blob: d867dc6d1bdb617795590bf6802204b1b152c216 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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import 'serialize.dart';
// Representations of all Wasm types.
/// A *storage type*.
abstract class StorageType implements Serializable {
/// Returns whether this type is a subtype of the [other] type, i.e. whether
/// it can be used as input where [other] is expected.
bool isSubtypeOf(StorageType other);
/// The *unpacked* form of this storage type, i.e. the *value type* to use
/// when reading/writing this storage type from/to memory.
ValueType get unpacked;
/// Whether this is a primitive (i.e. not reference) type.
bool get isPrimitive;
/// For primitive types: the size in bytes of a value of this type.
int get byteSize;
/// A *value type*.
abstract class ValueType implements StorageType {
const ValueType();
ValueType get unpacked => this;
bool get isPrimitive => false;
int get byteSize => throw "Size of non-primitive type $runtimeType";
/// Whether this type is nullable. Primitive types are never nullable.
bool get nullable => false;
/// If this exists in both a nullable and non-nullable version, return the
/// version with the given nullability.
ValueType withNullability(bool nullable) => this;
/// Whether this type is defaultable. Primitive types are always defaultable.
bool get defaultable => true;
enum NumTypeKind { i32, i64, f32, f64, v128 }
/// A *number type* or *vector type*.
class NumType extends ValueType {
final NumTypeKind kind;
const NumType._(this.kind);
/// The `i32` type.
static const i32 = NumType._(NumTypeKind.i32);
/// The `i64` type.
static const i64 = NumType._(NumTypeKind.i64);
/// The `f32` type.
static const f32 = NumType._(NumTypeKind.f32);
/// The `f64` type.
static const f64 = NumType._(NumTypeKind.f64);
/// The `v128` type.
static const v128 = NumType._(NumTypeKind.v128);
bool isSubtypeOf(StorageType other) => this == other;
bool get isPrimitive => true;
int get byteSize {
switch (kind) {
case NumTypeKind.i32:
case NumTypeKind.f32:
return 4;
case NumTypeKind.i64:
case NumTypeKind.f64:
return 8;
case NumTypeKind.v128:
return 16;
void serialize(Serializer s) {
switch (kind) {
case NumTypeKind.i32:
case NumTypeKind.i64:
case NumTypeKind.f32:
case NumTypeKind.f64:
case NumTypeKind.v128:
String toString() {
switch (kind) {
case NumTypeKind.i32:
return "i32";
case NumTypeKind.i64:
return "i64";
case NumTypeKind.f32:
return "f32";
case NumTypeKind.f64:
return "f64";
case NumTypeKind.v128:
return "v128";
/// An RTT (runtime type) type.
class Rtt extends ValueType {
final DefType defType;
final int? depth;
const Rtt(this.defType, [this.depth]);
bool get defaultable => false;
bool isSubtypeOf(StorageType other) =>
other is Rtt &&
defType == other.defType &&
(other.depth == null || depth == other.depth);
void serialize(Serializer s) {
if (depth != null) {
} else {
String toString() => depth == null ? "rtt $defType" : "rtt $depth $defType";
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is Rtt && other.defType == defType && other.depth == depth;
int get hashCode => defType.hashCode * (3 + (depth ?? -3) * 2);
/// A *reference type*.
class RefType extends ValueType {
/// The *heap type* of this reference type.
final HeapType heapType;
/// The nullability of this reference type.
final bool nullable;
RefType(this.heapType, {bool? nullable})
: this.nullable = nullable ??
heapType.nullableByDefault ??
(throw "Unspecified nullability");
const RefType._(this.heapType, this.nullable);
/// A (possibly nullable) reference to the `any` heap type.
const RefType.any({bool nullable = AnyHeapType.defaultNullability})
: this._(HeapType.any, nullable);
/// A (possibly nullable) reference to the `eq` heap type.
const RefType.eq({bool nullable = EqHeapType.defaultNullability})
: this._(HeapType.eq, nullable);
/// A (possibly nullable) reference to the `func` heap type.
const RefType.func({bool nullable = FuncHeapType.defaultNullability})
: this._(HeapType.func, nullable);
/// A (possibly nullable) reference to the `data` heap type.
const{bool nullable = DataHeapType.defaultNullability})
: this._(, nullable);
/// A (possibly nullable) reference to the `i31` heap type.
const RefType.i31({bool nullable = I31HeapType.defaultNullability})
: this._(HeapType.i31, nullable);
/// A (possibly nullable) reference to a custom heap type.
RefType.def(DefType defType, {required bool nullable})
: this(defType, nullable: nullable);
ValueType withNullability(bool nullable) =>
nullable == this.nullable ? this : RefType(heapType, nullable: nullable);
bool get defaultable => nullable;
bool isSubtypeOf(StorageType other) {
if (other is! RefType) return false;
if (nullable && !other.nullable) return false;
return heapType.isSubtypeOf(other.heapType);
void serialize(Serializer s) {
if (nullable != heapType.nullableByDefault) {
s.writeByte(nullable ? 0x6C : 0x6B);
String toString() {
if (nullable == heapType.nullableByDefault) return "${heapType}ref";
return "ref${nullable ? " null " : " "}$heapType";
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is RefType &&
other.heapType == heapType &&
other.nullable == nullable;
int get hashCode => heapType.hashCode * (nullable ? -1 : 1);
/// A *heap type*.
abstract class HeapType implements Serializable {
const HeapType();
/// The `any` heap type.
static const any = AnyHeapType._();
/// The `eq` heap type.
static const eq = EqHeapType._();
/// The `func` heap type.
static const func = FuncHeapType._();
/// The `data` heap type.
static const data = DataHeapType._();
/// The `i31` heap type.
static const i31 = I31HeapType._();
/// Whether this heap type is nullable by default, i.e. when written with the
/// -`ref` shorthand. A `null` value here means the heap type has no default
/// nullability, so the nullability of a reference has to be specified
/// explicitly.
bool? get nullableByDefault;
/// Whether this heap type is a declared subtype of the other heap type.
bool isSubtypeOf(HeapType other);
/// Whether this heap type is a structural subtype of the other heap type.
bool isStructuralSubtypeOf(HeapType other) => isSubtypeOf(other);
/// The `any` heap type.
class AnyHeapType extends HeapType {
const AnyHeapType._();
static const defaultNullability = true;
bool? get nullableByDefault => defaultNullability;
bool isSubtypeOf(HeapType other) => other == HeapType.any;
void serialize(Serializer s) => s.writeByte(0x6F);
String toString() => "any";
/// The `eq` heap type.
class EqHeapType extends HeapType {
const EqHeapType._();
static const defaultNullability = true;
bool? get nullableByDefault => defaultNullability;
bool isSubtypeOf(HeapType other) =>
other == HeapType.any || other == HeapType.eq;
void serialize(Serializer s) => s.writeByte(0x6D);
String toString() => "eq";
/// The `func` heap type.
class FuncHeapType extends HeapType {
const FuncHeapType._();
static const defaultNullability = true;
bool? get nullableByDefault => defaultNullability;
bool isSubtypeOf(HeapType other) =>
other == HeapType.any || other == HeapType.func;
void serialize(Serializer s) => s.writeByte(0x70);
String toString() => "func";
/// The `data` heap type.
class DataHeapType extends HeapType {
const DataHeapType._();
static const defaultNullability = false;
bool? get nullableByDefault => defaultNullability;
bool isSubtypeOf(HeapType other) =>
other == HeapType.any || other == HeapType.eq || other ==;
void serialize(Serializer s) => s.writeByte(0x67);
String toString() => "data";
/// The `i31` heap type.
class I31HeapType extends HeapType {
const I31HeapType._();
static const defaultNullability = false;
bool? get nullableByDefault => defaultNullability;
bool isSubtypeOf(HeapType other) =>
other == HeapType.any || other == HeapType.eq || other == HeapType.i31;
void serialize(Serializer s) => s.writeByte(0x6A);
String toString() => "i31";
/// A custom heap type.
abstract class DefType extends HeapType {
int? _index;
/// For nominal types: the declared supertype of this heap type.
final HeapType? superType;
/// The length of the supertype chain of this heap type.
final int depth;
: depth = superType is DefType ? superType.depth + 1 : 0;
int get index => _index ?? (throw "$runtimeType $this not added to module");
set index(int i) => _index = i;
bool get hasSuperType => superType != null;
bool? get nullableByDefault => null;
bool isSubtypeOf(HeapType other) {
if (this == other) return true;
if (hasSuperType) {
return superType!.isSubtypeOf(other);
return isStructuralSubtypeOf(other);
void serialize(Serializer s) => s.writeSigned(index);
void serializeDefinition(Serializer s);
/// A custom function type.
class FunctionType extends DefType {
final List<ValueType> inputs;
final List<ValueType> outputs;
FunctionType(this.inputs, this.outputs, {super.superType});
bool isStructuralSubtypeOf(HeapType other) {
if (other == HeapType.any || other == HeapType.func) return true;
if (other is! FunctionType) return false;
if (inputs.length != other.inputs.length) return false;
if (outputs.length != other.outputs.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
// Inputs are contravariant.
if (!other.inputs[i].isSubtypeOf(inputs[i])) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
// Outputs are covariant.
if (!outputs[i].isSubtypeOf(other.outputs[i])) return false;
return true;
void serializeDefinition(Serializer s) {
s.writeByte(hasSuperType ? 0x5D : 0x60);
if (hasSuperType) {
String toString() => "(${inputs.join(", ")}) -> (${outputs.join(", ")})";
/// A subtype of the `data` heap type, i.e. `struct` or `array`.
abstract class DataType extends DefType {
final String name;
DataType(, {super.superType});
String toString() => name;
/// A custom `struct` type.
class StructType extends DataType {
final List<FieldType> fields = [];
StructType(, {Iterable<FieldType>? fields, super.superType}) {
if (fields != null) this.fields.addAll(fields);
bool isStructuralSubtypeOf(HeapType other) {
if (other == HeapType.any ||
other == HeapType.eq ||
other == {
return true;
if (other is! StructType) return false;
if (fields.length < other.fields.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < other.fields.length; i++) {
if (!fields[i].isSubtypeOf(other.fields[i])) return false;
return true;
void serializeDefinition(Serializer s) {
s.writeByte(hasSuperType ? 0x5C : 0x5F);
if (hasSuperType) {
/// A custom `array` type.
class ArrayType extends DataType {
late final FieldType elementType;
ArrayType(, {FieldType? elementType, super.superType}) {
if (elementType != null) this.elementType = elementType;
bool isStructuralSubtypeOf(HeapType other) {
if (other == HeapType.any ||
other == HeapType.eq ||
other == {
return true;
if (other is! ArrayType) return false;
return elementType.isSubtypeOf(other.elementType);
void serializeDefinition(Serializer s) {
s.writeByte(hasSuperType ? 0x5B : 0x5E);
if (hasSuperType) {
class _WithMutability<T extends StorageType> implements Serializable {
final T type;
final bool mutable;
_WithMutability(this.type, {required this.mutable});
void serialize(Serializer s) {
s.writeByte(mutable ? 0x01 : 0x00);
String toString() => "${mutable ? "var " : "const "}$type";
/// A type for a global.
/// It consists of a type and a mutability.
class GlobalType extends _WithMutability<ValueType> {
GlobalType(super.type, {super.mutable = true});
/// A type for a struct field or an array element.
/// It consists of a type and a mutability.
class FieldType extends _WithMutability<StorageType> {
FieldType(super.type, {super.mutable = true});
/// The `i8` storage type as a field type.
FieldType.i8({bool mutable = true}) : this(PackedType.i8, mutable: mutable);
/// The `i16` storage type as a field type.
FieldType.i16({bool mutable = true}) : this(PackedType.i16, mutable: mutable);
bool isSubtypeOf(FieldType other) {
if (mutable != other.mutable) return false;
if (mutable) {
// Mutable fields are invariant.
return type == other.type;
} else {
// Immutable fields are covariant.
return type.isSubtypeOf(other.type);
enum PackedTypeKind { i8, i16 }
/// A *packed type*, i.e. a storage type that only exists in memory.
class PackedType implements StorageType {
final PackedTypeKind kind;
const PackedType._(this.kind);
/// The `i8` storage type.
static const i8 = PackedType._(PackedTypeKind.i8);
/// The `i16` storage type.
static const i16 = PackedType._(PackedTypeKind.i16);
ValueType get unpacked => NumType.i32;
bool isSubtypeOf(StorageType other) => this == other;
bool get isPrimitive => true;
int get byteSize {
switch (kind) {
case PackedTypeKind.i8:
return 1;
case PackedTypeKind.i16:
return 2;
void serialize(Serializer s) {
switch (kind) {
case PackedTypeKind.i8:
case PackedTypeKind.i16:
String toString() {
switch (kind) {
case PackedTypeKind.i8:
return "i8";
case PackedTypeKind.i16:
return "i16";