blob: e6b5547ea25f1306f126a875f9485c698ba0a8e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of;
// Constants used when working with native ports.
// These must match the constants in runtime/bin/dartutils.h class CObject.
const int _successResponse = 0;
const int _illegalArgumentResponse = 1;
const int _osErrorResponse = 2;
const int _fileClosedResponse = 3;
const int _errorResponseErrorType = 0;
const int _osErrorResponseErrorCode = 1;
const int _osErrorResponseMessage = 2;
// Functions used to receive exceptions from native ports.
bool _isErrorResponse(response) =>
response is List && response[0] != _successResponse;
* Returns an Exception or an Error
_exceptionFromResponse(response, String message, String path) {
switch (response[_errorResponseErrorType]) {
case _illegalArgumentResponse:
return new ArgumentError("$message: $path");
case _osErrorResponse:
var err = new OSError(response[_osErrorResponseMessage],
return new FileSystemException(message, path, err);
case _fileClosedResponse:
return new FileSystemException("File closed", path);
return new Exception("Unknown error");
* Base class for all IO related exceptions.
abstract class IOException implements Exception {
String toString() => "IOException";
* An [OSError] object holds information about an error from the
* operating system.
class OSError {
/** Constant used to indicate that no OS error code is available. */
static const int noErrorCode = -1;
/// Error message supplied by the operating system. This may be `null` or
/// empty if no message is associated with the error.
final String message;
/// Error code supplied by the operating system.
/// Will have the value [OSError.noErrorCode] if there is no error code
/// associated with the error.
final int errorCode;
/** Creates an OSError object from a message and an errorCode. */
const OSError([this.message = "", this.errorCode = noErrorCode]);
/** Converts an OSError object to a string representation. */
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write("OS Error");
if (message.isNotEmpty) {
sb..write(": ")..write(message);
if (errorCode != noErrorCode) {
sb..write(", errno = ")..write(errorCode.toString());
} else if (errorCode != noErrorCode) {
sb..write(": errno = ")..write(errorCode.toString());
return sb.toString();
// Object for holding a buffer and an offset.
class _BufferAndStart {
List<int> buffer;
int start;
_BufferAndStart(this.buffer, this.start);
// Ensure that the input List can be serialized through a native port.
// Only Int8List and Uint8List Lists are serialized directly.
// All other lists are first copied into a Uint8List. This has the added
// benefit that it is faster to access from the C code as well.
_BufferAndStart _ensureFastAndSerializableByteData(
List<int> buffer, int start, int end) {
if (buffer is Uint8List || buffer is Int8List) {
return new _BufferAndStart(buffer, start);
int length = end - start;
var newBuffer = new Uint8List(length);
int j = start;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
newBuffer[i] = buffer[j];
return new _BufferAndStart(newBuffer, 0);
class _IOCrypto {
external static Uint8List getRandomBytes(int count);