blob: c0afd77442286702763d8a022c1ce1f42b617281 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/migration_cli.dart';
import 'package:usage/usage.dart';
import 'src/analytics.dart';
import 'src/commands/analyze.dart';
import 'src/commands/create.dart';
import 'src/commands/format.dart';
import 'src/commands/pub.dart';
import 'src/commands/run.dart';
import 'src/commands/test.dart';
import 'src/core.dart';
/// This is typically called from bin/, but given the length of the method and
/// analytics logic, it has been moved here. Also note that this method calls
/// [io.exit(code)] directly.
void runDartdev(List<String> args) async {
final stopwatch = Stopwatch();
dynamic result;
// The Analytics instance used to report information back to Google Analytics,
// see lib/src/analytics.dart.
Analytics analytics;
// The exit code for the dartdev process, null indicates that it has not yet
// been set yet. The value is set in the catch and finally blocks below.
int exitCode;
// Any caught non-UsageExceptions when running the sub command
Exception exception;
StackTrace stackTrace;
var runner;
analytics =
// On the first run, print the message to alert users that anonymous data will
// be collected by default.
if (analytics.firstRun) {
// When `--disable-analytics` or `--enable-analytics` are called we perform
// the respective intention and print any notices to standard out and exit.
if (args.contains('--disable-analytics')) {
// This block also potentially catches the case of (disableAnalytics &&
// enableAnalytics), in which we favor the disabling of analytics.
analytics.enabled = false;
// Alert the user that analytics have been disabled:
} else if (args.contains('--enable-analytics')) {
analytics.enabled = true;
// Alert the user again that anonymous data will be collected:
var commandName;
try {
runner = DartdevRunner(args);
// Run can't be called with the '--disable-dartdev-analytics' flag, remove
// it if it is contained in args.
if (args.contains('--disable-dartdev-analytics')) {
args = List.from(args)..remove('--disable-dartdev-analytics');
// Before calling to run, send the first ping to analytics to have the first
// ping, as well as the command itself, running in parallel.
if (analytics.enabled) {
analytics.setSessionValue(flagsParam, getFlags(args));
commandName = getCommandStr(args, runner.commands.keys.toList());
// ignore: unawaited_futures
analytics.sendEvent(eventCategory, commandName);
// Finally, call the runner to execute the command, see DartdevRunner.
result = await;
} catch (e, st) {
if (e is UsageException) {
exitCode = 64;
} else {
// Set the exception and stack trace only for non-UsageException cases:
exception = e;
stackTrace = st;
exitCode = 1;
} finally {
// Set the exitCode, if it wasn't set in the catch block above.
if (exitCode == null) {
exitCode = result is int ? result : 0;
// Send analytics before exiting
if (analytics.enabled) {
analytics.setSessionValue(exitCodeParam, exitCode);
// ignore: unawaited_futures
analytics.sendTiming(commandName, stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds,
category: 'commands');
// And now send the exceptions and events to Google Analytics:
if (exception != null) {
// ignore: unawaited_futures
fatal: true);
await analytics.waitForLastPing(timeout: Duration(milliseconds: 200));
// As the notification to the user read on the first run, analytics are
// enabled by default, on the first run only.
if (analytics.firstRun) {
analytics.enabled = true;
class DartdevRunner<int> extends CommandRunner {
static const String dartdevDescription =
'A command-line utility for Dart development';
DartdevRunner(List<String> args) : super('dart', '$dartdevDescription.') {
final bool verbose = args.contains('-v') || args.contains('--verbose');
abbr: 'v', negatable: false, help: 'Show verbose output.');
negatable: false, help: 'Print the Dart SDK version.');
negatable: false, help: 'Enable anonymous analytics.');
negatable: false, help: 'Disable anonymous analytics.');
// A hidden flag to disable analytics on this run, this constructor can be
// called with this flag, but should be removed before run() is called as
// the flag has not been added to all sub-commands.
negatable: false,
help: 'Disable anonymous analytics for this `dart *` run',
hide: true);
addCommand(AnalyzeCommand(verbose: verbose));
addCommand(CreateCommand(verbose: verbose));
addCommand(FormatCommand(verbose: verbose));
addCommand(MigrateCommand(verbose: verbose));
addCommand(PubCommand(verbose: verbose));
addCommand(RunCommand(verbose: verbose));
addCommand(TestCommand(verbose: verbose));
String get invocation =>
'dart [<vm-flags>] <command|dart-file> [<arguments>]';
Future<int> runCommand(ArgResults results) async {
if (results.command == null && results.arguments.isNotEmpty) {
final firstArg = results.arguments.first;
// If we make it this far, it means the VM couldn't find the file on disk.
if (firstArg.endsWith('.dart')) {
"Error when reading '$firstArg': No such file or directory.");
// This is the exit code used by the frontend.
isVerbose = results['verbose'];
final Ansi ansi = Ansi(Ansi.terminalSupportsAnsi);
log = isVerbose ? Logger.verbose(ansi: ansi) : Logger.standard(ansi: ansi);
return await super.runCommand(results);