blob: 4b566d619028faa74e292ce43c4d46093ba6de97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/scanner.dart'
show LanguageVersionToken, Scanner, ScannerConfiguration, scan;
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart'
show InvalidLanguageVersion, Package;
import '../base/processed_options.dart' show ProcessedOptions;
import '../fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import '../fasta/uri_translator.dart' show UriTranslator;
import 'compiler_options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
import 'file_system.dart' show FileSystem, FileSystemException;
/// Gets the language version for a specific URI.
/// Note that this returning some language version, doesn't mean there aren't
/// errors associated with the language version specified (e.g. that the file
/// specifies a language version that's too high).
/// The language version returned is valid though.
Future<LanguageVersionForUri> languageVersionForUri(
Uri uri, CompilerOptions options) async {
return await CompilerContext.runWithOptions(
new ProcessedOptions(options: options, inputs: [uri]), (context) async {
// Get largest valid version / default version.
String currentSdkVersion = context.options.currentSdkVersion;
bool good = false;
int currentSdkVersionMajor;
int currentSdkVersionMinor;
if (currentSdkVersion != null) {
List<String> dotSeparatedParts = currentSdkVersion.split(".");
if (dotSeparatedParts.length >= 2) {
currentSdkVersionMajor = int.tryParse(dotSeparatedParts[0]);
currentSdkVersionMinor = int.tryParse(dotSeparatedParts[1]);
good = true;
if (!good) {
throw new StateError("Unparsable sdk version given: $currentSdkVersion");
// Get file uri.
UriTranslator uriTranslator = await context.options.getUriTranslator();
Uri fileUri;
Package package;
if (uri.scheme == "package") {
fileUri = uriTranslator.translate(uri);
package = uriTranslator.getPackage(uri);
} else {
fileUri = uri;
package = uriTranslator.packages.packageOf(uri);
// Check file content for @dart annotation.
int major;
int minor;
if (fileUri != null) {
List<int> rawBytes;
try {
FileSystem fileSystem = context.options.fileSystem;
rawBytes = await fileSystem.entityForUri(fileUri).readAsBytes();
} on FileSystemException catch (_) {
rawBytes = null;
if (rawBytes != null) {
Uint8List zeroTerminatedBytes = new Uint8List(rawBytes.length + 1);
zeroTerminatedBytes.setRange(0, rawBytes.length, rawBytes);
includeComments: false,
configuration: new ScannerConfiguration(), languageVersionChanged:
(Scanner scanner, LanguageVersionToken version) {
if (major != null || minor != null) return;
major = version.major;
minor = version.minor;
if (major != null && minor != null) {
// Verify OK.
if (major > currentSdkVersionMajor ||
(major == currentSdkVersionMajor && minor > currentSdkVersionMinor)) {
major = null;
minor = null;
if (major != null && minor != null) {
// The file decided. Return result.
return new LanguageVersionForUri(major, minor);
// Check package.
if (package != null &&
package.languageVersion != null &&
package.languageVersion is! InvalidLanguageVersion) {
major = package.languageVersion.major;
minor = package.languageVersion.minor;
if (major > currentSdkVersionMajor ||
(major == currentSdkVersionMajor && minor > currentSdkVersionMinor)) {
major = null;
minor = null;
if (major != null && minor != null) {
// The package decided. Return result.
return new LanguageVersionForUri(major, minor);
// Return default.
return new LanguageVersionForUri(
currentSdkVersionMajor, currentSdkVersionMinor);
class LanguageVersionForUri {
final int major;
final int minor;
LanguageVersionForUri(this.major, this.minor);