEnvironment snapshot = environment;
ConcreteType elseType = node.hasElsePart ? analyze(node.elsePart)
: inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
environment = environment.join(snapshot);
return inferrer.union(thenType, elseType);
ConcreteType visitLoop(Loop node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType analyzeSetElement(Element receiver, ConcreteType argumentType) {
environment = environment.put(receiver, argumentType);
if (receiver.isField()) {
inferrer.augmentFieldType(receiver, argumentType);
} else if (receiver.isSetter()){
FunctionElement setter = receiver;
// TODO(polux): A setter always returns void so there's no need to
// invalidate its callers even if it is called with new arguments.
// However, if we start to record more than returned types, like
// exceptions for instance, we need to do it by uncommenting the following
// line.
// inferrer.addCaller(setter, currentMethod);
inferrer.getSendReturnType(setter, receiver.enclosingElement,
new ArgumentsTypes([argumentType], new Map()));
return argumentType;
ConcreteType analyzeSetNode(Node receiver, ConcreteType argumentType,
SourceString name) {
ConcreteType receiverType = analyze(receiver);
void augmentField(ClassElement receiverType, Element member) {
if (member.isField()) {
inferrer.augmentFieldType(member, argumentType);
} else if (member.isAbstractField()){
AbstractFieldElement abstractField = member;
FunctionElement setter = abstractField.setter;
// TODO(polux): A setter always returns void so there's no need to
// invalidate its callers even if it is called with new arguments.
// However, if we start to record more than returned types, like
// exceptions for instance, we need to do it by uncommenting the
// following line.
// inferrer.addCaller(setter, currentMethod);
inferrer.getSendReturnType(setter, receiverType,
new ArgumentsTypes([argumentType], new Map()));
// since this is a sendSet we ignore non-fields
if (receiverType.isUnkown()) {
for (Element member in inferrer.getMembersByName(name)) {
if (!(member.isField() || member.isAbstractField())) continue;
Element cls = member.getEnclosingClass();
augmentField(cls, member);
} else {
for (BaseType baseReceiverType in receiverType.baseTypes) {
if (!baseReceiverType.isClass()) continue;
ClassBaseType baseReceiverClassType = baseReceiverType;
Element member = baseReceiverClassType.element.lookupMember(name);
if (member != null) {
augmentField(baseReceiverClassType.element, member);
return argumentType;
SourceString canonicalizeCompoundOperator(SourceString op) {
// TODO(ahe): This class should work on elements or selectors, not
// names. Otherwise, it is repeating work the resolver has
// already done (or should have done). In this case, the problem
// is that the resolver is not recording the selectors it is
// registering in registerBinaryOperator in
// ResolverVisitor.visitSendSet.
String stringValue = op.stringValue;
if (stringValue == '++') return const SourceString(r'+');
else if (stringValue == '--') return const SourceString(r'-');
else return Elements.mapToUserOperatorOrNull(op);
ConcreteType visitSendSet(SendSet node) {
// Operator []= has a different behaviour than other send sets: it is
// actually a send whose return type is that of its second argument.
if (node.selector.asIdentifier().source.stringValue == '[]') {
ConcreteType receiverType = analyze(node.receiver);
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
analyzeDynamicSend(receiverType, const SourceString('[]='),
return argumentsTypes.positional[1];
// All other operators have a single argument (++ and -- have an implicit
// argument: 1). We will store its type in argumentType.
ConcreteType argumentType;
SourceString operatorName = node.assignmentOperator.source;
SourceString compoundOperatorName =
// ++, --, +=, -=, ...
if (compoundOperatorName != null) {
ConcreteType receiverType = visitGetterSend(node);
// argumentsTypes is either computed from the actual arguments or [{int}]
// in case of ++ or --.
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes;
if (operatorName.stringValue == '++'
|| operatorName.stringValue == '--') {
List<ConcreteType> positionalArguments = <ConcreteType>[
argumentsTypes = new ArgumentsTypes(positionalArguments, new Map());
} else {
argumentsTypes = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
argumentType = analyzeDynamicSend(receiverType, compoundOperatorName,
// The simple assignment case: receiver = argument.
} else {
argumentType = analyze(node.argumentsNode);
Element element = elements[node];
if (element != null) {
return analyzeSetElement(element, argumentType);
} else {
return analyzeSetNode(node.receiver, argumentType,
ConcreteType visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.intBaseType);
ConcreteType visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.doubleBaseType);
ConcreteType visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.boolBaseType);
ConcreteType visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
// TODO(polux): get rid of this hack once we have a natural way of inferring
// the unknown type.
if (inferrer.testMode
&& node.dartString.slowToString() == "__dynamic_for_test") {
return inferrer.unknownConcreteType;
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.stringBaseType);
ConcreteType visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.stringBaseType);
ConcreteType visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(const NullBaseType());
ConcreteType visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) {
Element constructor = elements[node.send];
inferrer.addCaller(constructor, currentMethod);
ClassElement cls = constructor.enclosingElement;
return inferrer.getSendReturnType(constructor, cls,
ConcreteType visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
ConcreteType elementsType = new ConcreteType.empty();
// We compute the union of the types of the list literal's elements.
for (Link<Node> link = node.elements.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
elementsType = inferrer.union(elementsType, analyze(link.head));
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.listBaseType);
ConcreteType visitNodeList(NodeList node) {
ConcreteType type = inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
// The concrete type of a sequence of statements is the union of the
// statement's types.
for (Link<Node> link = node.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
type = inferrer.union(type, analyze(link.head));
return type;
ConcreteType visitOperator(Operator node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitReturn(Return node) {
final expression = node.expression;
return (expression == null)
? inferrer.singletonConcreteType(const NullBaseType())
: analyze(expression);
ConcreteType visitThrow(Throw node) {
if (node.expression != null) analyze(node.expression);
return inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteType visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) {
for (Link<Node> link = node.definitions.nodes; !link.isEmpty;
link = link.tail) {
return inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteType visitWhile(While node) {
ConcreteType result = inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteTypesEnvironment oldEnvironment;
do {
oldEnvironment = environment;
environment = oldEnvironment.join(environment);
} while (oldEnvironment != environment);
return result;
ConcreteType visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return analyze(node.expression);
ConcreteType visitConditional(Conditional node) {
ConcreteType thenType = analyze(node.thenExpression);
ConcreteType elseType = analyze(node.elseExpression);
return inferrer.union(thenType, elseType);
ConcreteType visitModifiers(Modifiers node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.stringBaseType);
ConcreteType visitStringInterpolationPart(StringInterpolationPart node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.stringBaseType);
ConcreteType visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) {
return inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteType visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
return inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteType visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
// TODO(polux): we can be more precise
return inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
ConcreteType visitForIn(ForIn node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitLabel(Label node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
return analyze(node.statement);
ConcreteType visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.mapBaseType);
ConcreteType visitLiteralMapEntry(LiteralMapEntry node) {
// We don't need to visit the key, it's always a string.
return analyze(node.value);
ConcreteType visitNamedArgument(NamedArgument node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitCaseMatch(CaseMatch node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitScriptTag(ScriptTag node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node) {, 'not yet implemented');
ConcreteType visitTypedef(Typedef node) {, 'not implemented');
ConcreteType visitSuperSend(Send node) {, 'not implemented');
ConcreteType visitOperatorSend(Send node) {
return visitDynamicSend(node);
ConcreteType analyzeFieldRead(Element field) {
inferrer.addReader(field, currentMethod);
return inferrer.getFieldType(field);
ConcreteType analyzeGetterSend(ClassElement receiverType,
FunctionElement getter) {
inferrer.addCaller(getter, currentMethod);
return inferrer.getSendReturnType(getter,
new ArgumentsTypes([], new Map()));
ConcreteType visitGetterSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
if (element != null) {
// node is a local variable or a field of this
ConcreteType result = environment.lookupType(element);
if (result != null) {
// node is a local variable
return result;
} else {
// node is a field or a getter of this
if (element.isField()) {
return analyzeFieldRead(element);
} else {
ClassElement receiverType = element.enclosingElement;
return analyzeGetterSend(receiverType, element);
} else {
// node is a field of not(this)
assert(node.receiver != null);
ConcreteType result = inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
void augmentResult(ClassElement baseReceiverType, Element member) {
if (member.isField()) {
result = inferrer.union(result, analyzeFieldRead(member));
} else if (member.isAbstractField()){
// call to a getter
AbstractFieldElement abstractField = member;
result = inferrer.union(
analyzeGetterSend(baseReceiverType, abstractField.getter));
// since this is a get we ignore non-fields
ConcreteType receiverType = analyze(node.receiver);
if (receiverType.isUnkown()) {
List<Element> members =
for (Element member in members) {
if (!(member.isField() || member.isAbstractField())) continue;
Element cls = member.getEnclosingClass();
augmentResult(cls, member);
} else {
for (BaseType baseReceiverType in receiverType.baseTypes) {
if (!baseReceiverType.isNull()) {
ClassBaseType classBaseType = baseReceiverType;
ClassElement cls = classBaseType.element;
Element getterOrField =
if (getterOrField != null) {
augmentResult(cls, getterOrField);
return result;
ConcreteType visitClosureSend(Send node) {, 'not implemented');
ConcreteType analyzeDynamicSend(ConcreteType receiverType,
SourceString canonicalizedMethodName,
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes) {
ConcreteType result = inferrer.emptyConcreteType;
if (receiverType.isUnkown()) {
List<Element> methods =
for (Element element in methods) {
// TODO(polux): when we handle closures, we must handle sends to fields
// that are closures.
if (!element.isFunction()) continue;
FunctionElement method = element;
inferrer.addCaller(method, currentMethod);
Element cls = method.enclosingElement;
result = inferrer.union(
inferrer.getSendReturnType(method, cls, argumentsTypes));
} else {
for (BaseType baseReceiverType in receiverType.baseTypes) {
if (!baseReceiverType.isNull()) {
ClassBaseType classBaseReceiverType = baseReceiverType;
ClassElement cls = classBaseReceiverType.element;
FunctionElement method = cls.lookupMember(canonicalizedMethodName);
if (method != null) {
inferrer.addCaller(method, currentMethod);
result = inferrer.union(
inferrer.getSendReturnType(method, cls, argumentsTypes));
return result;
SourceString canonicalizeMethodName(SourceString name) {
// TODO(polux): handle unary-
SourceString operatorName =
Elements.constructOperatorNameOrNull(name, false);
if (operatorName != null) return operatorName;
return name;
ConcreteType visitDynamicSend(Send node) {
ConcreteType receiverType = (node.receiver != null)
? analyze(node.receiver)
: inferrer.singletonConcreteType(
new ClassBaseType(currentMethod.getEnclosingClass()));
SourceString name =
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
if (name.stringValue == '!=') {
ConcreteType returnType = analyzeDynamicSend(receiverType,
const SourceString('=='),
return returnType.isEmpty()
? returnType
: inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.boolBaseType);
} else {
return analyzeDynamicSend(receiverType, name, argumentsTypes);
ConcreteType visitForeignSend(Send node) {, 'not implemented');
ConcreteType visitStaticSend(Send node) {
Element element = elements[node];
inferrer.addCaller(element, currentMethod);
return inferrer.getSendReturnType(element, null,
void internalError(String reason, {Node node}) {, reason);
ConcreteType visitTypeReferenceSend(Send) {
return inferrer.singletonConcreteType(inferrer.baseTypes.typeBaseType);