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\subsection*{Field lookup}
\infrule{(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{T_0,\ldots,T_n}}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{\many{\mathit{ce}}}) \in \Phi \\
\fieldDecl{x}{\tau} \in \many{\mathit{ce}}
{\fieldLookup{\Phi}{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}}{x}{\subst{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}{\tau}}
\infrule{(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{T_0,\ldots,T_n}}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{\many{\mathit{ce}}}) \in \Phi \quad x \notin \many{\mathit{ce}} \\
\fieldLookup{\Phi}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{x}{\tau}
{\fieldLookup{\Phi}{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}}{x}{\subst{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}{\tau}}
\subsection*{Method lookup}
\infrule{(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{T_0,\ldots,T_n}}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{\many{\mathit{ce}}}) \in \Phi \\
\methodDecl{m}{\tau}{\sigma} \in \many{\mathit{ce}}
{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}}{m}
{\subst{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}{\tau}}
{\subst{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}{\sigma}}
\infrule{(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{T_0,\ldots,T_n}}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{\many{\mathit{ce}}}) \in \Phi \quad m \notin \many{\mathit{ce}} \\
\methodLookup{\Phi}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{m}{\tau}{\sigma}
{\methodLookup{\Phi}{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}}{m}
{\subst{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}{\tau}}
{\subst{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}{\sigma}}
\subsection*{Method and field absence}
\infrule{(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{T_0,\ldots,T_n}}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{\many{\mathit{ce}}}) \in \Phi \quad x \notin \many{\mathit{ce}} \\
\fieldAbsent{\Phi}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{x}
{\fieldAbsent{\Phi}{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}}{x}
\infrule{(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{T_0,\ldots,T_n}}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{\many{\mathit{ce}}}) \in \Phi \quad m \notin \many{\mathit{ce}} \\
\methodAbsent{\Phi}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{m}{\tau}{\sigma}
{\methodAbsent{\Phi}{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}}{m}
\subsection*{Type translation}
To translate covariant generics, we essentially want to treat all contravariant
occurrences of type variables as $\Dynamic$. The type translation
$\down{\tau}$ implements this. It is defined in terms of the dual operator
$\up{\tau}$ which translates positive occurences of type variables as $\Dynamic$.
\down{T} & = & T \\
\down{\Arrow[k]{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{\tau_r}} & = &
\Arrow[k]{\up{\tau_0}, \ldots, \up{\tau_n}}{\down{\tau_r}} \\
\down{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}} & = & \TApp{C}{\down{\tau_0}, \ldots, \down{\tau_n}} \\
\down{\tau} & = & \tau\ \mbox{otherwise}
\up{T} & = & \Dynamic \\
\up{\Arrow[k]{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{\tau_r}} & = &
\Arrow[k]{\down{\tau_0}, \ldots, \down{\tau_n}}{\up{\tau_r}} \\
\up{\TApp{C}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}} & = & \TApp{C}{\up{\tau_0}, \ldots, \up{\tau_n}} \\
\up{\tau} & = & \tau\ \mbox{if $\tau$ is base type.}
\subsection*{Expression typing: $\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\opt{\tau}}{e'}{\tau'}$}
\sstext{ Expression typing is a relation between typing contexts, a term ($e$),
an optional type ($\opt{\tau}$), and a type ($\tau'$). The general idea is
that we are typechecking a term ($e$) and want to know if it is well-typed.
The term appears in a context, which may (or may not) impose a type constraint
on the term. For example, in $\dvar{x:\tau}{e}$, $e$ appears in a context
which requires it to be a subtype of $\tau$, or to be coercable to $\tau$.
Alternatively if $e$ appears as in $\dvar{x:\_}{e}$, then the context does not
provide a type constraint on $e$. This ``contextual'' type information is
both a constraint on the term, and may also provide a source of information
for type inference in $e$. The optional type $\opt{\tau}$ in the typing
relation corresponds to this contextual type information. Viewing the
relation algorithmically, this should be viewed as an input to the algorithm,
along with the term. The process of checking a term allows us to synthesize a
precise type for the term $e$ which may be more precise than the type required
by the context. The type $\tau'$ in the relation represents this more
precise, synthesized type. This type should be thought of as an output of the
algorithm. It should always be the case that the synthesized (output) type is
a subtype of the checked (input) type if the latter is present. The
checking/synthesis pattern allows for the propagation of type information both
downwards and upwards.
It is often the case that downwards propagation is not useful. Consequently,
to simplify the presentation the rules which do not use the checking type
require that it be empty ($\_$). This does not mean that such terms cannot be
checked when contextual type information is supplied: the first typing rule
allows contextual type information to be dropped so that such rules apply in
the case that we have contextual type information, subject to the contextual
type being a supertype of the synthesized type:
For subsumption, the elaboration of the underlying term carries through.
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\_}{e'}{\sigma} \quad\quad
\subtypeOf{\Phi, \Delta}{\sigma}{\tau}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\tau}{e'}{\sigma}}
The implicit downcast rule also allows this when the contextual type is a
subtype of the synthesized type, corresponding to an implicit downcast.
In an implicit downcast, the elaboration adds a check so that an error
will be thrown if the types do not match at runtime.
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\_}{e'}{\sigma} \quad\quad
\subtypeOf{\Phi, \Delta}{\tau}{\sigma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\tau}{\echeck{e'}{\tau}}{\tau}}
\sstext{Variables are typed according to their declarations:}{}
\axiom{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \extends{\Gamma}{x}{\tau}}{x}{\_}{x}{\tau}}
\sstext{Numbers, booleans, and null all have a fixed synthesized type.}{}
\axiom{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{i}{\_}{i}{\Num}}
\axiom{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\eff}{\_}{\eff}{\Bool}}
\axiom{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\ett}{\_}{\ett}{\Bool}}
\axiom{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\enull}{\_}{\enull}{\Bottom}}
\sstext{A $\ethis$ expression is well-typed if we are inside of a method, and $\sigma$
is the type of the enclosing class.}{}
\infrule{\Gamma = \Gamma'_{\sigma}
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\ethis}{\_}{\ethis}{\sigma}
\sstext{A fully annotated function is well-typed if its body is well-typed at its
declared return type, under the assumption that the variables have their
declared types.
A fully annotated function elaborates to a function with an elaborated body.
The rest of the function elaboration rules fill in the reified type using
contextual information if present and applicable, or $\Dynamic$ otherwise.
\infrule{\Gamma' = \extends{\Gamma}{\many{x}}{\many{\tau}} \quad\quad
\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma'}{s}{\sigma}{s'}{\Gamma'}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A function with a missing argument type is well-typed if it is well-typed with
the argument type replaced with $\Dynamic$.}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\elambda{x_0:\opt{\tau_0}, \ldots, x_i:\Dynamic, \ldots, x_n:\opt{\tau_n}}{\opt{\sigma}}{s}}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\elambda{x_0:\opt{\tau_0}, \ldots, x_i:\_, \ldots, x_n:\opt{\tau_n}}{\opt{\sigma}}{s}}
\sstext{A function with a missing argument type is well-typed if it is well-typed with
the argument type replaced with the corresponding argument type from the context
type. Note that this rule overlaps with the previous: the formal presentation
leaves this as a non-deterministic choice.}{}
\infrule{\tau_c = \Arrow[k]{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_n}{\upsilon_r} \\
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\elambda{x_0:\opt{\tau_0}, \ldots, x_i:\upsilon_i, \ldots, x_n:\opt{\tau_n}}{\opt{\sigma}}{s}}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\elambda{x_0:\opt{\tau_0}, \ldots, x_i:\_, \ldots, x_n:\opt{\tau_n}}{\opt{\sigma}}{s}}
\sstext{A function with a missing return type is well-typed if it is well-typed with
the return type replaced with $\Dynamic$.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A function with a missing return type is well-typed if it is well-typed with
the return type replaced with the corresponding return type from the context
type. Note that this rule overlaps with the previous: the formal presentation
leaves this as a non-deterministic choice. }{}
\infrule{\tau_c = \Arrow[k]{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_n}{\upsilon_r} \\
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{Instance creation creates an instance of the appropriate type.}{}
% FIXME(leafp): inference
% FIXME(leafp): deal with bounds
\infrule{(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{T_0,\ldots,T_n}}{\TApp{C'}{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_k}}{\ldots}) \in \Phi \\
\mbox{len}(\many{\tau}) = n+1}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{Members of the set of primitive operations (left unspecified) can only be
applied. Applications of primitives are well-typed if the arguments are
well-typed at the types given by the signature of the primitive.}{}
\infrule{\eprim\, :\, \Arrow[]{\many{\tau}}{\sigma} \quad\quad
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\tau}{e'}{\tau'}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{Function applications are well-typed if the applicand is well-typed and has
function type, and the arguments are well-typed.}
Function application of an expression of function type elaborates to either a
call or a dynamic (checked) call, depending on the variance of the applicand.
If the applicand is a covariant (fuzzy) type, then a dynamic call is generated.
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\Arrow[k]{\many{\tau_a}}{\tau_r}} \\
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\tau_a'} \quad \mbox{for}\ e_a, \tau_a \in \many{e_a}, \many{\tau_a}
\iftrans{\\ e_c = \begin{cases}
\ecall{e'}{\many{e_a'}} & \text{if $k = -$}\\
\edcall{e'}{\many{e_a'}} & \text{if $k = +$}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{Application of an expression of type $\Dynamic$ is well-typed if the arguments
are well-typed at any type. }
Application of an expression of type $\Dynamic$ elaborates to a dynamic call.
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\Dynamic} \\
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\tau_a'} \quad \mbox{for}\ e_a \in \many{e_a}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A dynamic call expression is well-typed so long as the applicand and the
arguments are well-typed at any type.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\tau} \\
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\tau_a} \quad \mbox{for}\ e_a \in \many{e_a}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A method load is well-typed if the term is well-typed, and the method name is
present in the type of the term.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\sigma} \quad\quad
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A method load from a term of type $\Dynamic$ is well-typed if the term is
A method load from a term of type $\Dynamic$ elaborates to a dynamic (checked)
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A dynamic method load is well typed so long as the term is well-typed.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A field load from $\ethis$ is well-typed if the field name is present in the
type of $\ethis$.}{}
\infrule{\Gamma = \Gamma_\tau & \fieldLookup{\Phi}{\tau}{x}{\sigma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{An assignment expression is well-typed so long as the term is well-typed at a
type which is compatible with the type of the variable being assigned.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\sigma} \quad\quad
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A field assignment is well-typed if the term being assigned is well-typed, the
field name is present in the type of $\ethis$, and the declared type of the
field is compatible with the type of the expression being assigned.}{}
\infrule{\Gamma = \Gamma_\tau \quad\quad
\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\sigma} \\
\fieldLookup{\Phi}{\tau}{x}{\sigma'} \quad\quad
\subtypeOf{\Phi, \Delta}{\sigma}{\sigma'}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A throw expression is well-typed at any type.}{}
\axiom{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A cast expression is well-typed so long as the term being cast is well-typed.
The synthesized type is the cast-to type. We require that the cast-to type be a
ground type.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\_}{e'}{\sigma} \quad\quad \mbox{$\tau$ is ground}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{An instance check expression is well-typed if the term being checked is
well-typed. We require that the cast to-type be a ground type.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\_}{e'}{\sigma} \quad\quad \mbox{$\tau$ is ground}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A check expression is well-typed so long as the term being checked is
well-typed. The synthesized type is the target type of the check.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\_}{e'}{\sigma}
{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\subsection*{Declaration typing: $\declOk[d]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\mathit{vd}}{\mathit{vd'}}{\Gamma'}$}
Variable declaration typing checks the well-formedness of the components, and
produces an output context $\Gamma'$ which contains the binding introduced by
the declaration.
A simple variable declaration with a declared type is well-typed if the
initializer for the declaration is well-typed at the declared type. The output
context binds the variable at the declared type.
Elaboration of declarations elaborates the underlying expressions.
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\tau}{e'}{\tau'}
{\declOk[d]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A simple variable declaration without a declared type is well-typed if the
initializer for the declaration is well-typed at any type. The output context
binds the variable at the synthesized type (a simple form of type inference).}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\_}{e'}{\tau'}
{\declOk[d]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A function declaration is well-typed if the body of the function is well-typed
with the given return type, under the assumption that the function and its
parameters have their declared types. The function is assumed to have a
contravariant (precise) function type. The output context binds the function
variable only.}{}
\infrule{\tau_f = \Arrow[-]{\many{\tau_a}}{\tau_r} \quad\quad
\Gamma' = \extends{\Gamma}{f}{\tau_f} \quad\quad
\Gamma'' = \extends{\Gamma'}{\many{x}}{\many{\tau_a}} \\
\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma''}{s}{\tau_r}{s'}{\Gamma_0}
{\declOk[d]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\subsection*{Statement typing: $\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\mathit{s}}{\tau}{\mathit{s'}}{\Gamma'}$}
\sstext{The statement typing relation checks the well-formedness of statements and
produces an output context which reflects any additional variable bindings
introduced into scope by the statements.
Statement elaboration elaborates the underlying expressions.
\sstext{A variable declaration statement is well-typed if the variable declaration is
well-typed per the previous relation, with the corresponding output context.
\infrule{\declOk[d]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{An expression statement is well-typed if the expression is well-typed at any
type per the expression typing relation.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\_}{e'}{\tau}
{\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\tau}{e'}{\Gamma}
\sstext{A conditional statement is well-typed if the condition is well-typed as a
boolean, and the statements making up the two arms are well-typed. The output
context is unchanged.}{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\Bool}{e'}{\sigma} \\
\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{s_1}{\tau_r}{s_1'}{\Gamma_1} \quad\quad
\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{s_2}{\tau_r}{s_2'}{\Gamma_2}
{\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\sstext{A return statement is well-typed if the expression being returned is well-typed
at the given return type. }{}
\infrule{\yieldsOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{e}{\tau_r}{e'}{\tau}
{\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\sreturn{e}}{\tau_r}{\sreturn{e'}}{\Gamma}
\sstext{A sequence statement is well-typed if the first component is well-typed, and the
second component is well-typed with the output context of the first component as
its input context. The final output context is the output context of the second
\infrule{\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{s_1}{\tau_r}{s_1'}{\Gamma'} \quad\quad
\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma'}{s_2}{\tau_r}{s_2'}{\Gamma''}
{\stmtOk{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{s_1;s_2}{\tau_r}{s_1';s_2'}{\Gamma''}
\subsection*{Class member typing: $\declOk[ce]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}{\mathit{vd} : \mathit{ce}}{\mathit{vd}'}{\Gamma'}$}
A class member is well-typed with a given signature ($\mathit{ce}$) taken from
the class hierarchy if the signature type matches the type on the definition,
and if the definition is well-typed.
Elaborating class members is done with respect to a signature. The field
translation simply translates the field as a variable declaration.
\declOk[d]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
\declOk[ce]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\dvar{x:\opt{\tau}}{e} : \fieldDecl{x}{\opt{\tau}}}
Translating methods requires introducing guard expressions. The signature
provides an internal and an external type for the method. The external type is
the original declared type of the method, and is the signature which the method
presents to external clients. Because we implement covariant generics, clients
may see an instantiation of this signature which will allow them to violate the
contract expected by the implementation. To handle this, we rewrite the method
to match an internal signature which is in fact soundly covariant in the type
parameters (that is, all contravariant type parameters are replaced with
$\Dynamic$, and hence all remaining type parameters occur in properly covariant
positions). This property is enforced in the override checking relation: from
the perspective of this relation, there is simply another internal type which
defines how to wrap the method with guards.
The translation insists that the internal and external types be function types
of the appropriate arity, and that the external type is equal to the type of the
declaration. The declaration is translated using the underlying function
definition translation, but is then wrapped with guards to enforce the type
contract, producing a valid function of the internal (covariant) type. The
original body of the function is wrapped in a lambda function, which is applied
using a dynamic call which checks that the arguments (which may have negative
occurrences of type variables which are treated as $\Dynamic$ in the internal
type) are appropriate for the actual body. The original function returns a type
$\tau_r$ which may be a super-type of the internal type (since negative
occurrences of type variables must be treated as dynamic), and so we insert a
check expression to guard against runtime type mismatches here.
This is a very simplistic translation for now. We could choose, in the case
that the body returns a lambda, to push the checking down into the lambda
(essentially wrapping it in place).
\infrule{ \mathit{vd} = \dfun{\tau_r}{f}{x_0:\tau_0, \ldots, x_n:\tau_n}{s} \\
\sigma_e = \Arrow[+]{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_n}{\tau_r}
\sigma_i = \Arrow{\upsilon_0, \ldots, \upsilon_n}{\upsilon_r}
} \\
\declOk[d]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\dfun{\tau_r}{f}{x_0:\tau_0, \ldots, x_n:\tau_n}{s'}}
e_g = \elambda{x_0:\tau_0, \ldots, x_n:\tau_n}{\tau_r}{s'}\\
s_g = \sreturn{(\echeck{\edcall{e_g}{x_0 , \ldots, x_n}}{\upsilon_r})} \\
\mathit{vd}_g = \dfun{\upsilon_r}{f}{x_0:\upsilon_0, \ldots, x_n:\upsilon_n}{s_g}
\declOk[ce]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma}
{\mathit{vd} : \methodDecl{f}{\sigma_i}{\sigma_e}}
\subsection*{Class declaration typing: $\declOk[c]{\Phi, \Gamma}{\mathit{cd}}{\mathit{cd'}}{\Gamma'}$}
A class declaration is well-typed with a given signature ($\Sig$) taken from the
class hierarchy if the signature matches the definition, and if each member of
the class is well-typed with the corresponding signature from the class
signature. The members are checked with the generic type parameters bound in
the type context, and with the type of the current class set as the type of
$\ethis$ on the term context $\Gamma$.
Elaboration of a class requires that the class hierarchy $\Phi$ have a matching
signature for the class declaration. Each class member in the class is
elaborated using the corresponding class element from the signature.
\infrule{\mathit{cd} = \dclass{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}}{\TApp{G}{\many{\tau}}}{\mathit{vd}_0, \ldots, \mathit{vd}_n} \\
(C : \dclass{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}}{\TApp{G}{\many{\tau}}}{\mathit{ce}_0, \ldots, \many{ce}_n}) \in \Phi \\
\Delta = \many{T} \quad
\Gamma_i =
\Gamma_{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}} & \mbox{if $\mathit{vd}_i$ is a method} \\
\Gamma & \mbox{if $\mathit{vd}_i$ is a field} \\
\declOk[ce]{\Phi, \Delta, \Gamma_i}{\mathit{vd}_i : \mathit{ce}_i}{\mathit{vd}'_i}{\Gamma'_i} \quad\quad
\mbox{for}\ i \in 0, \ldots, n
\mathit{cd'} = \dclass{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}}{\TApp{G}{\many{\tau}}}{\many{\mathit{vd'}}}
{\declOk[c]{\Phi, \Gamma}
\subsection*{Override checking:\\ \quad\quad$\overrideOk{\Phi}
{\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
The override checking relation is the primary relation that checks the
consistency of the class hierarchy. We assume a non-cyclic class hierarchy as a
syntactic pre-condition. The override check relation checks that in a class
declaration $\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}$ which extends $\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots,
\tau_k}$, the definition of an element with signature $\mathit{ce}$ is valid.
Override checking remains largely the same, with the exception of additional
consistency constraints on the internal signatures for methods.
A field with the type elided is a valid override if the same field with type
$\Dynamic$ is valid.
{\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
{\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
A field with a type $\tau$ is a valid override if it appears in the super type
with the same type.
\infrule{\fieldLookup{\Phi}{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}{x}{\tau}
{\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
A field with a type $\tau$ is a valid override if it does not appear in the super type.
\infrule{\fieldAbsent{\Phi}{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}{x}
{\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
A method with a type $\sigma$ is a valid override if it does not appear in the super type.
For a non-override method, we require that the internal type $\tau$ be a subtype
of $\down{\sigma}$ where $\sigma$ is the declared type. Essentially, this
enforces the property that the initial declaration of a method in the hierarchy
has a covariant internal type.
\Delta = T_0, \ldots, T_n \quad\quad
\subtypeOf{\Phi, \Delta}{\tau}{\down{\sigma}}\ \\
\methodAbsent{\Phi}{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}{f}
{\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
A method with a type $\sigma$ is a valid override if it appears in the super
type, and $\sigma$ is a subtype of the type of the method in the super class.
For a method override, we require two coherence conditions. As before, we
require that the internal type $\tau$ be a subtype of the $\down{\sigma}$ where
$\sigma$ is the external type. Moreover, we also insist that the external type
$\sigma$ be a subtype of the external type of the method in the superclass, and
that the internal type $\tau$ be a subtype of the internal type in the
superclass. Note that it this last consistency property that ensures that
covariant generics are ``poisonous'' in the sense that non-generic subclasses of
generic classes must still have additional checks. For example, a superclass
with a method of external type $\sigma_s = \Arrow{T}{T}$ will have internal type
$\tau_s = \Arrow{\Dynamic}{T}$. A subclass of an instantiation of this class
with $\Num$ can validly override this method with one of external type $\sigma =
\Arrow{\Num}{\Num}$. This is unsound in general since the argument occurrence
of $T$ in $\sigma_s$ is contra-variant. However, the additional consistency
requirement is that the internal type of the subclass method must be a subtype
of $\subst{\Num}{T}{\tau_s} = \Arrow{\Dynamic}{\Num}$. This enforces the
property that the overridden method must expect to be used at type
$\Arrow{\Dynamic}{\Num}$, and hence must check its arguments (and potentially
its return value as well in the higher-order case). This checking code is
inserted during the elaboration of class members above.
\Delta = T_0, \ldots, T_n \quad\quad
\subtypeOf{\Phi, \Delta}{\tau}{\down{\sigma}}\ \\
\methodLookup{\Phi}{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}{f}{\tau_s}{\sigma_s} \\
\subtypeOf{\Phi, \Delta}{\tau}{\tau_s}\quad\quad
\subtypeOf{\Phi, \Delta}{\sigma}{\sigma_s}
{\TApp{C}{T_0, \ldots, T_n}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
\subsection*{Toplevel declaration typing: $\declOk[t]{\Phi, \Gamma}{\mathit{td}}{\mathit{td'}}{\Gamma'}$}
Top level variable declarations are well-typed if they are well-typed according
to their respective specific typing relations.
Top level declaration elaboration falls through to the underlying variable and
class declaration code.
{\declOk[d]{\Phi, \epsilon, \Gamma}{\mathit{vd}}{\mathit{vd'}}{\Gamma'}
{\declOk[t]{\Phi, \Gamma}{\mathit{vd}}{\mathit{vd'}}{\Gamma'}
{\declOk[c]{\Phi, \Gamma}{\mathit{cd}}{\mathit{cd'}}{\Gamma'}
{\declOk[t]{\Phi, \Gamma}{\mathit{cd}}{\mathit{cd'}}{\Gamma'}
\subsection*{Well-formed class signature: $\ok{\Phi}{\Sig}$}
The well-formed class signature relation checks whether a class signature is
well-formed with respect to a given class hierarchy $\Phi$.
The $\Object$ signature is always well-formed.
A signature for a class $C$ is well-formed if its super-class signature is
well-formed, and if every element in its signature is a valid override of the
\infrule{\Sig = \dclass{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}}
{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
{\mathit{ce}_0, \ldots, \mathit{ce}_n} \\
(G : \Sig') \in \Phi \quad\quad \ok{\Phi}{\Sig'} \\
\overrideOk{\Phi}{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}}{\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}{\mathit{ce}_i}
\mbox{for}\ \mathit{ce}_i \in \mathit{ce}_0, \ldots, \mathit{ce}_n
\subsection*{Well-formed class hierarchy: $\ok{}{\Phi}$}
A class hierarchy is well-formed if all of the signatures in it are well-formed
with respect to it.
\infrule{\ok{\Phi}{\Sig}\ \mbox{for}\, \Sig\, \in \Phi
\subsection*{Program typing: $\programOk{\Phi}{P}{P'}$}
%% \begin{eqnarray*}
%% \sigof{\mathit{vd}} & = &
%% \begin{cases}
%% \fieldDecl{x}{\tau} & \mbox{if}\ \mathit{vd} = \dvar{x:\tau}{e}\\
%% \fieldDecl{x}{\Dynamic} & \mbox{if}\ \mathit{vd} = \dvar{x:\_}{e}\\
%% \methodDecl{f}{\tau_f}{\Arrow[+]{\many{\tau}}{\sigma}} & \mbox{if}\ \mathit{vd} = \dfun{\sigma}{f}{\many{x:\tau}}{s}
%% \end{cases}\\
%% \sigof{\mathit{cd}} & = & C\, : \, \dclass{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}}
%% {\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
%% {\mathit{ce}_0, \ldots, \mathit{ce}_n} \\
%% \mbox{where} &&
%% \mathit{cd} = \dclass{\TApp{C}{\many{T}}}
%% {\TApp{G}{\tau_0, \ldots, \tau_k}}
%% {\mathit{vd}_0, \ldots, \mathit{vd}_n} \\
%% \mbox{and} &&
%% \mathit{ce}_i = \sigof{vd_i} \quad \mbox{for}\ i \in 0, \ldots, n
Program well-formedness is defined with respect to a class hierarchy $\Phi$. It
is not specified how $\Phi$ is produced, but the well-formedness constraints in
the various judgments should constrain it appropriately. A program is
well-formed if each of the top level declarations in the program is well-formed
in a context in which all of the previous variable declarations have been
checked and inserted in the context, and if the body of the program is
well-formed in the final context. We allow classes to refer to each other in
any order, since $\Phi$ is pre-specified, but do not model out of order
definitions of top level variables and functions. We assume as a syntactic
property that the class hierarchy $\Phi$ is acyclic.
\infrule{ \Gamma_0 = \epsilon \quad\quad
\declOk[t]{\Phi, \Gamma_i}{\mathit{td}_i}{\mathit{td}'_i}{\Gamma_{i+1}} \quad
\mbox{for}\ i \in 0,\ldots,n\\
\stmtOk{\Phi, \epsilon, \Gamma_{n+1}}{s}{\tau}{s'}{\Gamma_{n+1}'}
{ \programOk{\Phi}{\program{\mathit{td}_0, \ldots, \mathit{td}_n}{s}}
{\program{\mathit{td}'_0, \ldots, \mathit{td}'_n}{s'}}