blob: c85d0232ce9d3155be057d09b0c1d344210cf110 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import '../../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../../test_pub.dart';
main() {
integration("compiles dart.js and interop.js next to entrypoints when "
"dartjs is explicitly configured", () {
// Dart2js can take a long time to compile dart code, so we increase the
// timeout to cope with that.
currentSchedule.timeout *= 3;
d.dir('api', [
d.dir('packages', [
d.file('browser', JSON.encode({
'versions': [packageVersionApiMap(packageMap('browser', '1.0.0'))]
d.dir('browser', [
d.dir('versions', [
d.file('1.0.0', JSON.encode(
packageMap('browser', '1.0.0'),
full: true)))
d.dir('packages', [
d.dir('browser', [
d.dir('versions', [
d.tar('1.0.0.tar.gz', [
d.file('pubspec.yaml', yaml(packageMap("browser", "1.0.0"))),
d.dir('lib', [
d.file('dart.js', 'contents of dart.js'),
d.file('interop.js', 'contents of interop.js')
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {
"browser": "1.0.0"
"transformers": [{
"\$dart2js": {
"minify": true
d.dir('web', [
d.file('file.dart', 'void main() => print("hello");'),
schedulePub(args: ["build"],
output: new RegExp(r'Built 4 files to "build".'),
exitCode: 0);
d.dir(appPath, [
d.dir('build', [
d.dir('web', [
d.matcherFile('file.dart.js', isMinifiedDart2JSOutput),
d.matcherFile('file.dart.precompiled.js', isNot(isEmpty)),
d.dir('packages', [
d.dir('browser', [
d.file('dart.js', 'contents of dart.js'),
d.file('interop.js', 'contents of interop.js')