blob: 1014f047542f1e7c1666ef7752768e05f228991f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _js_helper;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:collection-dev';
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS,
part 'constant_map.dart';
part 'native_helper.dart';
part 'regexp_helper.dart';
part 'string_helper.dart';
bool isJsArray(var value) {
return value != null && JS('bool', r'#.constructor === Array', value);
checkMutable(list, reason) {
if (JS('bool', r'!!(#.immutable$list)', list)) {
throw new UnsupportedError(reason);
checkGrowable(list, reason) {
if (JS('bool', r'!!(#.fixed$length)', list)) {
throw new UnsupportedError(reason);
String S(value) {
if (value is String) return value;
if ((value is num && value != 0) || value is bool) {
return JS('String', r'String(#)', value);
if (value == null) return 'null';
var res = value.toString();
if (res is !String) throw new ArgumentError(value);
return res;
createInvocationMirror(name, internalName, type, arguments, argumentNames) =>
new JSInvocationMirror(name, internalName, type, arguments, argumentNames);
class JSInvocationMirror implements InvocationMirror {
static const METHOD = 0;
static const GETTER = 1;
static const SETTER = 2;
final String memberName;
final String _internalName;
final int _kind;
final List _arguments;
final List _namedArgumentNames;
/** Map from argument name to index in _arguments. */
Map<String,dynamic> _namedIndices = null;
bool get isMethod => _kind == METHOD;
bool get isGetter => _kind == GETTER;
bool get isSetter => _kind == SETTER;
bool get isAccessor => _kind != METHOD;
List get positionalArguments {
if (isGetter) return null;
var list = [];
var argumentCount =
_arguments.length - _namedArgumentNames.length;
for (var index = 0 ; index < argumentCount ; index++) {
return list;
Map<String,dynamic> get namedArguments {
if (isAccessor) return null;
var map = <String,dynamic>{};
int namedArgumentCount = _namedArgumentNames.length;
int namedArgumentsStartIndex = _arguments.length - namedArgumentCount;
for (int i = 0; i < namedArgumentCount; i++) {
map[_namedArgumentNames[i]] = _arguments[namedArgumentsStartIndex + i];
return map;
invokeOn(Object object) {
List arguments = _arguments;
if (!isJsArray(arguments)) arguments = new List.from(arguments);
return JS("var", "#[#].apply(#, #)",
object, _internalName, object, arguments);
class Primitives {
static int hashCodeSeed = 0;
static int objectHashCode(object) {
int hash = JS('var', r'#.$identityHash', object);
if (hash == null) {
// TOOD(ahe): We should probably randomize this somehow.
hash = ++hashCodeSeed;
JS('void', r'#.$identityHash = #', object, hash);
return hash;
* This is the low-level method that is used to implement
* [print]. It is possible to override this function from JavaScript
* by defining a function in JavaScript called "dartPrint".
static void printString(String string) {
if (JS('bool', r'typeof dartPrint == "function"')) {
// Support overriding print from JavaScript.
JS('void', r'dartPrint(#)', string);
// Inside browser.
if (JS('bool', r'typeof window == "object"')) {
// On IE, the console is only defined if dev tools is open.
if (JS('bool', r'typeof console == "object"')) {
JS('void', r'console.log(#)', string);
// Running in d8, the V8 developer shell, or in Firefox' js-shell.
if (JS('bool', r'typeof print == "function"')) {
JS('void', r'print(#)', string);
// This is somewhat nasty, but we don't want to drag in a bunch of
// dependencies to handle a situation that cannot happen. So we
// avoid using Dart [:throw:] and Dart [toString].
JS('void', "throw 'Unable to print message: ' + String(#)", string);
static void _throwFormatException(String string) {
throw new FormatException(string);
static int parseInt(String source,
int radix,
int handleError(String source)) {
if (handleError == null) handleError = _throwFormatException;
var match = JS('=List|Null',
int digitsIndex = 1;
int hexIndex = 2;
int decimalIndex = 3;
int nonDecimalHexIndex = 4;
if (radix == null) {
radix = 10;
if (match != null) {
if (match[hexIndex] != null) {
// Cannot fail because we know that the digits are all hex.
return JS('num', r'parseInt(#, 16)', source);
if (match[decimalIndex] != null) {
// Cannot fail because we know that the digits are all decimal.
return JS('num', r'parseInt(#, 10)', source);
return handleError(source);
} else {
if (radix is! int) throw new ArgumentError("Radix is not an integer");
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
throw new RangeError("Radix $radix not in range 2..36");
if (match != null) {
if (radix == 10 && match[decimalIndex] != null) {
// Cannot fail because we know that the digits are all decimal.
return JS('num', r'parseInt(#, 10)', source);
if (radix < 10 || match[decimalIndex] == null) {
// We know that the characters must be ASCII as otherwise the
// regexp wouldn't have matched. Calling toLowerCase is thus
// guaranteed to be a safe operation. If it wasn't ASCII, then
// "Ä°" would become "i", and we would accept it for radices greater
// than 18.
int maxCharCode;
if (radix <= 10) {
// Allow all digits less than the radix. For example 0, 1, 2 for
// radix 3.
// "0".charCodeAt(0) + radix - 1;
maxCharCode = 0x30 + radix - 1;
} else {
// Characters are located after the digits in ASCII. Therefore we
// only check for the character code. The regexp above made already
// sure that the string does not contain anything but digits or
// characters.
// "0".charCodeAt(0) + radix - 1;
maxCharCode = 0x61 + radix - 10 - 1;
String digitsPart = match[digitsIndex].toLowerCase();
for (int i = 0; i < digitsPart.length; i++) {
if (digitsPart.charCodeAt(i) > maxCharCode) {
return handleError(source);
if (match == null) return handleError(source);
return JS('num', r'parseInt(#, #)', source, radix);
static double parseDouble(String source, int handleError(String source)) {
if (handleError == null) handleError = _throwFormatException;
// Notice that JS parseFloat accepts garbage at the end of the string.
// Accept only:
// - NaN
// - [+/-]Infinity
// - a Dart double literal
// We do not allow leading or trailing whitespace.
if (!JS('bool',
source)) {
return handleError(source);
var result = JS('num', r'parseFloat(#)', source);
if (result.isNaN && source != 'NaN') {
return handleError(source);
return result;
/** [: r"$".charCodeAt(0) :] */
static const int DOLLAR_CHAR_VALUE = 36;
static String objectTypeName(Object object) {
String name = constructorNameFallback(object);
if (name == 'Object') {
// Try to decompile the constructor by turning it into a string
// and get the name out of that. If the decompiled name is a
// string, we use that instead of the very generic 'Object'.
var decompiled = JS('var', r'#.match(/^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/)[1]',
JS('var', r'String(#.constructor)', object));
if (decompiled is String) name = decompiled;
// TODO(kasperl): If the namer gave us a fresh global name, we may
// want to remove the numeric suffix that makes it unique too.
if (identical(name.charCodeAt(0), DOLLAR_CHAR_VALUE)) name = name.substring(1);
return name;
static String objectToString(Object object) {
String name = objectTypeName(object);
return "Instance of '$name'";
static List newGrowableList(length) {
return JS('=List', r'new Array(#)', length);
static List newFixedList(length) {
var result = JS('=List', r'new Array(#)', length);
JS('void', r'#.fixed$length = #', result, true);
return result;
static num dateNow() => JS('num', r'');
static num numMicroseconds() {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof window != "undefined" && window !== null')) {
var performance = JS('var', 'window.performance');
if (performance != null &&
JS('bool', 'typeof #.webkitNow == "function"', performance)) {
return (1000 * JS('num', '#.webkitNow()', performance)).floor();
return 1000 * dateNow();
// This is to avoid stack overflows due to very large argument arrays in
// apply(). It fixes
static String _fromCharCodeApply(List<int> array) {
String result = "";
const kMaxApply = 500;
int end = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < end; i += kMaxApply) {
var subarray;
if (end <= kMaxApply) {
subarray = array;
} else {
subarray = JS('=List', r'#.slice(#, #)', array,
i, i + kMaxApply < end ? i + kMaxApply : end);
result = JS('String', '# + String.fromCharCode.apply(#, #)',
result, null, subarray);
return result;
static String stringFromCodePoints(codePoints) {
List<int> a = <int>[];
for (var i in codePoints) {
if (i is !int) throw new ArgumentError(i);
if (i <= 0xffff) {
} else if (i <= 0x10ffff) {
a.add(0xd800 + ((((i - 0x10000) >> 10) & 0x3ff)));
a.add(0xdc00 + (i & 0x3ff));
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(i);
return _fromCharCodeApply(a);
static String stringFromCharCodes(charCodes) {
for (var i in charCodes) {
if (i is !int) throw new ArgumentError(i);
if (i < 0) throw new ArgumentError(i);
if (i > 0xffff) return stringFromCodePoints(charCodes);
return _fromCharCodeApply(charCodes);
static String getTimeZoneName(receiver) {
// When calling toString on a Date it will emit the timezone in parenthesis.
// Example: "Wed May 16 2012 21:13:00 GMT+0200 (CEST)".
// We extract this name using a regexp.
var d = lazyAsJsDate(receiver);
return JS('String', r'/\((.*)\)/.exec(#.toString())[1]', d);
static int getTimeZoneOffsetInMinutes(receiver) {
// Note that JS and Dart disagree on the sign of the offset.
return -JS('int', r'#.getTimezoneOffset()', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static valueFromDecomposedDate(years, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds,
milliseconds, isUtc) {
final int MAX_MILLISECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH = 8640000000000000;
var jsMonth = month - 1;
var value;
if (isUtc) {
value = JS('num', r'Date.UTC(#, #, #, #, #, #, #)',
years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
} else {
value = JS('num', r'new Date(#, #, #, #, #, #, #).valueOf()',
years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
if (value.isNaN ||
throw new ArgumentError();
if (years <= 0 || years < 100) return patchUpY2K(value, years, isUtc);
return value;
static patchUpY2K(value, years, isUtc) {
var date = JS('', r'new Date(#)', value);
if (isUtc) {
JS('num', r'#.setUTCFullYear(#)', date, years);
} else {
JS('num', r'#.setFullYear(#)', date, years);
return JS('num', r'#.valueOf()', date);
// Lazily keep a JS Date stored in the JS object.
static lazyAsJsDate(receiver) {
if (JS('bool', r' === (void 0)', receiver)) {
JS('void', r' = new Date(#)', receiver,
return JS('var', r'', receiver);
// The getters for date and time parts below add a positive integer to ensure
// that the result is really an integer, because the JavaScript implementation
// may return -0.0 instead of 0.
static getYear(receiver) {
return (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCFullYear() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'(#.getFullYear() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static getMonth(receiver) {
return (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'#.getUTCMonth() + 1', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'#.getMonth() + 1', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static getDay(receiver) {
return (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCDate() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'(#.getDate() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static getHours(receiver) {
return (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCHours() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'(#.getHours() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static getMinutes(receiver) {
return (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCMinutes() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'(#.getMinutes() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static getSeconds(receiver) {
return (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCSeconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'(#.getSeconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static getMilliseconds(receiver) {
return (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'(#.getUTCMilliseconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'(#.getMilliseconds() + 0)', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
static getWeekday(receiver) {
int weekday = (receiver.isUtc)
? JS('int', r'#.getUTCDay() + 0', lazyAsJsDate(receiver))
: JS('int', r'#.getDay() + 0', lazyAsJsDate(receiver));
// Adjust by one because JS weeks start on Sunday.
return (weekday + 6) % 7 + 1;
static valueFromDateString(str) {
if (str is !String) throw new ArgumentError(str);
var value = JS('num', r'Date.parse(#)', str);
if (value.isNaN) throw new ArgumentError(str);
return value;
static getProperty(object, key) {
if (object == null || object is bool || object is num || object is String) {
throw new ArgumentError(object);
return JS('var', '#[#]', object, key);
static void setProperty(object, key, value) {
if (object == null || object is bool || object is num || object is String) {
throw new ArgumentError(object);
JS('void', '#[#] = #', object, key, value);
static applyFunction(Function function,
List positionalArguments,
Map<String, dynamic> namedArguments) {
int argumentCount = 0;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
List arguments = [];
if (positionalArguments != null) {
argumentCount += positionalArguments.length;
// Sort the named arguments to get the right selector name and
// arguments order.
if (namedArguments != null && !namedArguments.isEmpty) {
// Call new List.from to make sure we get a JavaScript array.
List<String> listOfNamedArguments =
new List<String>.from(namedArguments.keys);
argumentCount += namedArguments.length;
// We're sorting on strings, and the behavior is the same between
// Dart string sort and JS string sort. To avoid needing the Dart
// sort implementation, we use the JavaScript one instead.
JS('void', '#.sort()', listOfNamedArguments);
listOfNamedArguments.forEach((String name) {
String selectorName = 'call\$$argumentCount$buffer';
var jsFunction = JS('var', '#[#]', function, selectorName);
if (jsFunction == null) {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(function, selectorName, arguments, {});
// We bound 'this' to [function] because of how we compile
// closures: escaped local variables are stored and accessed through
// [function].
return JS('var', '#.apply(#, #)', jsFunction, function, arguments);
static getConstructor(String className) {
// TODO(ahe): How to safely access $?
return JS('var', r'$[#]', className);
static bool identicalImplementation(a, b) {
return JS('bool', '# == null', a)
? JS('bool', '# == null', b)
: JS('bool', '# === #', a, b);
* Called by generated code to throw an illegal-argument exception,
* for example, if a non-integer index is given to an optimized
* indexed access.
iae(argument) {
throw new ArgumentError(argument);
* Called by generated code to throw an index-out-of-range exception,
* for example, if a bounds check fails in an optimized indexed
* access.
ioore(index) {
throw new RangeError.value(index);
listInsertRange(receiver, start, length, initialValue) {
if (length == 0) {
if (length is !int) throw new ArgumentError(length);
if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentError(length);
if (start is !int) throw new ArgumentError(start);
var receiverLength = JS('num', r'#.length', receiver);
if (start < 0 || start > receiverLength) {
throw new RangeError.value(start);
receiver.length = receiverLength + length;
start + length,
receiverLength - start);
if (initialValue != null) {
for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) {
receiver[i] = initialValue;
receiver.length = receiverLength + length;
stringLastIndexOfUnchecked(receiver, element, start)
=> JS('int', r'#.lastIndexOf(#, #)', receiver, element, start);
checkNull(object) {
if (object == null) throw new ArgumentError(null);
return object;
checkNum(value) {
if (value is !num) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
return value;
checkInt(value) {
if (value is !int) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
return value;
checkBool(value) {
if (value is !bool) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
return value;
checkString(value) {
if (value is !String) {
throw new ArgumentError(value);
return value;
class MathNatives {
static double sqrt(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.sqrt(#)', checkNum(value));
static double sin(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.sin(#)', checkNum(value));
static double cos(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.cos(#)', checkNum(value));
static double tan(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.tan(#)', checkNum(value));
static double acos(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.acos(#)', checkNum(value));
static double asin(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.asin(#)', checkNum(value));
static double atan(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.atan(#)', checkNum(value));
static double atan2(num a, num b)
=> JS('double', r'Math.atan2(#, #)', checkNum(a), checkNum(b));
static double exp(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.exp(#)', checkNum(value));
static double log(num value)
=> JS('double', r'Math.log(#)', checkNum(value));
static num pow(num value, num exponent) {
return JS('num', r'Math.pow(#, #)', value, exponent);
static double random() => JS('double', r'Math.random()');
* Wrap the given Dart object and record a stack trace.
* The code in [unwrapException] deals with getting the original Dart
* object out of the wrapper again.
$throw(ex) {
if (ex == null) ex = const NullThrownError();
var wrapper = new DartError(ex);
if (JS('bool', '!!Error.captureStackTrace')) {
// Use V8 API for recording a "fast" stack trace (this installs a
// "stack" property getter on [wrapper]).
JS('void', r'Error.captureStackTrace(#, #)',
wrapper, RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF($throw));
} else {
// Otherwise, produce a stack trace and record it in the wrapper.
// This is a slower way to create a stack trace which works on
// some browsers, but may simply evaluate to null.
String stackTrace = JS('', 'new Error().stack');
JS('void', '#.stack = #', wrapper, stackTrace);
return wrapper;
* Wrapper class for throwing exceptions.
class DartError {
/// The Dart object (or primitive JavaScript value) which was thrown is
/// attached to this object as a field named 'dartException'. We do this
/// only in raw JS so that we can use the 'in' operator and so that the
/// minifier does not rename the field. Therefore it is not declared as a
/// real field.
DartError(var dartException) {
JS('void', '#.dartException = #', this, dartException);
// Install a toString method that the JavaScript system will call
// to format uncaught exceptions.
JS('void', '#.toString = #', this, DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS(toStringWrapper));
* V8/Chrome installs a property getter, "stack", when calling
* Error.captureStackTrace (see [$throw]). In [$throw], we make sure
* that this property is always set.
String get stack => JS('', '#.stack', this);
* This method can be invoked by calling toString from
* JavaScript. See the constructor of this class.
* We only expect this method to be called (indirectly) by the
* browser when an uncaught exception occurs. Instance of this class
* should never escape into Dart code (except for [$throw] above).
String toString() {
// If Error.captureStackTrace is available, accessing stack from
// this method would cause recursion because the stack property
// (on this object) is actually a getter which calls toString on
// this object (via the wrapper installed in this class'
// constructor). Fortunately, both Chrome and d8 prints the stack
// trace and Chrome even applies source maps to the stack
// trace. Remeber, this method is only ever invoked by the browser
// when an uncaught exception occurs.
var dartException = JS('var', r'#.dartException', this);
if (JS('bool', '!!Error.captureStackTrace') || (stack == null)) {
return dartException.toString();
} else {
return '$dartException\n$stack';
* This method is installed as JavaScript toString method on
* [DartError]. So JavaScript 'this' binds to an instance of
* DartError.
static toStringWrapper() => JS('', r'this').toString();
makeLiteralListConst(list) {
JS('bool', r'#.immutable$list = #', list, true);
JS('bool', r'#.fixed$length = #', list, true);
return list;
throwRuntimeError(message) {
throw new RuntimeError(message);
* The SSA builder generates a call to this method when a malformed type is used
* in a subtype test.
throwMalformedSubtypeError(value, type, reasons) {
throw new TypeErrorImplementation.malformedSubtype(value, type, reasons);
throwAbstractClassInstantiationError(className) {
throw new AbstractClassInstantiationError(className);
* Called from catch blocks in generated code to extract the Dart
* exception from the thrown value. The thrown value may have been
* created by [$throw] or it may be a 'native' JS exception.
* Some native exceptions are mapped to new Dart instances, others are
* returned unmodified.
unwrapException(ex) {
// Note that we are checking if the object has the property. If it
// has, it could be set to null if the thrown value is null.
if (JS('bool', r'"dartException" in #', ex)) {
return JS('', r'#.dartException', ex);
// Grab hold of the exception message. This field is available on
// all supported browsers.
var message = JS('var', r'#.message', ex);
if (JS('bool', r'# instanceof TypeError', ex)) {
// The type and arguments fields are Chrome specific but they
// allow us to get very detailed information about what kind of
// exception occurred.
var type = JS('var', r'#.type', ex);
var name = JS('var', r'#.arguments ? #.arguments[0] : ""', ex, ex);
if (contains(message, 'JSNull') ||
type == 'property_not_function' ||
type == 'called_non_callable' ||
type == 'non_object_property_call' ||
type == 'non_object_property_load') {
return new NoSuchMethodError(null, name, [], {});
} else if (type == 'undefined_method') {
return new NoSuchMethodError('', name, [], {});
var ieErrorCode = JS('int', '#.number & 0xffff', ex);
var ieFacilityNumber = JS('int', '#.number>>16 & 0x1FFF', ex);
// If we cannot use [type] to determine what kind of exception
// we're dealing with we fall back on looking at the exception
// message if it is available and a string.
if (message is String) {
if (message.endsWith('is null') ||
message.endsWith('is undefined') ||
message.endsWith('is null or undefined') ||
message.endsWith('of undefined') ||
message.endsWith('of null')) {
return new NoSuchMethodError(null, '<unknown>', [], {});
} else if (contains(message, ' has no method ') ||
contains(message, ' is not a function') ||
(ieErrorCode == 438 && ieFacilityNumber == 10)) {
// Examples:
// is not a function
// 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating ',2,3)')
// Object doesn't support property or method 'foo' which sets the error
// code 438 in IE.
// TODO(kasperl): Compute the right name if possible.
return new NoSuchMethodError('', '<unknown>', [], {});
// If we cannot determine what kind of error this is, we fall back
// to reporting this as a generic exception. It's probably better
// than nothing.
return new Exception(message is String ? message : '');
if (JS('bool', r'# instanceof RangeError', ex)) {
if (message is String && contains(message, 'call stack')) {
return new StackOverflowError();
// In general, a RangeError is thrown when trying to pass a number
// as an argument to a function that does not allow a range that
// includes that number.
return new ArgumentError();
// Check for the Firefox specific stack overflow signal.
if (JS('bool',
r"typeof InternalError == 'function' && # instanceof InternalError",
ex)) {
if (message is String && message == 'too much recursion') {
return new StackOverflowError();
// Just return the exception. We should not wrap it because in case
// the exception comes from the DOM, it is a JavaScript
// object backed by a native Dart class.
return ex;
* Called by generated code to fetch the stack trace from an
* exception.
StackTrace getTraceFromException(exception) {
return new StackTrace(JS("var", r"#.stack", exception));
class StackTrace {
var stack;
String toString() => stack != null ? stack : '';
* Called by generated code to build a map literal. [keyValuePairs] is
* a list of key, value, key, value, ..., etc.
makeLiteralMap(List keyValuePairs) {
Iterator iterator = keyValuePairs.iterator;
Map result = new LinkedHashMap();
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
String key = iterator.current;
var value = iterator.current;
result[key] = value;
return result;
invokeClosure(Function closure,
var isolate,
int numberOfArguments,
var arg1,
var arg2) {
if (numberOfArguments == 0) {
return JS_CALL_IN_ISOLATE(isolate, () => closure());
} else if (numberOfArguments == 1) {
return JS_CALL_IN_ISOLATE(isolate, () => closure(arg1));
} else if (numberOfArguments == 2) {
return JS_CALL_IN_ISOLATE(isolate, () => closure(arg1, arg2));
} else {
throw new Exception(
'Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure');
* Called by generated code to convert a Dart closure to a JS
* closure when the Dart closure is passed to the DOM.
convertDartClosureToJS(closure, int arity) {
if (closure == null) return null;
var function = JS('var', r'#.$identity', closure);
if (JS('bool', r'!!#', function)) return function;
// By fetching the current isolate before creating the JavaScript
// function, we prevent the compiler from inlining its use in
// the JavaScript function below (the compiler generates code for
// fetching the isolate before creating the JavaScript function).
// If it was inlined, the JavaScript function would not get the
// current isolate, but the one that is active when the callback
// executes.
var currentIsolate = JS_CURRENT_ISOLATE();
// We use $0 and $1 to not clash with variable names used by the
// compiler and/or minifier.
function = JS("var",
r"""function($0, $1) { return #(#, #, #, $0, $1); }""",
JS('void', r'#.$identity = #', closure, function);
return function;
* Super class for Dart closures.
class Closure implements Function {
String toString() => "Closure";
bool jsHasOwnProperty(var jsObject, String property) {
return JS('bool', r'#.hasOwnProperty(#)', jsObject, property);
jsPropertyAccess(var jsObject, String property) {
return JS('var', r'#[#]', jsObject, property);
* Called at the end of unaborted switch cases to get the singleton
* FallThroughError exception that will be thrown.
getFallThroughError() => const FallThroughErrorImplementation();
* Represents the type Dynamic. The compiler treats this specially.
abstract class Dynamic_ {
* A metadata annotation describing the types instantiated by a native element.
* The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class.
* By default, a field of a native class is seen as an instantiation point for
* all native classes that are a subtype of the field's type, and a native
* method is seen as an instantiation point fo all native classes that are a
* subtype of the method's return type, or the argument types of the declared
* type of the method's callback parameter.
* An @[Creates] annotation overrides the default set of instantiated types. If
* one or more @[Creates] annotations are present, the type of the native
* element is ignored, and the union of @[Creates] annotations is used instead.
* The names in the strings are resolved and the program will fail to compile
* with dart2js if they do not name types.
* The argument to [Creates] is a string. The string is parsed as the names of
* one or more types, separated by vertical bars `|`. There are some special
* names:
* * `=List`. This means 'exactly List', which is the JavaScript Array
* implementation of [List] and no other implementation.
* * `=Object`. This means 'exactly Object', which is a plain JavaScript object
* with properties and none of the subtypes of Object.
* Example: we may know that a method always returns a specific implementation:
* @Creates('_NodeList')
* List<Node> getElementsByTagName(String tag) native;
* Useful trick: A method can be marked as not instantiating any native classes
* with the annotation `@Creates('Null')`. This is useful for fields on native
* classes that are used only in Dart code.
* @Creates('Null')
* var _cachedFoo;
class Creates {
final String types;
const Creates(this.types);
* A metadata annotation describing the types returned or yielded by a native
* element.
* The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class.
* By default, a native method or field is seen as returning or yielding all
* subtypes if the method return type or field type. This annotation allows a
* more precise set of types to be specified.
* See [Creates] for the syntax of the argument.
* Example: IndexedDB keys are numbers, strings and JavaScript Arrays of keys.
* @Returns('String|num|=List')
* dynamic key;
* // Equivalent:
* @Returns('String') @Returns('num') @Returns('=List')
* dynamic key;
class Returns {
final String types;
const Returns(this.types);
* A metadata annotation placed on native methods and fields of native classes
* to specify the JavaScript name.
* This example declares a Dart field + getter + setter called `$dom_title` that
* corresponds to the JavaScript property `title`.
* class Docmument native "*Foo" {
* @JSName('title')
* String $dom_title;
* }
class JSName {
final String name;
const JSName(;
* Represents the type of Null. The compiler treats this specially.
* TODO(lrn): Null should be defined in core. It's a class, like int.
* It just happens to act differently in assignability tests and,
* like int, can't be extended or implemented.
class Null {
factory Null() {
throw new UnsupportedError('new Null()');
setRuntimeTypeInfo(target, typeInfo) {
assert(typeInfo == null || isJsArray(typeInfo));
// We have to check for null because factories may return null.
if (target != null) JS('var', r'#.$builtinTypeInfo = #', target, typeInfo);
getRuntimeTypeInfo(target) {
if (target == null) return null;
var res = JS('var', r'#.$builtinTypeInfo', target);
// If the object does not have runtime type information, return an
// empty literal, to avoid null checks.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Make the object a top-level field to avoid
// allocating a new object every single time.
return (res == null) ? JS('var', '{}') : res;
* The following methods are called by the runtime to implement
* checked mode and casts. We specialize each primitive type (eg int, bool), and
* use the compiler's convention to do is-checks on regular objects.
boolConversionCheck(value) {
assert(value != null);
return value;
stringTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is String) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'String');
stringTypeCast(value) {
if (value is String || value == null) return value;
// TODO(lrn): When reified types are available, pass value.class and String.
throw new CastErrorImplementation(
Primitives.objectTypeName(value), 'String');
doubleTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is double) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'double');
doubleTypeCast(value) {
if (value is double || value == null) return value;
throw new CastErrorImplementation(
Primitives.objectTypeName(value), 'double');
numTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is num) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'num');
numTypeCast(value) {
if (value is num || value == null) return value;
throw new CastErrorImplementation(
Primitives.objectTypeName(value), 'num');
boolTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is bool) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'bool');
boolTypeCast(value) {
if (value is bool || value == null) return value;
throw new CastErrorImplementation(
Primitives.objectTypeName(value), 'bool');
functionTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is Function) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'Function');
functionTypeCast(value) {
if (value is Function || value == null) return value;
throw new CastErrorImplementation(
Primitives.objectTypeName(value), 'Function');
intTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is int) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'int');
intTypeCast(value) {
if (value is int || value == null) return value;
throw new CastErrorImplementation(
Primitives.objectTypeName(value), 'int');
void propertyTypeError(value, property) {
// Cuts the property name to the class name.
String name = property.substring(3, property.length);
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, name);
void propertyTypeCastError(value, property) {
// Cuts the property name to the class name.
String actualType = Primitives.objectTypeName(value);
String expectedType = property.substring(3, property.length);
throw new CastErrorImplementation(actualType, expectedType);
* For types that are not supertypes of native (eg DOM) types,
* we emit a simple property check to check that an object implements
* that type.
propertyTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (JS('bool', '!!#[#]', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
* For types that are not supertypes of native (eg DOM) types,
* we emit a simple property check to check that an object implements
* that type.
propertyTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value == null || JS('bool', '!!#[#]', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
* For types that are supertypes of native (eg DOM) types, we emit a
* call because we cannot add a JS property to their prototype at load
* time.
callTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if ((identical(JS('String', 'typeof #', value), 'object'))
&& JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property)) {
return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
* For types that are supertypes of native (eg DOM) types, we emit a
* call because we cannot add a JS property to their prototype at load
* time.
callTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value == null
|| ((JS('bool', 'typeof # === "object"', value))
&& JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property))) {
return value;
propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
* Specialization of the type check for num and String and their
* supertype since [value] can be a JS primitive.
numberOrStringSuperTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is String) return value;
if (value is num) return value;
if (JS('bool', '!!#[#]', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
numberOrStringSuperTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value is String) return value;
if (value is num) return value;
return propertyTypeCast(value, property);
numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is String) return value;
if (value is num) return value;
if (JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
numberOrStringSuperNativeTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is String) return value;
if (value is num) return value;
if (JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
* Specialization of the type check for String and its supertype
* since [value] can be a JS primitive.
stringSuperTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is String) return value;
if (JS('bool', '!!#[#]', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
stringSuperTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value is String) return value;
return propertyTypeCast(value, property);
stringSuperNativeTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is String) return value;
if (JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
stringSuperNativeTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value is String || value == null) return value;
if (JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
* Specialization of the type check for List and its supertypes,
* since [value] can be a JS array.
listTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is List) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'List');
listTypeCast(value) {
if (value is List || value == null) return value;
throw new CastErrorImplementation(
Primitives.objectTypeName(value), 'List');
listSuperTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is List) return value;
if (JS('bool', '!!#[#]', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
listSuperTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value is List) return value;
return propertyTypeCast(value, property);
listSuperNativeTypeCheck(value, property) {
if (value == null) return value;
if (value is List) return value;
if (JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeError(value, property);
listSuperNativeTypeCast(value, property) {
if (value is List || value == null) return value;
if (JS('bool', '#[#]()', value, property)) return value;
propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
voidTypeCheck(value) {
if (value == null) return value;
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(value, 'void');
malformedTypeCheck(value, type, reasons) {
if (value == null) return value;
throwMalformedSubtypeError(value, type, reasons);
* Special interface recognized by the compiler and implemented by DOM
* objects that support integer indexing. This interface is not
* visible to anyone, and is only injected into special libraries.
abstract class JavaScriptIndexingBehavior {
// TODO(lrn): These exceptions should be implemented in core.
// When they are, remove the 'Implementation' here.
/** Thrown by type assertions that fail. */
class TypeErrorImplementation implements TypeError {
final String message;
* Normal type error caused by a failed subtype test.
TypeErrorImplementation(Object value, String type)
: message = "type '${Primitives.objectTypeName(value)}' is not a subtype "
"of type '$type'";
* Type error caused by a subtype test on a malformed type.
TypeErrorImplementation.malformedSubtype(Object value,
String type, String reasons)
: message = "type '${Primitives.objectTypeName(value)}' is not a subtype "
"of type '$type' because '$type' is malformed: $reasons.";
String toString() => message;
/** Thrown by the 'as' operator if the cast isn't valid. */
class CastErrorImplementation implements CastError {
// TODO(lrn): Rename to CastError (and move implementation into core).
// TODO(lrn): Change actualType and expectedType to "Type" when reified
// types are available.
final Object actualType;
final Object expectedType;
CastErrorImplementation(this.actualType, this.expectedType);
String toString() {
return "CastError: Casting value of type $actualType to"
" incompatible type $expectedType";
class FallThroughErrorImplementation implements FallThroughError {
const FallThroughErrorImplementation();
String toString() => "Switch case fall-through.";
* Helper function for implementing asserts. The compiler treats this specially.
void assertHelper(condition) {
if (condition is Function) condition = condition();
if (condition is !bool) {
throw new TypeErrorImplementation(condition, 'bool');
// Compare to true to avoid boolean conversion check in checked
// mode.
if (!identical(condition, true)) throw new AssertionError();
* Called by generated code when a method that must be statically
* resolved cannot be found.
void throwNoSuchMethod(obj, name, arguments, expectedArgumentNames) {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(obj, name, arguments, const {},
* Called by generated code when a static field's initializer references the
* field that is currently being initialized.
void throwCyclicInit(String staticName) {
throw new RuntimeError("Cyclic initialization for static $staticName");
class TypeImpl implements Type {
final String typeName;
toString() => typeName;
int get hashCode => typeName.hashCode;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !TypeImpl) return false;
return typeName == other.typeName;
String getClassName(var object) {
return JS('String', r'#.constructor.builtin$cls', object);
String getTypeArgumentAsString(List runtimeType) {
String className = getConstructorName(runtimeType[0]);
if (runtimeType.length == 1) return className;
return '$className<${joinArguments(runtimeType, 1)}>';
String getConstructorName(type) => JS('String', r'#.builtin$cls', type);
String runtimeTypeToString(type) {
if (type == null) {
return 'dynamic';
} else if (isJsArray(type)) {
// A list representing a type with arguments.
return getTypeArgumentAsString(type);
} else {
// A reference to the constructor.
return getConstructorName(type);
String joinArguments(var types, int startIndex) {
bool firstArgument = true;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int index = startIndex; index < types.length; index++) {
if (firstArgument) {
firstArgument = false;
} else {
buffer. add(', ');
var argument = types[index];
return buffer.toString();
String getRuntimeTypeString(var object) {
String className = isJsArray(object) ? 'List' : getClassName(object);
var typeInfo = JS('var', r'#.$builtinTypeInfo', object);
if (typeInfo == null) return className;
return "$className<${joinArguments(typeInfo, 0)}>";
* Check whether the type represented by [s] is a subtype of the type
* represented by [t].
* Type representations can be:
* 1) a JavaScript constructor for a class C: the represented type is the raw
* type C.
* 2) a JavaScript object: this represents a class for which there is no
* JavaScript constructor, because it is only used in type arguments or it
* is native. The represented type is the raw type of this class.
* 3) a JavaScript array: the first entry is of type 1 or 2 and identifies the
* class of the type and the rest of the array are the type arguments.
* 4) [:null:]: the dynamic type.
bool isSubtype(var s, var t) {
// If either type is dynamic, [s] is a subtype of [t].
if (JS('bool', '# == null', s) || JS('bool', '# == null', t)) return true;
// Subtyping is reflexive.
if (JS('bool', '# === #', s, t)) return true;
// Get the object describing the class and check for the subtyping flag
// constructed from the type of [t].
var typeOfS = isJsArray(s) ? s[0] : s;
var typeOfT = isJsArray(t) ? t[0] : t;
var test = '${JS_OPERATOR_IS_PREFIX()}${runtimeTypeToString(typeOfT)}';
if (JS('var', r'#[#]', typeOfS, test) == null) return false;
// The class of [s] is a subclass of the class of [t]. If either of the types
// is raw, [s] is a subtype of [t].
if (!isJsArray(s) || !isJsArray(t)) return true;
// Recursively check the type arguments.
int len = s.length;
if (len != t.length) return false;
for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
if (!isSubtype(s[i], t[i])) {
return false;
return true;
createRuntimeType(String name) => new TypeImpl(name);