blob: e6f424c106e594942e7917c84da18c31ee342610 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/lint_codes.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AnalysisDriverCachingTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
String get testFilePathPlatform => convertPath(testFilePath);
List<Set<String>> get _linkedCycles {
var driver = driverFor(testFilePath);
return driver.test.libraryContext.linkedCycles;
test_change_factoryConstructor_addEqNothing() async {
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class A {
factory A();
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class A {
factory A() =;
test_change_factoryConstructor_moveStaticToken() async {
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class A {
factory A();
static void foo<U>() {}
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class A {
factory A() =
static void foo<U>() {}
test_change_field_outOfOrderStaticConst() async {
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class A {
static f = Object();
await resolveTestCode(r'''
class A {
static f = Object();
test_change_field_staticFinal_hasConstConstructor_changeInitializer() async {
newFile(testFilePath, content: r'''
class A {
static const a = 0;
static const b = 1;
static final Set<int> f = {a};
const A {}
await resolveTestFile();
assertType(findElement.field('f').type, 'Set<int>');
// The summary for the library was linked.
_assertContainsLinkedCycle({testFilePath}, andClear: true);
// Dispose the collection, with its driver.
// The next analysis will recreate it.
// We will reuse the byte store, so can reuse summaries.
newFile(testFilePath, content: r'''
class A {
static const a = 0;
static const b = 1;
static final Set<int> f = <int>{a, b, 2};
const A {}
await resolveTestFile();
assertType(findElement.field('f').type, 'Set<int>');
// We changed the initializer of the final field. But it is static, so
// even though the class hsa a constant constructor, we don't need its
// initializer, so nothing should be linked.
test_change_functionBody() async {
newFile(testFilePath, content: r'''
void f() {
await resolveTestFile();
expect(findNode.integerLiteral('0'), isNotNull);
// The summary for the library was linked.
_assertContainsLinkedCycle({testFilePath}, andClear: true);
// Dispose the collection, with its driver.
// The next analysis will recreate it.
// We will reuse the byte store, so can reuse summaries.
newFile(testFilePath, content: r'''
void f() {
await resolveTestFile();
expect(findNode.integerLiteral('1'), isNotNull);
// We changed only the function body, nothing should be linked.
test_lint_dependOnReferencedPackage_update_pubspec_addDependency() async {
var aaaPackageRootPath = '$packagesRootPath/aaa';
newFile('$aaaPackageRootPath/lib/a.dart', content: '');
..add(name: 'aaa', rootPath: aaaPackageRootPath),
// Configure with the lint.
AnalysisOptionsFileConfig(lints: ['depend_on_referenced_packages']),
// Configure without dependencies, but with a (required) name.
// So, the lint rule will be activated.
name: 'my_test',
dependencies: [],
newFile(testFilePath, content: r'''
// ignore:unused_import
import 'package:aaa/a.dart';
// We don't have a dependency on `package:aaa`, so there is a lint.
await _computeTestFileErrors(),
// The summary for the library was linked.
_assertContainsLinkedCycle({testFilePath}, andClear: true);
// We will recreate it with new pubspec.yaml content.
// But we will reuse the byte store, so can reuse summaries.
// Add dependency on `package:aaa`.
name: 'my_test',
dependencies: [
PubspecYamlFileDependency(name: 'aaa'),
// With dependency on `package:aaa` added, no lint is reported.
expect(await _computeTestFileErrors(), isEmpty);
// Lints don't affect summaries, nothing should be linked.
test_lints() async {
// Configure without any lint, but without experiments as well.
AnalysisOptionsFileConfig(lints: []),
newFile(testFilePath, content: r'''
void f() {
// We don't have any lints configured, so no errors.
await resolveTestFile();
// The summary for the library was linked.
_assertContainsLinkedCycle({testFilePath}, andClear: true);
// We will recreate it with new analysis options.
// But we will reuse the byte store, so can reuse summaries.
// Configure to run a lint.
lints: ['prefer_is_not_empty'],
// Check that the lint was run, and reported.
await resolveTestFile();
_assertHasLintReported(result.errors, 'prefer_is_not_empty');
// Lints don't affect summaries, nothing should be linked.
void _assertContainsLinkedCycle(Set<String> expectedPosix,
{bool andClear = false}) {
var expected =;
expect(_linkedCycles, contains(unorderedEquals(expected)));
if (andClear) {
void _assertHasLintReported(List<AnalysisError> errors, String name) {
var matching = errors.where((element) {
var errorCode = element.errorCode;
return errorCode is LintCode && == name;
expect(matching, hasLength(1));
void _assertNoLinkedCycles() {
expect(_linkedCycles, isEmpty);
/// Note that we intentionally use this method, we don't want to use
/// [resolveFile] instead. Resolving a file will force to produce its
/// resolved AST, and as a result to recompute the errors.
/// But this method is used to check returning errors from the cache, or
/// recomputing when the cache key is expected to be different.
Future<List<AnalysisError>> _computeTestFileErrors() async {
var testFilePathConverted = convertPath(testFilePath);
var errorsResult = await contextFor(testFilePathConverted)
.getErrors(testFilePathConverted) as ErrorsResult;
return errorsResult.errors;