blob: 7a2c56aec7ab64da49200462f5f9815893013e86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This file declares a "shadow hierarchy" of concrete classes which extend
/// the kernel class hierarchy, adding methods and fields needed by the
/// BodyBuilder.
/// Instances of these classes may be created using the factory methods in
/// `ast_factory.dart`.
/// Note that these classes represent the Dart language prior to desugaring.
/// When a single Dart construct desugars to a tree containing multiple kernel
/// AST nodes, the shadow class extends the kernel object at the top of the
/// desugared tree.
/// This means that in some cases multiple shadow classes may extend the same
/// kernel class, because multiple constructs in Dart may desugar to a tree
/// with the same kind of root node.
import 'dart:core' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as kernel show Expression, Initializer;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide InvalidExpression, InvalidInitializer;
import 'package:kernel/clone.dart' show CloneVisitor;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
import '../../base/instrumentation.dart'
import '../fasta_codes.dart'
import '../problems.dart' show unhandled, unsupported;
import '../source/source_class_builder.dart' show SourceClassBuilder;
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart' show SourceLibraryBuilder;
import '../type_inference/inference_helper.dart' show InferenceHelper;
import '../type_inference/interface_resolver.dart' show InterfaceResolver;
import '../type_inference/type_inference_engine.dart'
import '../type_inference/type_inferrer.dart'
import '../type_inference/type_inference_listener.dart'
import '../type_inference/type_promotion.dart'
show TypePromoter, TypePromoterImpl, TypePromotionFact, TypePromotionScope;
import '../type_inference/type_schema.dart' show UnknownType;
import '../type_inference/type_schema_elimination.dart' show greatestClosure;
import '../type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart'
show TypeSchemaEnvironment, getPositionalParameterType;
import 'body_builder.dart' show combineStatements;
import 'kernel_expression_generator.dart' show makeLet;
/// Indicates whether type inference involving conditional expressions should
/// always use least upper bound.
/// A value of `true` matches the behavior of analyzer. A value of `false`
/// matches the informal specification in
/// TODO(paulberry): once compatibility with analyzer is no longer needed,
/// change this to `false`.
const bool _forceLub = true;
/// Computes the return type of a (possibly factory) constructor.
InterfaceType computeConstructorReturnType(Member constructor) {
if (constructor is Constructor) {
return constructor.enclosingClass.thisType;
} else {
return constructor.function.returnType;
List<DartType> getExplicitTypeArguments(Arguments arguments) {
if (arguments is ArgumentsJudgment) {
return arguments._hasExplicitTypeArguments ? arguments.types : null;
} else {
// This code path should only be taken in situations where there are no
// type arguments at all, e.g. calling a user-definable operator.
return null;
/// Information associated with a class during type inference.
class ClassInferenceInfo {
/// The builder associated with this class.
final SourceClassBuilder builder;
/// The visitor for determining if a given type makes covariant use of one of
/// the class's generic parameters, and therefore requires covariant checks.
IncludesTypeParametersCovariantly needsCheckVisitor;
/// Getters and methods in the class's API. May include forwarding nodes.
final gettersAndMethods = <Member>[];
/// Setters in the class's API. May include forwarding nodes.
final setters = <Member>[];
/// Concrete shadow object representing a set of invocation arguments.
class ArgumentsJudgment extends Arguments {
/// The end offset of the closing `)`.
final int fileEndOffset;
bool _hasExplicitTypeArguments;
List<ExpressionJudgment> get positionalJudgments => positional.cast();
List<NamedExpressionJudgment> get namedJudgments => named.cast();
int fileOffset, this.fileEndOffset, List<Expression> positional,
{List<DartType> types, List<NamedExpression> named})
: _hasExplicitTypeArguments = types != null && types.isNotEmpty,
super(positional, types: types, named: named) {
this.fileOffset = fileOffset;
static void setNonInferrableArgumentTypes(
ArgumentsJudgment arguments, List<DartType> types) {
arguments._hasExplicitTypeArguments = true;
static void removeNonInferrableArgumentTypes(ArgumentsJudgment arguments) {
arguments._hasExplicitTypeArguments = false;
/// Shadow object for [AsExpression].
class AsJudgment extends AsExpression implements ExpressionJudgment {
final AsExpressionTokens tokens;
final Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
AsJudgment(Expression operand, this.tokens, DartType type,
: super(operand, type);
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => operand;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, const UnknownType(), false,
isVoidAllowed: true);
inferredType = type;
.asExpression(this, fileOffset, null, tokens, null, inferredType);
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing an assert initializer in kernel form.
class AssertInitializerJudgment extends AssertInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
final AssertInitializerTokens tokens;
AssertInitializerJudgment(AssertStatement statement, this.tokens)
: super(statement);
AssertStatementJudgment get judgment => statement;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
inferrer.listener.assertInitializer(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing an assertion statement in kernel form.
class AssertStatementJudgment extends AssertStatement
implements StatementJudgment {
final AssertStatementTokens tokens;
AssertStatementJudgment(this.tokens, Expression condition,
{Expression message, int conditionStartOffset, int conditionEndOffset})
: super(condition,
message: message,
conditionStartOffset: conditionStartOffset,
conditionEndOffset: conditionEndOffset);
ExpressionJudgment get conditionJudgment => condition;
ExpressionJudgment get messageJudgment => message;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var conditionJudgment = this.conditionJudgment;
var messageJudgment = this.messageJudgment;
var expectedType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
conditionJudgment, expectedType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(expectedType, conditionJudgment.inferredType,
conditionJudgment, conditionJudgment.fileOffset);
if (messageJudgment != null) {
inferrer.inferExpression(messageJudgment, const UnknownType(), false);
inferrer.listener.assertStatement(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, null);
/// Shadow object for [AwaitExpression].
class AwaitJudgment extends AwaitExpression implements ExpressionJudgment {
AwaitExpressionTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
AwaitJudgment(this.tokens, Expression operand) : super(operand);
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => operand;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
if (!inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isEmptyContext(typeContext)) {
typeContext = inferrer.wrapFutureOrType(typeContext);
var judgment = this.judgment;
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, typeContext, true, isVoidAllowed: true);
inferredType =
.awaitExpression(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a statement block in kernel form.
class BlockJudgment extends Block implements StatementJudgment {
BlockTokens tokens;
BlockJudgment(this.tokens, List<Statement> statements) : super(statements);
List<Statement> get judgments => statements;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
for (var judgment in judgments) {
inferrer.listener.block(this, fileOffset, tokens, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a boolean literal in kernel form.
class BoolJudgment extends BoolLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
final BoolLiteralTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
BoolJudgment(this.tokens, bool value) : super(value);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
.boolLiteral(this, fileOffset, tokens, value, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a break statement in kernel form.
class BreakJudgment extends BreakStatement implements StatementJudgment {
BreakStatementTokens tokens;
BreakJudgment(this.tokens, LabeledStatement target) : super(target);
LabeledStatementJudgment get targetJudgment => target;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// No inference needs to be done.
this, fileOffset, tokens, null, targetJudgment?.createBinder(inferrer));
/// Concrete shadow object representing a continue statement in kernel form.
class ContinueJudgment extends BreakStatement implements StatementJudgment {
ContinueStatementTokens tokens;
ContinueJudgment(this.tokens, LabeledStatement target) : super(target);
LabeledStatementJudgment get targetJudgment => target;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// No inference needs to be done.
this, fileOffset, tokens, null, targetJudgment?.createBinder(inferrer));
/// Concrete shadow object representing a cascade expression.
/// A cascade expression of the form `a..b()..c()` is represented as the kernel
/// expression:
/// let v = a in
/// let _ = v.b() in
/// let _ = v.c() in
/// v
/// In the documentation that follows, `v` is referred to as the "cascade
/// variable"--this is the variable that remembers the value of the expression
/// preceding the first `..` while the cascades are being evaluated.
/// After constructing a [CascadeJudgment], the caller should
/// call [finalize] with an expression representing the expression after the
/// `..`. If a further `..` follows that expression, the caller should call
/// [extend] followed by [finalize] for each subsequent cascade.
class CascadeJudgment extends Let implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
/// Pointer to the last "let" expression in the cascade.
Let nextCascade;
/// Creates a [CascadeJudgment] using [variable] as the cascade
/// variable. Caller is responsible for ensuring that [variable]'s
/// initializer is the expression preceding the first `..` of the cascade
/// expression.
CascadeJudgment(VariableDeclarationJudgment variable)
: super(
makeLet(new VariableDeclaration.forValue(new _UnfinishedCascade()),
new VariableGet(variable))) {
nextCascade = body;
ExpressionJudgment get targetJudgment => variable.initializer;
Iterable<ExpressionJudgment> get cascadeJudgments sync* {
Let section = body;
while (true) {
yield section.variable.initializer;
if (section.body is! Let) break;
section = section.body;
/// Adds a new unfinalized section to the end of the cascade. Should be
/// called after the previous cascade section has been finalized.
void extend() {
assert(nextCascade.variable.initializer is! _UnfinishedCascade);
Let newCascade = makeLet(
new VariableDeclaration.forValue(new _UnfinishedCascade()),
nextCascade.body = newCascade;
newCascade.parent = nextCascade;
nextCascade = newCascade;
/// Finalizes the last cascade section with the given [expression].
void finalize(Expression expression) {
assert(nextCascade.variable.initializer is _UnfinishedCascade);
nextCascade.variable.initializer = expression;
expression.parent = nextCascade.variable;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.inferExpression(targetJudgment, typeContext, true);
if (inferrer.strongMode) {
variable.type = inferredType;
for (var judgment in cascadeJudgments) {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, const UnknownType(), false,
isVoidAllowed: true);
inferrer.listener.cascadeExpression(this, fileOffset, inferredType);
return null;
/// Shadow object representing a class in kernel form.
class ShadowClass extends Class {
ClassInferenceInfo _inferenceInfo;
{String name,
Supertype supertype,
Supertype mixedInType,
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
List<Supertype> implementedTypes,
List<Procedure> procedures,
List<Field> fields})
: super(
name: name,
supertype: supertype,
mixedInType: mixedInType,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
implementedTypes: implementedTypes,
procedures: procedures,
fields: fields);
/// Resolves all forwarding nodes for this class, propagates covariance
/// annotations, and creates forwarding stubs as needed.
void finalizeCovariance(InterfaceResolver interfaceResolver) {
this, _inferenceInfo.gettersAndMethods, _inferenceInfo.builder.library);
this, _inferenceInfo.setters, _inferenceInfo.builder.library);
/// Creates API members for this class.
void setupApiMembers(InterfaceResolver interfaceResolver) {
interfaceResolver.createApiMembers(this, _inferenceInfo.gettersAndMethods,
_inferenceInfo.setters, _inferenceInfo.builder.library);
static void clearClassInferenceInfo(ShadowClass class_) {
class_._inferenceInfo = null;
static ClassInferenceInfo getClassInferenceInfo(Class class_) {
if (class_ is ShadowClass) return class_._inferenceInfo;
return null;
/// Initializes the class inference information associated with the given
/// [class_], starting with the fact that it is associated with the given
/// [builder].
static void setBuilder(ShadowClass class_, SourceClassBuilder builder) {
class_._inferenceInfo = new ClassInferenceInfo(builder);
/// Abstract shadow object representing a complex assignment in kernel form.
/// Since there are many forms a complex assignment might have been desugared
/// to, this class wraps the desugared assignment rather than extending it.
/// TODO(paulberry): once we know exactly what constitutes a "complex
/// assignment", document it here.
abstract class ComplexAssignmentJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
/// In a compound assignment, the expression that reads the old value, or
/// `null` if this is not a compound assignment.
Expression read;
/// The expression appearing on the RHS of the assignment.
final ExpressionJudgment rhs;
/// The expression that performs the write (e.g. `a.[]=(b, a.[](b) + 1)` in
/// `++a[b]`).
Expression write;
/// In a compound assignment without shortcut semantics, the expression that
/// combines the old and new values, or `null` if this is not a compound
/// assignment.
/// Note that in a compound assignment with shortcut semantics, this is not
/// used; [nullAwareCombiner] is used instead.
MethodInvocation combiner;
/// In a compound assignment with shortcut semantics, the conditional
/// expression that determines whether the assignment occurs.
/// Note that in a compound assignment without shortcut semantics, this is not
/// used; [combiner] is used instead.
ConditionalExpression nullAwareCombiner;
/// Indicates whether the expression arose from a post-increment or
/// post-decrement.
bool isPostIncDec = false;
/// Indicates whether the expression arose from a pre-increment or
/// pre-decrement.
bool isPreIncDec = false;
ComplexAssignmentJudgment(this.rhs) : super(null);
String toString() {
var parts = _getToStringParts();
return '${runtimeType}(${parts.join(', ')})';
List<String> _getToStringParts() {
List<String> parts = [];
if (desugared != null) parts.add('desugared=$desugared');
if (read != null) parts.add('read=$read');
if (rhs != null) parts.add('rhs=$rhs');
if (write != null) parts.add('write=$write');
if (combiner != null) parts.add('combiner=$combiner');
if (nullAwareCombiner != null) {
if (isPostIncDec) parts.add('isPostIncDec=true');
if (isPreIncDec) parts.add('isPreIncDec=true');
return parts;
DartType _getWriteType(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) => unhandled(
'$runtimeType', 'ShadowComplexAssignment._getWriteType', -1, null);
_inferRhs<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer,
DartType readType,
DartType writeContext) {
assert(writeContext != null);
if (readType is VoidType &&
(combiner != null || nullAwareCombiner != null)) {
?.addProblem(messageVoidExpression, read.fileOffset, noLength);
var writeOffset = write == null ? -1 : write.fileOffset;
Procedure combinerMember;
DartType combinedType;
if (combiner != null) {
bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperator = false;
combinerMember =
inferrer.findMethodInvocationMember(readType, combiner, silent: true);
if (combinerMember is Procedure) {
isOverloadedArithmeticOperator = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
.isOverloadedArithmeticOperatorAndType(combinerMember, readType);
DartType rhsType;
var combinerType =
inferrer.getCalleeFunctionType(combinerMember, readType, false);
if (isPreIncDec || isPostIncDec) {
rhsType = inferrer.coreTypes.intClass.rawType;
} else {
// It's not necessary to call _storeLetType for [rhs] because the RHS
// is always passed directly to the combiner; it's never stored in a
// temporary variable first.
assert(identical(combiner.arguments.positional.first, rhs));
// Analyzer uses a null context for the RHS here.
// TODO(paulberry): improve on this.
inferrer.inferExpression(rhs, const UnknownType(), true);
rhsType = rhs.inferredType;
// Do not use rhs after this point because it may be a Shadow node
// that has been replaced in the tree with its desugaring.
var expectedType = getPositionalParameterType(combinerType, 0);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(expectedType, rhsType,
combiner.arguments.positional.first, combiner.fileOffset);
if (isOverloadedArithmeticOperator) {
combinedType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
.getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(readType, rhsType);
} else {
combinedType = combinerType.returnType;
var checkKind = inferrer.preCheckInvocationContravariance(read, readType,
combinerMember, combiner, combiner.arguments, combiner);
var replacedCombiner = inferrer.handleInvocationContravariance(
var replacedCombiner2 = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
writeContext, combinedType, replacedCombiner, writeOffset);
if (replacedCombiner2 != null) {
replacedCombiner = replacedCombiner2;
_storeLetType(inferrer, replacedCombiner, combinedType);
} else {
inferrer.inferExpression(rhs, writeContext ?? const UnknownType(), true,
isVoidAllowed: true);
var rhsType = rhs.inferredType;
var replacedRhs = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
writeContext, rhsType, rhs, writeOffset,
isVoidAllowed: writeContext is VoidType);
_storeLetType(inferrer, replacedRhs ?? rhs, rhsType);
if (nullAwareCombiner != null) {
MethodInvocation equalsInvocation = nullAwareCombiner.condition;
greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, writeContext), equalsInvocation,
silent: true);
// Note: the case of readType=null only happens for erroneous code.
combinedType = readType == null
? rhsType
: inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
.getLeastUpperBound(readType, rhsType);
if (inferrer.strongMode) {
nullAwareCombiner.staticType = combinedType;
} else {
combinedType = rhsType;
if (this is IndexAssignmentJudgment) {
_storeLetType(inferrer, write, const VoidType());
} else {
_storeLetType(inferrer, write, combinedType);
inferredType =
isPostIncDec ? (readType ?? const DynamicType()) : combinedType;
return new _ComplexAssignmentInferenceResult(combinerMember);
/// Abstract shadow object representing a complex assignment involving a
/// receiver.
abstract class ComplexAssignmentJudgmentWithReceiver
extends ComplexAssignmentJudgment {
/// The receiver of the assignment target (e.g. `a` in `a[b] = c`).
final ExpressionJudgment receiver;
/// Indicates whether this assignment uses `super`.
final bool isSuper;
this.receiver, ExpressionJudgment rhs, this.isSuper)
: super(rhs);
List<String> _getToStringParts() {
var parts = super._getToStringParts();
if (receiver != null) parts.add('receiver=$receiver');
if (isSuper) parts.add('isSuper=true');
return parts;
DartType _inferReceiver<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
if (receiver != null) {
inferrer.inferExpression(receiver, const UnknownType(), true);
var receiverType = receiver.inferredType;
_storeLetType(inferrer, receiver, receiverType);
return receiverType;
} else if (isSuper) {
return inferrer.classHierarchy.getTypeAsInstanceOf(
inferrer.thisType, inferrer.thisType.classNode.supertype.classNode);
} else {
return inferrer.thisType;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a conditional expression in kernel form.
/// Shadow object for [ConditionalExpression].
class ConditionalJudgment extends ConditionalExpression
implements ExpressionJudgment {
ConditionalExpressionTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
ExpressionJudgment get conditionJudgment => condition;
ExpressionJudgment get thenJudgment => then;
ExpressionJudgment get otherwiseJudgment => otherwise;
Expression condition, this.tokens, Expression then, Expression otherwise)
: super(condition, then, otherwise, null);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var conditionJudgment = this.conditionJudgment;
var thenJudgment = this.thenJudgment;
var otherwiseJudgment = this.otherwiseJudgment;
var expectedType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
conditionJudgment, expectedType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(expectedType, conditionJudgment.inferredType,
condition, condition.fileOffset);
inferrer.inferExpression(thenJudgment, typeContext, true,
isVoidAllowed: true);
bool useLub = _forceLub || typeContext == null;
inferrer.inferExpression(otherwiseJudgment, typeContext, useLub,
isVoidAllowed: true);
inferredType = useLub
? inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.getLeastUpperBound(
thenJudgment.inferredType, otherwiseJudgment.inferredType)
: greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, typeContext);
if (inferrer.strongMode) {
staticType = inferredType;
this, fileOffset, null, tokens, null, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Shadow object for [ConstructorInvocation].
class ConstructorInvocationJudgment extends ConstructorInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
ConstructorInvocationJudgment(Constructor target, ArgumentsJudgment arguments,
{bool isConst: false})
: super(target, arguments, isConst: isConst);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var library = inferrer.engine.beingInferred[target];
if (library != null) {
// There is a cyclic dependency where inferring the types of the
// initializing formals of a constructor required us to infer the
// corresponding field type which required us to know the type of the
// constructor.
var name =;
if ( != '') name += '.${}';
for (var declaration in target.function.positionalParameters) {
declaration.type ??= const DynamicType();
for (var declaration in target.function.namedParameters) {
declaration.type ??= const DynamicType();
} else if ((library = inferrer.engine.toBeInferred[target]) != null) {
inferrer.engine.beingInferred[target] = library;
for (var declaration in target.function.positionalParameters) {
inferrer.engine.inferInitializingFormal(declaration, target);
for (var declaration in target.function.namedParameters) {
inferrer.engine.inferInitializingFormal(declaration, target);
var inferenceResult = inferrer.inferInvocation(
isConst: isConst);
var inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
this.inferredType = inferredType;
if (inferrer.strongMode &&
!inferrer.isTopLevel &&
inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSuperBounded(inferredType)) {
this, argumentJudgments.fileOffset, target, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a continue statement from a switch
/// statement, in kernel form.
class ContinueSwitchJudgment extends ContinueSwitchStatement
implements StatementJudgment {
ContinueSwitchStatementTokens tokens;
ContinueSwitchJudgment(this.tokens, SwitchCase target) : super(target);
SwitchCaseJudgment get targetJudgment => target;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// No inference needs to be done.
this, fileOffset, tokens, null, targetJudgment?.createBinder(inferrer));
/// Shadow object representing a deferred check in kernel form.
class DeferredCheckJudgment extends Let implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
DeferredCheckJudgment(VariableDeclaration variable, Expression body)
: super(variable, body);
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => body;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
// Since the variable is not used in the body we don't need to type infer
// it. We can just type infer the body.
var judgment = this.judgment;
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, typeContext, true, isVoidAllowed: true);
inferredType = judgment.inferredType;
inferrer.listener.deferredCheck(this, fileOffset, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a do loop in kernel form.
class DoJudgment extends DoStatement implements StatementJudgment {
DoStatementTokens tokens;
DoJudgment(this.tokens, Statement body, Expression condition)
: super(body, condition);
StatementJudgment get bodyJudgment => body;
ExpressionJudgment get conditionJudgment => condition;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var conditionJudgment = this.conditionJudgment;
var boolType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
inferrer.inferExpression(conditionJudgment, boolType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(boolType, conditionJudgment.inferredType,
condition, condition.fileOffset);
inferrer.listener.doStatement(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a double literal in kernel form.
class DoubleJudgment extends DoubleLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
DoubleLiteralTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
DoubleJudgment(this.tokens, double value) : super(value);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.doubleClass.rawType;
.doubleLiteral(this, fileOffset, tokens, value, inferredType);
return null;
/// Common base class for shadow objects representing expressions in kernel
/// form.
abstract class ExpressionJudgment implements Expression {
DartType inferredType;
/// Calls back to [inferrer] to perform type inference for whatever concrete
/// type of [ExpressionJudgment] this is.
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext);
/// Concrete shadow object representing an empty statement in kernel form.
class EmptyStatementJudgment extends EmptyStatement
implements StatementJudgment {
EmptyStatementTokens tokens;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// No inference needs to be done.
/// Concrete shadow object representing an expression statement in kernel form.
class ExpressionStatementJudgment extends ExpressionStatement
implements StatementJudgment {
ExpressionStatementTokens tokens;
ExpressionStatementJudgment(Expression expression, this.tokens)
: super(expression);
Expression get judgment => expression;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, const UnknownType(), false,
isVoidAllowed: true);
inferrer.listener.expressionStatement(this, fileOffset, null, tokens);
/// Shadow object for [StaticInvocation] when the procedure being invoked is a
/// factory constructor.
class FactoryConstructorInvocationJudgment extends StaticInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
Procedure target, ArgumentsJudgment arguments,
{bool isConst: false})
: super(target, arguments, isConst: isConst);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var inferenceResult = inferrer.inferInvocation(
isConst: isConst);
var inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
this.inferredType = inferredType;
this, argumentJudgments.fileOffset, target, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a field in kernel form.
class ShadowField extends Field implements ShadowMember {
InferenceNode inferenceNode;
ShadowTypeInferrer typeInferrer;
final bool _isImplicitlyTyped;
ShadowField(Name name, this._isImplicitlyTyped, {Uri fileUri})
: super(name, fileUri: fileUri) {}
void setInferredType(
TypeInferenceEngine engine, Uri uri, DartType inferredType) {
type = inferredType;
static bool hasTypeInferredFromInitializer(ShadowField field) =>
field.inferenceNode is FieldInitializerInferenceNode;
static bool isImplicitlyTyped(ShadowField field) => field._isImplicitlyTyped;
static void setInferenceNode(ShadowField field, InferenceNode node) {
assert(field.inferenceNode == null);
field.inferenceNode = node;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a field initializer in kernel form.
class ShadowFieldInitializer extends FieldInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
ShadowFieldInitializer(Field field, Expression value) : super(field, value);
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var initializerType = inferrer.inferExpression(value, field.type, true);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(field.type, initializerType, value, fileOffset);
this, fileOffset, null, null, null, null, null, field);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a for-in loop in kernel form.
class ForInJudgment extends ForInStatement implements StatementJudgment {
final ForInStatementTokens tokens;
final bool _declaresVariable;
final SyntheticExpressionJudgment _syntheticAssignment;
ForInJudgment(this.tokens, VariableDeclaration variable, Expression iterable,
Statement body, this._declaresVariable, this._syntheticAssignment,
{bool isAsync: false})
: super(variable, iterable, body, isAsync: isAsync);
VariableDeclarationJudgment get variableJudgment => variable;
ExpressionJudgment get iterableJudgment => iterable;
StatementJudgment get bodyJudgment => body;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var iterableClass = isAsync
? inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass
: inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass;
DartType context;
bool typeNeeded = false;
bool typeChecksNeeded = !inferrer.isTopLevel;
VariableDeclarationJudgment variable;
var syntheticAssignment = _syntheticAssignment;
kernel.Expression syntheticWrite;
DartType syntheticWriteType;
if (_declaresVariable) {
variable = this.variableJudgment;
if (inferrer.strongMode && variable._implicitlyTyped) {
typeNeeded = true;
context = const UnknownType();
} else {
context = variable.type;
} else if (syntheticAssignment is ComplexAssignmentJudgment) {
syntheticWrite = syntheticAssignment.write;
syntheticWriteType =
context = syntheticAssignment._getWriteType(inferrer);
} else {
context = const UnknownType();
context = inferrer.wrapType(context, iterableClass);
var iterableJudgment = this.iterableJudgment;
iterableJudgment, context, typeNeeded || typeChecksNeeded);
var inferredExpressionType =
inferrer.wrapType(const DynamicType(), iterableClass),
template: templateForInLoopTypeNotIterable);
DartType inferredType;
if (typeNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
inferredType = const DynamicType();
if (inferredExpressionType is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType supertype = inferrer.classHierarchy
.getTypeAsInstanceOf(inferredExpressionType, iterableClass);
if (supertype != null) {
inferredType = supertype.typeArguments[0];
if (typeNeeded) {
inferrer.instrumentation?.record(inferrer.uri, variable.fileOffset,
'type', new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
variable.type = inferredType;
if (!_declaresVariable) {
this.variable.type = inferredType;
if (syntheticAssignment != null) {
var syntheticStatement = new ExpressionStatement(syntheticAssignment);
body = combineStatements(syntheticStatement, body)..parent = this;
if (_declaresVariable) {
var tempVar =
new VariableDeclaration(null, type: inferredType, isFinal: true);
var variableGet = new VariableGet(tempVar)
..fileOffset = this.variable.fileOffset;
var implicitDowncast = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
variable.type, inferredType, variableGet, fileOffset,
template: templateForInLoopElementTypeNotAssignable);
if (implicitDowncast != null) {
this.variable = tempVar..parent = this;
variable.initializer = implicitDowncast..parent = variable;
body = combineStatements(variable, body)..parent = this;
} else if (syntheticAssignment is SyntheticExpressionJudgment) {
if (syntheticAssignment is ComplexAssignmentJudgment) {
greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, syntheticWriteType),
template: templateForInLoopElementTypeNotAssignable,
isVoidAllowed: true);
if (syntheticAssignment is PropertyAssignmentJudgment) {
inferrer, inferrer.thisType);
if (syntheticWrite is VariableSet) {
(syntheticWrite.variable as VariableDeclarationJudgment)
} else if (syntheticWrite is PropertySet) {
} else if (syntheticWrite is StaticSet) {
} else if (syntheticWrite == null ||
syntheticWrite is SyntheticExpressionJudgment) {
} else {
throw new UnimplementedError(
'(${syntheticWrite.runtimeType}) $syntheticWrite');
/// Concrete shadow object representing a classic for loop in kernel form.
class ForJudgment extends ForStatement implements StatementJudgment {
ForStatementTokens tokens;
final List<ExpressionJudgment> initializers;
List<VariableDeclaration> variables,
ExpressionJudgment condition,
List<Expression> updates,
Statement body)
: super(variables ?? [], condition, updates, body);
List<VariableDeclarationJudgment> get variableJudgments => variables.cast();
ExpressionJudgment get conditionJudgment => condition;
List<ExpressionJudgment> get updateJudgments => updates.cast();
StatementJudgment get bodyJudgment => body;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var initializers = this.initializers;
var conditionJudgment = this.conditionJudgment;
if (initializers != null) {
for (var initializer in initializers) {
.add(new VariableDeclaration.forValue(initializer)..parent = this);
inferrer.inferExpression(initializer, const UnknownType(), false,
isVoidAllowed: true);
} else {
for (var variable in variableJudgments) {
if (conditionJudgment != null) {
var expectedType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
conditionJudgment, expectedType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(expectedType, conditionJudgment.inferredType,
condition, condition.fileOffset);
for (var update in updateJudgments) {
inferrer.inferExpression(update, const UnknownType(), false,
isVoidAllowed: true);
this, fileOffset, tokens, null, null, condition, updates, body);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a function expression in kernel form.
class FunctionNodeJudgment extends FunctionNode {
FunctionNodeJudgment(Statement body,
{List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
List<VariableDeclaration> positionalParameters,
List<VariableDeclaration> namedParameters,
int requiredParameterCount,
DartType returnType: const DynamicType(),
AsyncMarker asyncMarker: AsyncMarker.Sync,
AsyncMarker dartAsyncMarker})
: super(body,
typeParameters: typeParameters,
positionalParameters: positionalParameters,
namedParameters: namedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: requiredParameterCount,
returnType: returnType,
asyncMarker: asyncMarker,
dartAsyncMarker: dartAsyncMarker);
ExpressionInferenceResult infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer,
DartType typeContext,
DartType returnContext,
int returnTypeInstrumentationOffset) {
return inferrer.inferLocalFunction(
this, typeContext, returnTypeInstrumentationOffset, returnContext);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a local function declaration in kernel
/// form.
class FunctionDeclarationJudgment extends FunctionDeclaration
implements StatementJudgment {
bool _hasImplicitReturnType = false;
VariableDeclarationJudgment variable, FunctionNodeJudgment function)
: super(variable, function);
VariableDeclarationJudgment get variableJudgment => variable;
FunctionNodeJudgment get functionJudgment => function;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
DartType returnContext = _hasImplicitReturnType
? (inferrer.strongMode ? null : const DynamicType())
: function.returnType;
var inferenceResult =
functionJudgment.infer(inferrer, null, returnContext, fileOffset);
var inferredType = variable.type = inferenceResult.type;
variableJudgment.createBinder(inferrer), inferredType);
static void setHasImplicitReturnType(
FunctionDeclarationJudgment declaration, bool hasImplicitReturnType) {
declaration._hasImplicitReturnType = hasImplicitReturnType;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a function expression in kernel form.
class FunctionExpressionJudgment extends FunctionExpression
implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
FunctionExpressionJudgment(FunctionNodeJudgment function) : super(function);
FunctionNodeJudgment get judgment => function;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var judgment = this.judgment;
var inferenceResult =
judgment.infer(inferrer, typeContext, null, fileOffset);
inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
inferrer.listener.functionExpression(this, fileOffset, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a super initializer in kernel form.
class InvalidSuperInitializerJudgment extends LocalInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
final Constructor target;
final ArgumentsJudgment argumentsJudgment;
InvalidSuperInitializerJudgment(, this.argumentsJudgment, VariableDeclaration variable)
: super(variable);
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var substitution = Substitution.fromSupertype(inferrer.classHierarchy
inferrer.thisType.classNode, target.enclosingClass));
skipTypeArgumentInference: true);
inferrer.listener.superInitializer(this, fileOffset, null, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing an if-null expression.
/// An if-null expression of the form `a ?? b` is represented as the kernel
/// expression:
/// let v = a in v == null ? b : v
class IfNullJudgment extends Let implements ExpressionJudgment {
final IfNullTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
IfNullJudgment(VariableDeclaration variable, this.tokens, Expression body)
: super(variable, body);
ConditionalExpression get body => super.body;
/// Returns the expression to the left of `??`.
ExpressionJudgment get leftJudgment => variable.initializer;
/// Returns the expression to the right of `??`.
ExpressionJudgment get rightJudgment => body.then;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var leftJudgment = this.leftJudgment;
var rightJudgment = this.rightJudgment;
// To infer `e0 ?? e1` in context K:
// - Infer e0 in context K to get T0
inferrer.inferExpression(leftJudgment, typeContext, true);
var lhsType = leftJudgment.inferredType;
if (inferrer.strongMode) {
variable.type = lhsType;
// - Let J = T0 if K is `?` else K.
// - Infer e1 in context J to get T1
bool useLub = _forceLub || typeContext is UnknownType;
if (typeContext is UnknownType) {
inferrer.inferExpression(rightJudgment, lhsType, true,
isVoidAllowed: true);
} else {
inferrer.inferExpression(rightJudgment, typeContext, _forceLub,
isVoidAllowed: true);
var rhsType = rightJudgment.inferredType;
// - Let T = greatest closure of K with respect to `?` if K is not `_`, else
// UP(t0, t1)
// - Then the inferred type is T.
if (rhsType is VoidType) {
inferredType = rhsType;
} else {
inferredType = useLub
? inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.getLeastUpperBound(lhsType, rhsType)
: greatestClosure(inferrer.coreTypes, typeContext);
if (inferrer.strongMode) {
body.staticType = inferredType;
.ifNull(this, fileOffset, null, tokens, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing an if statement in kernel form.
class IfJudgment extends IfStatement implements StatementJudgment {
IfStatementTokens tokens;
this.tokens, Expression condition, Statement then, Statement otherwise)
: super(condition, then, otherwise);
ExpressionJudgment get conditionJudgment => condition;
StatementJudgment get thenJudgment => then;
StatementJudgment get otherwiseJudgment => otherwise;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var conditionJudgment = this.conditionJudgment;
var expectedType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
conditionJudgment, expectedType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(expectedType, conditionJudgment.inferredType,
condition, condition.fileOffset);
if (otherwiseJudgment != null) {
inferrer.listener.ifStatement(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, null, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing an assignment to a target for which
/// assignment is not allowed.
class IllegalAssignmentJudgment extends ComplexAssignmentJudgment {
/// The offset at which the invalid assignment should be stored.
/// If `-1`, then there is no separate location for invalid assignment.
final int assignmentOffset;
IllegalAssignmentJudgment(ExpressionJudgment rhs, {this.assignmentOffset: -1})
: super(rhs) {
rhs.parent = this;
DartType _getWriteType(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
return const UnknownType();
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
if (write != null) {
inferrer.inferExpression(write, const UnknownType(), false);
if (assignmentOffset != -1) {
inferrer.listener.invalidAssignment(this, assignmentOffset);
inferrer.inferExpression(rhs, const UnknownType(), false);
inferredType = const DynamicType();
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing an assignment to a target of the form
/// `a[b]`.
class IndexAssignmentJudgment extends ComplexAssignmentJudgmentWithReceiver {
/// In an assignment to an index expression, the index expression.
final ExpressionJudgment index;
ExpressionJudgment receiver, this.index, ExpressionJudgment rhs,
{bool isSuper: false})
: super(receiver, rhs, isSuper);
Arguments _getInvocationArguments(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, Expression invocation) {
if (invocation is MethodInvocation) {
return invocation.arguments;
} else if (invocation is SuperMethodInvocation) {
return invocation.arguments;
} else {
throw unhandled("${invocation.runtimeType}", "_getInvocationArguments",
fileOffset, inferrer.uri);
List<String> _getToStringParts() {
var parts = super._getToStringParts();
if (index != null) parts.add('index=$index');
return parts;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var receiverType = _inferReceiver(inferrer);
var writeMember = inferrer.findMethodInvocationMember(receiverType, write);
// To replicate analyzer behavior, we base type inference on the write
// member. TODO(paulberry): would it be better to use the read member
// when doing compound assignment?
var calleeType =
inferrer.getCalleeFunctionType(writeMember, receiverType, false);
DartType expectedIndexTypeForWrite;
DartType indexContext = const UnknownType();
DartType writeContext = const UnknownType();
if (calleeType.positionalParameters.length >= 2) {
// TODO(paulberry): we ought to get a context for the index expression
// from the index formal parameter, but analyzer doesn't so for now we
// replicate its behavior.
expectedIndexTypeForWrite = calleeType.positionalParameters[0];
writeContext = calleeType.positionalParameters[1];
inferrer.inferExpression(index, indexContext, true);
var indexType = index.inferredType;
_storeLetType(inferrer, index, indexType);
if (writeContext is! UnknownType) {
_getInvocationArguments(inferrer, write).positional[0],
InvocationExpression read =;
DartType readType;
if (read != null) {
var readMember =
inferrer.findMethodInvocationMember(receiverType, read, silent: true);
var calleeFunctionType =
inferrer.getCalleeFunctionType(readMember, receiverType, false);
getPositionalParameterType(calleeFunctionType, 0),
_getInvocationArguments(inferrer, read).positional[0],
readType = calleeFunctionType.returnType;
var desugaredInvocation = read is MethodInvocation ? read : null;
var checkKind = inferrer.preCheckInvocationContravariance(receiver,
receiverType, readMember, desugaredInvocation, read.arguments, read);
var replacedRead = inferrer.handleInvocationContravariance(
_storeLetType(inferrer, replacedRead, readType);
var inferredResult = _inferRhs(inferrer, readType, writeContext);
inferrer.listener.indexAssign(this, write.fileOffset, receiverType,
writeMember, inferredResult.combiner, inferredType);
return null;
/// Common base class for shadow objects representing initializers in kernel
/// form.
abstract class InitializerJudgment implements Initializer {
/// Performs type inference for whatever concrete type of [InitializerJudgment]
/// this is.
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer);
/// Concrete shadow object representing an integer literal in kernel form.
class IntJudgment extends IntLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
IntLiteralTokens tokens;
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
IntJudgment(this.tokens, int value, {this.desugaredError}) : super(value);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.intClass.rawType;
inferrer.listener.intLiteral(this, fileOffset, tokens, value, inferredType);
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing an invalid initializer in kernel form.
class ShadowInvalidInitializer extends LocalInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
ShadowInvalidInitializer(VariableDeclaration variable) : super(variable);
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
inferrer.inferExpression(variable.initializer, const UnknownType(), false);
inferrer.listener.invalidInitializer(this, fileOffset);
/// Concrete shadow object representing an invalid initializer in kernel form.
class ShadowInvalidFieldInitializer extends LocalInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
final Node field;
final Expression value;
this.field, this.value, VariableDeclaration variable)
: super(variable) {
value?.parent = this;
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => value;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var field = this.field;
var typeContext = field is Field ? field.type : const UnknownType();
inferrer.inferExpression(value, typeContext, false);
this, fileOffset, null, null, null, null, null, field);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a non-inverted "is" test in kernel form.
class IsJudgment extends IsExpression implements ExpressionJudgment {
IsExpressionTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => operand;
IsJudgment(Expression operand, this.tokens, DartType type)
: super(operand, type);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, const UnknownType(), false);
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
.isExpression(this, fileOffset, null, tokens, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing an inverted "is" test in kernel form.
class IsNotJudgment extends Not implements ExpressionJudgment {
IsNotExpressionTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
IsExpression get operand => super.operand;
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => operand.operand;
IsNotJudgment(Expression operand, this.tokens, DartType type, int charOffset)
: super(new IsExpression(operand, type)..fileOffset = charOffset);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, const UnknownType(), false);
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
.isNotExpression(this, fileOffset, null, tokens, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a labeled statement in kernel form.
class LabeledStatementJudgment extends LabeledStatement
implements StatementJudgment {
LabeledStatementJudgment(Statement body) : super(body);
Object binder;
StatementJudgment get judgment => body;
Object createBinder(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// TODO(paulberry): we need one binder for each label
return binder ??=
inferrer.listener.binderForStatementLabel(this, fileOffset, null);
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// TODO(paulberry): support multiple labels.
List<Object> labels = <Object>[
inferrer.listener.statementLabel(createBinder(inferrer), null, null)
inferrer.listener.labeledStatement(labels, null);
/// Type inference derivation for [LiteralList].
class ListLiteralJudgment extends ListLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
ListLiteralTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
List<Expression> get judgments => expressions;
final DartType _declaredTypeArgument;
ListLiteralJudgment(this.tokens, List<Expression> expressions,
{DartType typeArgument, bool isConst: false})
: _declaredTypeArgument = typeArgument,
typeArgument: typeArgument ?? const DynamicType(),
isConst: isConst);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var listClass = inferrer.coreTypes.listClass;
var listType = listClass.thisType;
List<DartType> inferredTypes;
DartType inferredTypeArgument;
List<DartType> formalTypes;
List<DartType> actualTypes;
bool inferenceNeeded = _declaredTypeArgument == null && inferrer.strongMode;
bool typeChecksNeeded = !inferrer.isTopLevel;
if (inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
formalTypes = [];
actualTypes = [];
if (inferenceNeeded) {
inferredTypes = [const UnknownType()];
listClass.typeParameters, null, null, typeContext, inferredTypes,
isConst: isConst);
inferredTypeArgument = inferredTypes[0];
} else {
inferredTypeArgument = _declaredTypeArgument ?? const DynamicType();
if (inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
for (int i = 0; i < judgments.length; ++i) {
ExpressionJudgment judgment = judgments[i];
judgment, inferredTypeArgument, inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded,
isVoidAllowed: true);
if (inferenceNeeded) {
if (inferenceNeeded) {
inferredTypeArgument = inferredTypes[0];
inferrer.instrumentation?.record(inferrer.uri, fileOffset, 'typeArgs',
new InstrumentationValueForTypeArgs([inferredTypeArgument]));
typeArgument = inferredTypeArgument;
if (typeChecksNeeded) {
for (int i = 0; i < judgments.length; i++) {
typeArgument, actualTypes[i], judgments[i], judgments[i].fileOffset,
isVoidAllowed: typeArgument is VoidType);
var inferredType = new InterfaceType(listClass, [inferredTypeArgument]);
.listLiteral(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, expressions, inferredType);
this.inferredType = inferredType;
return null;
/// Shadow object for [LogicalExpression].
class LogicalJudgment extends LogicalExpression implements ExpressionJudgment {
LogicalExpressionTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
Expression left, this.tokens, String operator, Expression right)
: super(left, operator, right);
ExpressionJudgment get leftJudgment => left;
ExpressionJudgment get rightJudgment => right;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var boolType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
var leftJudgment = this.leftJudgment;
var rightJudgment = this.rightJudgment;
inferrer.inferExpression(leftJudgment, boolType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
inferrer.inferExpression(rightJudgment, boolType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
boolType, leftJudgment.inferredType, left, left.fileOffset);
boolType, rightJudgment.inferredType, right, right.fileOffset);
inferredType = boolType;
.logicalExpression(this, fileOffset, null, tokens, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Type inference derivation for [MapEntry].
/// This derivation is needed for uniformity.
class MapEntryJudgment extends MapEntry {
DartType inferredKeyType;
DartType inferredValueType;
ExpressionJudgment get keyJudgment => key;
ExpressionJudgment get valueJudgment => value;
MapEntryJudgment(Expression key, Expression value) : super(key, value);
MapEntry infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer,
DartType keyTypeContext,
DartType valueTypeContext) {
ExpressionJudgment keyJudgment = this.keyJudgment;
inferrer.inferExpression(keyJudgment, keyTypeContext, true,
isVoidAllowed: true);
inferredKeyType = keyJudgment.inferredType;
ExpressionJudgment valueJudgment = this.valueJudgment;
inferrer.inferExpression(valueJudgment, valueTypeContext, true,
isVoidAllowed: true);
inferredValueType = valueJudgment.inferredType;
return null;
/// Type inference derivation for [MapLiteral].
class MapLiteralJudgment extends MapLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
MapLiteralTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
List<MapEntryJudgment> get judgments => entries;
final DartType _declaredKeyType;
final DartType _declaredValueType;
MapLiteralJudgment(this.tokens, List<MapEntryJudgment> judgments,
{DartType keyType, DartType valueType, bool isConst: false})
: _declaredKeyType = keyType,
_declaredValueType = valueType,
keyType: keyType ?? const DynamicType(),
valueType: valueType ?? const DynamicType(),
isConst: isConst);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var mapClass = inferrer.coreTypes.mapClass;
var mapType = mapClass.thisType;
List<DartType> inferredTypes;
DartType inferredKeyType;
DartType inferredValueType;
List<DartType> formalTypes;
List<DartType> actualTypes;
assert((_declaredKeyType == null) == (_declaredValueType == null));
bool inferenceNeeded = _declaredKeyType == null && inferrer.strongMode;
bool typeChecksNeeded = !inferrer.isTopLevel;
if (inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
formalTypes = [];
actualTypes = [];
if (inferenceNeeded) {
inferredTypes = [const UnknownType(), const UnknownType()];
mapClass.typeParameters, null, null, typeContext, inferredTypes,
isConst: isConst);
inferredKeyType = inferredTypes[0];
inferredValueType = inferredTypes[1];
} else {
inferredKeyType = _declaredKeyType ?? const DynamicType();
inferredValueType = _declaredValueType ?? const DynamicType();
List<ExpressionJudgment> cachedKeyJudgments = => j.keyJudgment).toList();
List<ExpressionJudgment> cachedValueJudgments = => j.valueJudgment).toList();
if (inferenceNeeded || typeChecksNeeded) {
for (MapEntryJudgment judgment in judgments) {
judgment.infer(inferrer, inferredKeyType, inferredValueType);
if (inferenceNeeded) {
if (inferenceNeeded) {
inferredKeyType = inferredTypes[0];
inferredValueType = inferredTypes[1];
new InstrumentationValueForTypeArgs(
[inferredKeyType, inferredValueType]));
keyType = inferredKeyType;
valueType = inferredValueType;
if (typeChecksNeeded) {
for (int i = 0; i < judgments.length; ++i) {
ExpressionJudgment keyJudgment = cachedKeyJudgments[i];
keyType, actualTypes[2 * i], keyJudgment, keyJudgment.fileOffset,
isVoidAllowed: keyType is VoidType);
ExpressionJudgment valueJudgment = cachedValueJudgments[i];
inferrer.ensureAssignable(valueType, actualTypes[2 * i + 1],
valueJudgment, valueJudgment.fileOffset,
isVoidAllowed: valueType is VoidType);
inferredType =
new InterfaceType(mapClass, [inferredKeyType, inferredValueType]);
.mapLiteral(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, entries, inferredType);
return null;
/// Abstract shadow object representing a field or procedure in kernel form.
abstract class ShadowMember implements Member {
Uri get fileUri;
InferenceNode get inferenceNode;
void set inferenceNode(InferenceNode value);
void setInferredType(
TypeInferenceEngine engine, Uri uri, DartType inferredType);
static void resolveInferenceNode(Member member) {
if (member is ShadowMember) {
if (member.inferenceNode != null) {
member.inferenceNode = null;
/// Shadow object for [MethodInvocation].
class MethodInvocationJudgment extends MethodInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
/// Indicates whether this method invocation is a call to a `call` method
/// resulting from the invocation of a function expression.
final bool _isImplicitCall;
Expression receiver, Name name, ArgumentsJudgment arguments,
{this.desugaredError, bool isImplicitCall: false, Member interfaceTarget})
: _isImplicitCall = isImplicitCall,
super(receiver, name, arguments, interfaceTarget);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var inferenceResult = inferrer.inferMethodInvocation(
this, receiver, fileOffset, _isImplicitCall, typeContext,
desugaredInvocation: this);
inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a named function expression.
/// Named function expressions are not legal in Dart, but they are accepted by
/// the parser and BodyBuilder for error recovery purposes.
/// A named function expression of the form `f() { ... }` is represented as the
/// kernel expression:
/// let f = () { ... } in f
class NamedFunctionExpressionJudgment extends Let
implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
NamedFunctionExpressionJudgment(VariableDeclarationJudgment variable)
: super(variable, new VariableGet(variable));
VariableDeclarationJudgment get variableJudgment => variable;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
ExpressionJudgment initializer = variableJudgment.initializer;
inferrer.inferExpression(initializer, typeContext, true);
inferredType = initializer.inferredType;
if (inferrer.strongMode) variable.type = inferredType;
inferrer.listener.namedFunctionExpression(this, fileOffset, inferredType);
return null;
/// Shadow object for [Not].
class NotJudgment extends Not implements ExpressionJudgment {
final bool isSynthetic;
final NotTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
NotJudgment(this.isSynthetic, this.tokens, ExpressionJudgment operand)
: super(operand);
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => operand;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var judgment = this.judgment;
// First infer the receiver so we can look up the method that was invoked.
var boolType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, boolType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
boolType, judgment.inferredType, operand, fileOffset);
inferredType = boolType;
// TODO(scheglov) Temporary:
if (!isSynthetic) {
inferrer.listener.not(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a null-aware method invocation.
/// A null-aware method invocation of the form `a?.b(...)` is represented as the
/// expression:
/// let v = a in v == null ? null : v.b(...)
class NullAwareMethodInvocationJudgment extends Let
implements ExpressionJudgment {
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
VariableDeclaration variable, Expression body,
: super(variable, body);
ConditionalExpression get body => super.body;
MethodInvocation get _desugaredInvocation => body.otherwise;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var inferenceResult = inferrer.inferMethodInvocation(
this, variable.initializer, fileOffset, false, typeContext,
receiverVariable: variable, desugaredInvocation: _desugaredInvocation);
inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
if (inferrer.strongMode) {
body.staticType = inferredType;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a null-aware read from a property.
/// A null-aware property get of the form `a?.b` is represented as the kernel
/// expression:
/// let v = a in v == null ? null : v.b
class NullAwarePropertyGetJudgment extends Let implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
VariableDeclaration variable, ConditionalExpression body)
: super(variable, body);
ConditionalExpression get body => super.body;
PropertyGet get _desugaredGet => body.otherwise;
ExpressionJudgment get receiverJudgment => variable.initializer;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
this, receiverJudgment, fileOffset, false, typeContext,
receiverVariable: variable, desugaredGet: _desugaredGet);
if (inferrer.strongMode) {
body.staticType = inferredType;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a null literal in kernel form.
class NullJudgment extends NullLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
NullLiteralTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.nullClass.rawType;
.nullLiteral(this, fileOffset, tokens, fileOffset == -1, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a procedure in kernel form.
class ShadowProcedure extends Procedure implements ShadowMember {
InferenceNode inferenceNode;
final bool _hasImplicitReturnType;
ShadowProcedure(Name name, ProcedureKind kind, FunctionNode function,
{Uri fileUri, bool isAbstract: false})
: super(name, kind, function, fileUri: fileUri, isAbstract: isAbstract);
void setInferredType(
TypeInferenceEngine engine, Uri uri, DartType inferredType) {
if (isSetter) {
if (function.positionalParameters.length > 0) {
function.positionalParameters[0].type = inferredType;
} else if (isGetter) {
function.returnType = inferredType;
} else {
unhandled("setInferredType", "not accessor", fileOffset, uri);
static bool hasImplicitReturnType(ShadowProcedure procedure) {
return procedure._hasImplicitReturnType;
/// Concrete shadow object representing an assignment to a property.
class PropertyAssignmentJudgment extends ComplexAssignmentJudgmentWithReceiver {
/// If this assignment uses null-aware access (`?.`), the conditional
/// expression that guards the access; otherwise `null`.
ConditionalExpression nullAwareGuard;
ExpressionJudgment receiver, ExpressionJudgment rhs,
{bool isSuper: false})
: super(receiver, rhs, isSuper);
List<String> _getToStringParts() {
var parts = super._getToStringParts();
if (nullAwareGuard != null) parts.add('nullAwareGuard=$nullAwareGuard');
return parts;
DartType _getWriteType(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
assert(receiver == null);
var receiverType = inferrer.thisType;
var writeMember = inferrer.findPropertySetMember(receiverType, write);
return inferrer.getSetterType(writeMember, receiverType);
Object _handleWriteContravariance(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType receiverType) {
return inferrer.findPropertySetMember(receiverType, write);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var receiverType = _inferReceiver(inferrer);
DartType readType;
if (read != null) {
var readMember =
inferrer.findPropertyGetMember(receiverType, read, silent: true);
readType = inferrer.getCalleeType(readMember, receiverType);
inferrer.handlePropertyGetContravariance(receiver, readMember,
read is PropertyGet ? read : null, read, readType, read.fileOffset);
_storeLetType(inferrer, read, readType);
Member writeMember;
if (write != null) {
writeMember = _handleWriteContravariance(inferrer, receiverType);
// To replicate analyzer behavior, we base type inference on the write
// member. TODO(paulberry): would it be better to use the read member when
// doing compound assignment?
var writeContext = inferrer.getSetterType(writeMember, receiverType);
var inferredResult = _inferRhs(inferrer, readType, writeContext);
if (inferrer.strongMode) nullAwareGuard?.staticType = inferredType;
return null;
/// Shadow object for [PropertyGet].
class PropertyGetJudgment extends PropertyGet implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
final bool forSyntheticToken;
PropertyGetJudgment(Expression receiver, Name name,
{Member interfaceTarget, this.forSyntheticToken = false})
: super(receiver, name, interfaceTarget);
Expression receiver, Name name, Reference interfaceTargetReference)
: forSyntheticToken = false,
super.byReference(receiver, name, interfaceTargetReference);
ExpressionJudgment get receiverJudgment => receiver;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
this, receiverJudgment, fileOffset, forSyntheticToken, typeContext,
desugaredGet: this);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a redirecting initializer in kernel
/// form.
class RedirectingInitializerJudgment extends RedirectingInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
Constructor target, ArgumentsJudgment arguments)
: super(target, arguments);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
List<TypeParameter> classTypeParameters =
List<DartType> typeArguments =
new List<DartType>(classTypeParameters.length);
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) {
typeArguments[i] = new TypeParameterType(classTypeParameters[i]);
ArgumentsJudgment.setNonInferrableArgumentTypes(arguments, typeArguments);
inferrer.inferInvocation(null, fileOffset, target.function.functionType,
target.enclosingClass.thisType, argumentJudgments,
skipTypeArgumentInference: true);
this, fileOffset, null, null, null, null, target);
/// Shadow object for [Rethrow].
class RethrowJudgment extends Rethrow implements ExpressionJudgment {
RethrowTokens tokens;
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
RethrowJudgment(this.tokens, this.desugaredError);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = const BottomType();
inferrer.listener.rethrow_(this, fileOffset, tokens, inferredType);
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a return statement in kernel form.
class ReturnJudgment extends ReturnStatement implements StatementJudgment {
final ReturnStatementTokens tokens;
final String returnKeywordLexeme;
ReturnJudgment(this.tokens, this.returnKeywordLexeme, [Expression expression])
: super(expression);
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => expression;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var judgment = this.judgment;
var closureContext = inferrer.closureContext;
DartType typeContext = !closureContext.isGenerator
? closureContext.returnOrYieldContext
: const UnknownType();
DartType inferredType;
if (expression != null) {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, typeContext, true,
isVoidAllowed: true);
inferredType = judgment.inferredType;
} else {
inferredType = const VoidType();
// Analyzer treats bare `return` statements as having no effect on the
// inferred type of the closure. TODO(paulberry): is this what we want
// for Fasta?
if (judgment != null) {
closureContext.handleReturn(inferrer, inferredType, expression,
fileOffset, !identical(returnKeywordLexeme, "return"));
inferrer.listener.returnStatement(this, fileOffset, tokens, null);
/// Common base class for shadow objects representing statements in kernel
/// form.
abstract class StatementJudgment extends Statement {
/// Calls back to [inferrer] to perform type inference for whatever concrete
/// type of [StatementJudgment] this is.
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer);
/// Concrete shadow object representing an assignment to a static variable.
class StaticAssignmentJudgment extends ComplexAssignmentJudgment {
StaticAssignmentJudgment(ExpressionJudgment rhs) : super(rhs);
DartType _getWriteType(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
StaticSet write = this.write;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
DartType readType = const DynamicType(); // Only used in error recovery
var read =;
if (read is StaticGet) {
readType =;
_storeLetType(inferrer, read, readType);
Member writeMember;
DartType writeContext = const UnknownType();
var write = this.write;
if (write is StaticSet) {
writeContext =;
writeMember =;
if (writeMember is ShadowField && writeMember.inferenceNode != null) {
writeMember.inferenceNode = null;
var inferredResult = _inferRhs(inferrer, readType, writeContext);
writeContext is UnknownType ? const DynamicType() : writeContext,
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a read of a static variable in kernel
/// form.
class StaticGetJudgment extends StaticGet implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
StaticGetJudgment(Member target) : super(target);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var target =;
if (target is ShadowField && target.inferenceNode != null) {
target.inferenceNode = null;
var type = target.getterType;
if (target is Procedure && target.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
type = inferrer.instantiateTearOff(type, typeContext, this);
inferredType = type;
inferrer.listener.staticGet(this, fileOffset, target, inferredType);
return null;
/// Shadow object for [StaticInvocation].
class StaticInvocationJudgment extends StaticInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
StaticInvocationJudgment(Procedure target, ArgumentsJudgment arguments,
{this.desugaredError, bool isConst: false})
: super(target, arguments, isConst: isConst);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
FunctionType calleeType = target != null
? target.function.functionType
: new FunctionType([], const DynamicType());
var inferenceResult = inferrer.inferInvocation(typeContext, fileOffset,
calleeType, calleeType.returnType, argumentJudgments);
var inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
this.inferredType = inferredType;
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a string concatenation in kernel form.
class StringConcatenationJudgment extends StringConcatenation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
StringConcatenationJudgment(List<Expression> expressions)
: super(expressions);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
if (!inferrer.isTopLevel) {
for (var expression in expressions) {
inferrer.inferExpression(expression, const UnknownType(), false);
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.stringClass.rawType;
inferrer.listener.stringConcatenation(this, fileOffset, inferredType);
return null;
/// Type inference derivation for [StringLiteral].
class StringLiteralJudgment extends StringLiteral
implements ExpressionJudgment {
StringLiteralTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
StringLiteralJudgment(this.tokens, String value) : super(value);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.stringClass.rawType;
.stringLiteral(this, fileOffset, tokens, value, inferredType);
this.inferredType = inferredType;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a super initializer in kernel form.
class SuperInitializerJudgment extends SuperInitializer
implements InitializerJudgment {
SuperInitializerTokens tokens;
this.tokens, Constructor target, ArgumentsJudgment arguments)
: super(target, arguments);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var substitution = Substitution.fromSupertype(inferrer.classHierarchy
inferrer.thisType.classNode, target.enclosingClass));
skipTypeArgumentInference: true);
inferrer.listener.superInitializer(this, fileOffset, tokens, null);
/// Shadow object for [SuperMethodInvocation].
class SuperMethodInvocationJudgment extends SuperMethodInvocation
implements ExpressionJudgment {
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
SuperMethodInvocationJudgment(Name name, ArgumentsJudgment arguments,
{this.desugaredError, Procedure interfaceTarget})
: super(name, arguments, interfaceTarget);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
inferrer.instrumentation?.record(inferrer.uri, fileOffset, 'target',
new InstrumentationValueForMember(interfaceTarget));
var inferenceResult = inferrer.inferMethodInvocation(
this, null, fileOffset, false, typeContext,
interfaceMember: interfaceTarget,
methodName: name,
arguments: arguments);
inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Shadow object for [SuperPropertyGet].
class SuperPropertyGetJudgment extends SuperPropertyGet
implements ExpressionJudgment {
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
SuperPropertyGetJudgment(Name name,
{this.desugaredError, Member interfaceTarget})
: super(name, interfaceTarget);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
inferrer.instrumentation?.record(inferrer.uri, fileOffset, 'target',
new InstrumentationValueForMember(interfaceTarget));
inferrer.inferPropertyGet(this, null, fileOffset, false, typeContext,
interfaceMember: interfaceTarget, propertyName: name);
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a switch case.
class SwitchCaseJudgment extends SwitchCase {
SwitchCaseTokens tokens;
Object binder;
SwitchCaseJudgment(this.tokens, List<Expression> expressions,
List<int> expressionOffsets, Statement body,
{bool isDefault: false})
: super(expressions, expressionOffsets, body, isDefault: isDefault);
SwitchCaseJudgment.defaultCase(this.tokens, Statement body)
: super.defaultCase(body);
: tokens = null,
List<ExpressionJudgment> get expressionJudgments => expressions.cast();
StatementJudgment get bodyJudgment => body;
Object createBinder(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// TODO(paulberry): we need one binder for each label
return binder ??=
inferrer.listener.binderForSwitchLabel(this, fileOffset, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a switch statement in kernel form.
class SwitchStatementJudgment extends SwitchStatement
implements StatementJudgment {
SwitchStatementTokens tokens;
this.tokens, Expression expression, List<SwitchCase> cases)
: super(expression, cases);
ExpressionJudgment get expressionJudgment => expression;
List<SwitchCaseJudgment> get caseJudgments => cases.cast();
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var expressionJudgment = this.expressionJudgment;
inferrer.inferExpression(expressionJudgment, const UnknownType(), true);
var expressionType = expressionJudgment.inferredType;
for (var switchCase in caseJudgments) {
for (var caseExpression in switchCase.expressionJudgments) {
inferrer.inferExpression(caseExpression, expressionType, false);
// TODO(paulberry): support labels.
inferrer.listener.switchCase(switchCase, null, null, null, null, null);
.switchStatement(this, fileOffset, tokens, expression, cases);
/// Shadow object for [SymbolLiteral].
class SymbolLiteralJudgment extends SymbolLiteral
implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
SymbolLiteralJudgment(String value) : super(value);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.symbolClass.rawType;
.symbolLiteral(this, fileOffset, null, null, null, inferredType);
return null;
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt to invoke an unresolved
/// constructor, or a constructor that cannot be invoked, or a resolved
/// constructor with wrong number of arguments.
class InvalidConstructorInvocationJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
final Member constructor;
final Arguments arguments;
kernel.Expression desugared, this.constructor, this.arguments)
: super(desugared);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
FunctionType calleeType;
DartType returnType;
if (constructor != null) {
calleeType = constructor.function.functionType;
returnType = computeConstructorReturnType(constructor);
} else {
calleeType = new FunctionType([], const DynamicType());
returnType = const DynamicType();
ExpressionInferenceResult inferenceResult = inferrer.inferInvocation(
typeContext, fileOffset, calleeType, returnType, argumentJudgments);
this.inferredType = inferenceResult.type;
this, arguments.fileOffset, constructor, inferredType);
return super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt to write to a read-only
/// local variable.
class InvalidVariableWriteJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
/// Note: private to avoid colliding with Let.variable.
final VariableDeclarationJudgment _variable;
InvalidVariableWriteJudgment(kernel.Expression desugared, this._variable)
: super(desugared);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferrer.listener.variableAssign(this, fileOffset, _variable.type,
_variable.createBinder(inferrer), null, _variable.type);
return super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt to assign to the
/// [expression] which is not assignable.
class InvalidWriteJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
final ExpressionJudgment expression;
InvalidWriteJudgment(kernel.Expression desugared, this.expression)
: super(desugared);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
// When a compound assignment, the expression is already wrapping in
// VariableDeclaration in _makeRead(). Otherwise, temporary associate
// the expression with this node.
expression.parent ??= this;
inferrer.inferExpression(expression, const UnknownType(), false);
return super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt reference a member
/// that is not allowed at this location.
class InvalidPropertyGetJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
final Member member;
InvalidPropertyGetJudgment(kernel.Expression desugared, this.member)
: super(desugared);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var inferredType = member?.getterType ?? const DynamicType();
.propertyGet(this, fileOffset, false, null, member, inferredType);
return super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
/// Shadow object for expressions that are introduced by the front end as part
/// of desugaring or the handling of error conditions.
/// These expressions are removed by type inference and replaced with their
/// desugared equivalents.
class SyntheticExpressionJudgment extends Let implements ExpressionJudgment {
/// The original expression that is wrapped by this synthetic expression.
/// Its type will be inferred.
final Expression original;
DartType inferredType;
SyntheticExpressionJudgment(Expression desugared, {this.original})
: super(new VariableDeclaration('_', initializer: new NullLiteral()),
/// The desugared kernel representation of this synthetic expression.
Expression get desugared => body;
void set desugared(Expression value) {
this.body = value;
value.parent = this;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
if (original != null) {
inferrer.inferExpression(original, typeContext, true);
inferredType = const DynamicType();
return null;
/// Removes this expression from the expression tree, replacing it with
/// [desugared].
void _replaceWithDesugared() {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugared);
parent = null;
/// Updates any [Let] nodes in the desugared expression to account for the
/// fact that [expression] has the given [type].
void _storeLetType(
TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, Expression expression, DartType type) {
if (!inferrer.strongMode) return;
Expression desugared = this.desugared;
while (true) {
if (desugared is Let) {
Let desugaredLet = desugared;
var variable = desugaredLet.variable;
if (identical(variable.initializer, expression)) {
variable.type = type;
desugared = desugaredLet.body;
} else if (desugared is ConditionalExpression) {
// When a null-aware assignment is desugared, often the "then" or "else"
// branch of the conditional expression often contains "let" nodes that
// need to be updated.
ConditionalExpression desugaredConditionalExpression = desugared;
if (desugaredConditionalExpression.then is Let) {
desugared = desugaredConditionalExpression.then;
} else {
desugared = desugaredConditionalExpression.otherwise;
} else {
class ThisJudgment extends ThisExpression implements ExpressionJudgment {
final ThisExpressionTokens tokens;
DartType inferredType;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.thisType ?? const DynamicType();
inferrer.listener.thisExpression(this, fileOffset, tokens, inferredType);
return null;
class ThrowJudgment extends Throw implements ExpressionJudgment {
final ThrowTokens tokens;
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
DartType inferredType;
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => expression;
ThrowJudgment(this.tokens, Expression expression, {this.desugaredError})
: super(expression);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, const UnknownType(), false);
inferredType = const BottomType();
inferrer.listener.throw_(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, inferredType);
if (desugaredError != null) {
parent.replaceChild(this, desugaredError);
parent = null;
return null;
/// Synthetic judgment class representing a statement that is not allowed at
/// the location it was found, and should be replaced with an error.
class InvalidStatementJudgment extends ExpressionStatement
implements StatementJudgment {
final kernel.Expression desugaredError;
final StatementJudgment statement;
InvalidStatementJudgment(this.desugaredError, this.statement)
: super(new NullLiteral());
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
// If this judgment is a part of a Block, replace it there.
// Otherwise, the parent would be a FunctionNode, but not yet.
if (parent is Block) {
parent.replaceChild(this, new ExpressionStatement(desugaredError));
parent = null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a catch clause.
class CatchJudgment extends Catch {
CatchStatementTokens tokens;
CatchJudgment(this.tokens, VariableDeclaration exception, Statement body,
{DartType guard: const DynamicType(), VariableDeclaration stackTrace})
: super(exception, body, guard: guard, stackTrace: stackTrace);
VariableDeclarationJudgment get exceptionJudgment => exception;
VariableDeclarationJudgment get stackTraceJudgment => stackTrace;
StatementJudgment get bodyJudgment => body;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
null, // body
/// Concrete shadow object representing a try-catch block in kernel form.
class TryCatchJudgment extends TryCatch implements StatementJudgment {
TryCatchJudgment(Statement body, List<Catch> catches) : super(body, catches);
StatementJudgment get bodyJudgment => body;
List<CatchJudgment> get catchJudgments => catches.cast();
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
for (var catch_ in catchJudgments) {
inferrer.listener.tryCatch(this, fileOffset);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a try-finally block in kernel form.
class TryFinallyJudgment extends TryFinally implements StatementJudgment {
TryFinallyTokens tokens;
final List<Catch> catches;
this.tokens, Statement body, this.catches, Statement finalizer)
: super(body, finalizer);
List<CatchJudgment> get catchJudgments => catches?.cast();
StatementJudgment get finalizerJudgment => finalizer;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
if (catchJudgments != null) {
for (var catch_ in catchJudgments) {
body = new TryCatch(body, catches)..parent = this;
.tryFinally(this, fileOffset, tokens, body, catches, finalizer);
/// Concrete implementation of [TypeInferenceEngine] specialized to work with
/// kernel objects.
class ShadowTypeInferenceEngine extends TypeInferenceEngine {
ShadowTypeInferenceEngine(Instrumentation instrumentation, bool strongMode)
: super(instrumentation, strongMode);
TypeInferrer createDisabledTypeInferrer() =>
new TypeInferrerDisabled(typeSchemaEnvironment);
ShadowTypeInferrer createLocalTypeInferrer(
Uri uri,
TypeInferenceListener<int, Node, int> listener,
InterfaceType thisType,
SourceLibraryBuilder library) {
return new ShadowTypeInferrer._(
this, uri, listener, false, thisType, library);
ShadowTypeInferrer createTopLevelTypeInferrer(
TypeInferenceListener<int, Node, int> listener,
InterfaceType thisType,
ShadowField field) {
return field.typeInferrer = new ShadowTypeInferrer._(
this, field.fileUri, listener, true, thisType, null);
ShadowTypeInferrer getFieldTypeInferrer(ShadowField field) {
return field.typeInferrer;
/// Concrete implementation of [TypeInferrer] specialized to work with kernel
/// objects.
class ShadowTypeInferrer extends TypeInferrerImpl {
final typePromoter;
ShadowTypeInferenceEngine engine,
Uri uri,
TypeInferenceListener<int, Node, int> listener,
bool topLevel,
InterfaceType thisType,
SourceLibraryBuilder library)
: typePromoter = new ShadowTypePromoter(engine.typeSchemaEnvironment),
super(engine, uri, listener, topLevel, thisType, library);
Expression getFieldInitializer(ShadowField field) {
return field.initializer;
DartType inferExpression<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
kernel.Expression expression, DartType typeContext, bool typeNeeded,
{bool isVoidAllowed: false}) {
// `null` should never be used as the type context. An instance of
// `UnknownType` should be used instead.
assert(typeContext != null);
// It isn't safe to do type inference on an expression without a parent,
// because type inference might cause us to have to replace one expression
// with another, and we can only replace a node if it has a parent pointer.
assert(expression.parent != null);
// For full (non-top level) inference, we need access to the
// ExpressionGeneratorHelper so that we can perform error recovery.
assert(isTopLevel || helper != null);
// When doing top level inference, we skip subexpressions whose type isn't
// needed so that we don't induce bogus dependencies on fields mentioned in
// those subexpressions.
if (!typeNeeded && isTopLevel) return null;
if (expression is ExpressionJudgment) {
// Use polymorphic dispatch on [KernelExpression] to perform whatever kind
// of type inference is correct for this kind of statement.
// TODO(paulberry): experiment to see if dynamic dispatch would be better,
// so that the type hierarchy will be simpler (which may speed up "is"
// checks).
expression.infer(this, typeContext);
DartType inferredType = expression.inferredType;
if (inferredType is VoidType && !isVoidAllowed) {
if (expression.parent is! ArgumentsJudgment) {
messageVoidExpression, expression.fileOffset, noLength);
return inferredType;
} else {
// Encountered an expression type for which type inference is not yet
// implemented, so just infer dynamic for now.
// TODO(paulberry): once the BodyBuilder uses shadow classes for
// everything, this case should no longer be needed.
return typeNeeded ? const DynamicType() : null;
DartType inferFieldTopLevel<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowField field, bool typeNeeded) {
if (field.initializer == null) return const DynamicType();
return inferExpression(field.initializer, const UnknownType(), typeNeeded);
void inferInitializer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
InferenceHelper helper, kernel.Initializer initializer) {
assert(initializer is InitializerJudgment);
this.helper = helper;
// Use polymorphic dispatch on [KernelInitializer] to perform whatever
// kind of type inference is correct for this kind of initializer.
// TODO(paulberry): experiment to see if dynamic dispatch would be better,
// so that the type hierarchy will be simpler (which may speed up "is"
// checks).
InitializerJudgment kernelInitializer = initializer;
this.helper = null;
void inferStatement<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
Statement statement) {
// For full (non-top level) inference, we need access to the
// ExpressionGeneratorHelper so that we can perform error recovery.
if (!isTopLevel) assert(helper != null);
if (statement is StatementJudgment) {
// Use polymorphic dispatch on [KernelStatement] to perform whatever kind
// of type inference is correct for this kind of statement.
// TODO(paulberry): experiment to see if dynamic dispatch would be better,
// so that the type hierarchy will be simpler (which may speed up "is"
// checks).
return statement.infer(this);
} else {
// Encountered a statement type for which type inference is not yet
// implemented, so just skip it for now.
// TODO(paulberry): once the BodyBuilder uses shadow classes for
// everything, this case should no longer be needed.
class TypeLiteralJudgment extends TypeLiteral implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
TypeLiteralJudgment(DartType type) : super(type);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.coreTypes.typeClass.rawType;
inferrer.listener.typeLiteral(this, fileOffset, type, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete implementation of [TypePromoter] specialized to work with kernel
/// objects.
class ShadowTypePromoter extends TypePromoterImpl {
ShadowTypePromoter(TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment)
: super(typeSchemaEnvironment);
int getVariableFunctionNestingLevel(VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (variable is VariableDeclarationJudgment) {
return variable._functionNestingLevel;
} else {
// Hack to deal with the fact that BodyBuilder still creates raw
// VariableDeclaration objects sometimes.
// TODO(paulberry): get rid of this once the type parameter is
// KernelVariableDeclaration.
return 0;
bool isPromotionCandidate(VariableDeclaration variable) {
assert(variable is VariableDeclarationJudgment);
VariableDeclarationJudgment kernelVariableDeclaration = variable;
return !kernelVariableDeclaration._isLocalFunction;
bool sameExpressions(Expression a, Expression b) {
return identical(a, b);
void setVariableMutatedAnywhere(VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (variable is VariableDeclarationJudgment) {
variable._mutatedAnywhere = true;
} else {
// Hack to deal with the fact that BodyBuilder still creates raw
// VariableDeclaration objects sometimes.
// TODO(paulberry): get rid of this once the type parameter is
// KernelVariableDeclaration.
void setVariableMutatedInClosure(VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (variable is VariableDeclarationJudgment) {
variable._mutatedInClosure = true;
} else {
// Hack to deal with the fact that BodyBuilder still creates raw
// VariableDeclaration objects sometimes.
// TODO(paulberry): get rid of this once the type parameter is
// KernelVariableDeclaration.
bool wasVariableMutatedAnywhere(VariableDeclaration variable) {
if (variable is VariableDeclarationJudgment) {
return variable._mutatedAnywhere;
} else {
// Hack to deal with the fact that BodyBuilder still creates raw
// VariableDeclaration objects sometimes.
// TODO(paulberry): get rid of this once the type parameter is
// KernelVariableDeclaration.
return true;
class VariableAssignmentJudgment extends ComplexAssignmentJudgment {
VariableAssignmentJudgment(ExpressionJudgment rhs) : super(rhs);
DartType _getWriteType(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
VariableSet write = this.write;
return write.variable.type;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
DartType readType;
var read =;
if (read is VariableGet) {
readType = read.promotedType ?? read.variable.type;
DartType writeContext = const UnknownType();
var write = this.write;
if (write is VariableSet) {
writeContext = write.variable.type;
if (read != null) {
_storeLetType(inferrer, read, writeContext);
var inferredResult = _inferRhs(inferrer, readType, writeContext);
write is VariableSet
? (write.variable as VariableDeclarationJudgment)
: null,
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a variable declaration in kernel form.
class VariableDeclarationJudgment extends VariableDeclaration
implements StatementJudgment {
final bool forSyntheticToken;
final bool _implicitlyTyped;
final int _functionNestingLevel;
bool _mutatedInClosure = false;
bool _mutatedAnywhere = false;
final bool _isLocalFunction;
Object binder;
/// The same [annotations] list is used for all [VariableDeclarationJudgment]s
/// of a variable declaration statement. But we need to perform inference
/// only once. So, we set this flag to `false` for the second and subsequent
/// judgments.
bool infersAnnotations = true;
VariableDeclarationJudgment(String name, this._functionNestingLevel,
{this.forSyntheticToken: false,
Expression initializer,
DartType type,
bool isFinal: false,
bool isConst: false,
bool isFieldFormal: false,
bool isCovariant: false,
bool isLocalFunction: false})
: _implicitlyTyped = type == null,
_isLocalFunction = isLocalFunction,
initializer: initializer,
type: type ?? const DynamicType(),
isFinal: isFinal,
isConst: isConst,
isFieldFormal: isFieldFormal,
isCovariant: isCovariant);
Expression initializer, this._functionNestingLevel)
: forSyntheticToken = false,
_implicitlyTyped = false,
_isLocalFunction = false,
Expression initializer, this._functionNestingLevel)
: forSyntheticToken = false,
_implicitlyTyped = true,
_isLocalFunction = false,
List<Expression> get annotationJudgments => annotations;
ExpressionJudgment get initializerJudgment => initializer;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
if (annotationJudgments.isNotEmpty) {
if (infersAnnotations) {
// After the inference was done on the annotations, we may clone them for
// this instance of VariableDeclaration in order to avoid having the same
// annotation node for two VariableDeclaration nodes in a situation like
// the following:
// class Foo { const Foo(List<String> list); }
// @Foo(const [])
// var x, y;
CloneVisitor cloner = new CloneVisitor();
for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) {
kernel.Expression annotation = annotations[i];
if (annotation.parent != this) {
annotations[i] = cloner.clone(annotation);
annotations[i].parent = this;
var initializerJudgment = this.initializerJudgment;
var declaredType = _implicitlyTyped ? const UnknownType() : type;
DartType inferredType;
DartType initializerType;
if (initializerJudgment != null) {
inferrer.inferExpression(initializerJudgment, declaredType,
!inferrer.isTopLevel || _implicitlyTyped,
isVoidAllowed: true);
initializerType = initializerJudgment.inferredType;
inferredType = inferrer.inferDeclarationType(initializerType);
} else {
inferredType = const DynamicType();
if (inferrer.strongMode && _implicitlyTyped) {
inferrer.instrumentation?.record(inferrer.uri, fileOffset, 'type',
new InstrumentationValueForType(inferredType));
type = inferredType;
if (initializer != null) {
var replacedInitializer = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
type, initializerType, initializer, fileOffset,
isVoidAllowed: type is VoidType);
if (replacedInitializer != null) {
initializer = replacedInitializer;
createBinder(inferrer), _implicitlyTyped ? inferredType : type);
Object createBinder(ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) =>
binder ??= _isLocalFunction
? inferrer.listener
.binderForFunctionDeclaration(this, fileOffset, name)
: inferrer.listener.binderForVariableDeclaration(
this, fileOffset, name, forSyntheticToken);
/// Determine whether the given [VariableDeclarationJudgment] had an implicit
/// type.
/// This is static to avoid introducing a method that would be visible to
/// the kernel.
static bool isImplicitlyTyped(VariableDeclarationJudgment variable) =>
/// Determines whether the given [VariableDeclarationJudgment] represents a
/// local function.
/// This is static to avoid introducing a method that would be visible to the
/// kernel.
static bool isLocalFunction(VariableDeclarationJudgment variable) =>
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt to invoke an unresolved
/// target.
class UnresolvedTargetInvocationJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
final ArgumentsJudgment argumentsJudgment;
kernel.Expression desugared, this.argumentsJudgment)
: super(desugared);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
var result = super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
const DynamicType(),
inferrer.listener.staticInvocation(this, fileOffset, null,
argumentsJudgment.types, null, null, inferredType);
return result;
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt to assign to an unresolved
/// variable.
class UnresolvedVariableAssignmentJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
final bool isCompound;
final ExpressionJudgment rhs;
kernel.Expression desugared, this.isCompound, this.rhs)
: super(desugared);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferrer.inferExpression(rhs, const UnknownType(), true);
inferredType = isCompound ? const DynamicType() : rhs.inferredType;
this, fileOffset, const DynamicType(), null, null, inferredType);
return super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt to apply a prefix or
/// postfix operator to an unresolved variable.
class UnresolvedVariableUnaryJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
final int offset;
final bool isSynthetic;
kernel.Expression desugared, this.offset, this.isSynthetic)
: super(desugared);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
this, offset, isSynthetic, false, null, const DynamicType());
this, fileOffset, const DynamicType(), null, null, inferredType);
return super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
/// Synthetic judgment class representing an attempt to read an unresolved
/// variable.
class UnresolvedVariableGetJudgment extends SyntheticExpressionJudgment {
final bool forSyntheticToken;
kernel.Expression desugared, this.forSyntheticToken)
: super(desugared);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
this, fileOffset, forSyntheticToken, false, null, const DynamicType());
return super.infer(inferrer, typeContext);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a read from a variable in kernel form.
class VariableGetJudgment extends VariableGet implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
final TypePromotionFact _fact;
final TypePromotionScope _scope;
VariableGetJudgment(VariableDeclaration variable, this._fact, this._scope)
: super(variable);
/// Return `true` if the given [variable] declaration occurs in a let
/// expression that is, or is part of, a cascade expression.
bool _isInCascade() {
TreeNode ancestor = variable.parent;
while (ancestor is Let) {
if (ancestor is CascadeJudgment) {
return true;
ancestor = ancestor.parent;
return false;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
VariableDeclarationJudgment variable = this.variable;
bool mutatedInClosure = variable._mutatedInClosure;
DartType declaredOrInferredType = variable.type;
DartType promotedType = inferrer.typePromoter
.computePromotedType(_fact, _scope, mutatedInClosure);
if (promotedType != null) {
inferrer.instrumentation?.record(inferrer.uri, fileOffset, 'promotedType',
new InstrumentationValueForType(promotedType));
this.promotedType = promotedType;
var type = promotedType ?? declaredOrInferredType;
if (variable._isLocalFunction) {
type = inferrer.instantiateTearOff(type, typeContext, this);
inferredType = type;
inferrer.listener.variableGet(this, fileOffset, false, _isInCascade(),
variable.createBinder(inferrer), inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a while loop in kernel form.
class WhileJudgment extends WhileStatement implements StatementJudgment {
WhileStatementTokens tokens;
WhileJudgment(this.tokens, Expression condition, Statement body)
: super(condition, body);
ExpressionJudgment get conditionJudgment => condition;
StatementJudgment get bodyJudgment => body;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var conditionJudgment = this.conditionJudgment;
var expectedType = inferrer.coreTypes.boolClass.rawType;
conditionJudgment, expectedType, !inferrer.isTopLevel);
inferrer.ensureAssignable(expectedType, conditionJudgment.inferredType,
condition, condition.fileOffset);
inferrer.listener.whileStatement(this, fileOffset, tokens, null, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a yield statement in kernel form.
class YieldJudgment extends YieldStatement implements StatementJudgment {
YieldStatementTokens tokens;
YieldJudgment(this.tokens, bool isYieldStar, Expression expression)
: super(expression, isYieldStar: isYieldStar);
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => expression;
void infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer) {
var judgment = this.judgment;
var closureContext = inferrer.closureContext;
if (closureContext.isGenerator) {
var typeContext = closureContext.returnOrYieldContext;
if (isYieldStar && typeContext != null) {
typeContext = inferrer.wrapType(
? inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass
: inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass);
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, typeContext, true);
} else {
inferrer.inferExpression(judgment, const UnknownType(), true);
inferrer, isYieldStar, judgment.inferredType, expression, fileOffset);
inferrer.listener.yieldStatement(this, fileOffset, tokens, null);
/// Concrete shadow object representing a deferred load library call.
class LoadLibraryJudgment extends LoadLibrary implements ExpressionJudgment {
final Arguments arguments;
DartType inferredType;
LoadLibraryJudgment(LibraryDependency import, this.arguments) : super(import);
ArgumentsJudgment get argumentJudgments => arguments;
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType =
inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.futureType(const DynamicType());
if (arguments != null) {
var calleeType = new FunctionType([], inferredType);
inferrer.inferInvocation(typeContext, fileOffset, calleeType,
calleeType.returnType, argumentJudgments);
inferrer.listener.loadLibrary(this, arguments.fileOffset,
import.targetLibrary, calleeType, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a tear-off of a `loadLibrary` function.
class LoadLibraryTearOffJudgment extends StaticGet
implements ExpressionJudgment {
final LibraryDependency import;
DartType inferredType;
LoadLibraryTearOffJudgment(this.import, Procedure target) : super(target);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = new FunctionType(
[], inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.futureType(const DynamicType()));
this, fileOffset, import.targetLibrary, inferredType);
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a deferred library-is-loaded check.
class CheckLibraryIsLoadedJudgment extends CheckLibraryIsLoaded
implements ExpressionJudgment {
DartType inferredType;
CheckLibraryIsLoadedJudgment(LibraryDependency import) : super(import);
Expression infer<Expression, Statement, Initializer, Type>(
ShadowTypeInferrer inferrer, DartType typeContext) {
inferredType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.objectType;
return null;
/// Concrete shadow object representing a named expression.
class NamedExpressionJudgment extends NamedExpression {
NamedExpressionTokens tokens;
NamedExpressionJudgment(this.tokens, String nameLexeme, Expression value)
: super(nameLexeme, value);
ExpressionJudgment get judgment => value;
/// The result of inference for a RHS of an assignment.
class _ComplexAssignmentInferenceResult {
/// The resolved combiner [Procedure], e.g. `operator+` for `a += 2`, or
/// `null` if the assignment is not compound.
final Procedure combiner;
class _UnfinishedCascade extends Expression {
accept(v) => unsupported("accept", -1, null);
accept1(v, arg) => unsupported("accept1", -1, null);
getStaticType(types) => unsupported("getStaticType", -1, null);
transformChildren(v) => unsupported("transformChildren", -1, null);
visitChildren(v) => unsupported("visitChildren", -1, null);