blob: 8a95659da27a95ffbb0671e50432f55647d13b9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This provides a general-purpose serialization facility for Dart objects. A
* [Serialization] is defined in terms of [SerializationRule]s and supports
* reading and writing to different formats.
* Setup
* =====
* A simple example of usage is
* var address = new Address();
* address.street = 'N 34th';
* = 'Seattle';
* var serialization = new Serialization()
* ..addRuleFor(address);
* String output = serialization.write(address);
* This creates a new serialization and adds a rule for address objects. Right
* now it has to be passed an address instance because of limitations using
* Address as a literal. Then we ask the Serialization to write the address
* and we get back a String which is a [JSON] representation of the state of
* it and related objects.
* The version above used reflection to automatically identify the public
* fields of the address object. We can also specify those fields explicitly.
* var serialization = new Serialization()
* ..addRuleFor(address,
* constructor: "create",
* constructorFields: ["number", "street"],
* fields: ["city"]);
* This rule still uses reflection to access the fields, but does not try to
* identify which fields to use, but instead uses only the "number" and "street"
* fields that we specified. We may also want to tell it to identify the
* fields, but to specifically omit certain fields that we don't want
* serialized.
* var serialization = new Serialization()
* ..addRuleFor(address,
* constructor: "",
* excludeFields: ["other", "stuff"]);
* Writing Rules
* =============
* We can also use a completely non-reflective rule to serialize and
* de-serialize objects. This can be more work, but it does work in
* dart2js, where mirrors are not yet implemented. We can specify this in two
* ways. First, we can write our own SerializationRule class that has methods
* for our Address class.
* class AddressRule extends CustomRule {
* bool appliesTo(instance, Writer w) => instance.runtimeType == Address;
* getState(instance) => [instance.street,];
* create(state) => new Address();
* setState(Address a, List state) {
* a.street = state[0];
* = state[1];
* }
* }
* The class needs four different methods. The [appliesTo] method tells us if
* the rule should be used to write an object. In this example we use a test
* based on runtimeType. We could also use an "is Address" test, but if Address
* has subclasses that would find those as well, and we want a separate rule
* for each. The [getState] method should
* return all the state of the object that we want to recreate,
* and should be either a Map or a List. If you want to write to human-readable
* formats where it's useful to be able to look at the data as a map from
* field names to values, then it's better to return it as a map. Otherwise it's
* more efficient to return it as a list. You just need to be sure that the
* [create] and [setState] methods interpret the same way as [getState] does.
* The [create] method will create the new object and return it. While it's
* possible to create the object and set all its state in this one method, that
* increases the likelihood of problems with cycles. So it's better to use the
* minimum necessary information in [create] and do more of the work in
* [setState].
* The other way to do this is not creating a subclass, but by using a
* [ClosureRule] and giving it functions for how to create
* the address.
* addressToMap(a) => {"number" : a.number, "street" : a.street,
* "city" :};
* createAddress(Map m) => new Address.create(m["number"], m["street"]);
* fillInAddress(Address a, Map m) => = m["city"];
* var serialization = new Serialization()
* ..addRule(
* new ClosureRule(anAddress.runtimeType,
* addressToMap, createAddress, fillInAddress);
* In this case we have created standalone functions rather than
* methods in a subclass and we pass them to the constructor of
* [ClosureRule]. In this case we've also had them use maps rather than
* lists for the state, but either would work as long as the rule is
* consistent with the representation it uses. We pass it the runtimeType
* of the object, and functions equivalent to the methods on [CustomRule]
* Constant Values
* ===============
* There are cases where the constructor needs values that we can't easily get
* from the serialized object. For example, we may just want to pass null, or a
* constant value. To support this, we can specify as constructor fields
* values that aren't field names. If any value isn't a String, it will be
* treated as a constant and passed unaltered to the constructor.
* In some cases a non-constructor field should not be set using field
* access or a setter, but should be done by calling a method. For example, it
* may not be possible to set a List field "foo", and you need to call an
* addFoo() method for each entry in the list. In these cases, if you are using
* a BasicRule for the object you can call the setFieldWith() method.
* s..addRuleFor(fooHolderInstance).setFieldWith("foo",
* (parent, value) => for (var each in value) parent.addFoo(value));
* Writing
* =======
* To write objects, we use the write() method.
* var output = serialization.write(someObject);
* By default this uses a representation in which objects are represented as
* maps keyed by field name, but in which references between objects have been
* converted into Reference objects. This is then encoded as a [json] string.
* We can write objects in different formats by passing a [Format] object to
* the [write] method or by getting a [Writer] object. The available formats
* include the default, a simple "flat" format that doesn't include field names,
* and a simple JSON format that produces output more suitable for talking to
* services that expect JSON in a predefined format. Examples of these are
* String output = serialization.write(address, new SimpleMapFormat());
* List output = serialization.write(address, new SimpleFlatFormat());
* Map output = serialization.write(address, new SimpleJsonFormat());
* Or, using a [Writer] explicitly
* var writer = serialization.newWriter(new SimpleFlatFormat());
* var output = writer.write(address);
* These representations are not yet considered stable.
* Reading
* =======
* To read objects, the corresponding [read] method can be used.
* Address input =;
* When reading, the serialization instance doing the reading must be configured
* with compatible rules to the one doing the writing. It's possible for the
* rules to be different, but they need to be able to read the same
* representation. For most practical purposes right now they should be the
* same. The simplest way to achieve this is by having the serialization
* variable [selfDescribing] be true. In that case the rules themselves are also
* stored along with the serialized data, and can be read back on the receiving
* end. Note that this may not work for all rules or all formats. The
* [selfDescribing] variable is true by default, but the [SimpleJsonFormat] does
* not support it, since the point is to provide a representation in a form
* other services might expect. Using CustomRule or ClosureRule also does not
* yet work with the [selfDescribing] variable.
* Named Objects
* =============
* When reading, some object references should not be serialized, but should be
* connected up to other instances on the receiving side. A notable example of
* this is when serialization rules have been stored. Instances of BasicRule
* take a [ClassMirror] in their constructor, and we cannot serialize those. So
* when we read the rules, we must provide a Map<String, Object> which maps from
* the simple name of classes we are interested in to a [ClassMirror]. This can
* be provided either in the [namedObjects] variable of the Serialization,
* or as an additional parameter to the reading and writing methods on the
* [Reader] or [Writer] respectively.
* new Serialization()
* ..addRuleFor(new Person(), constructorFields: ["name"])
* ..namedObjects['Person'] = reflect(new Person()).type;
library serialization;
import 'src/mirrors_helpers.dart';
import 'src/serialization_helpers.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
part 'src/reader_writer.dart';
part 'src/serialization_rule.dart';
part 'src/basic_rule.dart';
part 'src/format.dart';
* This class defines a particular serialization scheme, in terms of
* [SerializationRule] instances, and supports reading and writing them.
* See library comment for examples of usage.
class Serialization {
* The serialization is controlled by the list of Serialization rules. These
* are most commonly added via [addRuleFor].
List _rules = [];
* The serialization is controlled by the list of Serialization rules. These
* are most commonly added via [addRuleFor].
List get rules => _rules;
* When reading, we may need to resolve references to existing objects in
* the system. The right action may not be to create a new instance of
* something, but rather to find an existing instance and connect to it.
* For example, if we have are serializing an Email message and it has a
* link to the owning account, it may not be appropriate to try and serialize
* the account. Instead we should just connect the de-serialized message
* object to the account object that already exists there.
Map<String, dynamic> namedObjects = {};
* When we write out data using this serialization, should we also write
* out a description of the rules. This is on by default unless using
* CustomRule subclasses, in which case it requires additional setup and
* is off by default.
bool _selfDescribing;
* When we write out data using this serialization, should we also write
* out a description of the rules. This is on by default unless using
* CustomRule subclasses, in which case it requires additional setup and
* is off by default.
bool get selfDescribing {
if (_selfDescribing != null) return _selfDescribing;
return !_rules.any((x) => x is CustomRule);
* When we write out data using this serialization, should we also write
* out a description of the rules. This is on by default unless using
* CustomRule subclasses, in which case it requires additional setup and
* is off by default.
set selfDescribing(x) => _selfDescribing = x;
* Creates a new serialization with a default set of rules for primitives
* and lists.
Serialization() {
* Creates a new serialization with no default rules at all. The most common
* use for this is if we are reading self-describing serialized data and
* will populate the rules from that data.
Serialization.blank() { }
* Create a [BasicRule] rule for the type of
* [instanceOfType]. Optionally
* allows specifying a [constructor] name, the list of [constructorFields],
* and the list of [fields] not used in the constructor. Returns the new
* rule. Note that [BasicRule] uses reflection, and so will not work with the
* current state of dartj2s. If you need to run there, consider using
* [CustomRule] instead.
* If the optional parameters aren't specified, the default constructor will
* be used, and the list of fields will be computed. Alternatively, you can
* omit [fields] and provide [excludeFields], which will then compute the
* list of fields specifically excluding those listed.
* The fields can be actual public fields, but can also be getter/setter
* pairs or getters whose value is provided in the constructor. For the
* [constructorFields] they can also be arbitrary objects. Anything that is
* not a String will be treated as a constant value to be used in any
* construction of these objects.
* If the list of fields is computed, fields from the superclass will be
* included. However, each subclass needs its own rule, since the constructors
* are not inherited, and so may need to be specified separately for each
* subclass.
// TODO(alanknight): Take a type rather than an instance. Issue 6282 and 6433.
BasicRule addRuleFor(
{String constructor,
List constructorFields,
List<String> fields,
List<String> excludeFields}) {
var rule;
rule = new BasicRule(
constructor, constructorFields, fields, excludeFields);
return rule;
/** Set up the default rules, for lists and primitives. */
void addDefaultRules() {
addRule(new PrimitiveRule());
addRule(new ListRule());
// Both these rules apply to lists, so unless otherwise indicated,
// it will always find the first one.
addRule(new ListRuleEssential());
* Add a new SerializationRule [rule]. The addRuleFor method will probably
* handle most simple cases, but for adding an arbitrary rule, including
* a SerializationRule subclass which you have created, you can use this
* method.
void addRule(SerializationRule rule) {
rule.number = _rules.length;
* This writes out an object graph rooted at [object] and returns the result.
* The [format] parameter determines the form of the result. The default
* format returns a String in [json] format.
write(Object object, [Format format]) {
return newWriter(format).write(object);
* Return a new [Writer] object for this serialization. This is useful if you
* want to do something more complex with the writer than just returning
* the final result.
Writer newWriter([Format format]) =>
new Writer(this, format);
* Read the serialized data from [input] and return the root object
* from the result. If there are objects that need to be resolved
* in the current context, they should be provided in [externals] as a
* Map from names to values. In particular, in the current implementation
* any class mirrors needed should be provided in [externals] using the
* class name as a key. In addition to the [externals] map provided here,
* values will be looked up in the [externalObjects] map.
read(String input, [Map externals = const {}]) {
return newReader().read(input, externals);
* Return a new [Reader] object for this serialization. This is useful if
* you want to do something more complex with the reader than just returning
* the final result.
Reader newReader([Format format]) => new Reader(this, format);
* Return the list of SerializationRule that apply to [object]. For
* internal use, but public because it's used in testing.
Iterable<SerializationRule> rulesFor(object, Writer w) {
// This has a couple of edge cases.
// 1) The owning object may have indicated we should use a different
// rule than the default.
// 2) We may not have a rule, in which case we lazily create a BasicRule.
// 3) Rules are allowed to say mustBePrimary, meaning that they can be used
// iff no other rule was chosen first.
// TODO(alanknight): Can the mustBePrimary mechanism be removed or changed.
// It adds an order dependency to the rules, and is messy. Reconsider in the
// light of a more general mechanism for multiple rules per object.
// TODO(alanknight): Finding which rules apply seems likely to be a
// bottleneck, particularly with the current reflective implementation.
// Consider how to improve it. e.g. cache the list of rules by class. But
// be careful of issues like rules which have arbitrary predicates. Or
// consider having the arbitrary predicates be secondary to an initial
// class-based lookup mechanism.
var target, candidateRules;
if (object is DesignatedRuleForObject) {
target =;
candidateRules = object.possibleRules(_rules);
} else {
target = object;
candidateRules = _rules;
Iterable applicable = candidateRules.where(
(each) => each.appliesTo(target, w));
if (applicable.isEmpty) {
return [addRuleFor(target)];
if (applicable.length == 1) return applicable;
var first = applicable.first;
var finalRules = applicable.where(
(x) => !x.mustBePrimary || (x == first));
if (finalRules.isEmpty) throw new SerializationException(
'No valid rule found for object $object');
return finalRules;
* Create a Serialization for serializing SerializationRules. This is used
* to save the rules in a self-describing format along with the data.
* If there are new rule classes created, they will need to be described
* here.
Serialization ruleSerialization() {
// TODO(alanknight): There's an extensibility issue here with new rules.
// TODO(alanknight): How to handle rules with closures? They have to
// exist on the other side, but we might be able to hook them up by name,
// or we might just be able to validate that they're correctly set up
// on the other side.
// Make some bogus rule instances so we have something to feed rule creation
// and get their types. If only we had class literals implemented...
var basicRule = new BasicRule(reflect(null).type, '', [], [], []);
var meta = new Serialization()
..selfDescribing = false
..addRuleFor(new ListRule())
..addRuleFor(new PrimitiveRule())
..addRuleFor(new ListRuleEssential())
constructorFields: ['type',
'constructorFields', 'regularFields', []],
fields: [])
..addRule(new NamedObjectRule())
..addRule(new MirrorRule());
meta.namedObjects = namedObjects;
return meta;
/** Return true if our [namedObjects] collection has an entry for [object].*/
bool _hasNameFor(object) {
var sentinel = const _Sentinel();
return _nameFor(object, () => sentinel) != sentinel;
* Return the name we have for [object] in our [namedObjects] collection or
* the result of evaluating [ifAbsent] if there is no entry.
_nameFor(object, [ifAbsent]) {
for (var key in namedObjects.keys) {
if (identical(namedObjects[key], object)) return key;
return ifAbsent == null ? null : ifAbsent();
* An exception class for errors during serialization.
class SerializationException implements Exception {
final String message;
const SerializationException([this.message]);