blob: d241628f45c8aa10b9b5dca6055bd26843077c53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
abstract class Visitor<R> {
const Visitor();
abstract R visitNode(Node node);
R visitBlock(Block node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) => visitGotoStatement(node);
R visitCascade(Cascade node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitCascadeReceiver(CascadeReceiver node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitCaseMatch(CaseMatch node) => visitNode(node);
R visitCatchBlock(CatchBlock node) => visitNode(node);
R visitClassNode(ClassNode node) => visitNode(node);
R visitCombinator(Combinator node) => visitNode(node);
R visitConditional(Conditional node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) => visitGotoStatement(node);
R visitDoWhile(DoWhile node) => visitLoop(node);
R visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitExport(Export node) => visitLibraryDependency(node);
R visitExpression(Expression node) => visitNode(node);
R visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitFor(For node) => visitLoop(node);
R visitForIn(ForIn node) => visitLoop(node);
R visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitGotoStatement(GotoStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitIdentifier(Identifier node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitIf(If node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitImport(Import node) => visitLibraryDependency(node);
R visitLabel(Label node) => visitNode(node);
R visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitLibraryDependency(LibraryDependency node) => visitLibraryTag(node);
R visitLibraryName(LibraryName node) => visitLibraryTag(node);
R visitLibraryTag(LibraryTag node) => visitNode(node);
R visitLiteral(Literal node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) => visitLiteral(node);
R visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) => visitLiteral(node);
R visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) => visitLiteral(node);
R visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitLiteralMapEntry(LiteralMapEntry node) => visitNode(node);
R visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) => visitLiteral(node);
R visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) => visitStringNode(node);
R visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) => visitStringNode(node);
R visitLoop(Loop node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitModifiers(Modifiers node) => visitNode(node);
R visitNamedArgument(NamedArgument node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitNodeList(NodeList node) => visitNode(node);
R visitOperator(Operator node) => visitIdentifier(node);
R visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return visitExpression(node);
R visitPart(Part node) => visitLibraryTag(node);
R visitPartOf(PartOf node) => visitNode(node);
R visitPostfix(Postfix node) => visitNodeList(node);
R visitPrefix(Prefix node) => visitNodeList(node);
R visitReturn(Return node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitScriptTag(ScriptTag node) => visitNode(node);
R visitSend(Send node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitSendSet(SendSet node) => visitSend(node);
R visitStatement(Statement node) => visitNode(node);
R visitStringNode(StringNode node) => visitExpression(node);
R visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) => visitStringNode(node);
R visitStringInterpolationPart(StringInterpolationPart node) {
return visitNode(node);
R visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) => visitNode(node);
R visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitThrow(Throw node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation node) => visitNode(node);
R visitTypedef(Typedef node) => visitNode(node);
R visitTypeVariable(TypeVariable node) => visitNode(node);
R visitVariableDefinitions(VariableDefinitions node) => visitStatement(node);
R visitWhile(While node) => visitLoop(node);
Token firstBeginToken(Node first, Node second) {
Token token = null;
if (first !== null) {
token = first.getBeginToken();
if (token === null && second !== null) {
// [token] might be null even when [first] is not, e.g. for empty Modifiers.
token = second.getBeginToken();
return token;
class NodeAssertionFailure implements Exception {
final Node node;
final String message;
NodeAssertionFailure(this.node, this.message);
* A node in a syntax tree.
* The abstract part of "abstract syntax tree" is invalidated when
* supporting tools such as code formatting. These tools need concrete
* syntax such as parentheses and no constant folding.
* We support these tools by storing additional references back to the
* token stream. These references are stored in fields ending with
* "Token".
abstract class Node implements Spannable {
final int _hashCode;
static int _HASH_COUNTER = 0;
Node() : _hashCode = ++_HASH_COUNTER;
hashCode() => _hashCode;
abstract accept(Visitor visitor);
abstract visitChildren(Visitor visitor);
* Returns this node unparsed to Dart source string.
toString() => unparse(this);
* Returns Xml-like tree representation of this node.
toDebugString() {
return PrettyPrinter.prettyPrint(this);
String getObjectDescription() => super.toString();
abstract Token getBeginToken();
abstract Token getEndToken();
Block asBlock() => null;
BreakStatement asBreakStatement() => null;
Cascade asCascade() => null;
CascadeReceiver asCascadeReceiver() => null;
CaseMatch asCaseMatch() => null;
CatchBlock asCatchBlock() => null;
ClassNode asClassNode() => null;
Combinator asCombinator() => null;
Conditional asConditional() => null;
ContinueStatement asContinueStatement() => null;
DoWhile asDoWhile() => null;
EmptyStatement asEmptyStatement() => null;
Export AsExport() => null;
Expression asExpression() => null;
ExpressionStatement asExpressionStatement() => null;
For asFor() => null;
ForIn asForIn() => null;
FunctionDeclaration asFunctionDeclaration() => null;
FunctionExpression asFunctionExpression() => null;
Identifier asIdentifier() => null;
If asIf() => null;
Import AsImport() => null;
Label asLabel() => null;
LabeledStatement asLabeledStatement() => null;
LibraryName AsLibraryName() => null;
LiteralBool asLiteralBool() => null;
LiteralDouble asLiteralDouble() => null;
LiteralInt asLiteralInt() => null;
LiteralList asLiteralList() => null;
LiteralMap asLiteralMap() => null;
LiteralMapEntry asLiteralMapEntry() => null;
LiteralNull asLiteralNull() => null;
LiteralString asLiteralString() => null;
Modifiers asModifiers() => null;
NamedArgument asNamedArgument() => null;
NodeList asNodeList() => null;
Operator asOperator() => null;
ParenthesizedExpression asParenthesizedExpression() => null;
Part AsPart() => null;
PartOf AsPartOf() => null;
Return asReturn() => null;
ScriptTag asScriptTag() => null;
Send asSend() => null;
SendSet asSendSet() => null;
Statement asStatement() => null;
StringInterpolation asStringInterpolation() => null;
StringInterpolationPart asStringInterpolationPart() => null;
StringJuxtaposition asStringJuxtaposition() => null;
StringNode asStringNode() => null;
SwitchCase asSwitchCase() => null;
SwitchStatement asSwitchStatement() => null;
Throw asThrow() => null;
TryStatement asTryStatement() => null;
TypeAnnotation asTypeAnnotation() => null;
TypeVariable asTypeVariable() => null;
Typedef asTypedef() => null;
VariableDefinitions asVariableDefinitions() => null;
While asWhile() => null;
bool isValidBreakTarget() => false;
bool isValidContinueTarget() => false;
class ClassNode extends Node {
final Modifiers modifiers;
final Identifier name;
final TypeAnnotation superclass;
final NodeList interfaces;
final NodeList typeParameters;
final NodeList body;
// TODO(ahe, karlklose): the default keyword is not recorded.
final TypeAnnotation defaultClause;
final Token beginToken;
final Token extendsKeyword;
final Token endToken;
ClassNode(this.modifiers,, this.typeParameters, this.superclass,
this.interfaces, this.defaultClause, this.beginToken,
this.extendsKeyword, this.body, this.endToken);
ClassNode asClassNode() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitClassNode(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (name !== null) name.accept(visitor);
if (typeParameters !== null) typeParameters.accept(visitor);
if (superclass !== null) superclass.accept(visitor);
if (interfaces !== null) interfaces.accept(visitor);
if (body !== null) body.accept(visitor);
bool get isInterface => beginToken.stringValue === 'interface';
bool get isClass => !isInterface;
Token getBeginToken() => beginToken;
Token getEndToken() => endToken;
abstract class Expression extends Node {
Expression asExpression() => this;
// TODO(ahe): make class abstract instead of adding an abstract method.
abstract accept(Visitor visitor);
abstract class Statement extends Node {
Statement asStatement() => this;
// TODO(ahe): make class abstract instead of adding an abstract method.
abstract accept(Visitor visitor);
bool isValidBreakTarget() => true;
* A message send aka method invocation. In Dart, most operations can
* (and should) be considered as message sends. Getters and setters
* are just methods with a special syntax. Consequently, we model
* property access, assignment, operators, and method calls with this
* one node.
class Send extends Expression {
final Node receiver;
final Node selector;
final NodeList argumentsNode;
Link<Node> get arguments => argumentsNode.nodes;
Send([this.receiver, this.selector, this.argumentsNode]);
Send.postfix(this.receiver, this.selector, [Node argument = null])
: argumentsNode = (argument === null)
? new Postfix()
: new Postfix.singleton(argument);
Send.prefix(this.receiver, this.selector, [Node argument = null])
: argumentsNode = (argument === null)
? new Prefix()
: new Prefix.singleton(argument);
Send asSend() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitSend(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (receiver !== null) receiver.accept(visitor);
if (selector !== null) selector.accept(visitor);
if (argumentsNode !== null) argumentsNode.accept(visitor);
int argumentCount() => (argumentsNode === null) ? -1 : argumentsNode.length();
bool get isSuperCall {
return receiver !== null &&
receiver.asIdentifier() !== null &&
bool get isOperator => selector is Operator;
bool get isPropertyAccess => argumentsNode === null;
bool get isFunctionObjectInvocation => selector === null;
bool get isPrefix => argumentsNode is Prefix;
bool get isPostfix => argumentsNode is Postfix;
bool get isCall => !isOperator && !isPropertyAccess;
bool get isIndex =>
isOperator && selector.asOperator().source.stringValue === '[]';
bool get isLogicalAnd =>
isOperator && selector.asOperator().source.stringValue === '&&';
bool get isLogicalOr =>
isOperator && selector.asOperator().source.stringValue === '||';
bool get isParameterCheck =>
isOperator && selector.asOperator().source.stringValue === '?';
Token getBeginToken() {
if (isPrefix && !isIndex) return selector.getBeginToken();
return firstBeginToken(receiver, selector);
Token getEndToken() {
if (isPrefix) {
if (receiver !== null) return receiver.getEndToken();
if (selector !== null) return selector.getEndToken();
return null;
if (!isPostfix && argumentsNode !== null) {
return argumentsNode.getEndToken();
if (selector !== null) return selector.getEndToken();
return receiver.getBeginToken();
Send copyWithReceiver(Node newReceiver) {
assert(receiver === null);
return new Send(newReceiver, selector, argumentsNode);
* Returns the type annotation of a connstructor call in an object
* instantiation.
TypeAnnotation getTypeAnnotation() {
if (selector is TypeAnnotation) {
return selector;
} else if (selector is Send) {
Send selectorSend = selector;
if (selectorSend.receiver is TypeAnnotation) {
return selectorSend.receiver;
return null;
class Postfix extends NodeList {
Postfix() : super(nodes: const Link<Node>());
Postfix.singleton(Node argument) : super.singleton(argument);
class Prefix extends NodeList {
Prefix() : super(nodes: const Link<Node>());
Prefix.singleton(Node argument) : super.singleton(argument);
class SendSet extends Send {
final Operator assignmentOperator;
SendSet(receiver, selector, this.assignmentOperator, argumentsNode)
: super(receiver, selector, argumentsNode);
[Node argument = null])
: super.postfix(receiver, selector, argument);
[Node argument = null])
: super.prefix(receiver, selector, argument);
SendSet asSendSet() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitSendSet(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (assignmentOperator !== null) assignmentOperator.accept(visitor);
Send copyWithReceiver(Node newReceiver) {
assert(receiver === null);
return new SendSet(newReceiver, selector, assignmentOperator,
Token getBeginToken() {
if (isPrefix) return assignmentOperator.getBeginToken();
return super.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() {
if (isPostfix) return assignmentOperator.getEndToken();
return super.getEndToken();
class NewExpression extends Expression {
/** The token NEW or CONST */
final Token newToken;
// Note: we expect that send.receiver is null.
final Send send;
NewExpression([this.newToken, this.send]);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitNewExpression(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (send !== null) send.accept(visitor);
bool isConst() => newToken.stringValue === 'const';
Token getBeginToken() => newToken;
Token getEndToken() => send.getEndToken();
class NodeList extends Node implements Iterable<Node> {
final Link<Node> nodes;
final Token beginToken;
final Token endToken;
final SourceString delimiter;
bool isEmpty() => nodes.isEmpty();
NodeList([this.beginToken, this.nodes, this.endToken, this.delimiter]);
Iterator<Node> iterator() => nodes.iterator();
NodeList.singleton(Node node) : this(null, const Link<Node>().prepend(node));
NodeList.empty() : this(null, const Link<Node>());
NodeList asNodeList() => this;
int length() {
int result = 0;
for (Link<Node> cursor = nodes; !cursor.isEmpty(); cursor = cursor.tail) {
return result;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitNodeList(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (nodes === null) return;
for (Link<Node> link = nodes; !link.isEmpty(); link = link.tail) {
if (link.head !== null) link.head.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() {
if (beginToken !== null) return beginToken;
if (nodes !== null) {
for (Link<Node> link = nodes; !link.isEmpty(); link = link.tail) {
if (link.head.getBeginToken() !== null) {
return link.head.getBeginToken();
if (link.head.getEndToken() !== null) {
return link.head.getEndToken();
return endToken;
Token getEndToken() {
if (endToken !== null) return endToken;
if (nodes !== null) {
Link<Node> link = nodes;
if (link.isEmpty()) return beginToken;
while (!link.tail.isEmpty()) link = link.tail;
if (link.head.getEndToken() !== null) return link.head.getEndToken();
if (link.head.getBeginToken() !== null) return link.head.getBeginToken();
return beginToken;
class Block extends Statement {
final NodeList statements;
Block asBlock() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitBlock(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (statements !== null) statements.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => statements.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => statements.getEndToken();
class If extends Statement {
final ParenthesizedExpression condition;
final Statement thenPart;
final Statement elsePart;
final Token ifToken;
final Token elseToken;
If(this.condition, this.thenPart, this.elsePart,
this.ifToken, this.elseToken);
If asIf() => this;
bool get hasElsePart => elsePart !== null;
void validate() {
// TODO(ahe): Check that condition has size one.
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitIf(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (condition !== null) condition.accept(visitor);
if (thenPart !== null) thenPart.accept(visitor);
if (elsePart !== null) elsePart.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => ifToken;
Token getEndToken() {
if (elsePart === null) return thenPart.getEndToken();
return elsePart.getEndToken();
class Conditional extends Expression {
final Expression condition;
final Expression thenExpression;
final Expression elseExpression;
final Token questionToken;
final Token colonToken;
Conditional(this.condition, this.thenExpression,
this.elseExpression, this.questionToken, this.colonToken);
Conditional asConditional() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitConditional(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => condition.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => elseExpression.getEndToken();
class For extends Loop {
/** Either a variable declaration or an expression. */
final Node initializer;
/** Either an expression statement or an empty statement. */
final Statement conditionStatement;
final NodeList update;
final Token forToken;
For(this.initializer, this.conditionStatement, this.update, body,
this.forToken) : super(body);
For asFor() => this;
Expression get condition {
if (conditionStatement is ExpressionStatement) {
return conditionStatement.asExpressionStatement().expression;
} else {
return null;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitFor(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (initializer !== null) initializer.accept(visitor);
if (conditionStatement !== null) conditionStatement.accept(visitor);
if (update !== null) update.accept(visitor);
if (body !== null) body.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => forToken;
Token getEndToken() {
return body.getEndToken();
class FunctionDeclaration extends Statement {
final FunctionExpression function;
FunctionDeclaration asFunctionDeclaration() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionDeclaration(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) => function.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => function.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => function.getEndToken();
class FunctionExpression extends Expression {
final Node name;
* List of VariableDefinitions or NodeList.
* A NodeList can only occur at the end and holds named parameters.
final NodeList parameters;
final Statement body;
final TypeAnnotation returnType;
final Modifiers modifiers;
final NodeList initializers;
final Token getOrSet;
FunctionExpression(, this.parameters, this.body, this.returnType,
this.modifiers, this.initializers, this.getOrSet) {
assert(modifiers !== null);
FunctionExpression asFunctionExpression() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitFunctionExpression(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (modifiers !== null) modifiers.accept(visitor);
if (returnType !== null) returnType.accept(visitor);
if (name !== null) name.accept(visitor);
if (parameters !== null) parameters.accept(visitor);
if (initializers !== null) initializers.accept(visitor);
if (body !== null) body.accept(visitor);
bool hasBody() {
// TODO(karlklose,ahe): refactor AST nodes (issue 1713).
if (body.asReturn() !== null) return true;
NodeList statements = body.asBlock().statements;
return (!statements.nodes.isEmpty() ||
statements.getBeginToken().kind !== $SEMICOLON);
Token getBeginToken() {
Token token = firstBeginToken(modifiers, returnType);
if (token !== null) return token;
if (getOrSet !== null) return getOrSet;
return firstBeginToken(name, parameters);
Token getEndToken() {
Token token = (body === null) ? null : body.getEndToken();
token = (token === null) ? parameters.getEndToken() : token;
return (token === null) ? name.getEndToken() : token;
typedef void DecodeErrorHandler(Token token, var error);
abstract class Literal<T> extends Expression {
final Token token;
final DecodeErrorHandler handler;
Literal(Token this.token, DecodeErrorHandler this.handler);
abstract T get value;
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {}
Token getBeginToken() => token;
Token getEndToken() => token;
class LiteralInt extends Literal<int> {
LiteralInt(Token token, DecodeErrorHandler handler) : super(token, handler);
LiteralInt asLiteralInt() => this;
int get value {
try {
Token valueToken = token;
if (valueToken.kind === PLUS_TOKEN) valueToken =;
return parseInt(valueToken.value.slowToString());
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
(this.handler)(token, ex);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralInt(this);
class LiteralDouble extends Literal<double> {
LiteralDouble(Token token, DecodeErrorHandler handler)
: super(token, handler);
LiteralDouble asLiteralDouble() => this;
double get value {
try {
Token valueToken = token;
if (valueToken.kind === PLUS_TOKEN) valueToken =;
return parseDouble(valueToken.value.slowToString());
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
(this.handler)(token, ex);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralDouble(this);
class LiteralBool extends Literal<bool> {
LiteralBool(Token token, DecodeErrorHandler handler) : super(token, handler);
LiteralBool asLiteralBool() => this;
bool get value {
if (token.stringValue === 'true') return true;
if (token.stringValue === 'false') return false;
(this.handler)(token, "not a bool ${token.value}");
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralBool(this);
class StringQuoting {
static const StringQuoting SINGLELINE_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 1);
static const StringQuoting RAW_SINGLELINE_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 1);
static const StringQuoting MULTILINE_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 3);
static const StringQuoting RAW_MULTILINE_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 3);
static const StringQuoting MULTILINE_NL_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 4);
static const StringQuoting RAW_MULTILINE_NL_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 4);
static const StringQuoting MULTILINE_NL2_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 5);
static const StringQuoting RAW_MULTILINE_NL2_DQ =
const StringQuoting($DQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 5);
static const StringQuoting SINGLELINE_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 1);
static const StringQuoting RAW_SINGLELINE_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 1);
static const StringQuoting MULTILINE_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 3);
static const StringQuoting RAW_MULTILINE_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 3);
static const StringQuoting MULTILINE_NL_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 4);
static const StringQuoting RAW_MULTILINE_NL_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 4);
static const StringQuoting MULTILINE_NL2_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: false, leftQuoteLength: 5);
static const StringQuoting RAW_MULTILINE_NL2_SQ =
const StringQuoting($SQ, raw: true, leftQuoteLength: 5);
static const List<StringQuoting> mapping = const <StringQuoting>[
final bool raw;
final int leftQuoteCharCount;
final int quote;
const StringQuoting(this.quote, [bool raw, int leftQuoteLength])
: this.raw = raw, this.leftQuoteCharCount = leftQuoteLength;
String get quoteChar => quote === $DQ ? '"' : "'";
int get leftQuoteLength => (raw ? 1 : 0) + leftQuoteCharCount;
int get rightQuoteLength => (leftQuoteCharCount > 2) ? 3 : 1;
static StringQuoting getQuoting(int quote, bool raw, int quoteLength) {
int index = quoteLength - 1;
if (quoteLength > 2) index -= 1;
return mapping[(raw ? 1 : 0) + index * 2 + (quote === $SQ ? 8 : 0)];
* Superclass for classes representing string literals.
abstract class StringNode extends Expression {
abstract DartString get dartString;
abstract bool get isInterpolation;
StringNode asStringNode() => this;
class LiteralString extends StringNode {
final Token token;
/** Non-null on validated string literals. */
final DartString dartString;
LiteralString(this.token, this.dartString);
LiteralString asLiteralString() => this;
void visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {}
bool get isInterpolation => false;
bool isValidated() => dartString !== null;
Token getBeginToken() => token;
Token getEndToken() => token;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralString(this);
class LiteralNull extends Literal<SourceString> {
LiteralNull(Token token) : super(token, null);
LiteralNull asLiteralNull() => this;
SourceString get value => null;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralNull(this);
class LiteralList extends Expression {
final NodeList typeArguments;
final NodeList elements;
final Token constKeyword;
LiteralList(this.typeArguments, this.elements, this.constKeyword);
bool isConst() => constKeyword !== null;
LiteralList asLiteralList() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralList(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (typeArguments !== null) typeArguments.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() {
if (constKeyword !== null) return constKeyword;
return firstBeginToken(typeArguments, elements);
Token getEndToken() => elements.getEndToken();
class Identifier extends Expression {
final Token token;
SourceString get source => token.value;
Identifier(Token this.token);
bool isThis() => source.stringValue === 'this';
bool isSuper() => source.stringValue === 'super';
Identifier asIdentifier() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitIdentifier(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {}
Token getBeginToken() => token;
Token getEndToken() => token;
class Operator extends Identifier {
Operator(Token token) : super(token);
Operator asOperator() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitOperator(this);
class Return extends Statement {
final Node expression;
final Token beginToken;
final Token endToken;
Return(this.beginToken, this.endToken, this.expression);
Return asReturn() => this;
bool get hasExpression => expression !== null;
bool get isRedirectingConstructorBody => beginToken.stringValue == '=';
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitReturn(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (expression !== null) expression.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => beginToken;
Token getEndToken() {
if (endToken === null) return expression.getEndToken();
return endToken;
class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
final Expression expression;
final Token endToken;
ExpressionStatement(this.expression, this.endToken);
ExpressionStatement asExpressionStatement() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (expression !== null) expression.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => expression.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => endToken;
class Throw extends Statement {
final Expression expression;
final Token throwToken;
final Token endToken;
Throw(this.expression, this.throwToken, this.endToken);
Throw asThrow() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitThrow(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (expression !== null) expression.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => throwToken;
Token getEndToken() => endToken;
class TypeAnnotation extends Node {
final Expression typeName;
final NodeList typeArguments;
TypeAnnotation(Expression this.typeName, NodeList this.typeArguments);
TypeAnnotation asTypeAnnotation() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeAnnotation(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (typeArguments !== null) typeArguments.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => typeName.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => typeName.getEndToken();
class TypeVariable extends Node {
final Identifier name;
final TypeAnnotation bound;
TypeVariable(Identifier, TypeAnnotation this.bound);
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypeVariable(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (bound !== null) {
TypeVariable asTypeVariable() => this;
Token getBeginToken() => name.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() {
return (bound !== null) ? bound.getEndToken() : name.getEndToken();
class VariableDefinitions extends Statement {
final Token endToken;
final TypeAnnotation type;
final Modifiers modifiers;
final NodeList definitions;
VariableDefinitions(this.type, this.modifiers, this.definitions,
this.endToken) {
assert(modifiers !== null);
VariableDefinitions asVariableDefinitions() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitVariableDefinitions(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (type !== null) type.accept(visitor);
if (definitions !== null) definitions.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() {
var token = firstBeginToken(modifiers, type);
if (token === null) {
token = definitions.getBeginToken();
return token;
Token getEndToken() => endToken;
abstract class Loop extends Statement {
abstract Expression get condition;
final Statement body;
bool isValidContinueTarget() => true;
class DoWhile extends Loop {
final Token doKeyword;
final Token whileKeyword;
final Token endToken;
final Expression condition;
DoWhile(Statement body, Expression this.condition,
Token this.doKeyword, Token this.whileKeyword, Token this.endToken)
: super(body);
DoWhile asDoWhile() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitDoWhile(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (condition !== null) condition.accept(visitor);
if (body !== null) body.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => doKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => endToken;
class While extends Loop {
final Token whileKeyword;
final Expression condition;
While(Expression this.condition, Statement body,
Token this.whileKeyword) : super(body);
While asWhile() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitWhile(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (condition !== null) condition.accept(visitor);
if (body !== null) body.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => whileKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => body.getEndToken();
class ParenthesizedExpression extends Expression {
final Expression expression;
final BeginGroupToken beginToken;
ParenthesizedExpression(Expression this.expression,
BeginGroupToken this.beginToken);
ParenthesizedExpression asParenthesizedExpression() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitParenthesizedExpression(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (expression !== null) expression.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => beginToken;
Token getEndToken() => beginToken.endGroup;
/** Representation of modifiers such as static, abstract, final, etc. */
class Modifiers extends Node {
* Pseudo-constant for empty modifiers.
static final Modifiers EMPTY = new Modifiers(new NodeList.empty());
/* TODO(ahe): The following should be validated relating to modifiers:
* 1. The nodes must come in a certain order.
* 2. The keywords "var" and "final" may not be used at the same time.
* 3. The keywords "abstract" and "external" may not be used at the same time.
* 4. The type of an element must be null if isVar() is true.
final NodeList nodes;
/** Bit pattern to easy check what modifiers are present. */
final int flags;
static const int FLAG_STATIC = 1;
static const int FLAG_ABSTRACT = FLAG_STATIC << 1;
static const int FLAG_FINAL = FLAG_ABSTRACT << 1;
static const int FLAG_VAR = FLAG_FINAL << 1;
static const int FLAG_CONST = FLAG_VAR << 1;
static const int FLAG_FACTORY = FLAG_CONST << 1;
static const int FLAG_EXTERNAL = FLAG_FACTORY << 1;
Modifiers(NodeList nodes) : this.withFlags(nodes, computeFlags(nodes.nodes));
Modifiers.withFlags(this.nodes, this.flags);
static int computeFlags(Link<Node> nodes) {
int flags = 0;
for (; !nodes.isEmpty(); nodes = nodes.tail) {
String value = nodes.head.asIdentifier().source.stringValue;
if (value === 'static') flags |= FLAG_STATIC;
else if (value === 'abstract') flags |= FLAG_ABSTRACT;
else if (value === 'final') flags |= FLAG_FINAL;
else if (value === 'var') flags |= FLAG_VAR;
else if (value === 'const') flags |= FLAG_CONST;
else if (value === 'factory') flags |= FLAG_FACTORY;
else if (value === 'external') flags |= FLAG_EXTERNAL;
else throw 'internal error: ${nodes.head}';
return flags;
Node findModifier(String modifier) {
Link<Node> nodeList = nodes.nodes;
for (; !nodeList.isEmpty(); nodeList = nodeList.tail) {
String value = nodeList.head.asIdentifier().source.stringValue;
if(value === modifier) {
return nodeList.head;
return null;
Modifiers asModifiers() => this;
Token getBeginToken() => nodes.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => nodes.getEndToken();
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitModifiers(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) => nodes.accept(visitor);
bool isStatic() => (flags & FLAG_STATIC) != 0;
bool isAbstract() => (flags & FLAG_ABSTRACT) != 0;
bool isFinal() => (flags & FLAG_FINAL) != 0;
bool isVar() => (flags & FLAG_VAR) != 0;
bool isConst() => (flags & FLAG_CONST) != 0;
bool isFactory() => (flags & FLAG_FACTORY) != 0;
bool isExternal() => (flags & FLAG_EXTERNAL) != 0;
Node getStatic() => findModifier('static');
* Use this to check if the declaration is either explicitly or implicitly
* final.
bool isFinalOrConst() => isFinal() || isConst();
String toString() {
LinkBuilder<String> builder = new LinkBuilder<String>();
if (isStatic()) builder.addLast('static');
if (isAbstract()) builder.addLast('abstract');
if (isFinal()) builder.addLast('final');
if (isVar()) builder.addLast('var');
if (isConst()) builder.addLast('const');
if (isFactory()) builder.addLast('factory');
if (isExternal()) builder.addLast('external');
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
builder.toLink().printOn(buffer, ', ');
return buffer.toString();
class StringInterpolation extends StringNode {
final LiteralString string;
final NodeList parts;
StringInterpolation asStringInterpolation() => this;
DartString get dartString => null;
bool get isInterpolation => true;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitStringInterpolation(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => string.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => parts.getEndToken();
class StringInterpolationPart extends Node {
final Expression expression;
final LiteralString string;
StringInterpolationPart(this.expression, this.string);
StringInterpolationPart asStringInterpolationPart() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitStringInterpolationPart(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => expression.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => string.getEndToken();
* A class representing juxtaposed string literals.
* The string literals can be both plain literals and string interpolations.
class StringJuxtaposition extends StringNode {
final Expression first;
final Expression second;
* Caches the check for whether this juxtaposition contains a string
* interpolation
bool isInterpolationCache = null;
* Caches a Dart string representation of the entire juxtaposition's
* content. Only juxtapositions that don't (transitively) contains
* interpolations have a static representation.
DartString dartStringCache = null;
StringJuxtaposition(this.first, this.second);
StringJuxtaposition asStringJuxtaposition() => this;
bool get isInterpolation {
if (isInterpolationCache === null) {
isInterpolationCache = (first.accept(const IsInterpolationVisitor()) ||
second.accept(const IsInterpolationVisitor()));
return isInterpolationCache;
* Retrieve a single DartString that represents this entire juxtaposition
* of string literals.
* Should only be called if [isInterpolation] returns false.
DartString get dartString {
if (isInterpolation) {
throw new NodeAssertionFailure(this,
"Getting dartString on interpolation;");
if (dartStringCache === null) {
DartString firstString = first.accept(const GetDartStringVisitor());
DartString secondString = second.accept(const GetDartStringVisitor());
if (firstString === null || secondString === null) {
return null;
dartStringCache = new DartString.concat(firstString, secondString);
return dartStringCache;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitStringJuxtaposition(this);
void visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => first.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => second.getEndToken();
class EmptyStatement extends Statement {
final Token semicolonToken;
EmptyStatement asEmptyStatement() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitEmptyStatement(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {}
Token getBeginToken() => semicolonToken;
Token getEndToken() => semicolonToken;
class LiteralMap extends Expression {
final NodeList typeArguments;
final NodeList entries;
final Token constKeyword;
LiteralMap(this.typeArguments, this.entries, this.constKeyword);
bool isConst() => constKeyword !== null;
LiteralMap asLiteralMap() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralMap(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (typeArguments != null) typeArguments.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() {
if (constKeyword !== null) return constKeyword;
return firstBeginToken(typeArguments, entries);
Token getEndToken() => entries.getEndToken();
class LiteralMapEntry extends Node {
final Expression key;
final Expression value;
final Token colonToken;
LiteralMapEntry(this.key, this.colonToken, this.value);
LiteralMapEntry asLiteralMapEntry() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLiteralMapEntry(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => key.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => value.getEndToken();
class NamedArgument extends Expression {
final Identifier name;
final Expression expression;
final Token colonToken;
NamedArgument(, this.colonToken, this.expression);
NamedArgument asNamedArgument() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitNamedArgument(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => name.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => expression.getEndToken();
class SwitchStatement extends Statement {
final ParenthesizedExpression parenthesizedExpression;
final NodeList cases;
final Token switchKeyword;
SwitchStatement(this.parenthesizedExpression, this.cases,
SwitchStatement asSwitchStatement() => this;
Expression get expression => parenthesizedExpression.expression;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitSwitchStatement(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => switchKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => cases.getEndToken();
class CaseMatch extends Node {
final Token caseKeyword;
final Expression expression;
final Token colonToken;
CaseMatch(this.caseKeyword, this.expression, this.colonToken);
CaseMatch asCaseMatch() => this;
Token getBeginToken() => caseKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => colonToken;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCaseMatch(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) => expression.accept(visitor);
class SwitchCase extends Node {
// The labels and case patterns are collected in [labelsAndCases].
// The default keyword, if present, is collected in [defaultKeyword].
// Any actual switch case must have at least one 'case' or 'default'
// clause.
// Notice: The labels and cases can occur interleaved in the source.
// They are separated here, since the order is irrelevant to the meaning
// of the switch.
/** List of [Label] and [CaseMatch] nodes. */
final NodeList labelsAndCases;
/** A "default" keyword token, if applicable. */
final Token defaultKeyword;
/** List of statements, the body of the case. */
final NodeList statements;
final Token startToken;
SwitchCase(this.labelsAndCases, this.defaultKeyword,
this.statements, this.startToken);
SwitchCase asSwitchCase() => this;
bool get isDefaultCase => defaultKeyword !== null;
bool isValidContinueTarget() => true;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitSwitchCase(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() {
return startToken;
Token getEndToken() {
if (statements.nodes.isEmpty()) {
// All cases must have at least one expression or be the default.
if (defaultKeyword !== null) {
// The colon after 'default'.
// The colon after the last expression.
return labelsAndCases.getEndToken();
} else {
return statements.getEndToken();
abstract class GotoStatement extends Statement {
final Identifier target;
final Token keywordToken;
final Token semicolonToken;
GotoStatement(, this.keywordToken, this.semicolonToken);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (target !== null) target.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => keywordToken;
Token getEndToken() => semicolonToken;
// TODO(ahe): make class abstract instead of adding an abstract method.
abstract accept(Visitor visitor);
class BreakStatement extends GotoStatement {
BreakStatement(Identifier target, Token keywordToken, Token semicolonToken)
: super(target, keywordToken, semicolonToken);
BreakStatement asBreakStatement() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitBreakStatement(this);
class ContinueStatement extends GotoStatement {
ContinueStatement(Identifier target, Token keywordToken, Token semicolonToken)
: super(target, keywordToken, semicolonToken);
ContinueStatement asContinueStatement() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitContinueStatement(this);
class ForIn extends Loop {
final Node declaredIdentifier;
final Expression expression;
final Token forToken;
final Token inToken;
ForIn(this.declaredIdentifier, this.expression,
Statement body, this.forToken, this.inToken) : super(body);
Expression get condition => null;
ForIn asForIn() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitForIn(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => forToken;
Token getEndToken() => body.getEndToken();
class Label extends Node {
final Identifier identifier;
final Token colonToken;
Label(this.identifier, this.colonToken);
String slowToString() => identifier.source.slowToString();
Label asLabel() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLabel(this);
void visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => identifier.token;
Token getEndToken() => colonToken;
class LabeledStatement extends Statement {
final NodeList labels;
final Statement statement;
LabeledStatement(this.labels, this.statement);
LabeledStatement asLabeledStatement() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => labels.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => statement.getEndToken();
bool isValidContinueTarget() => statement.isValidContinueTarget();
Node getBody() => statement;
class ScriptTag extends Node {
final Identifier tag;
final StringNode argument;
final Identifier prefixIdentifier;
final StringNode prefix;
final Token beginToken;
final Token endToken;
ScriptTag(this.tag, this.argument, this.prefixIdentifier, this.prefix,
this.beginToken, this.endToken);
bool isImport() => tag.source == const SourceString("import");
bool isSource() => tag.source == const SourceString("source");
bool isLibrary() => tag.source == const SourceString("library");
ScriptTag asScriptTag() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitScriptTag(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (prefixIdentifier !== null) prefixIdentifier.accept(visitor);
if (prefix !== null) prefix.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => beginToken;
Token getEndToken() => endToken;
LibraryTag toLibraryTag() {
if (isImport()) {
Identifier prefixNode;
if (prefix !== null) {
SourceString source = prefix.dartString.source;
Token prefixToken = prefix.getBeginToken();
Token token = new StringToken.fromSource(IDENTIFIER_INFO, source,
prefixToken.charOffset); =;
prefixNode = new Identifier(token);
return new Import(tag.token, argument, prefixNode, null);
} else if (isLibrary()) {
return new LibraryName(tag.token, argument);
} else if (isSource()) {
return new Part(tag.token, argument);
} else {
throw 'Unknown script tag ${tag.token.slowToString()}';
abstract class LibraryTag extends Node {
bool get isLibraryName => false;
bool get isImport => false;
bool get isExport => false;
bool get isPart => false;
bool get isPartOf => false;
class LibraryName extends LibraryTag {
final Expression name;
final Token libraryKeyword;
bool get isLibraryName => true;
LibraryName asLibraryName() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitLibraryName(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) => name.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => libraryKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => name.getEndToken().next;
* This tag describes a dependency between one library and the exported
* identifiers of another library. The other library is specified by the [uri].
* Combinators filter away some identifiers from the other library.
abstract class LibraryDependency extends LibraryTag {
final LiteralString uri;
final NodeList combinators;
LibraryDependency(this.uri, this.combinators);
* An [:import:] library tag.
* An import tag is dependency on another library where the exported identifiers
* are put into the import scope of the importing library. The import scope is
* only visible inside the library.
class Import extends LibraryDependency {
final Identifier prefix;
final Token importKeyword;
Import(this.importKeyword, LiteralString uri,
this.prefix, NodeList combinators)
: super(uri, combinators);
bool get isImport => true;
Import asImport() => this;
Token get asKeyword => prefix == null ? null : uri.getEndToken().next;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitImport(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (prefix !== null) prefix.accept(visitor);
if (combinators !== null) combinators.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => importKeyword;
Token getEndToken() {
if (combinators !== null) return combinators.getEndToken().next;
if (prefix !== null) return prefix.getEndToken().next;
return uri.getEndToken().next;
* An [:export:] library tag.
* An export tag is dependency on another library where the exported identifiers
* are put into the export scope of the exporting library. The export scope is
* not visible inside the library.
class Export extends LibraryDependency {
final Token exportKeyword;
Export(this.exportKeyword, LiteralString uri, NodeList combinators)
: super(uri, combinators);
bool get isExport => true;
Export asExport() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitExport(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (combinators !== null) combinators.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => exportKeyword;
Token getEndToken() {
if (combinators !== null) return combinators.getEndToken().next;
return uri.getEndToken().next;
class Part extends LibraryTag {
final LiteralString uri;
final Token partKeyword;
Part(this.partKeyword, this.uri);
bool get isPart => true;
Part asPart() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitPart(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) => uri.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => partKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => uri.getEndToken().next;
class PartOf extends Node {
final Expression name;
final Token partKeyword;
Token get ofKeyword =>;
bool get isPartOf => true;
PartOf asPartOf() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitPartOf(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) => name.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => partKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => name.getEndToken().next;
class Combinator extends Node {
final NodeList identifiers;
final Token keywordToken;
Combinator(this.identifiers, this.keywordToken);
bool get isShow => keywordToken.stringValue === 'show';
bool get isHide => keywordToken.stringValue === 'hide';
Combinator asCombinator() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCombinator(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) => identifiers.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => keywordToken;
Token getEndToken() => identifiers.getEndToken();
class Typedef extends Node {
final TypeAnnotation returnType;
final Identifier name;
final NodeList typeParameters;
final NodeList formals;
final Token typedefKeyword;
final Token endToken;
Typedef(this.returnType,, this.typeParameters, this.formals,
this.typedefKeyword, this.endToken);
Typedef asTypedef() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitTypedef(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (returnType !== null) returnType.accept(visitor);
if (typeParameters !== null) typeParameters.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => typedefKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => endToken;
class TryStatement extends Statement {
final Block tryBlock;
final NodeList catchBlocks;
final Block finallyBlock;
final Token tryKeyword;
final Token finallyKeyword;
TryStatement(this.tryBlock, this.catchBlocks, this.finallyBlock,
this.tryKeyword, this.finallyKeyword);
TryStatement asTryStatement() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitTryStatement(this);
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (finallyBlock !== null) finallyBlock.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => tryKeyword;
Token getEndToken() {
if (finallyBlock !== null) return finallyBlock.getEndToken();
if (!catchBlocks.isEmpty()) return catchBlocks.getEndToken();
return tryBlock.getEndToken();
class Cascade extends Expression {
final Expression expression;
Cascade asCascade() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCascade(this);
void visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => expression.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => expression.getEndToken();
class CascadeReceiver extends Expression {
final Expression expression;
final Token cascadeOperator;
CascadeReceiver(this.expression, this.cascadeOperator);
CascadeReceiver asCascadeReceiver() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCascadeReceiver(this);
void visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
Token getBeginToken() => expression.getBeginToken();
Token getEndToken() => expression.getEndToken();
class CatchBlock extends Node {
final TypeAnnotation type;
final NodeList formals;
final Block block;
final Token onKeyword;
final Token catchKeyword;
CatchBlock(this.type, this.formals, this.block,
this.onKeyword, this.catchKeyword);
CatchBlock asCatchBlock() => this;
accept(Visitor visitor) => visitor.visitCatchBlock(this);
Node get exception {
if (formals === null || formals.nodes.isEmpty()) return null;
VariableDefinitions declarations = formals.nodes.head;
return declarations.definitions.nodes.head;
Node get trace {
if (formals === null || formals.nodes.isEmpty()) return null;
Link<Node> declarations = formals.nodes.tail;
if (declarations.isEmpty()) return null;
VariableDefinitions head = declarations.head;
return head.definitions.nodes.head;
visitChildren(Visitor visitor) {
if (type !== null) type.accept(visitor);
if (formals !== null) formals.accept(visitor);
Token getBeginToken() => onKeyword != null ? onKeyword : catchKeyword;
Token getEndToken() => block.getEndToken();
class Initializers {
static bool isSuperConstructorCall(Send node) {
return (node.receiver === null &&
node.selector.asIdentifier() !== null &&
node.selector.asIdentifier().isSuper()) ||
(node.receiver !== null &&
node.receiver.asIdentifier() !== null &&
node.receiver.asIdentifier().isSuper() &&
node.selector.asIdentifier() !== null);
static bool isConstructorRedirect(Send node) {
return (node.receiver === null &&
node.selector.asIdentifier() !== null &&
node.selector.asIdentifier().isThis()) ||
(node.receiver !== null &&
node.receiver.asIdentifier() !== null &&
node.receiver.asIdentifier().isThis() &&
node.selector.asIdentifier() !== null);
class GetDartStringVisitor extends Visitor<DartString> {
const GetDartStringVisitor();
DartString visitNode(Node node) => null;
DartString visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node)
=> node.dartString;
DartString visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) => node.dartString;
class IsInterpolationVisitor extends Visitor<bool> {
const IsInterpolationVisitor();
bool visitNode(Node node) => false;
bool visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) => true;
bool visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node)
=> node.isInterpolation;
* If the given node is a send set, it visits its initializer (first
* argument).
* TODO(ahe): This method is controversial, the team needs to discuss
* if top-level methods are acceptable and what naming conventions to
* use.
initializerDo(Node node, f(Node node)) {
SendSet send = node.asSendSet();
if (send !== null) return f(send.arguments.head);