blob: 461fb5272dee8bcf11ba6ccd5530f735fb09b81b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library heap_map_element;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:observatory/models.dart' as M;
import 'package:observatory/service.dart' as S;
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/rendering_scheduler.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/nav_bar.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/nav_menu.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/custom_element.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/helpers/uris.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/isolate_menu.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/notify.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/refresh.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/top_menu.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/nav/vm_menu.dart';
class HeapMapElement extends CustomElement implements Renderable {
RenderingScheduler<HeapMapElement> _r;
Stream<RenderedEvent<HeapMapElement>> get onRendered => _r.onRendered;
M.VM _vm;
M.IsolateRef _isolate;
M.EventRepository _events;
M.NotificationRepository _notifications;
M.VMRef get vm => _vm;
M.IsolateRef get isolate => _isolate;
M.NotificationRepository get notifications => _notifications;
factory HeapMapElement(M.VM vm, M.IsolateRef isolate,
M.EventRepository events, M.NotificationRepository notifications,
{RenderingQueue queue}) {
assert(vm != null);
assert(isolate != null);
assert(events != null);
assert(notifications != null);
HeapMapElement e = new HeapMapElement.created();
e._r = new RenderingScheduler<HeapMapElement>(e, queue: queue);
e._vm = vm;
e._isolate = isolate;
e._events = events;
e._notifications = notifications;
return e;
HeapMapElement.created() : super.created('heap-map');
attached() {
detached() {
_r.disable(notify: true);
children = <Element>[];
CanvasElement _canvas;
var _fragmentationData;
double _pageHeight;
final _classIdToColor = {};
final _colorToClassId = {};
final _classIdToName = {};
static final _freeColor = [255, 255, 255, 255];
static final _pageSeparationColor = [0, 0, 0, 255];
static const _PAGE_SEPARATION_HEIGHT = 4;
// Many browsers will not display a very tall canvas.
// TODO(koda): Improve interface for huge heaps.
static const _MAX_CANVAS_HEIGHT = 6000;
String _status;
S.ServiceMap _fragmentation;
void render() {
if (_canvas == null) {
_canvas = new CanvasElement()
..width = 1
..height = 1
// Set hover text to describe the object under the cursor.
_canvas.title = _status;
children = <Element>[
new NavTopMenuElement(queue: _r.queue).element,
new NavVMMenuElement(_vm, _events, queue: _r.queue).element,
new NavIsolateMenuElement(_isolate, _events, queue: _r.queue).element,
navMenu('heap map'),
(new NavRefreshElement(label: 'Mark-Compact', queue: _r.queue)
..onRefresh.listen((_) => _refresh(gc: "mark-compact")))
(new NavRefreshElement(label: 'Mark-Sweep', queue: _r.queue)
..onRefresh.listen((_) => _refresh(gc: "mark-sweep")))
(new NavRefreshElement(label: 'Scavenge', queue: _r.queue)
..onRefresh.listen((_) => _refresh(gc: "scavenge")))
(new NavRefreshElement(queue: _r.queue)
..onRefresh.listen((_) => _refresh()))
(new NavNotifyElement(_notifications, queue: _r.queue)).element
new DivElement()
..classes = ['content-centered-big']
..children = <Element>[
new HeadingElement.h2()..text = _status,
new HRElement(),
new DivElement()
..classes = ['flex-row']
..children = <Element>[_canvas]
// Encode color as single integer, to enable using it as a map key.
int _packColor(Iterable<int> color) {
int packed = 0;
for (var component in color) {
packed = packed * 256 + component;
return packed;
void _addClass(int classId, String name, Iterable<int> color) {
_classIdToName[classId] = name.split('@')[0];
_classIdToColor[classId] = color;
_colorToClassId[_packColor(color)] = classId;
void _updateClassList(classList, int freeClassId) {
for (var member in classList['classes']) {
if (member is! S.Class) {
// TODO(turnidge): The printing for some of these non-class
// members is broken. Fix this:
print('Ignoring non-class in class list');
var classId = int.parse('/').last);
var color = _classIdToRGBA(classId);
_addClass(classId,, color);
_addClass(freeClassId, 'Free', _freeColor);
_addClass(0, '', _pageSeparationColor);
Iterable<int> _classIdToRGBA(int classId) {
// TODO(koda): Pick random hue, but fixed saturation and value.
var rng = new Random(classId);
return [rng.nextInt(128), rng.nextInt(128), rng.nextInt(128), 255];
String _classNameAt(Point<num> point) {
var color = new PixelReference(_fragmentationData, point).color;
return _classIdToName[_colorToClassId[_packColor(color)]];
ObjectInfo _objectAt(Point<num> point) {
if (_fragmentation == null || _canvas == null) {
return null;
var pagePixels = _pageHeight * _fragmentationData.width;
var index = new PixelReference(_fragmentationData, point).index;
var pageIndex = index ~/ pagePixels;
num pageOffset = index % pagePixels;
var pages = _fragmentation['pages'];
if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= pages.length) {
return null;
// Scan the page to find start and size.
var page = pages[pageIndex];
var objects = page['objects'];
var offset = 0;
var size = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i += 2) {
size = objects[i];
offset += size;
if (offset > pageOffset) {
pageOffset = offset - size;
return new ObjectInfo(
int.parse(page['objectStart']) +
pageOffset * _fragmentation['unitSizeBytes'],
size * _fragmentation['unitSizeBytes']);
void _handleMouseMove(MouseEvent event) {
var info = _objectAt(event.offset);
if (info == null) {
_status = '';
var addressString = '${info.size}B @ 0x${info.address.toRadixString(16)}';
var className = _classNameAt(event.offset);
_status = (className == '') ? '-' : '$className $addressString';
void _updateFragmentationData() {
if (_fragmentation == null || _canvas == null) {
_fragmentation['classList'], _fragmentation['freeClassId']);
var pages = _fragmentation['pages'];
var width = max(_canvas.parent.client.width, 1);
_fragmentation['pageSizeBytes'] ~/
_fragmentation['unitSizeBytes'] ~/
var height = min(_pageHeight * pages.length, _MAX_CANVAS_HEIGHT);
_fragmentationData = _canvas.context2D.createImageData(width, height);
_canvas.width = _fragmentationData.width;
_canvas.height = _fragmentationData.height;
// Renders and draws asynchronously, one page at a time to avoid
// blocking the UI.
void _renderPages(int startPage) {
var pages = _fragmentation['pages'];
_status = 'Loaded $startPage of ${pages.length} pages';
var startY = (startPage * _pageHeight).round();
var endY = startY + _pageHeight.round();
if (startPage >= pages.length || endY > _fragmentationData.height) {
var pixel = new PixelReference(_fragmentationData, new Point(0, startY));
var objects = pages[startPage]['objects'];
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i += 2) {
var count = objects[i];
var classId = objects[i + 1];
var color = _classIdToColor[classId];
while (count-- > 0) {
pixel.color = color;
pixel =;
while (pixel.point.y < endY) {
pixel.color = _pageSeparationColor;
pixel =;
_fragmentationData, 0, 0, 0, startY, _fragmentationData.width, endY);
// Continue with the next page, asynchronously.
new Future(() {
_renderPages(startPage + 1);
Future _refresh({String gc}) {
final isolate = _isolate as S.Isolate;
var params = {};
if (gc != null) {
params['gc'] = gc;
return isolate.invokeRpc('_getHeapMap', params).then((serviceObject) {
S.ServiceMap response = serviceObject;
assert(response['type'] == 'HeapMap');
_fragmentation = response;
// A reference to a particular pixel of ImageData.
class PixelReference {
final _data;
var _dataIndex;
static const NUM_COLOR_COMPONENTS = 4;
PixelReference(ImageData data, Point<num> point)
: _data = data,
_dataIndex = (point.y * data.width + point.x) * NUM_COLOR_COMPONENTS;
PixelReference._fromDataIndex(this._data, this._dataIndex);
Point<num> get point => new Point(index % _data.width, index ~/ _data.width);
void set color(Iterable<int> color) {, _dataIndex + NUM_COLOR_COMPONENTS, color);
Iterable<int> get color =>, _dataIndex + NUM_COLOR_COMPONENTS);
// Returns the next pixel in row-major order.
PixelReference next() => new PixelReference._fromDataIndex(
_data, _dataIndex + NUM_COLOR_COMPONENTS);
// The row-major index of this pixel.
int get index => _dataIndex ~/ NUM_COLOR_COMPONENTS;
class ObjectInfo {
final address;
final size;
ObjectInfo(this.address, this.size);