blob: 413b5b0204893c01c09d0731bbf53533e4166467 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.test.transformer.mock;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:barback/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
/// The abstract base class for transformers used to test barback.
/// This adds the ability to pause and resume different components of the
/// transformers, and to tell whether they're running, when they start running,
/// and how many times they've run.
/// Transformers extending this should override [doIsPrimary] and [doApply]
/// rather than [isPrimary] and [apply], and they should use [getInput] and
/// [getPrimary] rather than [transform.getInput] and [transform.primaryInput].
abstract class MockTransformer extends Transformer {
/// The number of times the transformer has been applied.
/// This is scheduled. The Future will complete at the point in the schedule
/// that this is called.
Future<int> get numRuns => schedule(() => _numRuns);
var _numRuns = 0;
/// The number of currently running transforms.
int _runningTransforms = 0;
/// A completer for pausing the transformer before it finishes running [apply].
Completer _apply;
/// Completers for pausing the transformer before it finishes running
/// [isPrimary].
final _isPrimary = new Map<AssetId, Completer>();
/// Completers for pausing the transformer before it finishes getting inputs
/// the [Transform].
final _getInput = new Map<AssetId, Completer>();
/// Completer for pausing the transformer before it accesses [primaryInput].
Completer _primaryInput;
/// A completer that completes once this transformer begins running.
/// Once this transformer finishes running, this is reset to a new completer,
/// so it can be used multiple times.
var _started = new Completer();
/// `true` if any transforms are currently running.
/// This is scheduled. The Future will complete at the point in the schedule
/// that this is called.
Future<bool> get isRunning => schedule(() => _runningTransforms > 0);
/// If this is set to `true`, the transformer will consume its primary input
/// during [apply].
bool consumePrimary = false;
/// Pauses the schedule until this transformer begins running.
void waitUntilStarted() {
schedule(() => _started.future, "wait until $this starts");
/// Causes the transformer to pause after running [apply] but before the
/// returned Future completes.
/// This can be resumed by calling [resumeApply]. This operation is scheduled.
void pauseApply() {
schedule(() {
_apply = new Completer();
}, "pause apply for $this");
/// Resumes the transformer's [apply] call after [pauseApply] was called.
/// This operation is scheduled.
void resumeApply() {
schedule(() {
_apply = null;
}, "resume apply for $this");
/// Causes the transformer to pause after running [isPrimary] on the asset
/// with the given [name], but before the returned Future completes.
/// This can be resumed by calling [resumeIsPrimary]. This operation is
/// scheduled.
void pauseIsPrimary(String name) {
schedule(() {
_isPrimary[new AssetId.parse(name)] = new Completer();
}, "pause isPrimary($name) for $this");
/// Resumes the transformer's [isPrimary] call on the asset with the given
/// [name] after [pauseIsPrimary] was called.
/// This operation is scheduled.
void resumeIsPrimary(String name) {
schedule(() {
_isPrimary.remove(new AssetId.parse(name)).complete();
}, "resume isPrimary($name) for $this");
/// Causes the transformer to pause while loading the secondary input with
/// the given [name].
/// This can be resumed by calling [resumeGetInput]. This operation is
/// scheduled.
void pauseGetInput(String name) {
schedule(() {
_getInput[new AssetId.parse(name)] = new Completer();
}, "pause getInput($name) for $this");
/// Resumes the transformer's loading of the input with the given [name] after
/// [pauseGetInput] was called.
/// This operation is scheduled.
void resumeGetInput(String name) {
schedule(() {
_getInput.remove(new AssetId.parse(name)).complete();
}, "resume getInput($name) for $this");
/// Causes the transformer to pause before accessing [primaryInput].
/// This can be resumed by calling [resumeGetPrimary]. This operation is
/// scheduled.
void pausePrimaryInput() {
schedule(() {
_primaryInput = new Completer();
}, "pause primaryInput for $this");
/// Resumes the transformer's invocation of [primaryInput] after
/// [pauseGetPrimary] was called.
/// This operation is scheduled.
void resumePrimaryInput() {
schedule(() {
_primaryInput = null;
}, "resume getPrimary() for $this");
/// Like [Transform.getInput], but respects [pauseGetInput].
/// This is intended for use by subclasses of [MockTransformer].
Future<Asset> getInput(Transform transform, AssetId id) {
return newFuture(() {
if (_getInput.containsKey(id)) return _getInput[id].future;
}).then((_) => transform.getInput(id));
/// Like [Transform.primaryInput], but respects [pauseGetPrimary].
/// This is intended for use by subclasses of [MockTransformer].
Future<Asset> getPrimary(Transform transform) {
return newFuture(() {
if (_primaryInput != null) return _primaryInput.future;
}).then((_) => transform.primaryInput);
Future<bool> isPrimary(Asset asset) {
return newFuture(() => doIsPrimary(asset)).then((result) {
return newFuture(() {
if (_isPrimary.containsKey( {
return _isPrimary[].future;
}).then((_) => result);
Future apply(Transform transform) {
if (_runningTransforms == 0) _started.complete();
if (consumePrimary) transform.consumePrimary();
return newFuture(() => doApply(transform)).then((_) {
if (_apply != null) return _apply.future;
}).whenComplete(() {
if (_runningTransforms == 0) _started = new Completer();
/// The wrapped version of [isPrimary] for subclasses to override.
Future<bool> doIsPrimary(Asset asset);
/// The wrapped version of [doApply] for subclasses to override.
Future doApply(Transform transform);