blob: b4620e32b0285855f732efc616722c64dacd6da7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _fe_analyzer_shared.scanner.keywords;
import 'token.dart' as analyzer;
import 'characters.dart' show $a, $z, $A, $Z;
* Abstract state in a state machine for scanning keywords.
abstract class KeywordState {
KeywordState next(int c);
KeywordState nextCapital(int c);
analyzer.Keyword get keyword;
static KeywordState _KEYWORD_STATE;
static KeywordState get KEYWORD_STATE {
if (_KEYWORD_STATE == null) {
List<String> strings = new List<String>(analyzer.Keyword.values.length);
for (int i = 0; i < analyzer.Keyword.values.length; i++) {
strings[i] = analyzer.Keyword.values[i].lexeme;
strings.sort((a, b) => a.compareTo(b));
_KEYWORD_STATE = computeKeywordStateTable(
/* start = */ 0,
/* offset = */ 0,
static KeywordState computeKeywordStateTable(
int start, List<String> strings, int offset, int length) {
bool isLowercase = true;
List<KeywordState> table = new List<KeywordState>($z - $A + 1);
assert(length != 0);
int chunk = 0;
int chunkStart = -1;
bool isLeaf = false;
for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++) {
if (strings[i].length == start) {
isLeaf = true;
if (strings[i].length > start) {
int c = strings[i].codeUnitAt(start);
if ($A <= c && c <= $Z) {
isLowercase = false;
if (chunk != c) {
if (chunkStart != -1) {
assert(table[chunk - $A] == null);
table[chunk - $A] = computeKeywordStateTable(
start + 1, strings, chunkStart, i - chunkStart);
chunkStart = i;
chunk = c;
if (chunkStart != -1) {
assert(table[chunk - $A] == null);
table[chunk - $A] = computeKeywordStateTable(
start + 1, strings, chunkStart, offset + length - chunkStart);
} else {
assert(length == 1);
return new LeafKeywordState(strings[offset]);
String syntax = isLeaf ? strings[offset] : null;
if (isLowercase) {
table = table.sublist($a - $A);
return new LowerCaseArrayKeywordState(table, syntax);
} else {
return new UpperCaseArrayKeywordState(table, syntax);
* A state with multiple outgoing transitions.
abstract class ArrayKeywordState implements KeywordState {
final List<KeywordState> table;
final analyzer.Keyword keyword;
ArrayKeywordState(this.table, String syntax)
: keyword = ((syntax == null) ? null : analyzer.Keyword.keywords[syntax]);
KeywordState next(int c);
KeywordState nextCapital(int c);
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (keyword != null) {
sb.write(" ");
List<KeywordState> foo = table;
for (int i = 0; i < foo.length; i++) {
if (foo[i] != null) {
sb.write("${new String.fromCharCodes([i + $a])}: "
"${foo[i]}; ");
return sb.toString();
class LowerCaseArrayKeywordState extends ArrayKeywordState {
LowerCaseArrayKeywordState(List<KeywordState> table, String syntax)
: super(table, syntax) {
assert(table.length == $z - $a + 1);
KeywordState next(int c) => table[c - $a];
KeywordState nextCapital(int c) => null;
class UpperCaseArrayKeywordState extends ArrayKeywordState {
UpperCaseArrayKeywordState(List<KeywordState> table, String syntax)
: super(table, syntax) {
assert(table.length == $z - $A + 1);
KeywordState next(int c) => table[c - $A];
KeywordState nextCapital(int c) => table[c - $A];
* A state that has no outgoing transitions.
class LeafKeywordState implements KeywordState {
final analyzer.Keyword keyword;
LeafKeywordState(String syntax) : keyword = analyzer.Keyword.keywords[syntax];
KeywordState next(int c) => null;
KeywordState nextCapital(int c) => null;
String toString() => keyword.lexeme;