blob: b9755bb35ae528b372b7b2cbabbdcced0bee76d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/heap/gc_shared.h"
#include "vm/heap/pointer_block.h"
#include "vm/os_thread.h" // Mutex.
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class HandleVisitor;
class Heap;
class IsolateGroup;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class PageSpace;
template <bool sync>
class MarkingVisitorBase;
class Page;
class Thread;
// The class GCMarker is used to mark reachable old generation objects as part
// of the mark-sweep collection. The marking bit used is defined in
// UntaggedObject. Instances have a lifetime that spans from the beginning of
// concurrent marking (or stop-the-world marking) until marking is complete. In
// particular, an instance may be created and destroyed on different threads if
// the isolate is exited during concurrent marking.
class GCMarker {
GCMarker(IsolateGroup* isolate_group, Heap* heap);
// Mark roots synchronously, then spawn tasks to concurrently drain the
// marking queue. Only called when no marking or sweeping is in progress.
// Marking must later be finalized by calling MarkObjects.
void StartConcurrentMark(PageSpace* page_space);
// Contribute to marking.
void IncrementalMarkWithUnlimitedBudget(PageSpace* page_space);
void IncrementalMarkWithSizeBudget(PageSpace* page_space, intptr_t size);
void IncrementalMarkWithTimeBudget(PageSpace* page_space, int64_t deadline);
// (Re)mark roots, drain the marking queue and finalize weak references.
// Does not required StartConcurrentMark to have been previously called.
void MarkObjects(PageSpace* page_space);
intptr_t marked_words() const { return marked_bytes_ >> kWordSizeLog2; }
intptr_t MarkedWordsPerMicro() const;
void PruneWeak(Scavenger* scavenger);
void Prologue();
void Epilogue();
void ResetSlices();
void IterateRoots(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
void IterateWeakRoots(Thread* thread);
void ProcessWeakHandles(Thread* thread);
void ProcessWeakTables(Thread* thread);
void ProcessRememberedSet(Thread* thread);
void ProcessObjectIdTable(Thread* thread);
// Called by anyone: finalize and accumulate stats from 'visitor'.
template <class MarkingVisitorType>
void FinalizeResultsFrom(MarkingVisitorType* visitor);
IsolateGroup* const isolate_group_;
Heap* const heap_;
MarkingStack marking_stack_;
MarkingStack new_marking_stack_;
MarkingStack deferred_marking_stack_;
GCLinkedLists global_list_;
MarkingVisitorBase<true>** visitors_;
Monitor root_slices_monitor_;
RelaxedAtomic<intptr_t> root_slices_started_;
intptr_t root_slices_finished_;
intptr_t root_slices_count_;
RelaxedAtomic<intptr_t> weak_slices_started_;
uintptr_t marked_bytes_;
int64_t marked_micros_;
friend class ConcurrentMarkTask;
friend class ParallelMarkTask;
friend class Scavenger;
template <bool sync>
friend class MarkingVisitorBase;
} // namespace dart