blob: 1b8f4ffae89482ce37d8871705d583151e8168ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
/// The type of the function used to run a built-in plugin in an isolate.
typedef EntryPoint = void Function(SendPort sendPort);
/// A communication channel appropriate for built-in plugins.
class BuiltInServerIsolateChannel extends ServerIsolateChannel {
/// The entry point
final EntryPoint entryPoint;
final String pluginId;
/// Initialize a newly created channel to communicate with an isolate running
/// the given [entryPoint].
BuiltInServerIsolateChannel(this.entryPoint, this.pluginId,
InstrumentationService instrumentationService)
: super._(instrumentationService);
Future<Isolate> _spawnIsolate() {
return Isolate.spawn(
(message) => entryPoint(message as SendPort), _receivePort?.sendPort,
onError: _errorPort?.sendPort, onExit: _exitPort?.sendPort);
/// A communication channel appropriate for discovered plugins.
class DiscoveredServerIsolateChannel extends ServerIsolateChannel {
/// The URI for the Dart file that will be run in the isolate that this
/// channel communicates with.
final Uri pluginUri;
/// The URI for the '.packages' file that will control how 'package:' URIs are
/// resolved.
final Uri packagesUri;
/// Initialize a newly created channel to communicate with an isolate running
/// the code at the given [uri].
DiscoveredServerIsolateChannel(this.pluginUri, this.packagesUri,
InstrumentationService instrumentationService)
: super._(instrumentationService);
String get pluginId => pluginUri.toString();
Future<Isolate> _spawnIsolate() {
return Isolate.spawnUri(pluginUri, <String>[], _receivePort?.sendPort,
onError: _errorPort?.sendPort,
onExit: _exitPort?.sendPort,
packageConfig: packagesUri);
/// The object that allows a [ServerPlugin] to receive [Request]s and to return
/// both [Response]s and [Notification]s. It communicates with the analysis
/// server by passing data to the server's main isolate.
class PluginIsolateChannel implements PluginCommunicationChannel {
/// The port used to send notifications and responses to the server.
final SendPort _sendPort;
/// The port used to receive requests from the server.
late final ReceivePort _receivePort;
/// The subscription that needs to be cancelled when the channel is closed.
StreamSubscription? _subscription;
/// Initialize a newly created channel to communicate with the server.
PluginIsolateChannel(this._sendPort) {
_receivePort = ReceivePort();
void close() {
_subscription = null;
void listen(void Function(Request request) onRequest,
{Function? onError, void Function()? onDone}) {
void onData(data) {
var requestMap = data as Map<String, Object>;
var request = Request.fromJson(requestMap);
if (_subscription != null) {
throw StateError('Only one listener is allowed per channel');
// Note: The documentation for [ReceivePort.listen] indicates that
// `onError` and `cancelOnError` are always ignored, "since a ReceivePort
// will never receive an error." It is potentially confusing to pass them
// here, as if they had an effect. Consider removing.
_subscription = _receivePort.listen(onData,
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: false);
void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
var json = notification.toJson();
void sendResponse(Response response) {
var json = response.toJson();
/// A communication channel that allows an analysis server to send [Request]s
/// to, and to receive both [Response]s and [Notification]s from, a plugin.
abstract class ServerIsolateChannel implements ServerCommunicationChannel {
/// The instrumentation service that is being used by the analysis server.
final InstrumentationService instrumentationService;
/// The isolate in which the plugin is running, or `null` if the plugin has
/// not yet been started by invoking [listen].
Isolate? _isolate;
/// The port used to send requests to the plugin, or `null` if the plugin has
/// not yet been started by invoking [listen].
SendPort? _sendPort;
/// The port used to receive responses and notifications from the plugin.
ReceivePort? _receivePort;
/// The port used to receive unhandled exceptions thrown in the plugin.
ReceivePort? _errorPort;
/// The port used to receive notification when the plugin isolate has exited.
ReceivePort? _exitPort;
/// Return a communication channel appropriate for communicating with a
/// built-in plugin.
factory ServerIsolateChannel.builtIn(EntryPoint entryPoint, String pluginId,
InstrumentationService instrumentationService) =
/// Return a communication channel appropriate for communicating with a
/// discovered plugin.
factory ServerIsolateChannel.discovered(Uri pluginUri, Uri packagesUri,
InstrumentationService instrumentationService) =
/// Initialize a newly created channel.
/// Return the id of the plugin running in the isolate, used to identify the
/// plugin to the instrumentation service.
String get pluginId;
void close() {
_isolate = null;
void kill() {
_isolate?.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate);
Future<void> listen(void Function(Response response) onResponse,
void Function(Notification notification) onNotification,
{void Function(dynamic error)? onError, void Function()? onDone}) async {
if (_isolate != null) {
throw StateError('Cannot listen to the same channel more than once.');
var receivePort = ReceivePort();
_receivePort = receivePort;
if (onError != null) {
var errorPort = ReceivePort();
_errorPort = errorPort;
errorPort.listen((error) {
if (onDone != null) {
var exitPort = ReceivePort();
_exitPort = exitPort;
exitPort.listen((_) {
try {
_isolate = await _spawnIsolate();
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
PluginData(pluginId, null, null),
if (onError != null) {
onError([exception.toString(), stackTrace.toString()]);
if (onDone != null) {
var channelReady = Completer<void>();
receivePort.listen((dynamic input) {
if (input is SendPort) {
_sendPort = input;
} else if (input is Map<String, Object?>) {
if (input.containsKey('id')) {
var encodedInput = json.encode(input);
instrumentationService.logPluginResponse(pluginId, encodedInput);
} else if (input.containsKey('event')) {
var encodedInput = json.encode(input);
instrumentationService.logPluginNotification(pluginId, encodedInput);
return channelReady.future;
void sendRequest(Request request) {
var sendPort = _sendPort;
if (sendPort != null) {
var jsonData = request.toJson();
var encodedRequest = json.encode(jsonData);
instrumentationService.logPluginRequest(pluginId, encodedRequest);
/// Spawn the isolate in which the plugin is running.
Future<Isolate> _spawnIsolate();