blob: 521732774c6d8f188b352d4a054fe332e5d21019 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../common.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/entity_utils.dart';
import '../ir/scope_visitor.dart';
import '../js_model/elements.dart' show JField;
import '../js_model/js_world_builder.dart';
import '../kernel/element_map.dart';
import '../kernel/kernel_strategy.dart';
import '../kernel/kelements.dart' show KClass, KField, KConstructor;
import '../kernel/kernel_world.dart';
import '../options.dart';
import '../serialization/serialization.dart';
import '../universe/member_usage.dart';
/// AllocatorAnalysis
/// Analysis to determine features of the allocator functions. The allocator
/// function takes parameters for each field initializer and initializes the
/// fields. Parameters may be omitted if the initializer is always the same
/// constant value. How the allocator is emitted will determine what kind of
/// constants can be handled. The initial implementation only permits `null`.
// TODO(sra): Analysis to determine field order. Current field order is
// essentially declaration order, subclass first. We can reorder fields so that
// fields initialized with the same constant are together to allow chained
// initialization. Fields of a class and superclass can be reordered to allow
// chaining, e.g.
// this.x = this.z = null;
class KFieldAnalysis {
final KernelToElementMap _elementMap;
final Map<KClass, ClassData> _classData = {};
final Map<KField, StaticFieldData> _staticFieldData = {};
KFieldAnalysis(KernelFrontEndStrategy kernelStrategy)
: _elementMap = kernelStrategy.elementMap;
// Register class during resolution. Use simple syntactic analysis to find
// null-initialized fields.
void registerInstantiatedClass(KClass class_) {
ir.Class classNode = _elementMap.getClassNode(class_);
List<KConstructor> constructors = [];
Map<KField, AllocatorData> fieldData = {};
for (ir.Field field in classNode.fields) {
if (!field.isInstanceMember) continue;
FieldEntity fieldElement = _elementMap.getField(field);
ir.Expression expression = field.initializer;
ConstantValue value = _elementMap.getConstantValue(expression,
requireConstant: false, implicitNull: true);
if (value != null && value.isConstant) {
fieldData[fieldElement] = new AllocatorData(value);
for (ir.Constructor constructor in classNode.constructors) {
KConstructor constructorElement = _elementMap.getConstructor(constructor);
for (ir.Initializer initializer in constructor.initializers) {
if (initializer is ir.FieldInitializer) {
AllocatorData data =
if (data == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support initializers with side-effects?
// The field has a non-constant initializer.
Initializer initializerValue = const Initializer.complex();
ir.Expression value = initializer.value;
ConstantValue constantValue = _elementMap.getConstantValue(value,
requireConstant: false, implicitNull: true);
if (constantValue != null && constantValue.isConstant) {
initializerValue = new;
} else if (value is ir.VariableGet) {
ir.VariableDeclaration parameter = value.variable;
int position =
if (position != -1) {
if (position >= constructor.function.requiredParameterCount) {
constantValue = _elementMap.getConstantValue(
requireConstant: false,
implicitNull: true);
if (constantValue != null && constantValue.isConstant) {
initializerValue =
new Initializer.positional(position, constantValue);
} else {
position =
if (position != -1) {
constantValue = _elementMap.getConstantValue(
requireConstant: false,
implicitNull: true);
if (constantValue != null && constantValue.isConstant) {
initializerValue =
new Initializer.named(, constantValue);
data.initializers[constructorElement] = initializerValue;
_classData[class_] = new ClassData(constructors, fieldData);
void registerStaticField(KField field, InitializerComplexity complexity) {
ir.Field node = _elementMap.getMemberNode(field);
ir.Expression expression = node.initializer;
ConstantValue value = _elementMap.getConstantValue(expression,
requireConstant: node.isConst, implicitNull: true);
if (value != null && !value.isConstant) {
value = null;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove evaluation of constant when [complexity]
// holds the constant literal from CFE.
_staticFieldData[field] = new StaticFieldData(value, complexity);
AllocatorData getAllocatorDataForTesting(KField field) {
return _classData[field.enclosingClass].fieldData[field];
StaticFieldData getStaticFieldDataForTesting(KField field) {
return _staticFieldData[field];
class ClassData {
final List<KConstructor> constructors;
final Map<KField, AllocatorData> fieldData;
ClassData(this.constructors, this.fieldData);
class StaticFieldData {
final ConstantValue initialValue;
final InitializerComplexity complexity;
StaticFieldData(this.initialValue, this.complexity);
bool get hasDependencies => complexity != null && complexity.fields != null;
class AllocatorData {
final ConstantValue initialValue;
final Map<KConstructor, Initializer> initializers = {};
enum InitializerKind {
class Initializer {
final InitializerKind kind;
final int index;
final String name;
final ConstantValue value;
: kind =,
index = null,
name = null;
Initializer.positional(this.index, this.value)
: kind = InitializerKind.positional,
name = null;
Initializer.named(, this.value)
: kind = InitializerKind.named,
index = null;
const Initializer.complex()
: kind = InitializerKind.complex,
index = null,
name = null,
value = null;
String get shortText {
switch (kind) {
return value.toStructuredText();
case InitializerKind.positional:
return '$index:${value.toStructuredText()}';
case InitializerKind.named:
return '$name:${value.toStructuredText()}';
case InitializerKind.complex:
return '?';
throw new UnsupportedError('Unexpected kind $kind');
String toString() => shortText;
class JFieldAnalysis {
/// Tag used for identifying serialized [JFieldAnalysis] objects in a
/// debugging data stream.
static const String tag = 'field-analysis';
// --csp and --fast-startup have different constraints to the generated code.
final Map<FieldEntity, FieldAnalysisData> _fieldData;
/// Deserializes a [JFieldAnalysis] object from [source].
factory JFieldAnalysis.readFromDataSource(
DataSource source, CompilerOptions options) {
Map<FieldEntity, FieldAnalysisData> fieldData = source
.readMemberMap(() => new FieldAnalysisData.fromDataSource(source));
return new JFieldAnalysis._(fieldData);
/// Serializes this [JFieldAnalysis] to [sink].
void writeToDataSink(DataSink sink) {
_fieldData, (FieldAnalysisData data) => data.writeToDataSink(sink));
factory JFieldAnalysis.from(KClosedWorldImpl closedWorld, JsToFrontendMap map,
CompilerOptions options) {
Map<FieldEntity, FieldAnalysisData> fieldData = {};
bool canBeElided(FieldEntity field) {
return !closedWorld.annotationsData.hasNoElision(field) &&
.forEach((ClassEntity cls, ClassData classData) {
classData.fieldData.forEach((KField kField, AllocatorData data) {
JField jField = map.toBackendMember(kField);
if (jField == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should elided static fields be removed from the
// J model? Static setters might still assign to them.
MemberUsage memberUsage = closedWorld.liveMemberUsage[kField];
if (!memberUsage.hasRead) {
if (canBeElided(kField)) {
fieldData[jField] = const FieldAnalysisData(isElided: true);
} else {
if (data.initialValue != null) {
ConstantValue initialValue;
bool isTooComplex = false;
void includeInitialValue(ConstantValue value) {
if (isTooComplex) return;
if (initialValue == null) {
initialValue = value;
} else if (initialValue != value) {
initialValue = null;
isTooComplex = true;
bool inAllConstructors = true;
for (KConstructor constructor in classData.constructors) {
if (isTooComplex) {
MemberUsage constructorUsage =
if (constructorUsage == null) return;
ParameterStructure invokedParameters =
? constructor.parameterStructure
: constructorUsage.invokedParameters;
Initializer initializer = data.initializers[constructor];
if (initializer == null) {
inAllConstructors = false;
} else {
switch (initializer.kind) {
case InitializerKind.positional:
if (initializer.index >=
invokedParameters.positionalParameters) {
} else {
isTooComplex = true;
case InitializerKind.named:
if (!invokedParameters.namedParameters
.contains( {
} else {
isTooComplex = true;
case InitializerKind.complex:
isTooComplex = true;
if (!inAllConstructors) {
if (!isTooComplex && initialValue != null) {
ConstantValue value = map.toBackendConstant(initialValue);
bool isEffectivelyConstant = false;
bool isInitializedInAllocator = false;
assert(value != null);
if (!memberUsage.hasWrite && canBeElided(kField)) {
isEffectivelyConstant = true;
} else if (value.isNull ||
value.isInt ||
value.isBool ||
value.isString) {
// TODO(johnniwinther,sra): Support non-primitive constants in
// allocators when it does cause allocators to deoptimized
// because of deferred loading.
isInitializedInAllocator = true;
fieldData[jField] = new FieldAnalysisData(
initialValue: value,
isEffectivelyFinal: isEffectivelyConstant,
isElided: isEffectivelyConstant,
isInitializedInAllocator: isInitializedInAllocator);
List<KField> independentFields = [];
List<KField> dependentFields = [];
.forEach((MemberEntity member, MemberUsage memberUsage) {
if (member.isField && !member.isInstanceMember) {
StaticFieldData staticFieldData =
if (staticFieldData.hasDependencies) {
} else {
// Fields already processed.
Set<KField> processedFields = {};
// Fields currently being processed. Use for detecting cyclic dependencies.
Set<KField> currentFields = {};
// Index ascribed to eager fields that depend on other fields. This is
// used to sort the field in emission to ensure that used fields have been
// initialized when read.
int eagerCreationIndex = 0;
/// Computes the [FieldAnalysisData] for the JField corresponding to
/// [kField].
/// If the data is currently been computed, that is, [kField] has a
/// cyclic dependency, `null` is returned.
FieldAnalysisData processField(KField kField) {
JField jField = map.toBackendMember(kField);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Can we assert that [jField] exists?
if (jField == null) return null;
FieldAnalysisData data = fieldData[jField];
if (processedFields.contains(kField)) {
// We only store data for non-trivial [FieldAnalysisData].
return data ?? const FieldAnalysisData();
if (currentFields.contains(kField)) {
// Cyclic dependency.
return null;
MemberUsage memberUsage = closedWorld.liveMemberUsage[kField];
if (!memberUsage.hasRead && canBeElided(kField)) {
data = fieldData[jField] = const FieldAnalysisData(isElided: true);
} else {
bool isEffectivelyFinal = !memberUsage.hasWrite;
StaticFieldData staticFieldData =
ConstantValue value = map
.toBackendConstant(staticFieldData.initialValue, allowNull: true);
// If the field is effectively final with a constant initializer we
// elide the field, if allowed, because it is effectively constant.
bool isElided =
isEffectivelyFinal && value != null && canBeElided(kField);
bool isEager;
// If the field is eager and dependent on other eager fields,
// [eagerFieldDependencies] holds these fields and [creationIndex] is
// given the creation order index used to ensure that all dependencies
// have been assigned their values before this field is initialized.
// Since we only need the values of [eagerFieldDependencies] for testing
// and only the non-emptiness for determining the need for creation
// order indices, [eagerFieldDependencies] is non-null if the field has
// dependencies but only hold these when [retainDataForTesting] is
// `true`.
List<FieldEntity> eagerFieldDependencies;
int creationIndex = null;
if (isElided) {
// If the field is elided it needs no initializer and is therefore
// not eager.
isEager = false;
} else {
// If the field has a constant initializer we know it can be
// initialized eagerly.
// Ideally this should be the same as
// `staticFieldData.complexity.isConstant` but currently the constant
// evaluator handles cases that the analysis doesn't, so we use the
// better result.
isEager = value != null;
if (!isEager) {
// The field might be eager depending on the initializer complexity
// and its dependencies.
InitializerComplexity complexity = staticFieldData.complexity;
isEager = complexity?.isEager ?? false;
if (isEager && complexity.fields != null) {
for (ir.Field node in complexity.fields) {
KField otherField = closedWorld.elementMap.getField(node);
FieldAnalysisData otherData = processField(otherField);
if (otherData == null) {
// Cyclic dependency on [otherField].
isEager = false;
if (otherData.isLazy) {
// [otherField] needs lazy initialization.
isEager = false;
if (!otherData.isEffectivelyFinal) {
// [otherField] might not hold its initial value when this field
// is accessed the first time, so we need to initialize this
// field lazily.
isEager = false;
if (!otherData.isEffectivelyConstant) {
eagerFieldDependencies ??= [];
if (retainDataForTesting) {
if (isEager && eagerFieldDependencies != null) {
creationIndex = eagerCreationIndex++;
if (!retainDataForTesting) {
eagerFieldDependencies = null;
} else {
eagerFieldDependencies = null;
data = fieldData[jField] = new FieldAnalysisData(
initialValue: value,
isEffectivelyFinal: isEffectivelyFinal,
isElided: isElided,
isEager: isEager,
eagerCreationIndex: creationIndex,
eagerFieldDependenciesForTesting: eagerFieldDependencies);
return data;
// Process independent fields in no particular order. The emitter sorts
// these later.
// Process dependent fields in declaration order to make ascribed creation
// indices stable. The emitter uses the creation indices for sorting
// dependent fields.
dependentFields.sort((KField a, KField b) {
int result =
compareLibrariesUris(a.library.canonicalUri, b.library.canonicalUri);
if (result != 0) return result;
ir.Location aLocation = closedWorld.elementMap.getMemberNode(a).location;
ir.Location bLocation = closedWorld.elementMap.getMemberNode(b).location;
result = compareSourceUris(aLocation.file, bLocation.file);
if (result != 0) return result;
result = aLocation.line.compareTo(bLocation.line);
if (result != 0) return result;
return aLocation.column.compareTo(bLocation.column);
return new JFieldAnalysis._(fieldData);
// TODO(sra): Add way to let injected fields be initialized to a constant in
// allocator.
FieldAnalysisData getFieldData(JField field) {
return _fieldData[field] ?? const FieldAnalysisData();
// TODO(johnniwinther): Merge this into [FieldData].
class FieldAnalysisData {
static const String tag = 'field-analysis-data';
final ConstantValue initialValue;
final bool isInitializedInAllocator;
final bool isEffectivelyFinal;
final bool isElided;
/// If `true` the field is not effectively constant but the initializer can be
/// generated eagerly without the need for lazy initialization wrapper.
final bool isEager;
/// Index ascribed to eager fields that depend on other fields. This is
/// used to sort the field in emission to ensure that used fields have been
/// initialized when read.
final int eagerCreationIndex;
final List<FieldEntity> eagerFieldDependenciesForTesting;
const FieldAnalysisData(
this.isInitializedInAllocator: false,
this.isEffectivelyFinal: false,
this.isElided: false,
this.isEager: false,
this.eagerCreationIndex: null,
this.eagerFieldDependenciesForTesting: null});
factory FieldAnalysisData.fromDataSource(DataSource source) {
ConstantValue initialValue = source.readConstantOrNull();
bool isInitializedInAllocator = source.readBool();
bool isEffectivelyFinal = source.readBool();
bool isElided = source.readBool();
bool isEager = source.readBool();
int eagerCreationIndex = source.readIntOrNull();
List<FieldEntity> eagerFieldDependencies =
source.readMembers<FieldEntity>(emptyAsNull: true);
return new FieldAnalysisData(
initialValue: initialValue,
isInitializedInAllocator: isInitializedInAllocator,
isEffectivelyFinal: isEffectivelyFinal,
isElided: isElided,
isEager: isEager,
eagerCreationIndex: eagerCreationIndex,
eagerFieldDependenciesForTesting: eagerFieldDependencies);
void writeToDataSink(DataSink sink) {
sink.writeMembers(eagerFieldDependenciesForTesting, allowNull: true);
/// If `true` the initializer for this field requires a lazy initialization
/// wrapper.
bool get isLazy => initialValue == null && !isEager;
bool get isEffectivelyConstant =>
isEffectivelyFinal && isElided && initialValue != null;
ConstantValue get constantValue => isEffectivelyFinal ? initialValue : null;
String toString() =>