blob: 195c480729d77ba2688d050c00b144f15292dc05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/link.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'summary_common.dart';
main() {}
* Override of [SummaryTest] which creates linked summaries directly from the
* AST.
abstract class LinkedSummarizeAstTest extends SummaryLinkerTest
with SummaryTest {
LinkedLibrary linked;
List<UnlinkedUnit> unlinkedUnits;
LinkerInputs linkerInputs;
bool get skipFullyLinkedData => false;
bool get skipNonConstInitializers => false;
void serializeLibraryText(String text, {bool allowErrors: false}) {
Map<String, UnlinkedUnitBuilder> uriToUnit = this._filesToLink.uriToUnit;
linkerInputs = createLinkerInputs(text);
linked = link(
(name) => null,
expect(linked, isNotNull);
unlinkedUnits = <UnlinkedUnit>[linkerInputs.unlinkedDefiningUnit];
for (String relativeUriStr
in {
Uri relativeUri;
try {
relativeUri = Uri.parse(relativeUriStr);
} on FormatException {
unlinkedUnits.add(new UnlinkedUnitBuilder());
UnlinkedUnit unit = uriToUnit[
resolveRelativeUri(linkerInputs.testDartUri, relativeUri).toString()];
if (unit == null) {
if (!allowMissingFiles) {
fail('Test referred to unknown unit $relativeUriStr');
} else {
test_class_no_superclass() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('part of dart.core; class Object {}',
className: 'Object');
expect(cls.supertype, isNull);
expect(cls.hasNoSupertype, isTrue);
* Instances of the class [LinkerInputs] encapsulate the necessary information
* to pass to the summary linker.
class LinkerInputs {
final bool _allowMissingFiles;
final Map<String, UnlinkedUnit> _uriToUnit;
final Uri testDartUri;
final UnlinkedUnit unlinkedDefiningUnit;
final Map<String, LinkedLibrary> _dependentLinkedLibraries;
final Map<String, UnlinkedUnit> _dependentUnlinkedUnits;
Set<String> get linkedLibraries => _uriToUnit.keys.toSet();
String getDeclaredVariable(String name) {
return null;
LinkedLibrary getDependency(String absoluteUri) {
Map<String, LinkedLibrary> sdkLibraries =
LinkedLibrary linkedLibrary =
sdkLibraries[absoluteUri] ?? _dependentLinkedLibraries[absoluteUri];
if (linkedLibrary == null && !_allowMissingFiles) {
Set<String> librariesAvailable = sdkLibraries.keys.toSet();
fail('Linker unexpectedly requested LinkedLibrary for "$absoluteUri".'
' Libraries available: ${librariesAvailable.toList()}');
return linkedLibrary;
UnlinkedUnit getUnit(String absoluteUri) {
if (absoluteUri == null) {
return null;
UnlinkedUnit unit = _uriToUnit[absoluteUri] ??
SerializedMockSdk.instance.uriToUnlinkedUnit[absoluteUri] ??
if (unit == null && !_allowMissingFiles) {
fail('Linker unexpectedly requested unit for "$absoluteUri".');
return unit;
* Base class providing the ability to run the summary linker using summaries
* build from ASTs.
abstract class SummaryLinkerTest {
* Information about the files to be linked.
_FilesToLink _filesToLink = new _FilesToLink();
* A test will set this to `true` if it contains `import`, `export`, or
* `part` declarations that deliberately refer to non-existent files.
bool get allowMissingFiles;
* Add the given package bundle as a dependency so that it may be referenced
* by the files under test.
void addBundle(String path, PackageBundle bundle) {
_filesToLink.summaryDataStore.addBundle(path, bundle);
* Add the given source file so that it may be referenced by the file under
* test.
Source addNamedSource(String filePath, String contents) {
CompilationUnit unit = _parseText(contents);
UnlinkedUnitBuilder unlinkedUnit = serializeAstUnlinked(unit);
_filesToLink.uriToUnit[absUri(filePath)] = unlinkedUnit;
// Tests using SummaryLinkerTest don't actually need the returned
// Source, so we can safely return `null`.
return null;
LinkerInputs createLinkerInputs(String text,
{String path: '/test.dart', String uri}) {
uri ??= absUri(path);
Uri testDartUri = Uri.parse(uri);
UnlinkedUnitBuilder unlinkedDefiningUnit =
createUnlinkedSummary(testDartUri, text);
_filesToLink.uriToUnit[testDartUri.toString()] = unlinkedDefiningUnit;
LinkerInputs linkerInputs = new LinkerInputs(
// Reset _filesToLink in case the test needs to start a new package bundle.
_filesToLink = new _FilesToLink();
return linkerInputs;
* Link together the given file, along with any other files passed to
* [addNamedSource], to form a package bundle. Reset the state of the buffers
* accumulated by [addNamedSource] and [addBundle] so that further bundles
* can be created.
PackageBundleBuilder createPackageBundle(String text,
{String path: '/test.dart', String uri}) {
PackageBundleAssembler assembler = new PackageBundleAssembler();
LinkerInputs linkerInputs = createLinkerInputs(text, path: path, uri: uri);
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> linkedLibraries = link(
linkerInputs._uriToUnit.forEach((String uri, UnlinkedUnit unit) {
// Note: it doesn't matter what we store for the hash because it isn't
// used in these tests.
assembler.addUnlinkedUnitWithHash(uri, unit, 'HASH');
return assembler.assemble();
UnlinkedUnitBuilder createUnlinkedSummary(Uri uri, String text) =>
CompilationUnit _parseText(String text) {
CharSequenceReader reader = new CharSequenceReader(text);
Scanner scanner =
new Scanner(null, reader, AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER);
Token token = scanner.tokenize();
Parser parser = new Parser(
NonExistingSource.unknown, AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER);
CompilationUnit unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(token);
unit.lineInfo = new LineInfo(scanner.lineStarts);
return unit;
* [_FilesToLink] stores information about a set of files to be linked together.
* This information is grouped into a class to allow it to be reset easily when
* [SummaryLinkerTest.createLinkerInputs] is called.
class _FilesToLink {
* Map from absolute URI to the [UnlinkedUnit] for each compilation unit
* passed to [addNamedSource].
Map<String, UnlinkedUnitBuilder> uriToUnit = <String, UnlinkedUnitBuilder>{};
* Information about summaries to be included in the link process.
SummaryDataStore summaryDataStore = new SummaryDataStore([]);