blob: 1f39c51f6f7495bdd0a497cd864386aa5f5a2e50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A little utility script to make it easier to run NNBD and legacy tests.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:migration/src/io.dart';
import 'package:migration/src/test_directories.dart';
/// Maps "normal" names for Dart implementations to their test runner compiler
/// names.
const compilerNames = {
"analyzer": "dart2analyzer",
"cfe": "fasta",
"dart2js": "dart2js",
"ddc": "dartdevk",
"vm": "dartk",
const configurations = {
"analyzer": "analyzer-asserts-strong-linux",
"cfe": "cfe-strong-linux",
"dart2js": "dart2js-weak-linux-x64-d8",
"ddc": "dartdevk-strong-linux-release-chrome",
"vm": "dartk-strong-linux-release-x64",
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
var testDir = "";
var isLegacy = false;
var compiler = "ddc";
var argParser = ArgParser();
help: "Run the legacy tests.",
negatable: false,
callback: (flag) => isLegacy = flag);
abbr: "c",
help: "Which Dart implementation to run the tests on.",
allowed: ["analyzer", "cfe", "dart2js", "ddc", "vm"],
callback: (option) => compiler = option as String);
if (arguments.contains("--help")) {
try {
var argResults = argParser.parse(arguments);
if ( != 1) {
showUsage(argParser, "Missing test directory.");
testDir =[0];
// If the test directory is just a single identifier, assume it's a language
// test subdirectory.
if (!testDir.contains("/")) testDir = "language_2/$testDir";
} on FormatException catch (exception) {
showUsage(argParser, exception.message);
if (!isLegacy) testDir = toNnbdPath(testDir);
// DDC doesn't have a Mac bot so when running DDC tests on a Mac, use a manual
// configuration. Otherwise, use the right named configuration.
List<String> testArgs;
if (Platform.isLinux || compiler != "ddc") {
var configuration = configurations[compiler];
if (!Platform.isLinux) {
// TODO(rnystrom): We'll probably never need to run this script on
// Windows, but if we do... do that.
configuration = configuration.replaceAll("linux", "mac");
testArgs = ["-n$configuration", testDir];
} else {
testArgs = [
if (!isLegacy) ...[
print("Running tools/ ${testArgs.join(' ')}");
await runProcessAsync("tools/", testArgs);
void showUsage(ArgParser argParser, [String error]) {
if (error != null) {
print("Usage: dart test.dart <source dir>");
exit(error == null ? 0 : 1);