blob: 94140c4b3586da61fd2a3da6942c49102f0f9cbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Data produced by dart2js when run with the `--dump-info` flag.
/// Common interface to many pieces of information generated by the dart2js
/// compiler that are directly associated with an element (compilation unit,
/// library, class, function, or field).
abstract class Info {
/// An identifier for the kind of information.
InfoKind get kind;
/// Name of the element associated with this info.
String get name;
/// Id used by the compiler when instrumenting code for code coverage.
// TODO(sigmund): It would be nice if we could use the same id for
// serialization and for coverage. Could we unify them?
String? get coverageId;
/// Bytes used in the generated code for the corresponding element.
int get size;
/// Info of the enclosing element.
Info? get parent;
/// At which stage of the compiler this component was treeshaken.
TreeShakenStatus get treeShakenStatus;
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor);
/// Indicates at what stage of compilation the [Info] element was treeshaken.
enum TreeShakenStatus { Dead, Live }
/// Common information used for most kind of elements.
// TODO(sigmund): add more:
// - inputSize: bytes used in the Dart source program
abstract class BasicInfo implements Info {
final InfoKind kind;
String? coverageId;
late int size;
Info? parent;
TreeShakenStatus treeShakenStatus = TreeShakenStatus.Dead;
late String name;
/// If using deferred libraries, where the element associated with this info
/// is generated.
OutputUnitInfo? outputUnit;
BasicInfo(this.kind,, this.outputUnit, this.size, this.coverageId);
String toString() => '$kind $name [$size]';
/// Info associated with elements containing executable code (like fields and
/// methods)
abstract class CodeInfo implements Info {
/// How does this function or field depend on others.
List<DependencyInfo> uses = [];
/// The entire information produced while compiling a program.
class AllInfo {
/// Summary information about the program.
ProgramInfo? program;
/// Information about each package in the program.
List<PackageInfo> packages = <PackageInfo>[];
/// Information about each library processed by the compiler.
List<LibraryInfo> libraries = <LibraryInfo>[];
/// Information about each function (includes methods and getters in any
/// library)
List<FunctionInfo> functions = <FunctionInfo>[];
/// Information about type defs in the program.
List<TypedefInfo> typedefs = <TypedefInfo>[];
/// Information about each class (in any library).
List<ClassInfo> classes = <ClassInfo>[];
/// Information about each class type (in any library).
List<ClassTypeInfo> classTypes = <ClassTypeInfo>[];
/// Information about fields (in any class).
List<FieldInfo> fields = <FieldInfo>[];
/// Information about constants anywhere in the program.
// TODO(sigmund): expand docs about canonicalization. We don't put these
// inside library because a single constant can be used in more than one lib,
// and we'll include it only once in the output.
List<ConstantInfo> constants = <ConstantInfo>[];
/// Information about closures anywhere in the program.
List<ClosureInfo> closures = <ClosureInfo>[];
/// Information about output units (should be just one entry if not using
/// deferred loading).
List<OutputUnitInfo> outputUnits = <OutputUnitInfo>[];
/// Details about all deferred imports and what files would be loaded when the
/// import is resolved.
// TODO(sigmund): use a different format for dump-info. This currently emits
// the same map that is created for the `--deferred-map` flag.
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>? deferredFiles;
/// A new representation of dependencies from one info to another. An entry in
/// this map indicates that an [Info] depends on another (e.g. a function
/// invokes another). Please note that the data in this field might not be
/// accurate yet (this is work in progress).
Map<Info, List<Info>> dependencies = {};
/// Major version indicating breaking changes in the format. A new version
/// means that an old deserialization algorithm will not work with the new
/// format.
final int version = 7;
/// Minor version indicating non-breaking changes in the format. A change in
/// this version number means that the json parsing in this library from a
/// previous will continue to work after the change. This is typically
/// increased when adding new entries to the file format.
// Note: the dump-info.viewer app was written using a json parser version 3.2.
final int minorVersion = 1;
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitAll(this);
class ProgramInfo {
final FunctionInfo entrypoint;
final String ramUsage;
final int size;
final String? dart2jsVersion;
final DateTime compilationMoment;
final Duration compilationDuration;
final Duration toJsonDuration;
final Duration dumpInfoDuration;
/// `true` if `noSuchMethod` is used.
final bool noSuchMethodEnabled;
/// `true` if `Object.runtimeType` is used.
final bool isRuntimeTypeUsed;
/// `true` if the `dart:isolate` library is in use.
final bool isIsolateInUse;
/// `true` if `Function.apply` is used.
final bool isFunctionApplyUsed;
/// `true` if `dart:mirrors` features are used.
final bool isMirrorsUsed;
final bool minified;
{required this.entrypoint,
required this.ramUsage,
required this.size,
required this.dart2jsVersion,
required this.compilationMoment,
required this.compilationDuration,
required this.toJsonDuration,
required this.dumpInfoDuration,
required this.noSuchMethodEnabled,
required this.isRuntimeTypeUsed,
required this.isIsolateInUse,
required this.isFunctionApplyUsed,
required this.isMirrorsUsed,
required this.minified});
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitProgram(this);
/// Info associated with a package element.
/// Note that PackageInfo is only used for converting dart2js info to
/// vm_snapshot_analysis ProgramInfo and is not expected for --dump-info output.
class PackageInfo extends BasicInfo {
/// Canonical uri that identifies the package
late final Uri uri;
/// All libraries defined within the package
List<LibraryInfo> libraries = <LibraryInfo>[];
PackageInfo(String name, this.uri, OutputUnitInfo outputUnit, int size)
: super(InfoKind.package, name, outputUnit, size, null);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) {
if (visitor is VMProgramInfoVisitor<T>) {
return visitor.visitPackage(this);
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
"PackageInfo can only be visited by a VMProgramInfoVisitor");
/// Info associated with a library element.
class LibraryInfo extends BasicInfo {
/// Canonical uri that identifies the library.
late final Uri uri;
/// Top level functions defined within the library.
List<FunctionInfo> topLevelFunctions = <FunctionInfo>[];
/// Top level fields defined within the library.
List<FieldInfo> topLevelVariables = <FieldInfo>[];
/// Classes defined within the library.
List<ClassInfo> classes = <ClassInfo>[];
/// Class types defined within the library.
List<ClassTypeInfo> classTypes = <ClassTypeInfo>[];
/// Typedefs defined within the library.
List<TypedefInfo> typedefs = <TypedefInfo>[];
// TODO(sigmund): add here a list of parts. That can help us improve how we
// encode source-span information in metrics (rather than include the uri on
// each function, include an index into this list).
/// Whether there is any information recorded for this library.
bool get isEmpty =>
topLevelFunctions.isEmpty &&
topLevelVariables.isEmpty &&
classes.isEmpty &&
LibraryInfo(String name, this.uri, OutputUnitInfo outputUnit, int size)
: super(InfoKind.library, name, outputUnit, size, null);
LibraryInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.library);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitLibrary(this);
/// Information about an output unit. Normally there is just one for the entire
/// program unless the application uses deferred imports, in which case there
/// would be an additional output unit per deferred chunk.
class OutputUnitInfo extends BasicInfo {
late final String filename;
/// The deferred imports that will load this output unit.
final List<String> imports = <String>[];
OutputUnitInfo(this.filename, String name, int size)
: super(InfoKind.outputUnit, name, null, size, null);
OutputUnitInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.outputUnit);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitOutput(this);
/// Information about a class element.
class ClassInfo extends BasicInfo {
/// Whether the class is abstract.
late final bool isAbstract;
// TODO(sigmund): split static vs instance vs closures
/// Functions (static or instance) defined in the class.
List<FunctionInfo> functions = <FunctionInfo>[];
/// Fields defined in the class.
// TODO(sigmund): currently appears to only be populated with instance fields,
// but this should be fixed.
List<FieldInfo> fields = <FieldInfo>[];
/// Classes in the supertype hierarchy for this class.
List<ClassInfo> supers = <ClassInfo>[];
{required String name,
required this.isAbstract,
required this.supers,
OutputUnitInfo? outputUnit,
int size = 0})
: super(InfoKind.clazz, name, outputUnit, size, null);
{required String name, required this.isAbstract, required this.supers})
: super(InfoKind.clazz, name, null, 0, null);
ClassInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.clazz);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitClass(this);
/// Information about a class type element. [ClassTypeInfo] is distinct from
/// [ClassInfo] because a class and its type may end up in different output
/// units.
class ClassTypeInfo extends BasicInfo {
{required String name, OutputUnitInfo? outputUnit, int size = 0})
: super(InfoKind.classType, name, outputUnit, size, null);
ClassTypeInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.classType);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitClassType(this);
/// A code span of generated code. A [CodeSpan] object is associated with a
/// single [BasicInfo]. The offsets in the span corresponds to offsets on the
/// file of [BasicInfo.outputUnit].
class CodeSpan {
/// Start offset in the generated file.
int? start;
/// end offset in the generated file.
int? end;
/// The actual code (optional, blank when using a compact representation of
/// the encoding).
String? text;
CodeSpan({required this.start, required this.end, this.text});
/// Information about a constant value.
// TODO(sigmund): add dependency data for ConstantInfo
class ConstantInfo extends BasicInfo {
/// The actual generated code for the constant.
late final List<CodeSpan> code;
// TODO(sigmund): Add coverage support to constants?
ConstantInfo({int size = 0, required this.code, OutputUnitInfo? outputUnit})
: super(InfoKind.constant, '', outputUnit, size, null);
ConstantInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.constant);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitConstant(this);
/// Information about a field element.
class FieldInfo extends BasicInfo with CodeInfo {
/// The type of the field.
late final String type;
/// The type inferred by dart2js's whole program analysis
late final String inferredType;
/// Nested closures seen in the field initializer.
late List<ClosureInfo> closures;
/// The actual generated code for the field.
late final List<CodeSpan> code;
/// Whether this corresponds to a const field declaration.
late final bool isConst;
/// When [isConst] is true, the constant initializer expression.
ConstantInfo? initializer;
{required String name,
String? coverageId,
int size = 0,
required this.type,
required this.inferredType,
required this.code,
OutputUnitInfo? outputUnit,
required this.isConst})
: super(InfoKind.field, name, outputUnit, size, coverageId);
{required String name,
String? coverageId,
required this.type,
required this.isConst})
: super(InfoKind.field, name, null, 0, coverageId);
FieldInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.field);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitField(this);
/// Information about a typedef declaration.
class TypedefInfo extends BasicInfo {
/// The declared type.
late final String type;
TypedefInfo(String name, this.type, OutputUnitInfo outputUnit)
: super(InfoKind.typedef, name, outputUnit, 0, null);
TypedefInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.typedef);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitTypedef(this);
/// Information about a function or method.
class FunctionInfo extends BasicInfo with CodeInfo {
static const int TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION_KIND = 0;
static const int CLOSURE_FUNCTION_KIND = 1;
static const int METHOD_FUNCTION_KIND = 2;
static const int CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION_KIND = 3;
/// Kind of function (top-level function, closure, method, or constructor).
late final int functionKind;
/// Modifiers applied to this function.
late final FunctionModifiers modifiers;
/// Nested closures that appear within the body of this function.
late List<ClosureInfo> closures;
/// The type of this function.
late final String type;
/// The declared return type.
late final String returnType;
/// The inferred return type.
late final String inferredReturnType;
/// Name and type information for each parameter.
late final List<ParameterInfo> parameters;
/// Side-effects.
// TODO(sigmund): serialize more precisely, not just a string representation.
late final String sideEffects;
/// How many function calls were inlined into this function.
late final int? inlinedCount;
/// The actual generated code.
late final List<CodeSpan> code;
{required String name,
String? coverageId,
OutputUnitInfo? outputUnit,
int size = 0,
required this.functionKind,
required this.modifiers,
required this.type,
required this.returnType,
required this.inferredReturnType,
required this.parameters,
required this.sideEffects,
required this.inlinedCount,
required this.code})
: super(InfoKind.function, name, outputUnit, size, coverageId);
{required String name,
String? coverageId,
required this.functionKind,
required this.modifiers,
required this.type,
required this.returnType})
: super(InfoKind.function, name, null, 0, coverageId);
FunctionInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.function);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitFunction(this);
/// Information about a closure, also known as a local function.
class ClosureInfo extends BasicInfo {
/// The function that is wrapped by this closure.
late final FunctionInfo function;
ClosureInfo({required String name, OutputUnitInfo? outputUnit, int size = 0})
: super(InfoKind.closure, name, outputUnit, size, null);
ClosureInfo.fromKernel({required String name})
: super(InfoKind.closure, name, null, 0, null);
ClosureInfo.internal() : super.internal(InfoKind.closure);
T accept<T>(InfoVisitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitClosure(this);
/// Information about how a dependency is used.
class DependencyInfo {
/// The dependency, either a FunctionInfo or FieldInfo.
final Info target;
/// Either a selector mask indicating how this is used, or 'inlined'.
// TODO(sigmund): split mask into an enum or something more precise to really
// describe the dependencies in detail.
final String? mask;
DependencyInfo(, this.mask);
/// Name and type information about a function parameter.
class ParameterInfo {
final String name;
final String type;
final String declaredType;
ParameterInfo(, this.type, this.declaredType);
/// Modifiers that may apply to methods.
class FunctionModifiers {
final bool isStatic;
final bool isConst;
final bool isFactory;
final bool isExternal;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isSetter;
this.isStatic = false,
this.isConst = false,
this.isFactory = false,
this.isExternal = false,
this.isGetter = false,
this.isSetter = false,
/// Possible values of the `kind` field in the serialized infos.
enum InfoKind {
String? kindToString(InfoKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case InfoKind.library:
return 'library';
case InfoKind.clazz:
return 'class';
case InfoKind.classType:
return 'classType';
case InfoKind.function:
return 'function';
case InfoKind.field:
return 'field';
case InfoKind.constant:
return 'constant';
case InfoKind.outputUnit:
return 'outputUnit';
case InfoKind.typedef:
return 'typedef';
case InfoKind.closure:
return 'closure';
return null;
InfoKind? kindFromString(String kind) {
switch (kind) {
case 'library':
return InfoKind.library;
case 'class':
return InfoKind.clazz;
case 'classType':
return InfoKind.classType;
case 'function':
return InfoKind.function;
case 'field':
return InfoKind.field;
case 'constant':
return InfoKind.constant;
case 'outputUnit':
return InfoKind.outputUnit;
case 'typedef':
return InfoKind.typedef;
case 'closure':
return InfoKind.closure;
return null;
/// A simple visitor for information produced by the dart2js compiler.
abstract class InfoVisitor<T> {
T visitAll(AllInfo info);
T visitProgram(ProgramInfo info);
T visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info);
T visitClass(ClassInfo info);
T visitClassType(ClassTypeInfo info);
T visitField(FieldInfo info);
T visitConstant(ConstantInfo info);
T visitFunction(FunctionInfo info);
T visitTypedef(TypedefInfo info);
T visitClosure(ClosureInfo info);
T visitOutput(OutputUnitInfo info);
/// A visitor that adds implementation for PackageInfo specifically for building
/// the VM ProgramInfo Tree from a Dart2js info tree.
abstract class VMProgramInfoVisitor<T> extends InfoVisitor<T> {
T visitPackage(PackageInfo info);
/// A visitor that recursively walks each portion of the program. Because the
/// info representation is redundant, this visitor only walks the structure of
/// the program and skips some redundant links. For example, even though
/// visitAll contains references to functions, this visitor only recurses to
/// visit libraries, then from each library we visit functions and classes, and
/// so on.
class RecursiveInfoVisitor extends InfoVisitor<void> {
visitAll(AllInfo info) {
// Note: we don't visit functions, fields, classes, and typedefs because
// they are reachable from the library info.
visitProgram(ProgramInfo info) {}
visitLibrary(LibraryInfo info) {
visitClass(ClassInfo info) {
visitClassType(ClassTypeInfo info) {}
visitField(FieldInfo info) {
visitConstant(ConstantInfo info) {}
visitFunction(FunctionInfo info) {
visitTypedef(TypedefInfo info) {}
visitOutput(OutputUnitInfo info) {}
visitClosure(ClosureInfo info) {