blob: ba2d36108745c513bf6c1b6d7481e63c22b48b15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'feature.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'static_error.dart';
final _multitestRegExp = RegExp(r"//# \w+:(.*)");
final _vmOptionsRegExp = RegExp(r"// VMOptions=(.*)");
final _environmentRegExp = RegExp(r"// Environment=(.*)");
final _packagesRegExp = RegExp(r"// Packages=(.*)");
final _experimentRegExp = RegExp(r"^--enable-experiment=([a-z0-9,-]+)$");
List<String> _splitWords(String s) =>
s.split(' ').where((e) => e != '').toList();
List<T> _parseOption<T>(
String filePath, String contents, String name, T Function(String) convert,
{bool allowMultiple = false}) {
var matches = RegExp('// $name=(.*)').allMatches(contents);
if (!allowMultiple && matches.length > 1) {
throw Exception('More than one "// $name=" line in test $filePath');
var options = <T>[];
for (var match in matches) {
for (var option in _splitWords(match[1]!)) {
return options;
List<String> _parseStringOption(String filePath, String contents, String name,
{bool allowMultiple = false}) =>
_parseOption<String>(filePath, contents, name, (string) => string,
allowMultiple: allowMultiple);
// Fake path used as sentinel for test files that don't have a path.
final _fakePath = Path('/fake');
abstract class _TestFileBase {
/// The test suite directory containing this test.
final Path? _suiteDirectory;
/// The full path to the test file.
final Path path;
/// The path to the original multitest file this test was generated from.
/// If this test was not generated from a multitest, just returns [path].
Path get originPath;
/// The parsed error expectation markers in this test, if it is a static
/// error test.
final List<StaticError> expectedErrors;
/// The name of the multitest section this file corresponds to if it was
/// generated from a multitest. Otherwise, returns an empty string.
String get multitestKey;
/// If the test contains static error expectations, it's a "static error
/// test".
/// These tests exist to validate that a front end reports the right static
/// errors. Unless the expected errors are all warnings, a static error test
/// is skipped on configurations that are not purely front end.
bool get isStaticErrorTest => expectedErrors.isNotEmpty;
/// If the test contains any web-specific (`[web]`) static error expectations,
/// then it's a "web static error test".
/// These tests exist to validate that a Dart web compiler reports the right
/// expected errors.
bool get isWebStaticErrorTest =>
expectedErrors.any((error) => error.source == ErrorSource.web);
/// If the tests has no static error expectations, or all of the expectations
/// are warnings, then the test tests runtime semantics.
/// Note that this is *not* the negation of [isStaticErrorTest]. A test that
/// contains only warning expectations is both a static "error" test and a
/// runtime test. The test runner will validate that the front ends produce
/// the expected warnings *and* that a runtime also correctly executes the
/// test.
bool get isRuntimeTest => expectedErrors.every((error) => error.isWarning);
/// A hash code used to spread tests across shards.
int get shardHash {
// The VM C++ unit tests have a special fake TestFile with no suite
// directory or path. Don't crash in that case.
// TODO(rnystrom): Is there a cleaner solution? Should we use the C++ file
// as the path for the TestFile?
if (originPath == _fakePath) return 0;
return originPath.relativeTo(_suiteDirectory!).toString().hashCode;
_TestFileBase(this._suiteDirectory, this.path, this.expectedErrors) {
// The VM C++ unit tests have a special fake TestFile with no path.
/// The logical name of the test.
/// This is its path relative to the test suite directory containing it,
/// minus any file extension. If this test was split from a multitest,
/// it contains the multitest key.
String get name {
var testNamePath = originPath.relativeTo(_suiteDirectory!);
var directory = testNamePath.directoryPath;
var filenameWithoutExt = testNamePath.filenameWithoutExtension;
String concat(String base, String part) {
if (base == "") return part;
if (part == "") return base;
return "$base/$part";
var result = "$directory";
result = concat(result, "$filenameWithoutExt");
result = concat(result, multitestKey);
return result;
/// Represents a single ".dart" file used as a test and the parsed metadata it
/// contains.
/// Special options for individual tests are currently specified in various
/// ways: with comments directly in test files, by using certain imports, or
/// by creating additional files in the test directories.
/// Here is a list of options that are used by 'test.dart' today:
/// * Flags can be passed to the VM process that runs the test by adding a
/// comment to the test file:
/// // VMOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Flags can be passed to dart2js, VM or dartdevc by adding a comment to
/// the test file:
/// // SharedOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Flags can be passed to dart2js by adding a comment to the test file:
/// // dart2jsOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Flags can be passed to the dart script that contains the test also
/// using comments, as follows:
/// // DartOptions=--flag1 --flag2
/// * Extra environment variables can be passed to the process that runs
/// the test by adding comment(s) to the test file:
/// // Environment=ENV_VAR1=foo bar
/// // Environment=ENV_VAR2=bazz
/// * Most tests are not web tests, but can (and will be) wrapped within an
/// HTML file and another script file to test them also on browser
/// environments (e.g. language and corelib tests are run this way). We
/// deduce that if a file with the same name as the test, but ending in
/// ".html" instead of ".dart" exists, the test was intended to be a web
/// test and no wrapping is necessary.
/// * This test requires, libfoobar.dylib or foobar.dll to be in
/// the system linker path of the VM.
/// // SharedObjects=foobar
/// * 'test.dart' assumes tests fail if the process returns a non-zero exit
/// code (in the case of web tests, we check for PASS/FAIL indications in
/// the test output).
class TestFile extends _TestFileBase {
/// Read the test file from the given [filePath].
factory suiteDirectory, String filePath) => TestFile.parse(
suiteDirectory, filePath, File(filePath).readAsStringSync());
/// Parse a test file with [contents].
factory TestFile.parse(
Path suiteDirectory, String filePath, String contents) {
if (filePath.endsWith('.dill')) {
return TestFile._(suiteDirectory, Path(filePath), [],
requirements: [],
vmOptions: [[]],
sharedOptions: [],
dart2jsOptions: [],
ddcOptions: [],
dartOptions: [],
packages: null,
hasSyntaxError: false,
hasCompileError: false,
hasRuntimeError: false,
hasStaticWarning: false,
hasCrash: false,
isMultitest: false,
sharedObjects: [],
otherResources: [],
environment: {},
experiments: []);
// Required features.
var requirements =
_parseOption<Feature>(filePath, contents, 'Requirements', (name) {
for (var feature in Feature.all) {
if ( == name) return feature;
throw FormatException('Unknown feature "$name" in test $filePath');
final isVmIntermediateLanguageTest = filePath.endsWith('_il_test.dart');
// VM options.
var vmOptions = <List<String>>[];
var matches = _vmOptionsRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (vmOptions.isEmpty) vmOptions.add(<String>[]);
// Other options.
var dartOptions = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'DartOptions');
var sharedOptions = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'SharedOptions');
var dart2jsOptions =
_parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'dart2jsOptions');
var ddcOptions = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'dartdevcOptions');
var otherResources = _parseStringOption(
filePath, contents, 'OtherResources',
allowMultiple: true);
var sharedObjects = _parseStringOption(filePath, contents, 'SharedObjects',
allowMultiple: true);
// Extract the experiments from the shared options.
// TODO(rnystrom): Either tests should stop specifying experiment flags
// entirely and use "// Requirements=", or we should come up with a better
// syntax. Parsing from "// SharedOptions=" for now since that's where they
// are currently specified.
var experiments = <String>[];
for (var i = 0; i < sharedOptions.length; i++) {
var sharedOption = sharedOptions[i];
if (sharedOption.contains("--enable-experiment")) {
var match = _experimentRegExp.firstMatch(sharedOption);
if (match == null) {
throw Exception(
"SharedOptions marker cannot mix experiment flags with other "
"flags. Was:\n$sharedOption");
// Environment.
var environment = <String, String>{};
matches = _environmentRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
var envDef = match[1]!;
var pos = envDef.indexOf('=');
var name = (pos < 0) ? envDef : envDef.substring(0, pos);
var value = (pos < 0) ? '' : envDef.substring(pos + 1);
environment[name] = value;
// Packages.
String? packages;
matches = _packagesRegExp.allMatches(contents);
for (var match in matches) {
if (packages != null) {
throw Exception('More than one "// Package..." line in test $filePath');
packages = match[1];
if (packages != 'none') {
// Packages=none means that no packages option should be given. Any
// other value overrides packages.
packages =
var isMultitest = _multitestRegExp.hasMatch(contents);
// TODO(rnystrom): During the migration of the existing tests to Dart 2.0,
// we have a number of tests that used to both generate static type warnings
// and also validate some runtime behavior in an implementation that
// ignores those warnings. Those warnings are now errors. The test code
// validates the runtime behavior can and should be removed, but the code
// that causes the static warning should still be preserved since that is
// part of our coverage of the static type system.
// The test needs to indicate that it should have a static error. We could
// put that in the status file, but that makes it confusing because it
// would look like implementations that *don't* report the error are more
// correct. Eventually, we want to have a notation similar to what front_end
// is using for the inference tests where we can put a comment inside the
// test that says "This specific static error should be reported right by
// this token."
// That system isn't in place yet, so we do a crude approximation here in
// test.dart. If a test contains `/*@compile-error=`, which matches the
// beginning of the tag syntax that front_end uses, then we assume that
// this test must have a static error somewhere in it.
// Redo this code once we have a more precise test framework for detecting
// and locating these errors.
var hasSyntaxError = contents.contains("@syntax-error");
var hasCompileError = hasSyntaxError || contents.contains("@compile-error");
List<StaticError> errorExpectations;
try {
errorExpectations = StaticError.parseExpectations(contents);
} on FormatException catch (error) {
throw FormatException(
"Invalid error expectation syntax in $filePath:\n$error");
return TestFile._(suiteDirectory, Path(filePath), errorExpectations,
packages: packages,
environment: environment,
isMultitest: isMultitest,
hasSyntaxError: hasSyntaxError,
hasCompileError: hasCompileError,
hasRuntimeError: contents.contains("@runtime-error"),
hasStaticWarning: contents.contains("@static-warning"),
hasCrash: false,
requirements: requirements,
sharedOptions: sharedOptions,
dartOptions: dartOptions,
dart2jsOptions: dart2jsOptions,
ddcOptions: ddcOptions,
vmOptions: vmOptions,
sharedObjects: sharedObjects,
otherResources: otherResources,
experiments: experiments,
isVmIntermediateLanguageTest: isVmIntermediateLanguageTest);
/// A special fake test file for representing a VM unit test written in C++.
{required this.hasSyntaxError,
required this.hasCompileError,
required this.hasRuntimeError,
required this.hasStaticWarning,
required this.hasCrash})
: packages = null,
environment = {},
isMultitest = false,
requirements = [],
sharedOptions = [],
dartOptions = [],
dart2jsOptions = [],
ddcOptions = [],
vmOptions = [],
sharedObjects = [],
otherResources = [],
experiments = [],
isVmIntermediateLanguageTest = false,
super(null, _fakePath, []);
TestFile._(Path suiteDirectory, Path path, List<StaticError> expectedErrors,
required this.environment,
required this.isMultitest,
required this.hasSyntaxError,
required this.hasCompileError,
required this.hasRuntimeError,
required this.hasStaticWarning,
required this.hasCrash,
required this.requirements,
required this.sharedOptions,
required this.dartOptions,
required this.dart2jsOptions,
required this.ddcOptions,
required this.vmOptions,
required this.sharedObjects,
required this.otherResources,
required this.experiments,
this.isVmIntermediateLanguageTest = false})
: super(suiteDirectory, path, expectedErrors) {
assert(!isMultitest || dartOptions.isEmpty);
Path get originPath => path;
String get multitestKey => "";
final String? packages;
final Map<String, String> environment;
final bool isMultitest;
final bool hasSyntaxError;
final bool hasCompileError;
final bool hasRuntimeError;
final bool hasStaticWarning;
final bool hasCrash;
final bool isVmIntermediateLanguageTest;
/// The features that a test configuration must support in order to run this
/// test.
/// If the current configuration does not support one or more of these
/// requirements, the test is implicitly skipped.
final List<Feature> requirements;
final List<String> sharedOptions;
final List<String> dartOptions;
final List<String> dart2jsOptions;
final List<String> ddcOptions;
final List<List<String>> vmOptions;
final List<String> sharedObjects;
final List<String> otherResources;
/// The experiments this test enables.
/// Parsed from a shared options line like:
/// // SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=flubber,gloop
final List<String> experiments;
/// Derive a multitest test section file from this multitest file with the
/// given [multitestKey] and expectations.
TestFile split(Path path, String multitestKey, String contents,
{bool hasCompileError = false,
bool hasRuntimeError = false,
bool hasStaticWarning = false,
bool hasSyntaxError = false}) =>
this, path, multitestKey, StaticError.parseExpectations(contents),
hasCompileError: hasCompileError,
hasRuntimeError: hasRuntimeError,
hasStaticWarning: hasStaticWarning,
hasSyntaxError: hasSyntaxError);
String toString() => """TestFile(
packages: $packages
environment: $environment
isMultitest: $isMultitest
hasSyntaxError: $hasSyntaxError
hasCompileError: $hasCompileError
hasRuntimeError: $hasRuntimeError
hasStaticWarning: $hasStaticWarning
hasCrash: $hasCrash
requirements: $requirements
sharedOptions: $sharedOptions
dartOptions: $dartOptions
dart2jsOptions: $dart2jsOptions
ddcOptions: $ddcOptions
vmOptions: $vmOptions
sharedObjects: $sharedObjects
otherResources: $otherResources
experiments: $experiments
/// A [TestFile] for a single section file derived from a multitest.
/// This inherits most properties from the original test file, but overrides
/// the error flags based on the multitest section's expectation.
class _MultitestFile extends _TestFileBase implements TestFile {
/// The authored test file that was split to generate this multitest.
final TestFile _origin;
final String multitestKey;
final bool hasCompileError;
final bool hasRuntimeError;
final bool hasStaticWarning;
final bool hasSyntaxError;
bool get hasCrash => _origin.hasCrash;
bool get isVmIntermediateLanguageTest => _origin.isVmIntermediateLanguageTest;
_MultitestFile(this._origin, Path path, this.multitestKey,
List<StaticError> expectedErrors,
{required this.hasCompileError,
required this.hasRuntimeError,
required this.hasStaticWarning,
required this.hasSyntaxError})
: super(_origin._suiteDirectory, path, expectedErrors);
Path get originPath => _origin.path;
String? get packages => _origin.packages;
List<Feature> get requirements => _origin.requirements;
List<String> get dart2jsOptions => _origin.dart2jsOptions;
List<String> get dartOptions => _origin.dartOptions;
List<String> get ddcOptions => _origin.ddcOptions;
Map<String, String> get environment => _origin.environment;
bool get isMultitest => _origin.isMultitest;
List<String> get otherResources => _origin.otherResources;
List<String> get sharedObjects => _origin.sharedObjects;
List<String> get experiments => _origin.experiments;
List<String> get sharedOptions => _origin.sharedOptions;
List<List<String>> get vmOptions => _origin.vmOptions;
TestFile split(Path path, String multitestKey, String contents,
{bool hasCompileError = false,
bool hasRuntimeError = false,
bool hasStaticWarning = false,
bool hasSyntaxError = false}) =>
throw UnsupportedError(
"Can't derive a test from one already derived from a multitest.");