blob: c865467f6582d005b28d8ed0fe59e8666719db96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/syslog.h"
extern "C" __attribute__((weak)) void android_set_abort_message(const char*);
#endif // defined(DART_HOST_OS_ANDROID)
namespace dart {
bool Expect::failed_ = false;
void DynamicAssertionHelper::Print(const char* format,
va_list arguments,
bool will_abort /* = false */) const {
// Take only the last 1KB of the file name if it is longer.
const intptr_t file_len = strlen(file_);
const intptr_t file_offset = (file_len > (1 * KB)) ? file_len - (1 * KB) : 0;
const char* file = file_ + file_offset;
// Print the file and line number into the buffer.
char buffer[4 * KB];
MSAN_UNPOISON(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
intptr_t file_and_line_length =
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s: %d: error: ", file, line_);
// Print the error message into the buffer.
vsnprintf(buffer + file_and_line_length,
sizeof(buffer) - file_and_line_length, format, arguments);
// Print the buffer on stderr and/or syslog.
Syslog::PrintErr("%s\n", buffer);
if (will_abort && (&android_set_abort_message != nullptr)) {
#endif // defined(DART_HOST_OS_ANDROID)
void Assert::Fail(const char* format, ...) const {
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
Print(format, arguments, /*will_abort=*/true);
// Abort right away.
void Expect::Fail(const char* format, ...) const {
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, format);
Print(format, arguments);
// Wait until the program is exiting before producing a non-zero exit
// code through abort.
failed_ = true;
} // namespace dart