blob: ff2b1d40da22a3788162bdfeb04250b157a0f8a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_js_interop_checks/src/transformations/js_util_optimizer.dart'
show ExtensionIndex;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'callback_specializer.dart';
import 'inline_expander.dart';
import 'interop_specializer.dart';
import 'method_collector.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// Lowers static interop to JS, generating specialized JS methods as required.
/// We lower methods to JS, but wait to emit the runtime until after we complete
/// translation. Ideally, we'd do everything after translation, but
/// unfortunately the TFA assumes classes with external factory constructors
/// that aren't mark with `entry-point` are abstract, and their methods thus get
/// replaced with `throw`s. Since we have to lower factory methods anyways, we
/// go ahead and lower everything, let the TFA tree shake, and then emit JS only
/// for the remaining nodes. We can revisit this if it becomes a performance
/// issue.
/// TODO(joshualitt): Only support JS types in static interop APIs, then
/// simpify this code significantly and clean up the nullabilities.
class InteropTransformer extends Transformer {
final StatefulStaticTypeContext _staticTypeContext;
final CallbackSpecializer _callbackSpecializer;
final InlineExpander _inlineExpander;
final InteropSpecializerFactory _interopSpecializerFactory;
final MethodCollector _methodCollector;
final CoreTypesUtil _util;
InteropTransformer._(this._staticTypeContext, this._util,
this._methodCollector, extensionIndex)
: _callbackSpecializer =
CallbackSpecializer(_staticTypeContext, _util, _methodCollector),
_inlineExpander =
InlineExpander(_staticTypeContext, _util, _methodCollector),
_interopSpecializerFactory = InteropSpecializerFactory(
_staticTypeContext, _util, _methodCollector, extensionIndex);
factory InteropTransformer(CoreTypes coreTypes, ClassHierarchy hierarchy) {
final typeEnvironment = TypeEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy);
final extensionIndex = ExtensionIndex(coreTypes, typeEnvironment);
final util = CoreTypesUtil(coreTypes, extensionIndex);
return InteropTransformer._(
Library visitLibrary(Library lib) {
return lib;
Member defaultMember(Member node) {
return node;
Expression visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
node = super.visitStaticInvocation(node) as StaticInvocation;
Procedure target =;
if (target == _util.allowInteropTarget) {
return _callbackSpecializer.allowInterop(node);
} else if (target == _util.functionToJSTarget) {
return _callbackSpecializer.functionToJS(node);
} else if (target == _util.inlineJSTarget) {
return _inlineExpander.expand(node);
} else {
return _interopSpecializerFactory.maybeSpecializeInvocation(
target, node) ??
Procedure visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
if (!_interopSpecializerFactory.maybeSpecializeProcedure(node)) {
return node;
JSMethods get jsMethods => _methodCollector.jsMethods;