blob: 0762906a76bc1e47b0d6ef15a2f4ad31b45ca3c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/atomic.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/heap/spaces.h"
#include "vm/pointer_tagging.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
#include "vm/virtual_memory.h"
namespace dart {
class ForwardingPage;
class ObjectVisitor;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class Thread;
class UnwindingRecords;
// Pages are allocated with kPageSize alignment so that the Page of any object
// can be computed by masking the object with kPageMask. This does not apply to
// image pages, whose address is chosen by the system loader rather than the
// Dart VM.
static constexpr intptr_t kPageSize = 512 * KB;
static constexpr intptr_t kPageSizeInWords = kPageSize / kWordSize;
static constexpr intptr_t kPageMask = ~(kPageSize - 1);
// See ForwardingBlock and CountingBlock.
static constexpr intptr_t kBitVectorWordsPerBlock = 1;
static constexpr intptr_t kBlockSize =
kObjectAlignment * kBitsPerWord * kBitVectorWordsPerBlock;
static constexpr intptr_t kBlockMask = ~(kBlockSize - 1);
static constexpr intptr_t kBlocksPerPage = kPageSize / kBlockSize;
// Simplify initialization in allocation stubs by ensuring it is safe
// to overshoot the object end by up to kAllocationRedZoneSize. (Just as the
// stack red zone allows one to overshoot the stack pointer.)
static constexpr intptr_t kAllocationRedZoneSize = kObjectAlignment;
// A Page is the granuitary at which the Dart heap allocates memory from the OS.
// Pages are usually of size kPageSize, except large objects are allocated on
// their own Page sized to the object.
// +----------------------+ <- start
// | struct Page (header) |
// +----------------------+
// | alignment gap |
// +----------------------+ <- object_start
// | objects |
// | ... |
// | ... |
// +----------------------+ <- object_end / top_
// | available |
// +----------------------+ <- end_
// | red zone or |
// | forwarding table |
// +----------------------+ <- memory_->end()
class Page {
static void Init();
static void ClearCache();
static intptr_t CachedSize();
static void Cleanup();
enum PageFlags : uword {
kExecutable = 1 << 0,
kLarge = 1 << 1,
kImage = 1 << 2,
kVMIsolate = 1 << 3,
kNew = 1 << 4,
kEvacuationCandidate = 1 << 5,
bool is_executable() const { return (flags_ & kExecutable) != 0; }
bool is_large() const { return (flags_ & kLarge) != 0; }
bool is_image() const { return (flags_ & kImage) != 0; }
bool is_vm_isolate() const { return (flags_ & kVMIsolate) != 0; }
bool is_new() const { return (flags_ & kNew) != 0; }
bool is_old() const { return !is_new(); }
bool is_evacuation_candidate() const {
return (flags_ & kEvacuationCandidate) != 0;
Page* next() const { return next_; }
void set_next(Page* next) { next_ = next; }
uword start() const { return memory_->start(); }
uword end() const { return memory_->end(); }
bool Contains(uword addr) const { return memory_->Contains(addr); }
intptr_t AliasOffset() const { return memory_->AliasOffset(); }
uword object_start() const {
return is_new() ? new_object_start() : old_object_start();
uword old_object_start() const {
return memory_->start() + OldObjectStartOffset();
uword new_object_start() const {
return memory_->start() + NewObjectStartOffset();
uword object_end() const {
if (owner_ != nullptr) return owner_->top();
return top_;
intptr_t used() const { return object_end() - object_start(); }
ForwardingPage* forwarding_page() const { return forwarding_page_; }
void RegisterUnwindingRecords();
void UnregisterUnwindingRecords();
void AllocateForwardingPage();
void VisitObjects(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) const;
void WriteProtect(bool read_only);
constexpr static intptr_t OldObjectStartOffset() {
return Utils::RoundUp(sizeof(Page), kObjectStartAlignment,
constexpr static intptr_t NewObjectStartOffset() {
// Note weaker alignment because the bool/null offset tricks don't apply to
// new-space.
return Utils::RoundUp(sizeof(Page), kObjectAlignment,
// These are "original" in the sense that they reflect TLAB boundaries when
// the TLAB was acquired, not the current boundaries. An object between
// original_top and top may still be in use by Dart code that has eliminated
// write barriers.
uword original_top() const { return LoadAcquire(&top_); }
uword original_end() const { return LoadRelaxed(&end_); }
static intptr_t original_top_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Page, top_); }
static intptr_t original_end_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Page, end_); }
// Warning: This does not work for objects on image pages because image pages
// are not aligned. However, it works for objects on large pages, because
// only one object is allocated per large page.
static Page* Of(ObjectPtr obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<Page*>(static_cast<uword>(obj) & kPageMask);
// Warning: This does not work for addresses on image pages or on large pages.
static Page* Of(uword addr) {
return reinterpret_cast<Page*>(addr & kPageMask);
// Warning: This does not work for objects on image pages.
static ObjectPtr ToExecutable(ObjectPtr obj) {
Page* page = Of(obj);
VirtualMemory* memory = page->memory_;
const intptr_t alias_offset = memory->AliasOffset();
if (alias_offset == 0) {
return obj; // Not aliased.
uword addr = UntaggedObject::ToAddr(obj);
if (memory->Contains(addr)) {
return UntaggedObject::FromAddr(addr + alias_offset);
// obj is executable.
return obj;
// Warning: This does not work for objects on image pages.
static ObjectPtr ToWritable(ObjectPtr obj) {
Page* page = Of(obj);
VirtualMemory* memory = page->memory_;
const intptr_t alias_offset = memory->AliasOffset();
if (alias_offset == 0) {
return obj; // Not aliased.
uword addr = UntaggedObject::ToAddr(obj);
if (memory->ContainsAlias(addr)) {
return UntaggedObject::FromAddr(addr - alias_offset);
// obj is writable.
return obj;
// 1 card = 32 slots.
static constexpr intptr_t kSlotsPerCardLog2 = 5;
static constexpr intptr_t kBytesPerCardLog2 =
kCompressedWordSizeLog2 + kSlotsPerCardLog2;
intptr_t card_table_size() const {
return memory_->size() >> kBytesPerCardLog2;
static intptr_t card_table_offset() { return OFFSET_OF(Page, card_table_); }
void RememberCard(ObjectPtr const* slot) {
bool IsCardRemembered(ObjectPtr const* slot) {
return IsCardRemembered(reinterpret_cast<uword>(slot));
void RememberCard(CompressedObjectPtr const* slot) {
bool IsCardRemembered(CompressedObjectPtr const* slot) {
return IsCardRemembered(reinterpret_cast<uword>(slot));
void VisitRememberedCards(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
void ResetProgressBar();
Thread* owner() const {
return owner_;
// Remember the limit to which objects have been copied.
void RecordSurvivors() {
survivor_end_ = object_end();
// Move survivor end to the end of the to_ space, making all surviving
// objects candidates for promotion next time.
void EarlyTenure() {
survivor_end_ = end_;
uword promo_candidate_words() const {
return (survivor_end_ - object_start()) / kWordSize;
void Acquire(Thread* thread) {
ASSERT(owner_ == nullptr);
owner_ = thread;
ASSERT(thread->top() == 0);
ASSERT(thread->end() == 0);
intptr_t Release(Thread* thread) {
ASSERT(owner_ == thread);
owner_ = nullptr;
uword old_top = top_;
uword new_top = thread->top();
StoreRelease(&top_, new_top);
ASSERT(new_top >= old_top);
return new_top - old_top;
void Release() {
if (owner_ != nullptr) {
uword TryAllocateGC(intptr_t size) {
ASSERT(owner_ == nullptr);
uword result = top_;
uword new_top = result + size;
if (LIKELY(new_top <= end_)) {
top_ = new_top;
return result;
return 0;
void Unallocate(uword addr, intptr_t size) {
ASSERT((addr + size) == top_);
top_ -= size;
bool IsSurvivor(uword raw_addr) const {
return raw_addr < survivor_end_;
bool IsResolved() const {
return top_ == resolved_top_;
void RememberCard(uword slot) {
if (card_table_ == nullptr) {
size_t size_in_bits = card_table_size();
size_t size_in_bytes =
Utils::RoundUp(size_in_bits, kBitsPerWord) >> kBitsPerByteLog2;
card_table_ =
reinterpret_cast<uword*>(calloc(size_in_bytes, sizeof(uint8_t)));
intptr_t offset = slot - reinterpret_cast<uword>(this);
intptr_t index = offset >> kBytesPerCardLog2;
ASSERT((index >= 0) && (index < card_table_size()));
intptr_t word_offset = index >> kBitsPerWordLog2;
intptr_t bit_offset = index & (kBitsPerWord - 1);
uword bit_mask = static_cast<uword>(1) << bit_offset;
card_table_[word_offset] |= bit_mask;
bool IsCardRemembered(uword slot) {
if (card_table_ == nullptr) {
return false;
intptr_t offset = slot - reinterpret_cast<uword>(this);
intptr_t index = offset >> kBytesPerCardLog2;
ASSERT((index >= 0) && (index < card_table_size()));
intptr_t word_offset = index >> kBitsPerWordLog2;
intptr_t bit_offset = index & (kBitsPerWord - 1);
uword bit_mask = static_cast<uword>(1) << bit_offset;
return (card_table_[word_offset] & bit_mask) != 0;
void set_object_end(uword value) {
ASSERT((value & kObjectAlignmentMask) == kOldObjectAlignmentOffset);
top_ = value;
// Returns nullptr on OOM.
static Page* Allocate(intptr_t size, uword flags);
// Deallocate the virtual memory backing this page. The page pointer to this
// page becomes immediately inaccessible.
void Deallocate();
uword flags_;
VirtualMemory* memory_;
Page* next_;
ForwardingPage* forwarding_page_;
uword* card_table_; // Remembered set, not marking.
RelaxedAtomic<intptr_t> progress_bar_;
// The thread using this page for allocation, otherwise nullptr.
Thread* owner_;
// The address of the next allocation. If owner is non-NULL, this value is
// stale and the current value is at owner->top_. Called "NEXT" in the
// original Cheney paper.
uword top_;
// The address after the last allocatable byte in this page.
uword end_;
// Objects below this address have survived a scavenge.
uword survivor_end_;
// A pointer to the first unprocessed object. Resolution completes when this
// value meets the allocation top. Called "SCAN" in the original Cheney paper.
uword resolved_top_;
friend class CheckStoreBufferVisitor;
friend class GCCompactor;
friend class PageSpace;
template <bool>
friend class ScavengerVisitorBase;
friend class SemiSpace;
friend class UnwindingRecords;
} // namespace dart