blob: 162fac577ffd7a4239acfff55f182c6a5e4b851d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of ssa;
class BailoutInfo {
int instructionId;
int bailoutId;
BailoutInfo(this.instructionId, this.bailoutId);
* Keeps track of the execution environment for instructions. An
* execution environment contains the SSA instructions that are live.
class Environment {
final Set<HInstruction> lives;
final List<HBasicBlock> loopMarkers;
Environment() : lives = new Set<HInstruction>(),
loopMarkers = new List<HBasicBlock>();
Environment.from(Environment other)
: lives = new Set<HInstruction>.from(other.lives),
loopMarkers = new List<HBasicBlock>.from(other.loopMarkers);
void remove(HInstruction instruction) {
void add(HInstruction instruction) {
// If the instruction is a check, we add its checked input
// instead. This allows sharing the same environment between
// different type guards.
// Also, we don't need to add code motion invariant instructions
// in the live set (because we generate them at use-site), except
// for parameters that are not 'this', which is always passed as
// the receiver.
if (instruction is HCheck) {
} else if (!instruction.isCodeMotionInvariant()
|| (instruction is HParameterValue && instruction is !HThis)) {
} else {
for (int i = 0, len = instruction.inputs.length; i < len; i++) {
void addAll(Environment other) {
bool get isEmpty => lives.isEmpty && loopMarkers.isEmpty;
* Visits the graph in dominator order and inserts TypeGuards in places where
* we consider the guard to be of value.
* Might modify the [types] in an inconsistent way. No further analysis should
* rely on them.
class SsaTypeGuardInserter extends HGraphVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
final Compiler compiler;
final String name = 'SsaTypeGuardInserter';
final CodegenWorkItem work;
final HTypeMap types;
bool calledInLoop = false;
bool isRecursiveMethod = false;
int stateId = 1;
SsaTypeGuardInserter(this.compiler,, this.types);
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
isRecursiveMethod = graph.isRecursiveMethod;
calledInLoop = graph.calledInLoop;
work.guards = <HTypeGuard>[];
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
// Note that visitInstruction (from the phis and here) might insert an
// HTypeGuard instruction. We have to skip those.
if (instruction is !HTypeGuard) visitInstruction(instruction);
instruction =;
// Primitive types that are not null are valuable. These include
// indexable arrays.
bool typeValuable(HType type) {
return type.isPrimitive() && !type.isNull();
bool get hasTypeGuards => work.guards.length != 0;
bool typeGuardWouldBeValuable(HInstruction instruction,
HType speculativeType) {
// If the type itself is not valuable, do not generate a guard for it.
if (!typeValuable(speculativeType)) return false;
// Do not insert a type guard if the instruction has a type
// annotation that disagrees with the speculated type.
Element source = instruction.sourceElement;
if (source != null) {
DartType sourceType = source.computeType(compiler);
DartType speculatedType = speculativeType.computeType(compiler);
if (speculatedType != null &&
!compiler.types.isAssignable(speculatedType, sourceType)) {
return false;
// Insert type guards for recursive methods.
if (isRecursiveMethod) return true;
// Insert type guards if there are uses in loops.
bool isNested(HBasicBlock inner, HBasicBlock outer) {
if (identical(inner, outer)) return false;
if (outer == null) return true;
while (inner != null) {
if (identical(inner, outer)) return true;
inner = inner.parentLoopHeader;
return false;
// If the instruction is not in a loop then the header will be null.
HBasicBlock currentLoopHeader = instruction.block.enclosingLoopHeader;
for (HInstruction user in instruction.usedBy) {
HBasicBlock userLoopHeader = user.block.enclosingLoopHeader;
if (isNested(userLoopHeader, currentLoopHeader)) return true;
bool isIndexOperatorOnIndexablePrimitive(instruction, types) {
return instruction is HIndex
|| (instruction is HInvokeDynamicMethod
&& instruction.isIndexOperatorOnIndexablePrimitive(types));
// To speed up computations on values loaded from arrays, we
// insert type guards for builtin array indexing operations in
// nested loops. Since this can blow up code size quite
// significantly, we only do it if type guards have already been
// inserted for this method. The code size price for an additional
// type guard is much smaller than the first one that causes the
// generation of a bailout method.
if (hasTypeGuards
&& isIndexOperatorOnIndexablePrimitive(instruction, types)) {
HBasicBlock loopHeader = instruction.block.enclosingLoopHeader;
if (loopHeader != null && loopHeader.parentLoopHeader != null) {
return true;
// If the instruction is used by a phi where a guard would be
// valuable, put the guard on that instruction.
for (HInstruction user in instruction.usedBy) {
if (user is HPhi
&& >
&& typeGuardWouldBeValuable(user, speculativeType)) {
return true;
// Insert type guards if the method is likely to be called in a
// loop.
return calledInLoop;
bool shouldInsertTypeGuard(HInstruction instruction,
HType speculativeType,
HType computedType) {
if (!speculativeType.isUseful()) return false;
// If the types agree we don't need to check.
if (speculativeType == computedType) return false;
// If a bailout check is more expensive than doing the actual operation
// don't do it either.
return typeGuardWouldBeValuable(instruction, speculativeType);
void visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
HType speculativeType = types[instruction];
HType computedType = instruction.computeTypeFromInputTypes(types, compiler);
// Currently the type in [types] is the speculative type each instruction
// would like to have. We start by recomputing the type non-speculatively.
// If we add a type guard then the guard will expose the speculative type.
// If we don't add a type guard then this avoids that subsequent
// instructions use the wrong (speculative) type.
// Note that just setting the speculative type of the instruction is not
// complete since the type could lead to a phi node which in turn could
// change the speculative type. In this case we might miss some guards we
// would have liked to insert. Most of the time this should however be
// fine, due to dominator-order visiting.
types[instruction] = computedType;
if (shouldInsertTypeGuard(instruction, speculativeType, computedType)) {
HInstruction insertionPoint;
if (instruction is HPhi) {
insertionPoint = instruction.block.first;
} else if (instruction is HParameterValue) {
// We insert the type guard at the end of the entry block
// because if a parameter is live, it must be kept in the live
// environment. Not doing so would mean we could visit a
// parameter and remove it from the environment before
// visiting a type guard.
insertionPoint = instruction.block.last;
} else {
insertionPoint =;
// If the previous instruction is also a type guard, then both
// guards have the same environment, and can therefore share the
// same state id.
HBailoutTarget target;
int state;
if (insertionPoint.previous is HTypeGuard) {
HTypeGuard other = insertionPoint.previous;
target = other.bailoutTarget;
} else {
state = stateId++;
target = new HBailoutTarget(state);
insertionPoint.block.addBefore(insertionPoint, target);
HTypeGuard guard = new HTypeGuard(speculativeType, instruction, target);
types[guard] = speculativeType;
instruction.block.rewrite(instruction, guard);
insertionPoint.block.addBefore(insertionPoint, guard);
* Computes the environment for each SSA instruction: visits the graph
* in post-dominator order. Removes an instruction from the environment
* and adds its inputs to the environment at the instruction's
* definition.
* At the end of the computation, insert type guards in the graph.
class SsaEnvironmentBuilder extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
final Compiler compiler;
final String name = 'SsaEnvironmentBuilder';
final Map<HBailoutTarget, Environment> capturedEnvironments;
final Map<HBasicBlock, Environment> liveInstructions;
Environment environment;
* The set of current loop headers that dominate the current block.
Set<HBasicBlock> loopMarkers;
SsaEnvironmentBuilder(Compiler this.compiler)
: capturedEnvironments = new Map<HBailoutTarget, Environment>(),
liveInstructions = new Map<HBasicBlock, Environment>(),
loopMarkers = new Set<HBasicBlock>();
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
if (!liveInstructions[graph.entry].isEmpty) {
compiler.internalError('Bailout environment computation',
node: compiler.currentElement.parseNode(compiler));
void updateLoopMarkers() {
// If the block is a loop header, we need to merge the loop
// header's live instructions into every environment that contains
// the loop marker.
// For example with the following loop (read the example in
// reverse):
// while (true) { <-- (4) update the marker with the environment
// use(x); <-- (3) environment = {x}
// bailout; <-- (2) has the marker when computed
// } <-- (1) create a loop marker
// The bailout instruction first captures the marker, but it
// will be replaced by the live environment at the loop entry,
// in this case {x}.
capturedEnvironments.forEach((ignoredInstruction, env) {
env.loopMarkers.forEach((HBasicBlock header) {
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
environment = new Environment();
// Add to the environment the live instructions of its successor, as well as
// the inputs of the phis of the successor that flow from this block.
for (int i = 0; i < block.successors.length; i++) {
HBasicBlock successor = block.successors[i];
Environment successorEnv = liveInstructions[successor];
if (successorEnv != null) {
} else {
// If we haven't computed the liveInstructions of that successor, we
// know it must be a loop header.
int index = successor.predecessors.indexOf(block);
for (HPhi phi = successor.phis.first; phi != null; phi = {
if (block.isLoopHeader()) {
// If the block is a loop header, we're adding all [loopMarkers]
// after removing it from the list of [loopMarkers], because
// it will just recompute the loop phis.
// Iterate over all instructions to remove an instruction from the
// environment and add its inputs.
HInstruction instruction = block.last;
while (instruction != null) {
instruction = instruction.previous;
// We just remove the phis from the environment. The inputs of the
// phis will be put in the environment of the predecessors.
for (HPhi phi = block.phis.first; phi != null; phi = {
// Finally save the liveInstructions of that block.
liveInstructions[block] = environment;
void visitBailoutTarget(HBailoutTarget target) {
capturedEnvironments[target] = new Environment.from(environment);
void visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
for (int i = 0, len = instruction.inputs.length; i < len; i++) {
* Stores all live variables in the bailout target and the guards.
void insertCapturedEnvironments() {
capturedEnvironments.forEach((HBailoutTarget target, Environment env) {
assert(target.inputs.length == 0);
// TODO(floitsch): we should add the bailout-target's input variables
// as input to the guards only in the optimized version. The
// non-optimized version does not use the bailout guards and it is
// unnecessary to keep the variables alive until the check.
for (HTypeGuard guard in target.usedBy) {
// A type-guard initially only has two inputs: the guarded instruction
// and the bailout-target. Only after adding the environment is it
// allowed to have more inputs.
assert(guard.inputs.length == 2);
for (HInstruction live in env.lives) {
* Propagates bailout information to blocks that need it. This visitor
* is run before codegen, to know which blocks have to deal with
* bailouts.
class SsaBailoutPropagator extends HBaseVisitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final List<HBasicBlock> blocks;
final List<HLabeledBlockInformation> labeledBlockInformations;
final Set<HInstruction> generateAtUseSite;
SubGraph subGraph;
* Max number of arguments to the bailout (not counting the state).
int bailoutArity;
* A map from variables to their names. These are the names in the
* unoptimized (bailout) version of the function. Their names could be
* different in the optimized version.
VariableNames variableNames;
* Maps from the variable names to their positions in the argument list of the
* bailout instruction. Because of the way the variable allocator works,
* several variables can end up with the same name (if their live ranges do
* not overlap), therefore they can have the same position in the bailout
* argument list
Map<String, int> parameterNames;
* If set to true, the graph has either multiple bailouts in
* different places, or a bailout inside an if or a loop. For such a
* graph, the code generator will emit a generic switch.
bool hasComplexBailoutTargets = false;
* The first type guard in the graph.
HBailoutTarget firstBailoutTarget;
* If set, it is the first block in the graph where we generate
* code. Blocks before this one are dead code in the bailout
* version.
: blocks = <HBasicBlock>[],
labeledBlockInformations = <HLabeledBlockInformation>[],
bailoutArity = 0,
parameterNames = new Map<String, int>();
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
subGraph = new SubGraph(graph.entry, graph.exit);
if (!blocks.isEmpty) {
compiler.internalError('Bailout propagation',
node: compiler.currentElement.parseNode(compiler));
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
// Abort traversal if we are leaving the currently active sub-graph.
if (!subGraph.contains(block)) return;
if (block.isLoopHeader()) {
} else if (block.isLabeledBlock()
&& (blocks.isEmpty || !identical(blocks.last, block))) {
HLabeledBlockInformation info = block.blockFlow.body;
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
instruction =;
void visitStatements(HStatementInformation info) {
assert(info is HSubGraphBlockInformation);
HSubGraphBlockInformation graph = info;
void visitSubGraph(SubGraph graph) {
SubGraph oldSubGraph = subGraph;
subGraph = graph;
HBasicBlock start = graph.start;
subGraph = oldSubGraph;
if (start.isLabeledBlock()) {
HBasicBlock continuation = start.blockFlow.continuation;
if (continuation != null) {
void visitIf(HIf instruction) {
int preVisitedBlocks = 0;
HIfBlockInformation info = instruction.blockInformation.body;
HBasicBlock joinBlock = instruction.joinBlock;
if (joinBlock != null
&& !identical(joinBlock.dominator, instruction.block)) {
// The join block is dominated by a block in one of the branches.
// The subgraph traversal never reached it, so we visit it here
// instead.
// Visit all the dominated blocks that are not part of the then or else
// branches, and is not the join block.
// Depending on how the then/else branches terminate
// (e.g., return/throw/break) there can be any number of these.
List<HBasicBlock> dominated = instruction.block.dominatedBlocks;
int dominatedCount = dominated.length;
for (int i = preVisitedBlocks; i < dominatedCount; i++) {
HBasicBlock dominatedBlock = dominated[i];
void visitGoto(HGoto goto) {
HBasicBlock block = goto.block;
HBasicBlock successor = block.successors[0];
if (identical(successor.dominator, block)) {
void visitLoopBranch(HLoopBranch branch) {
HBasicBlock branchBlock = branch.block;
List<HBasicBlock> dominated = branchBlock.dominatedBlocks;
// For a do-while loop, the body has already been visited.
if (!branch.isDoWhile()) {
// If the branch does not dominate the code after the loop, the
// dominator will visit it.
if (!identical(branchBlock.successors[1].dominator, branchBlock)) return;
// With labeled breaks we can have more dominated blocks.
if (dominated.length >= 3) {
for (int i = 2; i < dominated.length; i++) {
visitBailoutTarget(HBailoutTarget target) {
int inputLength = target.inputs.length;
for (HInstruction input in target.inputs) {
String inputName = variableNames.getName(input);
int position = parameterNames[inputName];
if (position == null) {
position = parameterNames[inputName] = bailoutArity++;
if (blocks.isEmpty) {
if (firstBailoutTarget == null) {
firstBailoutTarget = target;
} else {
hasComplexBailoutTargets = true;
} else {
hasComplexBailoutTargets = true;
blocks.forEach((HBasicBlock block) {