blob: b5dd3dd57b8eb13566b65cc4d3bf1231d1eb725d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library compiler;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:uri';
import 'implementation/apiimpl.dart';
// Unless explicitly allowed, passing [:null:] for any argument to the
// methods of library will result in an Error being thrown.
* Returns a future that completes to the source corresponding to
* [uri]. If an exception occurs, the future completes with this
* exception.
typedef Future<String> ReadStringFromUri(Uri uri);
* Invoked by the compiler to report diagnostics. If [uri] is
* [:null:], so are [begin] and [end]. No other arguments may be
* [:null:]. If [uri] is not [:null:], neither are [begin] and
* [end]. [uri] indicates the compilation unit from where the
* diagnostic originates. [begin] and [end] are zero-based character
* offsets from the beginning of the compilaton unit. [message] is the
* diagnostic message, and [kind] indicates indicates what kind of
* diagnostic it is.
typedef void DiagnosticHandler(Uri uri, int begin, int end,
String message, Diagnostic kind);
* Returns a future that completes to [script] compiled to JavaScript. If
* the compilation fails, the future's value will be [:null:] and
* [handler] will have been invoked at least once with [:kind ==
* Diagnostic.ERROR:] or [:kind == Diagnostic.CRASH:].
Future<String> compile(Uri script,
Uri libraryRoot,
Uri packageRoot,
ReadStringFromUri provider,
DiagnosticHandler handler,
[List<String> options = const []]) {
if (!libraryRoot.path.endsWith("/")) {
throw new ArgumentError("libraryRoot must end with a /");
if (packageRoot != null && !packageRoot.path.endsWith("/")) {
throw new ArgumentError("packageRoot must end with a /");
// TODO(ahe): Consider completing the future with an exception if
// code is null.
Compiler compiler = new Compiler(provider, handler, libraryRoot, packageRoot,
String code = compiler.assembledCode;
return new Future.immediate(code);
* Kind of diagnostics that the compiler can report.
class Diagnostic {
* An error as identified by the "Dart Programming Language
* Specification" [].
* Note: the compiler may still produce an executable result after
* reporting a compilation error. The specification says:
* "A compile-time error must be reported by a Dart compiler before
* the erroneous code is executed." and "If a compile-time error
* occurs within the code of a running isolate A, A is immediately
* suspended."
* This means that the compiler can generate code that when executed
* terminates execution.
static const Diagnostic ERROR = const Diagnostic(1, 'error');
* A warning as identified by the "Dart Programming Language
* Specification" [].
static const Diagnostic WARNING = const Diagnostic(2, 'warning');
* Any other warning that is not covered by [WARNING].
static const Diagnostic LINT = const Diagnostic(4, 'lint');
* Informational messages.
static const Diagnostic INFO = const Diagnostic(8, 'info');
* Informational messages that shouldn't be printed unless
* explicitly requested by the user of a compiler.
static const Diagnostic VERBOSE_INFO = const Diagnostic(16, 'verbose info');
* An internal error in the compiler.
static const Diagnostic CRASH = const Diagnostic(32, 'crash');
* An [int] representation of this kind. The ordinals are designed
* to be used as bitsets.
final int ordinal;
* The name of this kind.
final String name;
* This constructor is not private to support user-defined
* diagnostic kinds.
const Diagnostic(this.ordinal,;
String toString() => name;