blob: 9b2884f2548e788b2e2da62a6e7a9200f31a9496 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of;
// TODO(ager): The only reason for this class is that we
// cannot patch a top-level at this point.
class _ProcessUtils {
external static void _exit(int status);
external static void _setExitCode(int status);
external static int _getExitCode();
external static void _sleep(int millis);
external static int _pid(Process? process);
external static Stream<ProcessSignal> _watchSignal(ProcessSignal signal);
* Exit the Dart VM process immediately with the given exit code.
* This does not wait for any asynchronous operations to terminate. Using
* [exit] is therefore very likely to lose data.
* While debugging, the VM will not respect the `--pause-isolates-on-exit`
* flag if [exit] is called as invoking this method causes the Dart VM
* process to shutdown immediately. To properly break on exit, consider
* calling [debugger] from `dart:developer` or [Isolate.pause] from
* `dart:isolate` on [Isolate.current] to pause the isolate before
* invoking [exit].
* The handling of exit codes is platform specific.
* On Linux and OS X an exit code for normal termination will always
* be in the range [0..255]. If an exit code outside this range is
* set the actual exit code will be the lower 8 bits masked off and
* treated as an unsigned value. E.g. using an exit code of -1 will
* result in an actual exit code of 255 being reported.
* On Windows the exit code can be set to any 32-bit value. However
* some of these values are reserved for reporting system errors like
* crashes.
* Besides this the Dart executable itself uses an exit code of `254`
* for reporting compile time errors and an exit code of `255` for
* reporting runtime error (unhandled exception).
* Due to these facts it is recommended to only use exit codes in the
* range [0..127] for communicating the result of running a Dart
* program to the surrounding environment. This will avoid any
* cross-platform issues.
void exit(int code) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(code, "code");
if (!_EmbedderConfig._mayExit) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"This embedder disallows calling dart:io's exit()");
* Set the global exit code for the Dart VM.
* The exit code is global for the Dart VM and the last assignment to
* exitCode from any isolate determines the exit code of the Dart VM
* on normal termination.
* Default value is `0`.
* See [exit] for more information on how to chose a value for the
* exit code.
void set exitCode(int code) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(code, "code");
* Get the global exit code for the Dart VM.
* The exit code is global for the Dart VM and the last assignment to
* exitCode from any isolate determines the exit code of the Dart VM
* on normal termination.
* See [exit] for more information on how to chose a value for the
* exit code.
int get exitCode => _ProcessUtils._getExitCode();
* Sleep for the duration specified in [duration].
* Use this with care, as no asynchronous operations can be processed
* in a isolate while it is blocked in a [sleep] call.
void sleep(Duration duration) {
int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds;
if (milliseconds < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError("sleep: duration cannot be negative");
if (!_EmbedderConfig._maySleep) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"This embedder disallows calling dart:io's sleep()");
* Returns the PID of the current process.
int get pid => _ProcessUtils._pid(null);
* [ProcessInfo] provides methods for retrieving information about the
* current process.
class ProcessInfo {
* The current resident set size of memory for the process.
* Note that the meaning of this field is platform dependent. For example,
* some memory accounted for here may be shared with other processes, or if
* the same page is mapped into a process's address space, it may be counted
* twice.
external static int get currentRss;
* The high-watermark in bytes for the resident set size of memory for the
* process.
* Note that the meaning of this field is platform dependent. For example,
* some memory accounted for here may be shared with other processes, or if
* the same page is mapped into a process's address space, it may be counted
* twice.
external static int get maxRss;
* Modes for running a new process.
class ProcessStartMode {
/// Normal child process.
static const normal = const ProcessStartMode._internal(0);
@Deprecated("Use normal instead")
static const NORMAL = normal;
/// Stdio handles are inherited by the child process.
static const inheritStdio = const ProcessStartMode._internal(1);
@Deprecated("Use inheritStdio instead")
static const INHERIT_STDIO = inheritStdio;
/// Detached child process with no open communication channel.
static const detached = const ProcessStartMode._internal(2);
@Deprecated("Use detached instead")
static const DETACHED = detached;
/// Detached child process with stdin, stdout and stderr still open
/// for communication with the child.
static const detachedWithStdio = const ProcessStartMode._internal(3);
@Deprecated("Use detachedWithStdio instead")
static const DETACHED_WITH_STDIO = detachedWithStdio;
static List<ProcessStartMode> get values => const <ProcessStartMode>[
String toString() =>
const ["normal", "inheritStdio", "detached", "detachedWithStdio"][_mode];
final int _mode;
const ProcessStartMode._internal(this._mode);
* The means to execute a program.
* Use the static [start] and [run] methods to start a new process.
* The run method executes the process non-interactively to completion.
* In contrast, the start method allows your code to interact with the
* running process.
* ## Start a process with the run method
* The following code sample uses the run method to create a process
* that runs the UNIX command `ls`, which lists the contents of a directory.
* The run method completes with a [ProcessResult] object when the process
* terminates. This provides access to the output and exit code from the
* process. The run method does not return a Process object; this prevents your
* code from interacting with the running process.
* import 'dart:io';
* main() {
* // List all files in the current directory in UNIX-like systems.
*'ls', ['-l']).then((ProcessResult results) {
* print(results.stdout);
* });
* }
* ## Start a process with the start method
* The following example uses start to create the process.
* The start method returns a [Future] for a Process object.
* When the future completes the process is started and
* your code can interact with the
* Process: writing to stdin, listening to stdout, and so on.
* The following sample starts the UNIX `cat` utility, which when given no
* command-line arguments, echos its input.
* The program writes to the process's standard input stream
* and prints data from its standard output stream.
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'dart:convert';
* main() {
* Process.start('cat', []).then((Process process) {
* process.stdout
* .transform(utf8.decoder)
* .listen((data) { print(data); });
* process.stdin.writeln('Hello, world!');
* process.stdin.writeln('Hello, galaxy!');
* process.stdin.writeln('Hello, universe!');
* });
* }
* ## Standard I/O streams
* As seen in the previous code sample, you can interact with the Process's
* standard output stream through the getter [stdout],
* and you can interact with the Process's standard input stream through
* the getter [stdin].
* In addition, Process provides a getter [stderr] for using the Process's
* standard error stream.
* A Process's streams are distinct from the top-level streams
* for the current program.
* ## Exit codes
* Call the [exitCode] method to get the exit code of the process.
* The exit code indicates whether the program terminated successfully
* (usually indicated with an exit code of 0) or with an error.
* If the start method is used, the exitCode is available through a future
* on the Process object (as shown in the example below).
* If the run method is used, the exitCode is available
* through a getter on the ProcessResult instance.
* import 'dart:io';
* main() {
* Process.start('ls', ['-l']).then((process) {
* // Get the exit code from the new process.
* process.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
* print('exit code: $exitCode');
* });
* });
* }
* ## Other resources
* [Dart by Example](
* provides additional task-oriented code samples that show how to use
* various API from the [dart:io] library.
abstract class Process {
* Returns a [:Future:] which completes with the exit code of the process
* when the process completes.
* The handling of exit codes is platform specific.
* On Linux and OS X a normal exit code will be a positive value in
* the range [0..255]. If the process was terminated due to a signal
* the exit code will be a negative value in the range [-255..-1],
* where the absolute value of the exit code is the signal
* number. For example, if a process crashes due to a segmentation
* violation the exit code will be -11, as the signal SIGSEGV has the
* number 11.
* On Windows a process can report any 32-bit value as an exit
* code. When returning the exit code this exit code is turned into
* a signed value. Some special values are used to report
* termination due to some system event. E.g. if a process crashes
* due to an access violation the 32-bit exit code is `0xc0000005`,
* which will be returned as the negative number `-1073741819`. To
* get the original 32-bit value use `(0x100000000 + exitCode) &
* 0xffffffff`.
* There is no guarantee that [stdout] and [stderr] have finished reporting
* the buffered output of the process when the returned future completes.
* To be sure that all output is captured,
* wait for the done event on the streams.
Future<int> get exitCode;
* Starts a process running the [executable] with the specified
* [arguments]. Returns a [:Future<Process>:] that completes with a
* Process instance when the process has been successfully
* started. That [Process] object can be used to interact with the
* process. If the process cannot be started the returned [Future]
* completes with an exception.
* Use [workingDirectory] to set the working directory for the process. Note
* that the change of directory occurs before executing the process on some
* platforms, which may have impact when using relative paths for the
* executable and the arguments.
* Use [environment] to set the environment variables for the process. If not
* set the environment of the parent process is inherited. Currently, only
* US-ASCII environment variables are supported and errors are likely to occur
* if an environment variable with code-points outside the US-ASCII range is
* passed in.
* If [includeParentEnvironment] is `true`, the process's environment will
* include the parent process's environment, with [environment] taking
* precedence. Default is `true`.
* If [runInShell] is `true`, the process will be spawned through a system
* shell. On Linux and OS X, [:/bin/sh:] is used, while
* [:%WINDIR%\system32\cmd.exe:] is used on Windows.
* Users must read all data coming on the [stdout] and [stderr]
* streams of processes started with [:Process.start:]. If the user
* does not read all data on the streams the underlying system
* resources will not be released since there is still pending data.
* The following code uses `Process.start` to grep for `main` in the
* file `test.dart` on Linux.
* Process.start('grep', ['-i', 'main', 'test.dart']).then((process) {
* stdout.addStream(process.stdout);
* stderr.addStream(process.stderr);
* });
* If [mode] is [ProcessStartMode.normal] (the default) a child
* process will be started with `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr`
* connected.
* If `mode` is [ProcessStartMode.detached] a detached process will
* be created. A detached process has no connection to its parent,
* and can keep running on its own when the parent dies. The only
* information available from a detached process is its `pid`. There
* is no connection to its `stdin`, `stdout` or `stderr`, nor will
* the process' exit code become available when it terminates.
* If `mode` is [ProcessStartMode.detachedWithStdio] a detached
* process will be created where the `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr`
* are connected. The creator can communicate with the child through
* these. The detached process will keep running even if these
* communication channels are closed. The process' exit code will
* not become available when it terminated.
* The default value for `mode` is `ProcessStartMode.normal`.
external static Future<Process> start(
String executable, List<String> arguments,
{String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String>? environment,
bool includeParentEnvironment: true,
bool runInShell: false,
ProcessStartMode mode: ProcessStartMode.normal});
* Starts a process and runs it non-interactively to completion. The
* process run is [executable] with the specified [arguments].
* Use [workingDirectory] to set the working directory for the process. Note
* that the change of directory occurs before executing the process on some
* platforms, which may have impact when using relative paths for the
* executable and the arguments.
* Use [environment] to set the environment variables for the process. If not
* set the environment of the parent process is inherited. Currently, only
* US-ASCII environment variables are supported and errors are likely to occur
* if an environment variable with code-points outside the US-ASCII range is
* passed in.
* If [includeParentEnvironment] is `true`, the process's environment will
* include the parent process's environment, with [environment] taking
* precedence. Default is `true`.
* If [runInShell] is true, the process will be spawned through a system
* shell. On Linux and OS X, `/bin/sh` is used, while
* `%WINDIR%\system32\cmd.exe` is used on Windows.
* The encoding used for decoding `stdout` and `stderr` into text is
* controlled through [stdoutEncoding] and [stderrEncoding]. The
* default encoding is [systemEncoding]. If `null` is used no
* decoding will happen and the [ProcessResult] will hold binary
* data.
* Returns a `Future<ProcessResult>` that completes with the
* result of running the process, i.e., exit code, standard out and
* standard in.
* The following code uses `` to grep for `main` in the
* file `test.dart` on Linux.
*'grep', ['-i', 'main', 'test.dart']).then((result) {
* stdout.write(result.stdout);
* stderr.write(result.stderr);
* });
external static Future<ProcessResult> run(
String executable, List<String> arguments,
{String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String>? environment,
bool includeParentEnvironment: true,
bool runInShell: false,
Encoding? stdoutEncoding: systemEncoding,
Encoding? stderrEncoding: systemEncoding});
* Starts a process and runs it to completion. This is a synchronous
* call and will block until the child process terminates.
* The arguments are the same as for ``.
* Returns a `ProcessResult` with the result of running the process,
* i.e., exit code, standard out and standard in.
external static ProcessResult runSync(
String executable, List<String> arguments,
{String? workingDirectory,
Map<String, String>? environment,
bool includeParentEnvironment: true,
bool runInShell: false,
Encoding? stdoutEncoding: systemEncoding,
Encoding? stderrEncoding: systemEncoding});
* Kills the process with id [pid].
* Where possible, sends the [signal] to the process with id
* `pid`. This includes Linux and OS X. The default signal is
* [ProcessSignal.sigterm] which will normally terminate the
* process.
* On platforms without signal support, including Windows, the call
* just terminates the process with id `pid` in a platform specific
* way, and the `signal` parameter is ignored.
* Returns `true` if the signal is successfully delivered to the
* process. Otherwise the signal could not be sent, usually meaning
* that the process is already dead.
external static bool killPid(int pid,
[ProcessSignal signal = ProcessSignal.sigterm]);
* Returns the standard output stream of the process as a [:Stream:].
Stream<List<int>> get stdout;
* Returns the standard error stream of the process as a [:Stream:].
Stream<List<int>> get stderr;
* Returns the standard input stream of the process as an [IOSink].
IOSink get stdin;
* Returns the process id of the process.
int get pid;
* Kills the process.
* Where possible, sends the [signal] to the process. This includes
* Linux and OS X. The default signal is [ProcessSignal.sigterm]
* which will normally terminate the process.
* On platforms without signal support, including Windows, the call
* just terminates the process in a platform specific way, and the
* `signal` parameter is ignored.
* Returns `true` if the signal is successfully delivered to the
* process. Otherwise the signal could not be sent, usually meaning
* that the process is already dead.
bool kill([ProcessSignal signal = ProcessSignal.sigterm]);
* [ProcessResult] represents the result of running a non-interactive
* process started with [] or [Process.runSync].
class ProcessResult {
* Exit code for the process.
* See [Process.exitCode] for more information in the exit code
* value.
final int exitCode;
* Standard output from the process. The value used for the
* `stdoutEncoding` argument to `` determines the type. If
* `null` was used this value is of type `List<int>` otherwise it is
* of type `String`.
final stdout;
* Standard error from the process. The value used for the
* `stderrEncoding` argument to `` determines the type. If
* `null` was used this value is of type `List<int>`
* otherwise it is of type `String`.
final stderr;
* Process id of the process.
final int pid;
ProcessResult(, this.exitCode, this.stdout, this.stderr);
* On Posix systems, [ProcessSignal] is used to send a specific signal
* to a child process, see [:Process.kill:].
* Some [ProcessSignal]s can also be watched, as a way to intercept the default
* signal handler and implement another. See [] for more
* information.
class ProcessSignal {
static const ProcessSignal sighup = const ProcessSignal._(1, "SIGHUP");
static const ProcessSignal sigint = const ProcessSignal._(2, "SIGINT");
static const ProcessSignal sigquit = const ProcessSignal._(3, "SIGQUIT");
static const ProcessSignal sigill = const ProcessSignal._(4, "SIGILL");
static const ProcessSignal sigtrap = const ProcessSignal._(5, "SIGTRAP");
static const ProcessSignal sigabrt = const ProcessSignal._(6, "SIGABRT");
static const ProcessSignal sigbus = const ProcessSignal._(7, "SIGBUS");
static const ProcessSignal sigfpe = const ProcessSignal._(8, "SIGFPE");
static const ProcessSignal sigkill = const ProcessSignal._(9, "SIGKILL");
static const ProcessSignal sigusr1 = const ProcessSignal._(10, "SIGUSR1");
static const ProcessSignal sigsegv = const ProcessSignal._(11, "SIGSEGV");
static const ProcessSignal sigusr2 = const ProcessSignal._(12, "SIGUSR2");
static const ProcessSignal sigpipe = const ProcessSignal._(13, "SIGPIPE");
static const ProcessSignal sigalrm = const ProcessSignal._(14, "SIGALRM");
static const ProcessSignal sigterm = const ProcessSignal._(15, "SIGTERM");
static const ProcessSignal sigchld = const ProcessSignal._(17, "SIGCHLD");
static const ProcessSignal sigcont = const ProcessSignal._(18, "SIGCONT");
static const ProcessSignal sigstop = const ProcessSignal._(19, "SIGSTOP");
static const ProcessSignal sigtstp = const ProcessSignal._(20, "SIGTSTP");
static const ProcessSignal sigttin = const ProcessSignal._(21, "SIGTTIN");
static const ProcessSignal sigttou = const ProcessSignal._(22, "SIGTTOU");
static const ProcessSignal sigurg = const ProcessSignal._(23, "SIGURG");
static const ProcessSignal sigxcpu = const ProcessSignal._(24, "SIGXCPU");
static const ProcessSignal sigxfsz = const ProcessSignal._(25, "SIGXFSZ");
static const ProcessSignal sigvtalrm = const ProcessSignal._(26, "SIGVTALRM");
static const ProcessSignal sigprof = const ProcessSignal._(27, "SIGPROF");
static const ProcessSignal sigwinch = const ProcessSignal._(28, "SIGWINCH");
static const ProcessSignal sigpoll = const ProcessSignal._(29, "SIGPOLL");
static const ProcessSignal sigsys = const ProcessSignal._(31, "SIGSYS");
@Deprecated("Use sighup instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGHUP = sighup;
@Deprecated("Use sigint instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGINT = sigint;
@Deprecated("Use sigquit instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGQUIT = sigquit;
@Deprecated("Use sigill instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGILL = sigill;
@Deprecated("Use sigtrap instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGTRAP = sigtrap;
@Deprecated("Use sigabrt instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGABRT = sigabrt;
@Deprecated("Use sigbus instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGBUS = sigbus;
@Deprecated("Use sigfpe instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGFPE = sigfpe;
@Deprecated("Use sigkill instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGKILL = sigkill;
@Deprecated("Use sigusr1 instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGUSR1 = sigusr1;
@Deprecated("Use sigsegv instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGSEGV = sigsegv;
@Deprecated("Use sigusr2 instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGUSR2 = sigusr2;
@Deprecated("Use sigpipe instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGPIPE = sigpipe;
@Deprecated("Use sigalrm instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGALRM = sigalrm;
@Deprecated("Use sigterm instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGTERM = sigterm;
@Deprecated("Use sigchld instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGCHLD = sigchld;
@Deprecated("Use sigcont instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGCONT = sigcont;
@Deprecated("Use sigstop instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGSTOP = sigstop;
@Deprecated("Use sigtstp instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGTSTP = sigtstp;
@Deprecated("Use sigttin instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGTTIN = sigttin;
@Deprecated("Use sigttou instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGTTOU = sigttou;
@Deprecated("Use sigurg instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGURG = sigurg;
@Deprecated("Use sigxcpu instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGXCPU = sigxcpu;
@Deprecated("Use sigxfsz instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGXFSZ = sigxfsz;
@Deprecated("Use sigvtalrm instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGVTALRM = sigvtalrm;
@Deprecated("Use sigprof instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGPROF = sigprof;
@Deprecated("Use sigwinch instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGWINCH = sigwinch;
@Deprecated("Use sigpoll instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGPOLL = sigpoll;
@Deprecated("Use sigsys instead")
static const ProcessSignal SIGSYS = sigsys;
final int _signalNumber;
final String _name;
const ProcessSignal._(this._signalNumber, this._name);
String toString() => _name;
* Watch for process signals.
* The following [ProcessSignal]s can be listened to:
* * [ProcessSignal.sighup].
* * [ProcessSignal.sigint]. Signal sent by e.g. CTRL-C.
* * [ProcessSignal.sigterm]. Not available on Windows.
* * [ProcessSignal.sigusr1]. Not available on Windows.
* * [ProcessSignal.sigusr2]. Not available on Windows.
* * [ProcessSignal.sigwinch]. Not available on Windows.
* Other signals are disallowed, as they may be used by the VM.
* A signal can be watched multiple times, from multiple isolates, where all
* callbacks are invoked when signaled, in no specific order.
Stream<ProcessSignal> watch() => _ProcessUtils._watchSignal(this);
class SignalException implements IOException {
final String message;
final osError;
const SignalException(this.message, [this.osError]);
String toString() {
var msg = "";
if (osError != null) {
msg = ", osError: $osError";
return "SignalException: $message$msg";
class ProcessException implements IOException {
* Contains the executable provided for the process.
final String executable;
* Contains the arguments provided for the process.
final List<String> arguments;
* Contains the system message for the process exception if any.
final String message;
* Contains the OS error code for the process exception if any.
final int errorCode;
const ProcessException(this.executable, this.arguments,
[this.message = "", this.errorCode = 0]);
String toString() {
var args = arguments.join(' ');
return "ProcessException: $message\n Command: $executable $args";