blob: 4db6816ec6f4972c7dec76fe872277d80de66d12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
void main() {
final List<int> history = [];
int log(int n) {
return n;
class Foo {
late int a;
late final int b;
late int c = log(-1);
late final int d = log(-2);
: a = log(1),
b = log(2),
c = log(3);
: a = log(1),
b = log(2);
void testInitializerList() {
var foo = Foo.withC();
Expect.equals(1, foo.a);
Expect.equals(2, foo.b);
Expect.equals(3, foo.c);
Expect.equals(-2, foo.d);
foo.a = log(100);
Expect.throws(() {
foo.b = log(101);
foo.c = log(102);
Expect.equals(100, foo.a);
Expect.equals(2, foo.b);
Expect.equals(102, foo.c);
Expect.listEquals([1, 2, 3, -2, 100, 101, 102], history);
foo = Foo.withoutC();
Expect.equals(1, foo.a);
Expect.equals(2, foo.b);
Expect.equals(-1, foo.c);
Expect.equals(-2, foo.d);
foo.a = log(100);
Expect.throws(() {
foo.b = log(101);
foo.c = log(102);
Expect.equals(100, foo.a);
Expect.equals(2, foo.b);
Expect.equals(102, foo.c);
Expect.listEquals([1, 2, -1, -2, 100, 101, 102], history);
class Bar {
late int a;
late final int b;
late int c = log(-1);
late final int d = log(-2);
Bar.withC(this.a, this.b, this.c);
Bar.withoutC(this.a, this.b);
void testInitializingFormals() {
var bar = Bar.withC(log(1), log(2), log(3));
Expect.equals(1, bar.a);
Expect.equals(2, bar.b);
Expect.equals(3, bar.c);
Expect.equals(-2, bar.d);
bar.a = log(100);
Expect.throws(() {
bar.b = log(101);
bar.c = log(102);
Expect.equals(100, bar.a);
Expect.equals(2, bar.b);
Expect.equals(102, bar.c);
Expect.listEquals([1, 2, 3, -2, 100, 101, 102], history);
bar = Bar.withoutC(log(1), log(2));
Expect.equals(1, bar.a);
Expect.equals(2, bar.b);
Expect.equals(-1, bar.c);
Expect.equals(-2, bar.d);
bar.a = log(100);
Expect.throws(() {
bar.b = log(101);
bar.c = log(102);
Expect.equals(100, bar.a);
Expect.equals(2, bar.b);
Expect.equals(102, bar.c);
Expect.listEquals([1, 2, -1, -2, 100, 101, 102], history);