blob: b8b789097ed2441731ef63bcdff62869fbdfe79a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.utilities.collection;
import 'java_core.dart';
import 'scanner.dart' show Token;
* The class `BooleanArray` defines methods for operating on integers as if they were arrays
* of booleans. These arrays can be indexed by either integers or by enumeration constants.
class BooleanArray {
* Return the value of the element at the given index.
* @param array the array being accessed
* @param index the index of the element being accessed
* @return the value of the element at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not between zero (0) and 31, inclusive
static bool get(int array, int index) {
return (array & (1 << index)) > 0;
* Return the value of the element at the given index.
* @param array the array being accessed
* @param index the index of the element being accessed
* @return the value of the element at the given index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not between zero (0) and 31, inclusive
static bool getEnum(int array, Enum index) => get(array, index.ordinal);
* Set the value of the element at the given index to the given value.
* @param array the array being modified
* @param index the index of the element being set
* @param value the value to be assigned to the element
* @return the updated value of the array
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not between zero (0) and 31, inclusive
static int set(int array, int index, bool value) {
if (value) {
return array | (1 << index);
} else {
return array & ~(1 << index);
* Set the value of the element at the given index to the given value.
* @param array the array being modified
* @param index the index of the element being set
* @param value the value to be assigned to the element
* @return the updated value of the array
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not between zero (0) and 31, inclusive
static int setEnum(int array, Enum index, bool value) => set(array, index.ordinal, value);
* Throw an exception if the index is not within the bounds allowed for an integer-encoded array
* of boolean values.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not between zero (0) and 31, inclusive
static void _checkIndex(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index > 30) {
throw new RangeError("Index not between 0 and 30: ${index}");
* Instances of the class `TokenMap` map one set of tokens to another set of tokens.
class TokenMap {
* A table mapping tokens to tokens. This should be replaced by a more performant implementation.
* One possibility is a pair of parallel arrays, with keys being sorted by their offset and a
* cursor indicating where to start searching.
Map<Token, Token> _map = new Map<Token, Token>();
* Return the token that is mapped to the given token, or `null` if there is no token
* corresponding to the given token.
* @param key the token being mapped to another token
* @return the token that is mapped to the given token
Token get(Token key) => _map[key];
* Map the key to the value.
* @param key the token being mapped to the value
* @param value the token to which the key will be mapped
void put(Token key, Token value) {
_map[key] = value;
* Instances of the class `DirectedGraph` implement a directed graph in which the nodes are
* arbitrary (client provided) objects and edges are represented implicitly. The graph will allow an
* edge from any node to any other node, including itself, but will not represent multiple edges
* between the same pair of nodes.
* @param N the type of the nodes in the graph
class DirectedGraph<N> {
* The table encoding the edges in the graph. An edge is represented by an entry mapping the head
* to a set of tails. Nodes that are not the head of any edge are represented by an entry mapping
* the node to an empty set of tails.
Map<N, Set<N>> _edges = new Map<N, Set<N>>();
* Add an edge from the given head node to the given tail node. Both nodes will be a part of the
* graph after this method is invoked, whether or not they were before.
* @param head the node at the head of the edge
* @param tail the node at the tail of the edge
void addEdge(N head, N tail) {
// First, ensure that the tail is a node known to the graph.
if (_edges[tail] == null) {
_edges[tail] = new Set<N>();
// Then create the edge.
Set<N> tails = _edges[head];
if (tails == null) {
tails = new Set<N>();
_edges[head] = tails;
* Add the given node to the set of nodes in the graph.
* @param node the node to be added
void addNode(N node) {
Set<N> tails = _edges[node];
if (tails == null) {
_edges[node] = new Set<N>();
* Return a list of nodes that form a cycle, or `null` if there are no cycles in this graph.
* @return a list of nodes that form a cycle
List<N> findCycle() => null;
* Return a list of nodes that form a cycle containing the given node. If the node is not part of
* this graph, then a list containing only the node itself will be returned.
* @return a list of nodes that form a cycle containing the given node
List<N> findCycleContaining(N node) {
if (node == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
DirectedGraph_SccFinder<N> finder = new DirectedGraph_SccFinder<N>(this);
return finder.componentContaining(node);
* Return the number of nodes in this graph.
* @return the number of nodes in this graph
int get nodeCount => _edges.length;
* Return a set containing the tails of edges that have the given node as their head. The set will
* be empty if there are no such edges or if the node is not part of the graph. Clients must not
* modify the returned set.
* @param head the node at the head of all of the edges whose tails are to be returned
* @return a set containing the tails of edges that have the given node as their head
Set<N> getTails(N head) {
Set<N> tails = _edges[head];
if (tails == null) {
return new Set<N>();
return tails;
* Return `true` if this graph is empty.
* @return `true` if this graph is empty
bool get isEmpty => _edges.isEmpty;
* Remove all of the given nodes from this graph. As a consequence, any edges for which those
* nodes were either a head or a tail will also be removed.
* @param nodes the nodes to be removed
void removeAllNodes(List<N> nodes) {
for (N node in nodes) {
* Remove the edge from the given head node to the given tail node. If there was no such edge then
* the graph will be unmodified: the number of edges will be the same and the set of nodes will be
* the same (neither node will either be added or removed).
* @param head the node at the head of the edge
* @param tail the node at the tail of the edge
* @return `true` if the graph was modified as a result of this operation
void removeEdge(N head, N tail) {
Set<N> tails = _edges[head];
if (tails != null) {
* Remove the given node from this graph. As a consequence, any edges for which that node was
* either a head or a tail will also be removed.
* @param node the node to be removed
void removeNode(N node) {
for (Set<N> tails in _edges.values) {
* Find one node (referred to as a sink node) that has no outgoing edges (that is, for which there
* are no edges that have that node as the head of the edge) and remove it from this graph. Return
* the node that was removed, or `null` if there are no such nodes either because the graph
* is empty or because every node in the graph has at least one outgoing edge. As a consequence of
* removing the node from the graph any edges for which that node was a tail will also be removed.
* @return the sink node that was removed
N removeSink() {
N sink = _findSink();
if (sink == null) {
return null;
return sink;
* Return one node that has no outgoing edges (that is, for which there are no edges that have
* that node as the head of the edge), or `null` if there are no such nodes.
* @return a sink node
N _findSink() {
for (N key in _edges.keys) {
if (_edges[key].isEmpty) return key;
return null;
* Instances of the class `NodeInfo` are used by the [SccFinder] to maintain
* information about the nodes that have been examined.
* @param N the type of the nodes corresponding to the entries
class DirectedGraph_NodeInfo<N> {
* The depth of this node.
int index = 0;
* The depth of the first node in a cycle.
int lowlink = 0;
* A flag indicating whether the corresponding node is on the stack. Used to remove the need for
* searching a collection for the node each time the question needs to be asked.
bool onStack = false;
* The component that contains the corresponding node.
List<N> component;
* Initialize a newly created information holder to represent a node at the given depth.
* @param depth the depth of the node being represented
DirectedGraph_NodeInfo(int depth) {
index = depth;
lowlink = depth;
onStack = false;
* Instances of the class `SccFinder` implement Tarjan's Algorithm for finding the strongly
* connected components in a graph.
class DirectedGraph_SccFinder<N> {
* The graph to work with.
DirectedGraph<N> _graph;
* The index used to uniquely identify the depth of nodes.
int _index = 0;
* The stack of nodes that are being visited in order to identify components.
List<N> _stack = new List<N>();
* A table mapping nodes to information about the nodes that is used by this algorithm.
Map<N, DirectedGraph_NodeInfo<N>> _nodeMap = new Map<N, DirectedGraph_NodeInfo<N>>();
* Initialize a newly created finder.
DirectedGraph_SccFinder(DirectedGraph<N> graph) : super() {
this._graph = graph;
* Return a list containing the nodes that are part of the strongly connected component that
* contains the given node.
* @param node the node used to identify the strongly connected component to be returned
* @return the nodes that are part of the strongly connected component that contains the given
* node
List<N> componentContaining(N node) => _strongConnect(node).component;
* Remove and return the top-most element from the stack.
* @return the element that was removed
N _pop() {
N node = _stack.removeAt(_stack.length - 1);
_nodeMap[node].onStack = false;
return node;
* Add the given node to the stack.
* @param node the node to be added to the stack
void _push(N node) {
_nodeMap[node].onStack = true;
* Compute the strongly connected component that contains the given node as well as any
* components containing nodes that are reachable from the given component.
* @param v the node from which the search will begin
* @return the information about the given node
DirectedGraph_NodeInfo<N> _strongConnect(N v) {
// Set the depth index for v to the smallest unused index
DirectedGraph_NodeInfo<N> vInfo = new DirectedGraph_NodeInfo<N>(_index++);
_nodeMap[v] = vInfo;
// Consider successors of v
Set<N> tails = _graph._edges[v];
if (tails != null) {
for (N w in tails) {
DirectedGraph_NodeInfo<N> wInfo = _nodeMap[w];
if (wInfo == null) {
// Successor w has not yet been visited; recurse on it
wInfo = _strongConnect(w);
vInfo.lowlink = Math.min(vInfo.lowlink, wInfo.lowlink);
} else if (wInfo.onStack) {
// Successor w is in stack S and hence in the current SCC
vInfo.lowlink = Math.min(vInfo.lowlink, wInfo.index);
// If v is a root node, pop the stack and generate an SCC
if (vInfo.lowlink == vInfo.index) {
List<N> component = new List<N>();
N w;
do {
w = _pop();
_nodeMap[w].component = component;
} while (w != v);
return vInfo;
* The class `ListUtilities` defines utility methods useful for working with [List
class ListUtilities {
* Add all of the elements in the given array to the given list.
* @param list the list to which the elements are to be added
* @param elements the elements to be added to the list
static void addAll(List list, List<Object> elements) {
int count = elements.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {