blob: 4a8fb03f19f844221b3aecbb05aa2eec6352f514 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
patched_sdk_dir = "$target_gen_dir/patched_sdk"
sdk_summary = "$target_gen_dir/ddc_sdk.sum"
# TODO(sigmund): rename to ddc_outline.dill to be consistent with the naming
# convention from other tools.
sdk_outline_dill = "$root_out_dir/ddc_sdk.dill"
sdk_full_dill = "$root_out_dir/ddc_platform.dill"
if (use_nnbd) {
libraries_specification_path = "sdk_nnbd/lib/libraries.json"
} else {
libraries_specification_path = "sdk/lib/libraries.json"
application_snapshot("dartdevc") {
main_dart = "../../pkg/dev_compiler/bin/dartdevc.dart"
training_args = [
if (use_nnbd) {
training_args += [
# TODO(sigmund): restore training with dartdevc.dart. Currently blocked by
# some regressions in type-promotion in the CFE when nnbd is enabled.
# The following test file is pretty simple and has no imports, so it
# should be easier to compile while we bootstrap NNBD.
} else {
training_args += [ rebase_path("../../pkg/dev_compiler/bin/dartdevc.dart") ]
deps = [
inputs = [
# TODO(#38701) Cleanup after merging the forked SDK into mainline.
if (use_nnbd) {
sdk_root = "../../sdk_nnbd"
libraries_specification_path = "sdk_nnbd/lib/libraries.json"
} else {
sdk_root = "../../sdk"
libraries_specification_path = "sdk/lib/libraries.json"
sdk_lib_files = exec_script("../../tools/",
"list lines")
compiler_files = exec_script("../../tools/",
"list lines")
dev_compiler_files = exec_script("../../tools/",
"list lines")
template("dart2js_compile") {
assert(defined(invoker.main), "Must specify the main file")
main = invoker.main
assert(defined(invoker.out), "Must specify the out file")
out = invoker.out
abs_main = rebase_path(main)
abs_output = rebase_path(out)
prebuilt_dart_action(target_name) {
deps = [
inputs = sdk_lib_files + compiler_files + dev_compiler_files + [
outputs = [
script = "../../pkg/compiler/lib/src/dart2js.dart"
packages = "../../.packages"
args = [
"--platform-binaries=" + rebase_path("$root_out_dir"),
dart2js_compile("stack_trace_mapper") {
main = rebase_path("../../pkg/dev_compiler/web/stack_trace_mapper.dart")
out = "$root_out_dir/dev_compiler/build/web/dart_stack_trace_mapper.js"
# Apply dev_compiler's patch files to create the Dart version of the dartdevc
# SDK.
prebuilt_dart_action("dartdevc_patch_sdk") {
deps = [
# The patch script uses several packages, including analyzer, so consider
# it dirty if any of those change.
script = "../../pkg/dev_compiler/tool/patch_sdk.dart"
inputs = sdk_lib_files
# Arbitrarily use the version file as a token file to check against to see if
# the sources have changed.
# TODO(rnystrom): List the outputs more precisely?
outputs = [
args = [
# TODO(#38701) Cleanup after merging the forked SDK into mainline.
if (use_nnbd) {
args += [ "--nnbd" ]
# Compiles the Dart core libraries and DDC runtime to an analyzer summary and
# JS.
prebuilt_dart_action("dartdevc_sdk") {
deps = [
script = "../../pkg/dev_compiler/tool/build_sdk.dart"
inputs = [
# Since the entire patched SDK is built in one step, if any file changes,
# they all will. Instead of listing them all as outputs of
# dartdevc_patch_sdk (which would require something like a depfile), just
# use version as the token file whose timestamp we track.
# TODO(rnystrom): Do something better?
# If dev_compiler itself changes, it can affect the generated SDK.
# Likewise, the packages dev_compiler depends on may affect its output.
outputs = [
args = [
# TODO(38701): Cleanup after merging the forked SDK into mainline.
if (use_nnbd) {
args += [
# TODO(38813): Ignore incorrect analyzer errors.
# Builds everything needed to run dartdevc tests using test.dart.
group("dartdevc_test") {
deps = [
# Builds everything needed to run dartdevc tests locally using test.dart without
# --use-sdk. This is the same as dartdevc_test, but skips things rely on
# building the Dart VM and create_sdk.
group("dartdevc_test_local") {
deps = [
group("dartdevc_test_kernel_local") {
deps = [
create_timestamp_file("dartdevc_files_stamp") {
path = rebase_path("../../pkg/dev_compiler/lib")
output = "$target_gen_dir/dartdevc_files.stamp"
create_timestamp_file("dartdevc_sdk_patch_stamp") {
path = rebase_path("$sdk_root/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime")
output = "$target_gen_dir/dartdevc_sdk_patch_stamp.stamp"
# Compiles the packages used by the tests to JS with dartdevc so that they are
# available for loading by the tests.
prebuilt_dart_action("dartdevc_test_legacy_pkg") {
deps = [
inputs = [
outputs = [
# TODO(rnystrom): Remove this when unittest is no longer used. Also remove
# any of the above packages that are only here because unittest uses them.
script = "../../pkg/dev_compiler/tool/build_pkgs.dart"
args = [
# TODO(38701): Cleanup after merging the forked SDK into mainline.
if (use_nnbd) {
args += [
# TODO(sigmund): reenable. We turned this off temporarily while the
# migration of libraries is in flux, this step otherwise fails
# with many nnbd-related compile-time errors because the packages are
# assumed to be nnbd compilant.
# "--enable-experiment=non-nullable",
# TODO(rnystrom): Most of the packages used by tests can be cleanly
# compiled as opted-in libraries, but js.dart has an optional parameter
# of type String with no default value. Changing that would be a breaking
# API change. For now, ignore the error.
# Compiles to JavaScript any package used from tests.
# TODO(sigmund): generate a js bundle or a module that load these indirectly so
# we can stop referring to this list of packages explicitly in the test_runner.
group("dartdevc_test_kernel_pkg") {
deps = [
template("dartdevc_kernel_compile") {
"Need 'package' in $target_name (the name of the package)")
# Other optional invoker parameters:
# * extra_libraries: entrypoints to include in the module as
# "package:package_name/library_name.dart" (the rule implicitly adds
# the default import "package:package_name/package_name.dart").
# * package_dependencies: the name of other packages this package depends
# on. When providing `name`, a separate `dartdevc_kernel_compile` target
# named `${name}_js` must exist.
# * nnbd_disabled: whether to disable the non-nullable experiment under the
# NNBD build. This is used temporariy until we either migrate the packages
# or add support to read the language version information from the package
# itself.
# * args: additional args to pass to dartdevc
prebuilt_dart_action(target_name) {
script = "../../pkg/dev_compiler/bin/dartdevc.dart"
module = invoker.package
outdir = rebase_path("$target_gen_dir")
sdk_path = rebase_path(sdk_outline_dill)
deps = [
# TODO(sigmund): depend only on the compiler and the actual files in the
# package
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
if (defined(invoker.extra_libraries)) {
foreach(lib, invoker.extra_libraries) {
args += [ "package:$module/$lib.dart" ]
if (defined(invoker.package_dependencies)) {
foreach(dep, invoker.package_dependencies) {
deps += [ ":${dep}_js" ]
args += [ "-s$outdir/pkg_kernel/$dep.dill" ]
if (defined(invoker.args)) {
args += invoker.args
# TODO(sigmund): remove nnbd_disabled. We turned this off temporarily while
# the migration of libraries is in flux, this step otherwise fails with many
# nnbd-related compile-time errors because the packages are assumed to be
# nnbd compilant.
if (!defined(invoker.nnbd_disabled) || !invoker.nnbd_disabled) {
# TODO(38701): Cleanup after merging the forked SDK into mainline.
if (use_nnbd) {
args += [ "--enable-experiment=non-nullable" ]
dartdevc_kernel_compile("async_helper_js") {
package = "async_helper"
dartdevc_kernel_compile("collection_js") {
package = "collection"
nnbd_disabled = true
dartdevc_kernel_compile("expect_js") {
package = "expect"
extra_libraries = [ "minitest" ]
dartdevc_kernel_compile("js_js") {
package = "js"
extra_libraries = [ "js_util" ]
dartdevc_kernel_compile("matcher_js") {
package = "matcher"
package_dependencies = [ "stack_trace" ]
nnbd_disabled = true
dartdevc_kernel_compile("meta_js") {
package = "meta"
dartdevc_kernel_compile("path_js") {
package = "path"
nnbd_disabled = true
dartdevc_kernel_compile("stack_trace_js") {
package = "stack_trace"
package_dependencies = [ "path" ]
nnbd_disabled = true
# TODO(rnystrom): Remove this when unittest is no longer used. Also remove
# any of the above packages that are only here because unittest uses them.
dartdevc_kernel_compile("unittest_js") {
package = "unittest"
package_dependencies = [
extra_libraries = [
nnbd_disabled = true
compile_platform("dartdevc_platform") {
single_root_scheme = "org-dartlang-sdk"
single_root_base = rebase_path("../../")
libraries_specification_uri =
outputs = [
args = [
# TODO(38701): Cleanup after merging the forked SDK into mainline.
if (use_nnbd) {
args += [ "--enable-experiment=non-nullable" ]
# Compiles the DDC SDK's kernel summary and JS code.
prebuilt_dart_action("dartdevc_kernel_sdk") {
deps = [
inputs = [
outputs = [
script = "../../pkg/dev_compiler/tool/compile_dartdevc_sdk.dart"
args = [
# TODO(38701): Cleanup after merging the forked SDK into mainline.
if (use_nnbd) {
args += [ "--enable-experiment=non-nullable" ]