| # Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| convert/chunked_conversion_utf88_test: Slow |
| convert/utf85_test: Slow |
| developer/timeline_test: Skip # Not supported |
| html/async_spawnuri_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/async_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/custom/document_register_basic_test: Slow |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/construction: Slow |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/registration: Slow |
| html/custom/entered_left_view_test/shadow_dom: Slow |
| html/custom/js_custom_test: Skip # mirrors not supported, delete this test. |
| html/custom/mirrors_2_test: Skip # mirrors not supported, delete this test. |
| html/custom/mirrors_test: Skip # mirrors not supported, delete this test. |
| html/custom_elements_test: Slow # Issue 26789 |
| html/isolates_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: Skip # mirrors not supported, delete this test. |
| html/worker_api_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/wrapping_collections_test: SkipByDesign # Testing an issue that is only relevant to Dartium |
| html/xhr_test: Slow |
| isolate/*: SkipByDesign # No support for dart:isolate in dart4web (http://dartbug.com/30538) |
| mirrors/*: SkipByDesign # Mirrors not supported on web in Dart 2.0. |
| profiler/metrics_num_test: Skip # Because of an int / double type test. |
| |
| [ $compiler != dart2js ] |
| async/dart2js_uncaught_error_test: Skip # JS-integration only test |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chrome ] |
| async/slow_consumer2_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_encode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| html/element_types_keygen_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29055 |
| html/file_sample_test: Pass, RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_entry_test: Pass, RuntimeError |
| html/media_stream_test: RuntimeError # Please triage. |
| html/speechrecognition_test: RuntimeError # Please triage. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chrome && $csp ] |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_browser_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_caching_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_context_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_functions_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_js_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_identity_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsarray_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsfunc_callmethod_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsify_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsobject_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_methods_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_transferrables_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_lazy_test/none: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_rename_static_test: RuntimeError |
| html/worker_test/functional: RuntimeError # Issue 32261 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chrome && $strong ] |
| html/interactive_media_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ] |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/audiocontext_test/supported: RuntimeError # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/fillText: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/crypto_test/functional: Pass, Slow # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/element_types_datalist_test: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/input_element_datetime_test: Pass, Slow # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/input_element_week_test: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/media_stream_test: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/rtc_test: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/speechrecognition_test: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| html/xhr_test/json: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| typed_data/setRange_2_test: RuntimeError # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| typed_data/setRange_3_test: RuntimeError # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 ] |
| async/dart2js_uncaught_error_test: RuntimeError |
| html/async_spawnuri_test: RuntimeError |
| html/async_test: RuntimeError |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test: RuntimeError |
| html/audiocontext_test: RuntimeError |
| html/audioelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/b_element_test: RuntimeError |
| html/blob_constructor_test: RuntimeError |
| html/cache_test: RuntimeError |
| html/callback_list_test: RuntimeError |
| html/callbacks_test: RuntimeError |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test: RuntimeError |
| html/canvas_test: RuntimeError |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test: RuntimeError |
| html/cdata_test: RuntimeError |
| html/client_rect_test: RuntimeError |
| html/cross_domain_iframe_test: RuntimeError |
| html/crypto_test: RuntimeError |
| html/css_rule_list_test: RuntimeError |
| html/css_test: RuntimeError |
| html/cssstyledeclaration_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/attribute_changed_callback_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/constructor_calls_created_synchronously_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/created_callback_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/document_register_basic_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/document_register_template_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/element_upgrade_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/entered_left_view_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom/js_custom_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom_element_method_clash_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom_element_name_clash_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom_elements_23127_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom_elements_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom_tags_test: RuntimeError |
| html/dart_object_local_storage_test: RuntimeError |
| html/datalistelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/document_test: RuntimeError |
| html/documentfragment_test: RuntimeError |
| html/dom_constructors_test: RuntimeError |
| html/domparser_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_add_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_animate_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_classes_svg_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_constructor_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_dimensions_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_offset_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors3_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors4_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors5_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors6_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_content_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_datalist_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_details_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_embed_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_keygen_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_meter_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_object_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_output_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_progress_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_shadow_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_template_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_track_test: RuntimeError |
| html/event_callback_test: Skip # Browser test |
| html/event_customevent_test: RuntimeError |
| html/event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/events_test: RuntimeError |
| html/exceptions_test: RuntimeError |
| html/file_sample_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_directory_reader_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_directory_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_entry_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_file_entry_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_file_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_supported_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_supported_throws_test: RuntimeError |
| html/filereader_test: RuntimeError |
| html/filteredelementlist_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fontface_loaded_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fontface_test: RuntimeError |
| html/form_data_test: RuntimeError |
| html/form_element_test: RuntimeError |
| html/gamepad_test: RuntimeError |
| html/geolocation_test: RuntimeError |
| html/hidden_dom_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/hidden_dom_2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/history_hash_change_test: RuntimeError |
| html/history_history_test: RuntimeError |
| html/history_test: RuntimeError |
| html/html_mock_test: RuntimeError |
| html/htmlcollection_test: RuntimeError |
| html/htmlelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/htmloptionscollection_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_4_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_attributes_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_constructor_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_date_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_datetime_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_email_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_month_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_number_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_range_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_search_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_tel_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_time_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_url_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_week_test: RuntimeError |
| html/instance_of_test: RuntimeError |
| html/interactive_media_test: RuntimeError |
| html/interactive_test: RuntimeError |
| html/isolates_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_array_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_array_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_browser_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_caching_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_context_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_functions_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_js_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_to_string_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dispatch_property_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_dispatch_property_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_extend_class_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_function_getter_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_function_getter_trust_types_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_identity_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_constructor_name_div_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_constructor_name_error1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_constructor_name_error2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_constructor_name_method_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_javascript_function_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsarray_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsfunc_callmethod_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsify_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsobject_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_methods_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_transferrables_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_bind_this_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_callable_object_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/explicit_argument: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/none: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_dynamic_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_lazy_test/01: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_lazy_test/none: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_rename_static_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type1_test/01: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type1_test/none: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type3_test/01: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type3_test/02: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type3_test/none: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_window_property_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_util_test: RuntimeError |
| html/keyboard_event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/localstorage_test: RuntimeError |
| html/location_test: RuntimeError |
| html/media_stream_test: RuntimeError |
| html/mediasource_test: RuntimeError |
| html/message_channel_test: RuntimeError |
| html/messageevent_test: RuntimeError |
| html/mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: RuntimeError |
| html/mouse_event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/mutationobserver_test: RuntimeError |
| html/native_gc_test: RuntimeError |
| html/navigator_test: RuntimeError |
| html/node_test: RuntimeError |
| html/node_validator_important_if_you_suppress_make_the_bug_critical_test: RuntimeError |
| html/notification_permission_test: RuntimeError |
| html/notification_test: RuntimeError |
| html/performance_api_test: RuntimeError |
| html/postmessage_structured_test: RuntimeError |
| html/private_extension_member_test: RuntimeError |
| html/query_test: RuntimeError |
| html/queryall_test: RuntimeError |
| html/range_test: RuntimeError |
| html/request_animation_frame_test: RuntimeError |
| html/rtc_test: RuntimeError |
| html/selectelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/serialized_script_value_test: RuntimeError |
| html/shadow_dom_test: RuntimeError |
| html/shadowroot_test: RuntimeError |
| html/speechrecognition_test: RuntimeError |
| html/storage_promise_test: RuntimeError |
| html/storage_test: RuntimeError |
| html/streams_test: RuntimeError |
| html/svg_test: RuntimeError |
| html/svgelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/table_test: RuntimeError |
| html/text_event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/touchevent_test: RuntimeError |
| html/track_element_constructor_test: RuntimeError |
| html/transferables_test: RuntimeError |
| html/transition_event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/trusted_html_tree_sanitizer_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_3_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_4_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_5_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_arraybuffer_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_dataview_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_range_checks_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_simd_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typing_test: RuntimeError |
| html/unknownelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/uri_test: RuntimeError |
| html/url_test: RuntimeError |
| html/webgl_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/webgl_extensions_test: RuntimeError |
| html/websocket_test: RuntimeError |
| html/websql_test: RuntimeError |
| html/wheelevent_test: RuntimeError |
| html/window_eq_test: RuntimeError |
| html/window_mangling_test: RuntimeError |
| html/window_nosuchmethod_test: RuntimeError |
| html/window_test: RuntimeError |
| html/worker_api_test: RuntimeError |
| html/worker_test: RuntimeError |
| html/xhr_cross_origin_test: RuntimeError |
| html/xhr_test: RuntimeError |
| html/xsltprocessor_test: RuntimeError |
| js/null_test: RuntimeError |
| js/prototype_access_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $minified ] |
| collection/list_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != d8 ] |
| html/html_mock_test: RuntimeError # Issue 31038 |
| html/input_element_attributes_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_extend_class_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != d8 && !$strong ] |
| html/js_dart_functions_test: RuntimeError # does not implement Dart 2 implicit `.call` tearoff |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ff ] |
| async/slow_consumer2_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_encode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/utf85_test: Pass, Slow, Timeout |
| html/callback_list_test: SkipByDesign # FileSystem not supported in FireFox. |
| html/custom/attribute_changed_callback_test: Skip # Times out |
| html/custom/constructor_calls_created_synchronously_test: Pass, Timeout |
| html/custom/created_callback_test: Skip # Times out |
| html/custom/document_register_basic_test: Skip # Times out, or unittest times out |
| html/dart_object_local_storage_test: Skip # sessionStorage NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR |
| html/element_animate_test/timing_dict: RuntimeError # Issue 26730 |
| html/element_types_content_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issues 28983, 29922 |
| html/element_types_keygen_test: Fail |
| html/element_types_keygen_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_shadow_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issues 28983, 29922 |
| html/file_sample_test: Skip # FileSystem not supported on FireFox. |
| html/fileapi_supported_test: Skip # FileSystem not supported on FireFox. |
| html/fileapi_supported_throws_test: Skip # FileSystem not supported on FireFox. |
| html/fontface_test: Fail # Fontface not supported on ff |
| html/history_test/history: Skip # Issue 22050 |
| html/input_element_datetime_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_month_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_week_test: Fail |
| html/interactive_media_test: RuntimeError # Not supported in FF |
| html/media_stream_test: Fail |
| html/messageevent_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 28983 |
| html/request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Async test hangs. |
| html/serialized_script_value_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 28983 |
| html/shadow_dom_test: Fail |
| html/speechrecognition_test: RuntimeError # Please triage. |
| html/text_event_test: Fail # Issue 17893 |
| html/webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ff && $strong ] |
| html/gamepad_test: RuntimeError |
| html/interactive_media_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ie11 ] |
| html/element_types_content_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_datalist_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_details_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_embed_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_keygen_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_meter_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_object_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_output_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_progress_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_shadow_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_template_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_track_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| math/math2_test: RuntimeError |
| math/math_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == jsshell ] |
| async/catch_errors12_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors13_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors14_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors15_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors18_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors19_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors20_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors22_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors28_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/catch_errors8_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/future_constructor2_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/future_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported; Issue 7728. |
| async/multiple_timer_test: RuntimeError, OK # Needs Timer to run. |
| async/periodic_timer2_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/periodic_timer3_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/periodic_timer4_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/run_zoned7_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/run_zoned8_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/schedule_microtask3_test: RuntimeError |
| async/schedule_microtask_test: Fail # Preamble file does not correctly implement scheduleImmediate. |
| async/slow_consumer2_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported; Issue 7728. |
| async/slow_consumer3_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported; Issue 7728. |
| async/slow_consumer_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported; Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_controller_async_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_controller_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_from_iterable_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_periodic2_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_periodic3_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_periodic4_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_periodic5_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_periodic6_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_periodic_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_state_nonzero_timer_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_subscription_cancel_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_take_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_timeout_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/stream_transformation_broadcast_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/timer_cancel1_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/timer_cancel2_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/timer_cancel_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/timer_isActive_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/timer_repeat_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/timer_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/zone_bind_test: Fail # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/zone_create_periodic_timer_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/zone_create_timer2_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| async/zone_empty_description2_test: RuntimeError # Timer interface not supported: Issue 7728. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != jsshell ] |
| async/timer_not_available_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safari ] |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test: RuntimeError |
| html/callback_list_test: SkipByDesign # FileSystem not supported in Safari. |
| html/css_test/functional/functional: RuntimeError # Issue 32576 |
| html/custom/attribute_changed_callback_test: RuntimeError, Timeout |
| html/custom/constructor_calls_created_synchronously_test: Pass, Timeout |
| html/custom/created_callback_test: Pass, Timeout |
| html/custom/document_register_basic_test: Pass, Timeout |
| html/element_types_content_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_datalist_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_shadow_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/file_sample_test: Skip # FileSystem not supported on Safari. |
| html/fileapi_supported_throws_test: Skip # FileSystem not supported on Safari |
| html/storage_promise_test: RuntimeError # Not supported on Safari |
| html/xhr_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safari && $strong ] |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test: Pass, RuntimeError |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/arc: Pass, RuntimeError |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_canvas_element: Pass, RuntimeError |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_image_element: Pass, RuntimeError |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/fillText: Pass, RuntimeError |
| html/interactive_media_test: SkipSlow |
| html/notification_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Safari doesn't let us access the fields of the Notification to verify them. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safari && !$strong ] |
| convert/json_test: Fail # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134920 |
| html/fontface_loaded_test: RuntimeError # FontFace polyfill? |
| html/fontface_test: Fail # FontFace polyfill? |
| html/notification_test: Fail # Safari doesn't let us access the fields of the Notification to verify them. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != safari && !$strong ] |
| html/element_classes_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $system == linux ] |
| html/interactive_geolocation_test: Skip # Requires allowing geo location. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $system == windows ] |
| html/xhr_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $browser ] |
| html/custom/created_callback_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_lazy_test/01: RuntimeError |
| html/notification_permission_test: Timeout, Pass # Issue 32002 |
| html/private_extension_member_test: RuntimeError |
| js/null_test: RuntimeError # Issue 30652 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $browser && $csp ] |
| html/custom/element_upgrade_test: Fail # Issue 17298 |
| html/custom/js_custom_test: Fail # Issue 14643 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $browser && $strong ] |
| html/element_classes_svg_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_array_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_range_checks_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ] |
| async/stream_listen_zone_test: RuntimeError |
| convert/utf85_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 12029. |
| html/js_function_getter_trust_types_test: Skip # --trust-type-annotations incompatible with --checked |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $csp && $minified ] |
| collection/list_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $csp && ($runtime == chrome || $runtime == chromeOnAndroid || $runtime == ff || $runtime == safari) ] |
| html/event_customevent_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_array_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_dart_to_string_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_function_getter_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_function_getter_trust_types_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_interop_1_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_bind_this_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_callable_object_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_default_arg_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_type1_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_type3_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_type_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_typed_interop_window_property_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/js_util_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: SkipByDesign |
| html/postmessage_structured_test: SkipByDesign |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && !$csp && $minified ] |
| html/async_spawnuri_test: RuntimeError |
| html/async_test: RuntimeError |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/audiocontext_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/audioelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/b_element_test: RuntimeError |
| html/blob_constructor_test: RuntimeError |
| html/cache_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/callbacks_test: RuntimeError |
| html/custom_element_method_clash_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/custom_element_name_clash_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/custom_elements_23127_test: Crash # Assertion failure: Cannot find value local(B2T.created#a) in (type_variable_local(B2T.T), local(C2T.created#a), local(C2T.created#b), local(C2T.created#c), BoxLocal(_box_0)) for j:constructor(C2T.created). |
| html/custom_tags_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/dart_object_local_storage_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/datalistelement_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/document_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/documentfragment_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/dom_constructors_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/domparser_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_add_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_animate_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_constructor_1_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_dimensions_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_offset_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_test/_ElementList: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/attributes: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/children: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/click: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/constructors: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/eventDelegation: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/eventListening: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/functional: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/matches: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/position: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/queryAll: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors2_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_types_constructors3_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_types_constructors4_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_types_constructors5_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_types_constructors6_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_types_content_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_datalist_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_details_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_embed_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_meter_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_object_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_output_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_progress_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_shadow_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_template_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/element_types_track_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/exceptions_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_supported_test: RuntimeError |
| html/filereader_test: RuntimeError |
| html/filteredelementlist_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fontface_test: RuntimeError |
| html/form_data_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/form_data_test/functional: RuntimeError |
| html/form_data_test/supported: RuntimeError |
| html/form_element_test: RuntimeError |
| html/gamepad_test: RuntimeError |
| html/geolocation_test: RuntimeError |
| html/hidden_dom_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/hidden_dom_2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/history_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/history_test/history: RuntimeError |
| html/history_test/supported_HashChangeEvent: RuntimeError |
| html/history_test/supported_state: RuntimeError |
| html/htmlcollection_test: RuntimeError |
| html/htmlelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/htmloptionscollection_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_1_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/indexeddb_1_test/dynamic: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_1_test/supported: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_1_test/typed: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_constructor_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_date_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_datetime_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_email_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_month_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_number_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_range_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_search_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_tel_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_time_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_url_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_week_test: RuntimeError |
| html/instance_of_test: RuntimeError |
| html/isolates_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dispatch_property_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_javascript_function_test: RuntimeError |
| html/keyboard_event_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/localstorage_test: RuntimeError |
| html/location_test: RuntimeError |
| html/mediasource_test: RuntimeError, Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/mouse_event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/mutationobserver_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/native_gc_test: RuntimeError |
| html/navigator_test: RuntimeError |
| html/node_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/node_validator_important_if_you_suppress_make_the_bug_critical_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/notification_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/performance_api_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/query_test: RuntimeError |
| html/queryall_test: RuntimeError |
| html/range_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/request_animation_frame_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/rtc_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/selectelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/shadow_dom_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/shadowroot_test: RuntimeError |
| html/storage_test: RuntimeError |
| html/streams_test: RuntimeError |
| html/svg_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/svgelement_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/table_test: RuntimeError |
| html/text_event_test: RuntimeError |
| html/track_element_constructor_test: RuntimeError |
| html/transferables_test: RuntimeError |
| html/transition_event_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/trusted_html_tree_sanitizer_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/typed_arrays_1_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/typed_arrays_2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_3_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_4_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_5_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_arraybuffer_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_dataview_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_range_checks_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_simd_test: RuntimeError |
| html/typing_test: RuntimeError |
| html/unknownelement_test: RuntimeError |
| html/uri_test: RuntimeError |
| html/url_test: RuntimeError |
| html/webgl_extensions_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/websocket_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/websql_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/wheelevent_test: RuntimeError |
| html/window_eq_test: RuntimeError |
| html/window_mangling_test: RuntimeError |
| html/window_nosuchmethod_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $host_checked ] |
| html/custom/mirrors_2_test: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart': Failed assertion: line 405 pos 12: 'element.name == '=='': is not true. |
| html/custom/mirrors_test: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart': Failed assertion: line 405 pos 12: 'element.name == '=='': is not true. |
| html/indexeddb_3_test: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart': Failed assertion: line 405 pos 12: 'element.name == '=='': is not true. |
| html/indexeddb_5_test: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart': Failed assertion: line 405 pos 12: 'element.name == '=='': is not true. |
| html/js_array_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_dispatch_property_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_function_getter_test/call getter as function: Crash # FileSystemException(uri=file:///usr/local/google/home/efortuna/dart2/sdk/sdk/lib/_internal/dart2js_platform.dill; message=Error reading 'sdk/lib/_internal/dart2js_platform.dill' (No such file or directory)) |
| html/js_function_getter_trust_types_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/explicit_argument: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_side_cast_exp_test: Crash # 'file:*/pkg/compiler/lib/src/common_elements.dart': Failed assertion: line 405 pos 12: 'element.name == '=='': is not true. |
| html/js_typed_interop_test: CompileTimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $ie ] |
| html/fontface_loaded_test: RuntimeError # FontFace polyfill? |
| html/fontface_test: Fail # Fontface not supported on ie |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $ie && $strong ] |
| html/interactive_media_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $minified ] |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test/functional: RuntimeError |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: RuntimeError |
| html/audiocontext_test/supported: RuntimeError |
| html/cache_test/ApplicationCache: RuntimeError |
| html/cache_test/supported: RuntimeError |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test/basic: RuntimeError |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test/typed_data: RuntimeError |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test/types1: RuntimeError |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test/types2: RuntimeError |
| html/canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test/types2_runtimeTypeName: Fail, OK # Issue 12605 |
| html/custom/mirrors_2_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/custom/mirrors_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/custom_elements_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_classes_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/element_offset_test/offset: RuntimeError |
| html/element_test/ElementList: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors2_test/constructors: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors3_test/constructors: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors4_test/constructors: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors5_test/constructors: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors6_test/constructors: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_constructors6_test/ul: RuntimeError |
| html/element_types_keygen_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| html/event_customevent_test: RuntimeError |
| html/file_sample_test: RuntimeError |
| html/fileapi_entry_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_1_test/functional: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_2_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_3_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_4_test: RuntimeError |
| html/indexeddb_5_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_array_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_browser_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_caching_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_context_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_functions_tests: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_js_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_dart_to_string_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_function_getter_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_function_getter_test/call getter as function: RuntimeError |
| html/js_function_getter_trust_types_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'InterfaceType' has no instance getter 'isObject'. |
| html/js_function_getter_trust_types_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_identity_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_1_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_constructor_name_div_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_interop_constructor_name_method_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsarray_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsfunc_callmethod_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsify_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_jsobject_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_transferrables_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_bind_this_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/js_typed_interop_callable_object_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/explicit_argument: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/none: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_side_cast_exp_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/js_typed_interop_test: CompileTimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type1_test/01: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type1_test/none: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type3_test/01: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type3_test/02: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type3_test/none: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_type_test: RuntimeError |
| html/js_typed_interop_window_property_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/js_util_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/media_stream_test: RuntimeError, Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: RuntimeError |
| html/postmessage_structured_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/speechrecognition_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| html/trusted_html_tree_sanitizer_test/not_create_document_fragment: RuntimeError |
| html/trusted_html_tree_sanitizer_test/untrusted: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_1_test/arrays: RuntimeError |
| html/typed_arrays_1_test/supported: RuntimeError |
| html/webgl_1_test: Crash # NoSuchMethodError: Class 'JMethod' has no instance getter 'implementation'. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $strong ] |
| async/future_or_type_test: RuntimeError |
| async/slow_consumer2_test: RuntimeError |
| async/stream_distinct_test: RuntimeError |
| collection/list_test: RuntimeError |
| html/element_classes_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && !$strong ] |
| html/custom/element_upgrade_failure_test: MissingCompileTimeError |
| html/element_classes_svg_test: RuntimeError # Expected runtime type check only in strong mode. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == chrome || $runtime == ff) ] |
| async/slow_consumer2_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_encode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == ff || $runtime == safari || $ie) ] |
| html/custom/attribute_changed_callback_test/unsupported_on_polyfill: Fail # Polyfill does not support |
| html/custom/entered_left_view_test/viewless_document: Fail # Polyfill does not handle this |